Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.

They have no free speech. They wouldn't want to offend their Moslem conquerors.

They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited. They have more limits on it then we do but it's far far freer than in countries like Russia or Saudi Arabia or a lot of others where political and social dissidents are routinely jailed.

I can't understand why people seek to offend for no other purpose then to offend.

If you look at the coverage surrounding this event and many others - it's quite evident there is a good bit of free speech. And they made the right decision in the FB case. People have a right to be ass' in public, as this guy demonstrated - without being arrested for it.

Coyote and Brynmr basically in some form of agreement with each other. We need to check the weather reports now, we're needing to see if it says that Hell has frozen over.

The only thing we might potentially be in agreement with is how the FB post was dealt with - there might be a snowflake melting in hell but that's about it.
Common sense has prevailed in the CPS, it seems.

Richard Gear Evans was taken into custody after allegedly writing in a Facebook post: “It’s my dad’s company, I don’t get involved. It’s a shame they don’t hire out a steam rollers or tanks, could have done a good job then [sic].”

South Wales Police said he had subsequently been released without charge following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

Son of van hire owner in Finsbury Park attack arrested after 'it's a shame they couldn't hire a tank' comment

Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?

"Does anyone here think he should have been arrested or even charged with something?"

No he shouldn't have been arrested, what a waste of the British peoples' taxmoney, also this is what the British police consider of paramount importance, arresting people for writing WORDS on Facebook?

What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Just out of curiousity - isn't Europe a good bit weaker in terms of "free speech"? I'm thinking they have hate speech laws (we don't) and laws against holocaust denial speech. Several times European members here have complained about "hate speech" on our site. That FB stuff would never have come up in the US as a crime.

They have no free speech. They wouldn't want to offend their Moslem conquerors.

Apparently Free Speech is ANYTHING that doesn't offend Islam.

People like me do not give a crap, we say Fuck Islam, we will NOT be told what we can or cannot say on our OWN Continent. If the Muslims don't like that they can fuck off back to the Middle East.

The deal is WE are the Bosses, this is OUR Continent, WE call the shots and I'd say within the next year the Muslims are going to wish not only had they NEVER come to OUR Continent, they are going to wish they had NEVER even been born.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.
I just gave you a thousand examples. And what has Europe achieved in the past 100 years besides 2 world wars and the proliferation of Islam. Bad architecture and the Beatles? Right. STFU about America. You're talking out your ass.
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?

We won't be there to save their asses this time. Lucy's just another America basher. Sick of these jerks.

There are many people here who hate America and would like to see America destroyed, I am NOT one of those people.

My main objectives that I disagree with is America's ENTIRE Foreign Policy and yes American Culture Sucks....but I LOVE F. Scott Fitzgerald and American black and white films from the 1930s and also American Film Noir of the 1940s.

I am not a fan of any American architecture and you have NEVER produced ANY good Opera or Ballet.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?
Have to agree on the Beatles and modern architecture. They both stink.

To cite old paintings turning brown on gallery walls and dead composers as superior culture while Europe is dying is an act of desperation. I liked a lot of the music that came out of England in the 60s but Europe isn't exactly a cultural center these days unless you like Falafels . And their architecture really does suck. America's is awesome!

Yes well stop getting involved in the Middle East like America does which has created the "Refugee Crisis" and also remove all American troops from European soil .

Does that include our dead who perished saving Europe...twice?

Yes I'm sure that Eastern Europa thanks you for helping to put their ENTIRE populations under the brutal Iron Hammer of Satanic Communism for 50 years.

Had you had different Presidents, from a different party, things would have been different and America would have had no dead.

In both situations a Republican President would not have interfered in REGIONAL disagreements 10,000 miles away that had no effect on America.

Woodrow Wilson promised to Keep America Out, and then Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise had a word with him and then off to war you go.

Franklin D. Roosevelt who was a Communist sympathiser, if not an actual Communist himself, to get reelected promised to Keep America Out, and then was TOLD the day BEFORE that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbour but did NOTHING to alert because allowing the attack to happen gave him the excuse to Get America Involved. But of course America just fighting a Pacific War wasn't good enough for the same Bernard Baruch and Stephen Wise they DEMANDED that American soldiers go 10,000 miles to fight and die to SAVE COMMUNISM, so America got into bed with Stalin and helped his Communist forces to take control of half of the European Continent and America did NOTHING to push them OUT, then sat their for 50 years whilst Eastern Europeans suffered.

