Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Another update...
I know, how dare I provide information!!!... :)

Finsbury Park attack: Questions remain over victim's cause of death
Special post-mortem examination carried out to determine why Makram Ali died

Detectives are still working to establish what caused the death of a man after the Finsbury Park Mosque attack, the head of the Metropolitan Police has said.

Commissioner Cressida Dick said a special post-mortem examination has been carried out to determine why Makram Ali, 51, died.

It came as Scotland Yard continued to question attack suspect Darren Osborne, 47.

Mr Ali had already been taken ill when a van was driven at him and a group of people giving him first aid.....

Mystery remains over cause of death of man who died amid Finsbury Park attack

that's better

Sometimes it is difficult to hit the correct intended button on tablet. Maybe running very slow too. Easier to move on and leave as-is than attempt correction. Board crashes or hangs more often Samsung tablet vs. PC Win10.

Sometimes scrolling by message may tap wrong button on touch screen. Too much work to do message on tablet.
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.
This article has some interesting points to make - a bit thought provoking because these sort of attacks are almost impossible to prevent - there's little planning and few or no ties to established radical organizations such as ISIS which would alert police.

The Mundane Radicalism of Today's Terror

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

Osborne wasn't provoked to violence by anyone nearly as mainstream as Farage: His isn't among the 32 accounts Osborne followed on Twitter. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, leaders of the far right Britain First party are. After the Finsbury Park attack, Fransen posted a video claiming it was "intellectually dishonest" to compare "sporadic" right-wing terrorism with the "industrialized" mayhem perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

In fact, however, a lot of terrorism these days is sporadic. From time to time, there are major plots, like the Islamist one that resulted in the 2015 Paris attacks or, on the right-wing side, the foiled 2016 Kansas conspiracy to blow up a mosque, or this year's failed plan by some Germany Army servicemen to assassinate politicians and blame it on Muslim refugees. But attacks such as the Westminster one, the more recent one on London Bridge and the Finsbury Park one don't require much planning. They can be spur-of-the moment angry outbursts, requiring no more than a few hours of seething and frantic action.

In a lengthy 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Pete Simi of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, described the common radicalization paths for U.S. far-right terrorists. They closely match those of Islamist extremists: A troubled personal history, a desire to belong and be accepted, the thrill of the forbidden, the search for a cause to which one could serve with violence.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

Don't play obtuse you cunnt.

We are upstairs darling and it's not good manners for a man to refer to a woman using the C word.

"Don't play obtuse you cunnt."
Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

The Islamic council of one European country - and I can't recall which one (I'll have to try and find it) - was concerned about radicalization, and one of the proposals was in only having Imams that are European, raised in western cultures. In some communities there is a practice of importing Imams from the "old country" and they bring with them many of the "old country" ideas that are often contrary to western values.

"The Islamic council of one European country"

We should not have ANY Islamic councils in ANY European country. Europa has NEVER been Islamic. EVER.

Fuck these Traitors who allowed these animals in, they will rot in Hell with the Kebabs.
that one's about how the mosque was once found to have an arsenal and once had a preacher renouned for hate speech and radicalism

The first reports suggested the involvement of the Finsbury Park Mosque.

Many of the American posters probably know little or nothing about it's notorious history so I provided some brief background information.

I was thanked by many for the information. Why don't you want posters to be informed (rhetorical)? Lol.

"Many of the American posters probably know little or nothing about it's notorious history so I provided some brief background information."

Tommy Shithead being the pro-Islamist POS he is, posted in THIS thread that Finsbury Park mosque had NO history of being a hotbed of Kebab Terrorists, the one with the hook hand, Richard Reid are just two who came from that very mosque.
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.

He didn't need to self-radicalise, he ONLY had to watch the news and look at children and teenagers blown up in Manchester and tons of people mowed down and stabbed to death on the London Bridge.
Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

The Islamic council of one European country - and I can't recall which one (I'll have to try and find it) - was concerned about radicalization, and one of the proposals was in only having Imams that are European, raised in western cultures. In some communities there is a practice of importing Imams from the "old country" and they bring with them many of the "old country" ideas that are often contrary to western values.

