Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

America has NO Culture, what is American Culture? Hollyweird, McDonalds, Disneyland etc.

No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil oh and we need to RIP UP ALL the Human Rights Laws that AMERICAN LAWYERS wrote for the Commie UN in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Once especially the Human Rights Laws that AMERICAN LAWYERS wrote for the Commie UN are ripped up, THEN we can really take the gloves off and round up EVERY fucking Kebab and remove them from our Continent.

I have wrote many times that I have many American friends and also I spend six months in Texas and I LOVE Texas and Texans.

American Culture Sucks though. Period.

And America needs to GTFO of the Middle East, remember the slogan is America FIRST, so put America FIRST and stay at home and tend to your own nation and stop interfering in other nations business.
No. America is rich in culture, for those who aren't so bigoted and prejudiced to see it.

Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?
You STFU you don't even know what you're talking about, except showing your Ugly Chesting Beating and thinking America is "Special" Well you are not "Special" you're no different than any other nation.

I never once chest-best nor did I say or infer America was "special". This is your ignorance and prejudice showing, dumbass. Your Europe is weak and cowardly. We're not like you. Not yet anyway, thank Liberty for that.

How many comments have I read here where the ignorant have said "fuck Europe, they brought it on themselves" no we DIDN'T we didn't have a Muslim problem UNTIL Washington DC decided to destablise even more Middle Eastern nations and of course Libya.

Pathetic. You sound like a muzzie who can't take responsibility for their own fuckups. Europe imported all those Moslems, not America. You made your bed now you're whining about having to sleep in it. Pathetic.
Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?

We won't be there to save their asses this time. Lucy's just another America basher. Sick of these jerks.
Tell me what is American Culture? Also I'm not prejudiced I have many American friends and have visited also.

I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?

"Saving Europe" = helping put HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Eastern Europeans under Communist Rule for more than 50 years.

Yes I'm sure that Eastern Europa thanks you for helping to put their ENTIRE populations under the brutal Iron Hammer of Satanic Communism for 50 years.

Had you had different Presidents, from a different party, things would have been different and America would have had no dead.

In both situations a Republican President would not have interfered in REGIONAL disagreements 10,000 miles away that had no effect on America.

Woodrow Wilson promised to Keep America Out, and then Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise had a word with him and then off to war you go.

Franklin D. Roosevelt who was a Communist sympathiser, if not an actual Communist himself, to get reelected promised to Keep America Out, and then was TOLD the day BEFORE that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbour but did NOTHING to alert because allowing the attack to happen gave him the excuse to Get America Involved. But of course America just fighting a Pacific War wasn't good enough for the same Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise they DEMANDED that American soldiers go 10,000 miles to fight and die to SAVE COMMUNISM, so America got into bed with Stalin and helped his Communist forces to take control of half of the European Continent and America did NOTHING to push them OUT, they sat there for 50 years whilst Eastern Europeans suffered, were dragged off to die in Gulags, murdered on the streets etc.

America was SILENT in 1956 when the brave Hungarian Patriots attempted to free themselves from the Communist Regime.

Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia

Oddly though the same year 1956 America WASN'T silent during the Suez Crisis. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why America WASN'T silent during the Suez Crisis.

Suez Crisis - Wikipedia
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So you consider harming me and my family because we happen to be Muslims?

Racists like you are a minority. You feel empowered with the rise of Trump but you'll be put back into your hole.
It's fucking disgusting that in 2017 and still some think they are superior to other because of their skin color or culture.
Grow up the world is smaller than it used to be and no has exclusivity to intelligence and success. Ask the pharaohs, the moors, the Aztecs, the Greeks, the Romans...ect.
Whites will be a minority one day in the US, you want them to be treated as now days blacks or Muslims, I hope not. Treat others like you like to be treated.

Islam isn't a race, it is the largest hate group on the planet and we will not allow the Muslim cultural genocide happen in the west as the pedophile worshippers have done throughout North Africa and Asia. Heroic freedom fighters like this mosque attacker and Breivik will send you fuckers packing first.

You and your family have no business being in the west, you are not welcome and citizens have the right to defend the west from the death cult Islamic Imperialist invaders by any means necessary.
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.
I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?

Yes I'm sure that Eastern Europa thanks you for helping to put their ENTIRE populations under the brutal Iron Hammer of Satanic Communism for 50 years.

Had you had different Presidents, from a different party, things would have been different and America would have had no dead.

In both situations a Republican President would not have interfered in REGIONAL disagreements 10,000 miles away that had no effect on America.

Woodrow Wilson promised to Keep America Out, and then Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise had a word with him and then off to war you go.

Franklin D. Roosevelt who was a Communist sympathiser, if not an actual Communist himself, to get reelected promised to Keep America Out, and then was TOLD the day BEFORE that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbour but did NOTHING to alert because allowing the attack to happen gave him the excuse to Get America Involved. But of course America just fighting a Pacific War wasn't good enough for the same Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise they DEMANDED that American soldiers go 10,000 miles to fight and die to SAVE COMMUNISM, so America got into bed with Stalin and helped his Communist forces to take control of half of the European Continent and America did NOTHING to push them OUT, then sat their for 50 years whilst Eastern Europeans suffered.

America was SILENT in 1956 when the brave Hungarian Patriots attempted to free themselves from the Communist Regime.

Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia

Oddly though the same year America WASN'T silent during the Suez Crisis. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Suez Crisis - Wikipedia

The fact remains the USA intervened and saved Europe. You want to ignore that as you rail against us.

Europe created their own dilemma taking in all the Muslims, the USA didnt force you. You've opened Pandora's Box...and cant close it

I understand your frustration...but put the blame where it belongs
Europe doesn't even have the stomach or common decency to protect it's own children. Weak and cowardly.
Guys - take a minute, sip some coffee or gin and let's cool it. The thread isn't to bash Europe or America, or to attack members personally because of their heritage - let's please get back on topic because the conversation is derailing. OK?
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.

They have no free speech. They wouldn't want to offend their Moslem conquerors.
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.

They have no free speech. They wouldn't want to offend their Moslem conquerors.

They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited. They have more limits on it then we do but it's far far freer than in countries like Russia or Saudi Arabia or a lot of others where political and social dissidents are routinely jailed.

I can't understand why people seek to offend for no other purpose then to offend.

If you look at the coverage surrounding this event and many others - it's quite evident there is a good bit of free speech. And they made the right decision in the FB case. People have a right to be ass' in public, as this guy demonstrated - without being arrested for it.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.
Europe doesn't even have the stomach or common decency to protect it's own children. Weak and cowardly.

Yes that's because of those Human Rights Laws that American lawyers all wrote. We are not allowed to do ANYTHING to protect ANYONE because of Muh Human Rights, however of course the Kebabs can do whatever they want because intervening would be against Human Rights and also racist.
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.

They have no free speech. They wouldn't want to offend their Moslem conquerors.

They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited. They have more limits on it then we do but it's far far freer than in countries like Russia or Saudi Arabia or a lot of others where political and social dissidents are routinely jailed.

I can't understand why people seek to offend for no other purpose then to offend.

If you look at the coverage surrounding this event and many others - it's quite evident there is a good bit of free speech. And they made the right decision in the FB case. People have a right to be ass' in public, as this guy demonstrated - without being arrested for it.

Coyote and Brynmr basically in some form of agreement with each other. We need to check the weather reports now, we're needing to see if it says that Hell has frozen over.

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