America was SILENT in 1956 when the brave Hungarian Patriots attempted to free themselves from the Communist Regime.

Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia

Oddly though the same year America WASN'T silent during the Suez Crisis. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Suez Crisis - Wikipedia

The fact remains the USA intervened and saved Europe. You want to ignore that as you rail against us.

Europe created their own dilemma taking in all the Muslims, the USA didnt force you. You've opened Pandora's Box...and cant close it

I understand your frustration...but put the blame where it belongs

"Europe created their own dilemma taking in all the Muslims"

Sassy we didn't do that, that would be the Traitor Bitch Merkel, she opened the floodgates, she consulted nobody, she didn't even consult her own Cabinet and the population of our Continent was certainly not asked was this okay.

What's been happening now for nearly a year is that borders have been closed, so the Kebab filth can't get in. However we are literally now stuck with 2.5 million hostile Sand Apes that Merkel opened the floodgates to and every single thing that various politicians have suggested to REMOVE them, including deporting them they are met with that's against International Law, that's against Human Rights Law.

Those International Laws and Human Rights Laws were written in the late 1940s and early 1950s and they are being USED against the people of the European Continent by people who historically have ALWAYS hated us and will not REST until most of us are slaughtered and are replaced by Sand Apes and African savages....that is The Plan.

This will NEVER happen, we will FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL to save OUR Continent, the time IS coming when MILLIONS will be taking the gloves off and when it happens people should either join in or get the fuck out of the way.

Don't think The Plan isn't to be enacted in America either, because it is, this is why the same groups are importing Sand Apes and African savages to you, look at Minnesota for example it's turning into Somalia it's got that many Somalians in, they are importing Kebabs into places like Montana and Idaho of ALL places, it's the same pattern as for my Continent but on your Continent.

Americans should listen to what we European Patriots are saying, because what we face now Americans are going to be facing within the next few years.

Just look at how these groups are collectively ALL fighting Donald Trump, they don't want border control, they don't want The Wall, they don't want the travel ban, they want UNLIMITED Immigration from Third World shit holes and everyone who doesn't agree is a racist and Muh Human Rights and Muh International Law etc.
They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited.

Free speech in America has reasonable limits. Europe and Canada's limits to free speech are unreasonable because they exist to appease the unreasonable demands of minorities and satisfy the tyranny of the Left.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

We are talking about two entirely different situations.

We Europeans have a HUMAN RIGHT to protect and preserve OUR Continent, our way of life, our future, if that means it has to come to violence then it will, our Ancestors many times were in this position of having to defend OUR Continent against savage hordes, they successfully did it, we will successfully do it.

Fuck Human Rights. Fuck International Law. Fuck The EU. Fuck The UN.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?

There is only one alternative and that's to roll over and die. Not happening, we will NOT roll over and die, we will fight to keep what is OURS, this Continent belongs to US, it is OURS.

Europa for The Europeans.

Africa for The Africans.

The Middle East for the Kebabs.
They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited.

Free speech in America has reasonable limits. Europe and Canada's limits to free speech are unreasonable because they exist to appease the unreasonable demands of minorities and satisfy the tyranny of the Left.

That is why all these groups want to change your First Amendment to include what they consider "Hate Speech", hate speech = saying nothing to upset the Kebabs and other minorities.

But for instance the Blacks can say Kill All White People and that's not considered hate speech.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?

What's the alternative to what? Civil unrest? Vigilanteism?

