Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Islam is the only culture on the planet, , and possibly other ones, where the female can be imprisioned or killed for being raped
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I had hummus for lunch

of course you did......of course. Dip your Pita....dipping dipping. I'm sure you did.

Hummus, is a Levantine dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas or other beans, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Today, it is popular throughout the Middle East and in Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe.

Carrots. I dip carrots in it.
Today an American cop continued to fight an ARMED Islamic terrorist who had already stabbed the cop in the neck and elsewhere.
The cop continued to fight until he got help so that this ARMED terrorist could not harm others.
That's what I call heroic (as opposed to the imam asking people to cease beating to death an unarmed and restrained man).
God bless him. I hope he gets a medal of some sort.
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America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.

Don't dis the Beatles.
America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.
America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!
America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!
Well, I'm English and I love European culture, but yes it is being subsumed. The mantra of the Left for decades has been to cry 'what culture!' When this issue is raised. It's yet another topic that is deemed racist or BIGOTTED in some way, and we all supposed to pretend that our culture started 50 yrs or so ago and begins and ends with curry and mosques. I love America too. I know Lucy does too. Now you two kiss and make up!
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?
What do you think these peaceful folks did with those flags after the photo?

I have searched for a bit of sympathy for the victims of the mosque traffic incident and all I can find is admiration for the truck owner who wished it was a tank.
No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!
Well, I'm English and I love European culture, but yes it is being subsumed. The mantra of the Left for decades has been to cry 'what culture!' When this issue is raised. It's yet another topic that is deemed racist or BIGOTTED in some way, and we all supposed to pretend that our culture started 50 yrs or so ago and begins and ends with curry and mosques. I love America too. I know Lucy does too. Now you two kiss and make up!

Lucy just needs to stop trashing America to get at Coyote. Counter productive.
Any dolt can post nice smiling pictures of girls from any society
I don't make the mistake of holding any poster to real high regard but that's a real JV manner of trying to make a "point"
Well, I'm English and I love European culture, but yes it is being subsumed.

About 10 years ago I spent a month in West Sussex. Best vacation I ever had. It saddens me to see what's happening in England and Europe in general.
Sand apes? There are no apes in the desert you ignorant fool. The problem is your bigotry racism and hatred. Go take your pills!!!

Thousands of women get raped in the US....
Thousands of little girls getkidnapped and raped in the US and boys too. People are afraid to let their kids walk out outside. In a Muslim country kids plays freely outside as an 8 year old I used to take the bus and go miles away from home with 0 fear.
Now do I think all whites are rapists of course not. Unlike you , you think all Muslims are women beaters.

Well Muslims and Jews don't like also how you treat women, good for billboards, sex objects still under paid, and teens girls getting banged and sexually exploited at young age with the parents consent and in their house by their boyfriends.
You see it's called everyone sees things differently.
The amount of sexual harassment in the US, rape and sexual violence against women in the US is staggering...i haven't seen that in the Muslim country I lived in. Contrary we had a duty to protect our women, if you walked to a neighborhood and disrespected a girl you'll get your ass kicked. Here no one will give crap about the defenseless woman. Each to his own!!!

What an utterly hateful mind.
Jews do the same thing. Do you have a problem with them? If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice. Just don't be hypocritical about it.

"If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice."

You are saying that Islam is Sexist and doesn't consider women equal to men, but lower than men and men and women must be segregated.

What about all that Equality and Anti-Sexism that Leftists like screaming about, where does your above comment which will be shared by the majority of Leftists fit in with the Leftist obsessions with Equality and Anti-Sexism?

Are you saying that Kebabs - Jews was a sidepoint to attempt to draw attention away from the Leftists pets the Kebabs who must be defended at ALL costs - are you saying that Leftists are okay with men and women being SEGREGATED but ONLY if it's Kebab men and women?

Funny that coming from a member of a cult founded by a pedophile.


We know. We are well aware of our Black Brown and ignorant White problems.........mostly created by Leftist.

This is a major reason we resist to import more Human Garbage from the muslim world. We are full up. We don't need to import boatloads of Sand Apes. We have NAPA, MAPA and WAPA.
Racists like you are a minority. You feel empowered with the rise of Trump but you'll be put back into your hole.
It's fucking disgusting that in 2017 and still some think they are superior to other because of their skin color or culture.
Grow up the world is smaller than it used to be and no has exclusivity to intelligence and success. Ask the pharaohs, the moors, the Aztecs, the Greeks, the Romans...ect.
Whites will be a minority one day in the US, you want them to be treated as now days blacks or Muslims, I hope not. Treat others like you like to be treated.
I'm glad most westerners don't think like you. You represent the filth if humanity just like ISIS both have the same mentality.