"The Islamic council of one European country"

We should not have ANY Islamic councils in ANY European country. Europa has NEVER been Islamic. EVER.

Fuck these Traitors who allowed these animals in, they will rot in Hell with the Kebabs.

Every religion has their "religious council" that oversees the practicing of the faith in a particular jurisdiction - it's nothing nefarious and frankly a bit better than thousands of independent Imams making up their own rules and importing foreign Imams.
This article has some interesting points to make - a bit thought provoking because these sort of attacks are almost impossible to prevent - there's little planning and few or no ties to established radical organizations such as ISIS which would alert police.

The Mundane Radicalism of Today's Terror

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

Osborne wasn't provoked to violence by anyone nearly as mainstream as Farage: His isn't among the 32 accounts Osborne followed on Twitter. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, leaders of the far right Britain First party are. After the Finsbury Park attack, Fransen posted a video claiming it was "intellectually dishonest" to compare "sporadic" right-wing terrorism with the "industrialized" mayhem perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

In fact, however, a lot of terrorism these days is sporadic. From time to time, there are major plots, like the Islamist one that resulted in the 2015 Paris attacks or, on the right-wing side, the foiled 2016 Kansas conspiracy to blow up a mosque, or this year's failed plan by some Germany Army servicemen to assassinate politicians and blame it on Muslim refugees. But attacks such as the Westminster one, the more recent one on London Bridge and the Finsbury Park one don't require much planning. They can be spur-of-the moment angry outbursts, requiring no more than a few hours of seething and frantic action.

In a lengthy 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Pete Simi of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, described the common radicalization paths for U.S. far-right terrorists. They closely match those of Islamist extremists: A troubled personal history, a desire to belong and be accepted, the thrill of the forbidden, the search for a cause to which one could serve with violence.

Bloomberg can fuck off, what disgusting POS Bloomberg is, like ALL MSM they are pathetic and desperate to put Osbourne in the same category as the Killer Kebabs.

THERE is NOTHING SIMILAR between Osbourne or ANY of the Killer Kebabs.

Rot In Hell Bloomsberg.

"Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood"

Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

The Islamic council of one European country - and I can't recall which one (I'll have to try and find it) - was concerned about radicalization, and one of the proposals was in only having Imams that are European, raised in western cultures. In some communities there is a practice of importing Imams from the "old country" and they bring with them many of the "old country" ideas that are often contrary to western values.

"The Islamic council of one European country"

We should not have ANY Islamic councils in ANY European country. Europa has NEVER been Islamic. EVER.

Fuck these Traitors who allowed these animals in, they will rot in Hell with the Kebabs.

Every religion has their "religious council" that oversees the practicing of the faith in a particular jurisdiction - it's nothing nefarious and frankly a bit better than thousands of independent Imams making up their own rules and importing foreign Imams.

We are a predominantly Christian Continent, Islam does NOT belong in Europa, it NEVER did and it NEVER will. Period.
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.

He didn't need to self-radicalise, he ONLY had to watch the news and look at children and teenagers blown up in Manchester and tons of people mowed down and stabbed to death on the London Bridge.

Well - you know, you could probably make the same argument for Islamic Extremist attacks who claim they are attacking because we're killing Muslims in the ME. In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria" or such (and the pictures of what is happening to Syrian civilians are pretty horrific)? The thing is, while we all get very angry about things - we don't go and start knifing people or drive a car into a crowd. So why do some people do that and other people don't?
This article has some interesting points to make - a bit thought provoking because these sort of attacks are almost impossible to prevent - there's little planning and few or no ties to established radical organizations such as ISIS which would alert police.

The Mundane Radicalism of Today's Terror

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

Osborne wasn't provoked to violence by anyone nearly as mainstream as Farage: His isn't among the 32 accounts Osborne followed on Twitter. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, leaders of the far right Britain First party are. After the Finsbury Park attack, Fransen posted a video claiming it was "intellectually dishonest" to compare "sporadic" right-wing terrorism with the "industrialized" mayhem perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

In fact, however, a lot of terrorism these days is sporadic. From time to time, there are major plots, like the Islamist one that resulted in the 2015 Paris attacks or, on the right-wing side, the foiled 2016 Kansas conspiracy to blow up a mosque, or this year's failed plan by some Germany Army servicemen to assassinate politicians and blame it on Muslim refugees. But attacks such as the Westminster one, the more recent one on London Bridge and the Finsbury Park one don't require much planning. They can be spur-of-the moment angry outbursts, requiring no more than a few hours of seething and frantic action.