I think in another thread there was discussion of what could be done that included such things as:
  • making the possession/distribution of terrorism media - like ISIS propoganda etc illegal in the same way child porn is.
  • expelling dual citizens who have any connections to terrorism
  • better funding for police over all
  • better intelligence sharing amongst European countries
  • continuing to work with the Muslim communitee on identifying possible radicalization BEFORE it occurs
  • monitor and shut down mosques that actively preach radical jihadism and violence
  • working with internet organizations like google etc to quickly identify and remove terrorist propoganda

In the long term though - you need to address the causes and that is a whole lot harder:
  • the multiple civil wars and failed states in the Middle East that are creating a power vacuum that groups like ISIS exploit
  • the issues that are causing many people to flee and migrate to Europe in droves overwelming Europe's ability to assimilate
  • human trafficking
  • the role of Islam and integrating it with liberal values and rights particularly tolerance
  • Immigrant assimilation - both from the view point of the immigrant groups and that of the host countries - how can we do it better and what can we learn from countries that are more successful?
  • deep seated economic and social issues that create a division between immigrant groups and native citizens and create opportunities for radicalism.
  • Immigration reform in Europe - correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking Europe - France at least - has or had an open immigration policy for members of former colonies and that, combined with an extremely generous welfare policy encouraged thousands of poor, rural, uneducated, low skilled people to immigrate (bringing with them their Imams) - entire villages immigrated, and, settled into their own communities effectively resisting assimilating into the larger culture. This created a huge pool of necessary low skill labor but did little to either improve the econmic or social mobility of the immigrants or encourage assimilation.

There was an interesting interview I listened to, History Of Our Time: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? -- and the author made a good point - here is an excerpt:

INSKEEP: Suppose President Trump called you up, said, hi, Shadi, interesting book. What's one thing you'd have me do? How would you answer the president in that case?

HAMID: I think there's really only one path that works in sort of addressing it, and that's finding ways to accommodate Islam's role in public life. And we don't have to like it. So President Trump might have a big problem with Islam, but this is a reality that exists in much of the Middle East and South Asia.

So it's not realistic to say, oh, they all have to become, you know, secular liberals who read John Locke. Even if we might want that, that's not realistic or pragmatic. So we have to find ways to say, hey, you can be a conservative Muslim. You can even be an Islamist as long as you respect the rules of the game and you express your ideas within the law and the Constitution in any of these countries...

INSKEEP: Allowing space for people who believe differently than you do.

HAMID: Exactly. People are going to hate each other for legitimate reasons, but they have to hate each other peacefully.
They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited.

Free speech in America has reasonable limits. Europe and Canada's limits to free speech are unreasonable because they exist to appease the unreasonable demands of minorities and satisfy the tyranny of the Left.

Believe it or not, I agree.

I always believe free speech - including hate speech - should be combatted out in the open. The government should not be in the position of determining what content is "hate" and what is "acceptable".
They do have free speech - no right, including that of free speech - is unlimited.

Free speech in America has reasonable limits. Europe and Canada's limits to free speech are unreasonable because they exist to appease the unreasonable demands of minorities and satisfy the tyranny of the Left.

That is why all these groups want to change your First Amendment to include what they consider "Hate Speech", hate speech = saying nothing to upset the Kebabs and other minorities.

But for instance the Blacks can say Kill All White People and that's not considered hate speech.

Yes it is considered hate speech. But it's not illegal. People who want to change our First Amendment are in a minority - they would encounter stiff resistance from the left and the right, and the ACLU would fight them in court.
We Americans have to acknowledge that we fucked up stability in the ME - both under Bush and under Obama, and that we have some responsibililty for the actions that sent thousands of refugees pouring into Europe. Therefore we need to be part of the solution - we can't just step back and say...oh...too's your own fault.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

Coyote people like you don't like to hear this, but it's an historical fact and if something isn't done, then history is going to repeat itself.

The history of the European Continent and our peoples should tell you WHAT the European Continent does with people we do NOT want on OUR Continent. First they are given a warning, they are asked to leave, to self-deport themselves from OUR Continent and those that refuse and stay they are killed en masse.

That instinct for survival that OUR Ancestors had, that instinct is in the blood of the European peoples and like OUR Ancestors remained civil and polite toward Hostile Aliens for a period of time, that's where we are right now, but just like OUR Ancestors said enough is enough and then took the gloves off, that's where this is all going to end, history will repeat itself, it always does.

The Kebabs and the African savages would be best advised to begin self-deporting themselves from OUR Continent within the next two years and going back to where they originate from and where their Ancestors originated from.
The impression I got from the reaction of Britain's politicians to this attack was they were more horrified by this attack on a mosque than they were of the attacks on their own non Moslem citizens.

Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?