Hundreds of Brits....went to the mosque to show their support for their Muslim community after the terrorist attack. And some scum bags here call for the killing of innocents.

Yes and those hundreds of Brits should be considered a part of the Fifth Column.

As Old Yeller commented, Islam declared war on the West, they did this officially on September 11th, 2001.

Anyone who sides with the Islamists against their OWN NATIVE populations is to be considered part of the Fifth Column, The Enemy Within and basic Traitors.

It's time for OUR NATIVE populations in ALL Western nations to choose a side, you cannot be on BOTH sides, you are either WITH Islam or AGAINST Islam, there is no middle ground with this.

News Flash: MOST Westerners DO think like me, it's just more of them haven't yet taken the gloves off and said Fuck the Politically Correct Fascist Brigade and just then SAY what they THINK like I do.

I'd say at least 80% of Westerners think like me, the Multicultural Faggot Crowd are actually a MINORITY it's just being Attention Seeking Bedwetters they tend to SCREAM, so they get ALL the publicity.

We however are happier staying in the Shadows....for now, we won't ALWAYS stay in the Shadows.

Also The Dark Side has always been sexier and we all look great dressed in black.
Racists like you are a minority. You feel empowered with the rise of Trump but you'll be put back into your hole.
It's fucking disgusting that in 2017 and still some think they are superior to other because of their skin color or culture.
Grow up the world is smaller than it used to be and no has exclusivity to intelligence and success. Ask the pharaohs, the moors, the Aztecs, the Greeks, the Romans...ect.
Whites will be a minority one day in the US, you want them to be treated as now days blacks or Muslims, I hope not. Treat others like you like to be treated.
I'm glad most westerners don't think like you. You represent the filth if humanity just like ISIS both have the same mentality.

Hundreds of Brits....went to the mosque to show their support for their Muslim community after the terrorist attack. And some scum bags here call for the killing of innocents.

Yes and those hundreds of Brits should be considered a part of the Fifth Column.

As Old Yeller commented, Islam declared war on the West, they did this officially on September 11th, 2001.

Anyone who sides with the Islamists against their OWN NATIVE populations is to be considered part of the Fifth Column, The Enemy Within and basic Traitors.

It's time for OUR NATIVE populations in ALL Western nations to choose a side, you cannot be on BOTH sides, you are either WITH Islam or AGAINST Islam, there is no middle ground with this.

News Flash: MOST Westerners DO think like me, it's just more of them haven't yet taken the gloves off and said Fuck the Politically Correct Fascist Brigade and just then SAY what they THINK like I do.

I'd say at least 80% of Westerners think like me, the Multicultural Faggot Crowd are actually a MINORITY it's just being Attention Seeking Bedwetters they tend to SCREAM, so they get ALL the publicity.

We however are happier staying in the Shadows....for now, we won't ALWAYS stay in the Shadows.

Also The Dark Side has always been sexier and we all look great dressed in black.
There is no doubt that terrorists think themselves sexy. They get jihad brides that way.
I grow up in a Muslim country you wish you did.

I played outside with no fear
The whole neighborhood watched after us.
My working parents never hired nannies, cause all our neighbours used to fight to host me, same for other kids, they treated me like one of their own. When someone lost a job everyonr helps, when someone died everyone didn't go to work to help with the funeral. When a widow has no income family and neighboura do help....these are the Muslims sweetheart not the ones you hear about in FAUX news.
Go to any Muslim country you'll find kids as young as 2 everywhere.

Thousands of women get raped in the US....
Thousands of little girls getkidnapped and raped in the US and boys too.

Not thousand in one night like the rapefugees committed on new years throughout Europe and we don't worship a pedophile like Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

People are afraid to let their kids walk out outside. In a Muslim country kids plays freely outside as an 8 year old I used to take the bus and go miles away from home with 0 fear.

Rape is unreported in the Muslim world because the victims get imprisoned or killed and maybe our children are afraid to go outside because of the pedophile muslim grooming gangs.
You feel empowered with the rise of Trump but you'll be put back into your hole.
It's fucking disgusting that in 2017 and still some think they are superior to other because of their skin color or culture.

We feel empowered because we have a president that represents America, not the Middle East. And no one I know feels superior because of their skin color. You're full of shit.

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