In a lengthy 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Pete Simi of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, described the common radicalization paths for U.S. far-right terrorists. They closely match those of Islamist extremists: A troubled personal history, a desire to belong and be accepted, the thrill of the forbidden, the search for a cause to which one could serve with violence.

Bloomberg can fuck off, what disgusting POS Bloomberg is, like ALL MSM they are pathetic and desperate to put Osbourne in the same category as the Killer Kebabs.

THERE is NOTHING SIMILAR between Osbourne or ANY of the Killer Kebabs.

Rot In Hell Bloomsberg.

"Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood"


I think there are a lot of points of similarity - basically, they were miserable angry losers.
that one's about how the mosque was once found to have an arsenal and once had a preacher renouned for hate speech and radicalism

The first reports suggested the involvement of the Finsbury Park Mosque.

Many of the American posters probably know little or nothing about it's notorious history so I provided some brief background information.

I was thanked by many for the information. Why don't you want posters to be informed (rhetorical)? Lol.

"Many of the American posters probably know little or nothing about it's notorious history so I provided some brief background information."

Tommy Shithead being the pro-Islamist POS he is, posted in THIS thread that Finsbury Park mosque had NO history of being a hotbed of Kebab Terrorists, the one with the hook hand, Richard Reid are just two who came from that very mosque.
Thanks. And also it's connection to 9/11.
Apparently, relating relevant FACTS is akin to hate speech or something here. :rolleyes-41:
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.

He didn't need to self-radicalise, he ONLY had to watch the news and look at children and teenagers blown up in Manchester and tons of people mowed down and stabbed to death on the London Bridge.

Well - you know, you could probably make the same argument for Islamic Extremist attacks who claim they are attacking because we're killing Muslims in the ME. In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria" or such (and the pictures of what is happening to Syrian civilians are pretty horrific)? The thing is, while we all get very angry about things - we don't go and start knifing people or drive a car into a crowd. So why do some people do that and other people don't?

"In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria"

Yes how does that work, the pro-Islamist Apologists and Propagandists said he's British, so IF he considers himself British why is he killing British people because of Syria? If he considers himself British he's killing fellow British.

It's all horsecrap, he might be born in Britain, but they do NOT integrate, they do NOT consider themselves Western even, they are what their Ancestors were Middle Eastern Kebabs, be they Pakistani, Syrian or whatever.

YOU are what YOUR Ancestors were, it's your DNA, not a piece of paper saying you have moved somewhere so this is what you now are.

It's about DNA, it's the same blood that runs in your veins going back Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and YOUR Ancestors Nationality is YOUR Nationality.

EG. Say a Belgian moved to China 50 years ago, they are STILL Belgian, they aren't Chinese are they? If a Belgian is born in China, that doesn't make them Chinese.
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Osborne apparently didn't even know who the PM is.
Anyway, can anyone explain his ideologogy and/or his political aims?

If not, does this mean if a black man stabs a white man because he's racist against whites, he is a terrorist?

When did we officially dump a definition of terrorism so it becomes anything anyone wants it to be to suit their particular agenda?
Last edited:
This article has some interesting points to make - a bit thought provoking because these sort of attacks are almost impossible to prevent - there's little planning and few or no ties to established radical organizations such as ISIS which would alert police.

The Mundane Radicalism of Today's Terror

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

Osborne wasn't provoked to violence by anyone nearly as mainstream as Farage: His isn't among the 32 accounts Osborne followed on Twitter. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, leaders of the far right Britain First party are. After the Finsbury Park attack, Fransen posted a video claiming it was "intellectually dishonest" to compare "sporadic" right-wing terrorism with the "industrialized" mayhem perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

In fact, however, a lot of terrorism these days is sporadic. From time to time, there are major plots, like the Islamist one that resulted in the 2015 Paris attacks or, on the right-wing side, the foiled 2016 Kansas conspiracy to blow up a mosque, or this year's failed plan by some Germany Army servicemen to assassinate politicians and blame it on Muslim refugees. But attacks such as the Westminster one, the more recent one on London Bridge and the Finsbury Park one don't require much planning. They can be spur-of-the moment angry outbursts, requiring no more than a few hours of seething and frantic action.