What's the alternative to what? Civil unrest? Vigilanteism?

I think in another thread there was discussion of what could be done that included such things as:
  • making the possession/distribution of terrorism media - like ISIS propoganda etc illegal in the same way child porn is.
  • expelling dual citizens who have any connections to terrorism
  • better funding for police over all
  • better intelligence sharing amongst European countries
  • continuing to work with the Muslim communitee on identifying possible radicalization BEFORE it occurs
  • monitor and shut down mosques that actively preach radical jihadism and violence
  • working with internet organizations like google etc to quickly identify and remove terrorist propoganda

In the long term though - you need to address the causes and that is a whole lot harder:
  • the multiple civil wars and failed states in the Middle East that are creating a power vacuum that groups like ISIS exploit
  • the issues that are causing many people to flee and migrate to Europe in droves overwelming Europe's ability to assimilate
  • human trafficking
  • the role of Islam and integrating it with liberal values and rights particularly tolerance
  • Immigrant assimilation - both from the view point of the immigrant groups and that of the host countries - how can we do it better and what can we learn from countries that are more successful?
  • deep seated economic and social issues that create a division between immigrant groups and native citizens and create opportunities for radicalism.
  • Immigration reform in Europe - correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking Europe - France at least - has or had an open immigration policy for members of former colonies and that, combined with an extremely generous welfare policy encouraged thousands of poor, rural, uneducated, low skilled people to immigrate (bringing with them their Imams) - entire villages immigrated, and, settled into their own communities effectively resisting assimilating into the larger culture. This created a huge pool of necessary low skill labor but did little to either improve the econmic or social mobility of the immigrants or encourage assimilation.

There was an interesting interview I listened to, History Of Our Time: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? -- and the author made a good point - here is an excerpt:

INSKEEP: Suppose President Trump called you up, said, hi, Shadi, interesting book. What's one thing you'd have me do? How would you answer the president in that case?

HAMID: I think there's really only one path that works in sort of addressing it, and that's finding ways to accommodate Islam's role in public life. And we don't have to like it. So President Trump might have a big problem with Islam, but this is a reality that exists in much of the Middle East and South Asia.

So it's not realistic to say, oh, they all have to become, you know, secular liberals who read John Locke. Even if we might want that, that's not realistic or pragmatic. So we have to find ways to say, hey, you can be a conservative Muslim. You can even be an Islamist as long as you respect the rules of the game and you express your ideas within the law and the Constitution in any of these countries...

INSKEEP: Allowing space for people who believe differently than you do.

HAMID: Exactly. People are going to hate each other for legitimate reasons, but they have to hate each other peacefully.

It's the government's job to protect the citizenry. When it fails the citizens go to the ballot box to enact change, when that fails civil unrest may become necessary. That would apply in Europe , the USA or any democracy where the people choose leadership.

When you're dealing with the likes of countries in the ME it's more complex, one faction rules, is deposed and a vacuum is created and another steps up to replace it. Been going on for a millennia.

The problem seems to be being able to assimilate, when you go to another country you adopt that nation's laws, you don't bring your own and expect it to be accepted. Many Muslims do just that but an increasing number refuse to. There is the problem, how do you separate the two? In some cases vetting is impossible, records don't exist or some other reason, how does a nation determine who is safe to let in? It's obvious they can't in Europe and the same problem exists here in the US.
Looking at the coverage - I don't think so. I think this is just one more.

What I think horrifies them is that the potential for civil unrest and more nutters taking things into their own hands in an eye for an eye retaliation - whether it's Islamic or other. All you need is a car or a knife. How do you combat that?

I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?

What's the alternative to what? Civil unrest? Vigilanteism?

I think in another thread there was discussion of what could be done that included such things as:
  • making the possession/distribution of terrorism media - like ISIS propoganda etc illegal in the same way child porn is.
  • expelling dual citizens who have any connections to terrorism
  • better funding for police over all
  • better intelligence sharing amongst European countries
  • continuing to work with the Muslim communitee on identifying possible radicalization BEFORE it occurs
  • monitor and shut down mosques that actively preach radical jihadism and violence
  • working with internet organizations like google etc to quickly identify and remove terrorist propoganda

In the long term though - you need to address the causes and that is a whole lot harder:
  • the multiple civil wars and failed states in the Middle East that are creating a power vacuum that groups like ISIS exploit
  • the issues that are causing many people to flee and migrate to Europe in droves overwelming Europe's ability to assimilate
  • human trafficking
  • the role of Islam and integrating it with liberal values and rights particularly tolerance
  • Immigrant assimilation - both from the view point of the immigrant groups and that of the host countries - how can we do it better and what can we learn from countries that are more successful?
  • deep seated economic and social issues that create a division between immigrant groups and native citizens and create opportunities for radicalism.
  • Immigration reform in Europe - correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking Europe - France at least - has or had an open immigration policy for members of former colonies and that, combined with an extremely generous welfare policy encouraged thousands of poor, rural, uneducated, low skilled people to immigrate (bringing with them their Imams) - entire villages immigrated, and, settled into their own communities effectively resisting assimilating into the larger culture. This created a huge pool of necessary low skill labor but did little to either improve the econmic or social mobility of the immigrants or encourage assimilation.

There was an interesting interview I listened to, History Of Our Time: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? -- and the author made a good point - here is an excerpt:

INSKEEP: Suppose President Trump called you up, said, hi, Shadi, interesting book. What's one thing you'd have me do? How would you answer the president in that case?

HAMID: I think there's really only one path that works in sort of addressing it, and that's finding ways to accommodate Islam's role in public life. And we don't have to like it. So President Trump might have a big problem with Islam, but this is a reality that exists in much of the Middle East and South Asia.

So it's not realistic to say, oh, they all have to become, you know, secular liberals who read John Locke. Even if we might want that, that's not realistic or pragmatic. So we have to find ways to say, hey, you can be a conservative Muslim. You can even be an Islamist as long as you respect the rules of the game and you express your ideas within the law and the Constitution in any of these countries...

INSKEEP: Allowing space for people who believe differently than you do.

HAMID: Exactly. People are going to hate each other for legitimate reasons, but they have to hate each other peacefully.

It's the government's job to protect the citizenry. When it fails the citizens go to the ballot box to enact change, when that fails civil unrest may become necessary. That would apply in Europe , the USA or any democracy where the people choose leadership.

When you're dealing with the likes of countries in the ME it's more complex, one faction rules, is deposed and a vacuum is created and another steps up to replace it. Been going on for a millennia.

The problem seems to be being able to assimilate, when you go to another country you adopt that nation's laws, you don't bring your own and expect it to be accepted. Many Muslims do just that but an increasing number refuse to. There is the problem, how do you separate the two? In some cases vetting is impossible, records don't exist or some other reason, how does a nation determine who is safe to let in? It's obvious they can't in Europe and the same problem exists here in the US.

"There is the problem, how do you separate the two? In some cases vetting is impossible, records don't exist or some other reason, how does a nation determine who is safe to let in?"

Which is why the Trump Travel Ban is entirely appropriate, logical and sensible. Considering the majority of these people are coming from literally some of the worst places on this planet, which are very hostile to The West in general and you have no idea who any of these people are - I mean they are not exactly going to announce at the Immigration Desk that they plan to commit acts of terrorism and kill your people - the Trump Travel Ban should not only be for 90 days it should be permanent. Period.

These Activist Groups which include the SPLC and the ACLU are basically Traitors, they do not care about the safety of either the American people or the safety of the American nation, they are using and perverting the American Constitution to go to Leftist Activist Judges to block the Trump Travel Ban and allow in potentially very dangerous individuals under the motto of them being "poor refugees", it's a Trojan Horse.

There is NOTHING in the American Constitution that says you HAVE to allow UNLIMITED amounts of hordes into your nation.
I wouldn't. Europeans need to rise up and defend their countries. Obviously their politicians won't do it. Sometimes violence is the only answer.

That isn't working so good in Syria....or Libya....

What's the alternative?

What's the alternative to what? Civil unrest? Vigilanteism?