In a lengthy 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Pete Simi of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, described the common radicalization paths for U.S. far-right terrorists. They closely match those of Islamist extremists: A troubled personal history, a desire to belong and be accepted, the thrill of the forbidden, the search for a cause to which one could serve with violence.

Bloomberg can fuck off, what disgusting POS Bloomberg is, like ALL MSM they are pathetic and desperate to put Osbourne in the same category as the Killer Kebabs.

THERE is NOTHING SIMILAR between Osbourne or ANY of the Killer Kebabs.

Rot In Hell Bloomsberg.

"Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood"


I think there are a lot of points of similarity - basically, they were miserable angry losers.

That is the only point, any other attempt at comparison is like comparing a banana to a swordfish.
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.

He didn't need to self-radicalise, he ONLY had to watch the news and look at children and teenagers blown up in Manchester and tons of people mowed down and stabbed to death on the London Bridge.

Well - you know, you could probably make the same argument for Islamic Extremist attacks who claim they are attacking because we're killing Muslims in the ME. In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria" or such (and the pictures of what is happening to Syrian civilians are pretty horrific)? The thing is, while we all get very angry about things - we don't go and start knifing people or drive a car into a crowd. So why do some people do that and other people don't?

"In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria"

Yes how does that work, the pro-Islamist Apologists and Propagandists said he's British, so IF he considers himself British why is he killing British people because of Syria? If he considers himself British he's killing fellow British.

It's all horsecrap, he might be born in Britain, but they do NOT integrate, they do NOT consider themselves Western even, they are what their Ancestors were Middle Eastern Kebabs, be they Pakistani, Syrian or whatever.

YOU are what YOUR Ancestors were, it's your DNA, not a piece of paper saying you have moved somewhere so this is what you now are.

It's about DNA, it's the same blood that runs in your veins going back Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and YOUR Ancestors Nationality is YOUR Nationality.

EG. Say a Belgian moved to China 50 years ago, they are STILL Belgian, they aren't Chinese are they?

DNA doesn't control culture :lol: - PEOPLE do. And it's their PERCEPTION of other's that determines what culture they are. Some places you can live forever and never be accepted as a local. Other places acceptence comes quickly. How well people integrate depends on the culture they come from and the culture they're trying to integrate into. Japan for example is notoriously closed culture.
According to this, the attack was premeditated and there are possible mental health issues, two of his victims are in critical care: Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

Evidence indicates the attack was premeditated, and not a spontaneous decision.

Investigators are looking at each part of what was needed for the attack, as they decide on lines of inquiry and what charges may be brought.

The suspect’s mental health is also a part of the investigation.

Osborne was arrested for attempted murder and later arrested under terrorism legislation, on suspicion of the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism, and for murder.


Osborne, a father of four, has been described by relatives as having been “troubled for a long time”. In a statement, his family said: “We are massively shocked. It’s unbelievable. It still hasn’t really sunk in.

According to this source: Finsbury Park suspect ‘made abusive remarks about Palestinian march’ it sounds like he had an ideology, wasn't shy about spreading it, and was enough of a nutter to be influenced into action.

Osborne appears to have a Twitter account, which he has never used to send his own tweets, instead monitoring 32 other users, including Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, the leaders of the far-right party Britain First. Its mission statement says: “We will restore Christianity as the bedrock and foundation of our national life as it has been for the last one thousand years.” Golding declined to comment.


The pub manager, Andy Parker, said: “The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to. I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave. But he was pretty surly so the boys stood in and told him in no uncertain terms to go.”

A well-placed source alleged to the Guardian that Osborne had specifically spoken about the rally.

The far-right English Defence League has targeted pro-Palestinian demonstrators during previous al-Quds rallies. The IHRC, which organises the march, said that before this year’s event it had been made aware of social media postings threatening violence, including one individual who threatened to drive a van into the march. There is no suggestion this was Osborne.