I think in another thread there was discussion of what could be done that included such things as:
  • making the possession/distribution of terrorism media - like ISIS propoganda etc illegal in the same way child porn is.
  • expelling dual citizens who have any connections to terrorism
  • better funding for police over all
  • better intelligence sharing amongst European countries
  • continuing to work with the Muslim communitee on identifying possible radicalization BEFORE it occurs
  • monitor and shut down mosques that actively preach radical jihadism and violence
  • working with internet organizations like google etc to quickly identify and remove terrorist propoganda

In the long term though - you need to address the causes and that is a whole lot harder:
  • the multiple civil wars and failed states in the Middle East that are creating a power vacuum that groups like ISIS exploit
  • the issues that are causing many people to flee and migrate to Europe in droves overwelming Europe's ability to assimilate
  • human trafficking
  • the role of Islam and integrating it with liberal values and rights particularly tolerance
  • Immigrant assimilation - both from the view point of the immigrant groups and that of the host countries - how can we do it better and what can we learn from countries that are more successful?
  • deep seated economic and social issues that create a division between immigrant groups and native citizens and create opportunities for radicalism.
  • Immigration reform in Europe - correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking Europe - France at least - has or had an open immigration policy for members of former colonies and that, combined with an extremely generous welfare policy encouraged thousands of poor, rural, uneducated, low skilled people to immigrate (bringing with them their Imams) - entire villages immigrated, and, settled into their own communities effectively resisting assimilating into the larger culture. This created a huge pool of necessary low skill labor but did little to either improve the econmic or social mobility of the immigrants or encourage assimilation.

There was an interesting interview I listened to, History Of Our Time: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? -- and the author made a good point - here is an excerpt:

INSKEEP: Suppose President Trump called you up, said, hi, Shadi, interesting book. What's one thing you'd have me do? How would you answer the president in that case?

HAMID: I think there's really only one path that works in sort of addressing it, and that's finding ways to accommodate Islam's role in public life. And we don't have to like it. So President Trump might have a big problem with Islam, but this is a reality that exists in much of the Middle East and South Asia.

So it's not realistic to say, oh, they all have to become, you know, secular liberals who read John Locke. Even if we might want that, that's not realistic or pragmatic. So we have to find ways to say, hey, you can be a conservative Muslim. You can even be an Islamist as long as you respect the rules of the game and you express your ideas within the law and the Constitution in any of these countries...

INSKEEP: Allowing space for people who believe differently than you do.

HAMID: Exactly. People are going to hate each other for legitimate reasons, but they have to hate each other peacefully.

It's the government's job to protect the citizenry. When it fails the citizens go to the ballot box to enact change, when that fails civil unrest may become necessary. That would apply in Europe , the USA or any democracy where the people choose leadership.

When you're dealing with the likes of countries in the ME it's more complex, one faction rules, is deposed and a vacuum is created and another steps up to replace it. Been going on for a millennia.

The problem seems to be being able to assimilate, when you go to another country you adopt that nation's laws, you don't bring your own and expect it to be accepted. Many Muslims do just that but an increasing number refuse to. There is the problem, how do you separate the two? In some cases vetting is impossible, records don't exist or some other reason, how does a nation determine who is safe to let in? It's obvious they can't in Europe and the same problem exists here in the US.

"There is the problem, how do you separate the two? In some cases vetting is impossible, records don't exist or some other reason, how does a nation determine who is safe to let in?"

Which is why the Trump Travel Ban is entirely appropriate, logical and sensible. Considering the majority of these people are coming from literally some of the worst places on this planet, which are very hostile to The West in general and you have no idea who any of these people are - I mean they are not exactly going to announce at the Immigration Desk that they plan to commit acts of terrorism and kill your people - the Trump Travel Ban should not only be for 90 days it should be permanent. Period.

These Activist Groups which include the SPLC and the ACLU are basically Traitors, they do not care about the safety of either the American people or the safety of the American nation, they are using and perverting the American Constitution to go to Leftist Activist Judges to block the Trump Travel Ban and allow in potentially very dangerous individuals under the motto of them being "poor refugees", it's a Trojan Horse.

There is NOTHING in the American Constitution that says you HAVE to allow UNLIMITED amounts of hordes into your nation.

I have no problem with legal immigration if US law is followed, I do however have a problem with this "refugee" crap going on. We have no idea who these people are, their intentions, etc. Hell some of them claim to be teenagers and one look and you know they are late 20's early 30' way in hell they should be allowed in, they are lying from the get go

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