He didn't need to self-radicalise, he ONLY had to watch the news and look at children and teenagers blown up in Manchester and tons of people mowed down and stabbed to death on the London Bridge.

Well - you know, you could probably make the same argument for Islamic Extremist attacks who claim they are attacking because we're killing Muslims in the ME. In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria" or such (and the pictures of what is happening to Syrian civilians are pretty horrific)? The thing is, while we all get very angry about things - we don't go and start knifing people or drive a car into a crowd. So why do some people do that and other people don't?

"In fact wasn't there a recent attacker who yelled something about "this is for Syria"

Yes how does that work, the pro-Islamist Apologists and Propagandists said he's British, so IF he considers himself British why is he killing British people because of Syria? If he considers himself British he's killing fellow British.

It's all horsecrap, he might be born in Britain, but they do NOT integrate, they do NOT consider themselves Western even, they are what their Ancestors were Middle Eastern Kebabs, be they Pakistani, Syrian or whatever.

YOU are what YOUR Ancestors were, it's your DNA, not a piece of paper saying you have moved somewhere so this is what you now are.

It's about DNA, it's the same blood that runs in your veins going back Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and Centuries and YOUR Ancestors Nationality is YOUR Nationality.

EG. Say a Belgian moved to China 50 years ago, they are STILL Belgian, they aren't Chinese are they? If a Belgian is born in China, that doesn't make them Chinese.
So many polls have shown that many Muslims in this country place their allegiances as: Muslim First, Pakistan (for example) Second - even when they weren't born their but their parents / grandparents were, and eventually British - which is why the commit terrorism against their neighbours and the country that invited them - in support of the countries where their Proudly announced allegiances actually lie.
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This article has some interesting points to make - a bit thought provoking because these sort of attacks are almost impossible to prevent - there's little planning and few or no ties to established radical organizations such as ISIS which would alert police.

The Mundane Radicalism of Today's Terror

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

Osborne wasn't provoked to violence by anyone nearly as mainstream as Farage: His isn't among the 32 accounts Osborne followed on Twitter. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, leaders of the far right Britain First party are. After the Finsbury Park attack, Fransen posted a video claiming it was "intellectually dishonest" to compare "sporadic" right-wing terrorism with the "industrialized" mayhem perpetrated by Islamist terrorists.

In fact, however, a lot of terrorism these days is sporadic. From time to time, there are major plots, like the Islamist one that resulted in the 2015 Paris attacks or, on the right-wing side, the foiled 2016 Kansas conspiracy to blow up a mosque, or this year's failed plan by some Germany Army servicemen to assassinate politicians and blame it on Muslim refugees. But attacks such as the Westminster one, the more recent one on London Bridge and the Finsbury Park one don't require much planning. They can be spur-of-the moment angry outbursts, requiring no more than a few hours of seething and frantic action.

In a lengthy 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Pete Simi of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, described the common radicalization paths for U.S. far-right terrorists. They closely match those of Islamist extremists: A troubled personal history, a desire to belong and be accepted, the thrill of the forbidden, the search for a cause to which one could serve with violence.

Bloomberg can fuck off, what disgusting POS Bloomberg is, like ALL MSM they are pathetic and desperate to put Osbourne in the same category as the Killer Kebabs.

THERE is NOTHING SIMILAR between Osbourne or ANY of the Killer Kebabs.

Rot In Hell Bloomsberg.

"Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood"


I think there are a lot of points of similarity - basically, they were miserable angry losers.

That is the only point, any other attempt at comparison is like comparing a banana to a swordfish.

When you look at this - there are a lot of points in common - core personality traits and those seem to be in common with a number of "lone wolf" type attackers - maybe it makes them easier to recruit or more susceptable.

Osborne's profile is similar to that of Khalid Masood, the convert to Islam who perpetrated the March 22 attack that started on Westminster Bridge in London. Osborne, a father of four, is 48. Masood, 52, had three kids. Masood had a long history of violence and went to jail for one of the brawls in which he used a knife. Osborne is described as "shouty" and volatile, though seems to have kept his outbursts to the level of pub confrontations. Neither could hold down a job for long. Neither had any links with radical organizations. They appear to have led miserable, angry lives.

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