Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

We are a nation of rights and laws, not vigilantes and mobs.

WRONG. The vigilantes and mobs would be the Liberals trying to take away our Inalienable Rights.

You're the one calling for taking up arms and civil war and taking away rights.

Like I said, we're a country of laws and as long as people obey them I have no issue with their belief systems.
We are a nation of rights and laws, not vigilantes and mobs.

WRONG. The vigilantes and mobs would be the Liberals trying to take away our Inalienable Rights.

You're the one calling for taking up arms and civil war and taking away rights.

Like I said, we're a country of laws and as long as people obey them I have no issue with their belief systems.

"You're the one calling for taking up arms and civil war and taking away rights."

I think if you reread Brynmr's comment, he's meaning if ANY attempt to remove or alter the Second Amendment would happen, you do have an Inalienable RIGHT to that Second Amendment.
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And you're pretty good at it :)
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I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
We are a nation of rights and laws, not vigilantes and mobs.

WRONG. The vigilantes and mobs would be the Liberals trying to take away our Inalienable Rights.

You're the one calling for taking up arms and civil war and taking away rights.

Wow, you are either really stupid or English isn't your first language. Your assertions are completely bogus. It's no wonder you continuously make idiotic comment.
Utterly mind numbing how it's being offered that the Grande bombing was a crime but a retaliatory response is some how a Hate crime of a higher offense
MAD(mutually assured destruction) is a better policy than SAD(stupidly assured destruction)
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
YOU are the one who said that people like me who said it's good there are probably no fatalities and no children were involved means that I'm happy people are maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism!
That's some disgusting spin from you right there - and you should know better! :)
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I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)

Thanks for the admission! didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

"Those "muslims" ARE Londoners."

Just like Misho is a fish because he was born in an aquarium.

They are no more Londoners or British than Hasan is Swedish.


And therein lies part of the problem. No matter how many generations they may have lived there - they're not accepted as "Londoners".

They self segregate and establish no go zones, the problem is the collaborating scum like you who opened the gates to the city in the first place.
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
YOU are the one who said that people like me who said it's good there are probably no fatalities and no children were involved means that I'm happy people are maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism!
That's some disgusting spin from you right there - and you should know better! :)

And it was you who agreed with a post that took a post completely out of context from another thread and claimed I think a terrorist should win a Nobel Prize. You have frequently implied (either directly or passive-aggressively through the posts you choose to agree with) that I support terrorists and terrorism when it kills Europeans.

And that is not disgusting spin? You seem to to do what you accuse me of doing.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
YOU are the one who said that people like me who said it's good there are probably no fatalities and no children were involved means that I'm happy people are maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism!
That's some disgusting spin from you right there - and you should know better! :)

And it was you who agreed with a post that took a post completely out of context from another thread and claimed I think a terrorist should win a Nobel Prize. You have frequently implied (either directly or passive-aggressively through the posts you choose to agree with) that I support terrorists and terrorism when it kills Europeans.

And that is not disgusting spin? You seem to to do what you accuse me of doing.
There's a reason SO MANY people here know you for the islamopologist you are, it's because you appear in every single thread on Islamic terrorism and immediately proceed to make excuses! You usually don't even seem to remember to say a word for the poor victims first! Nobody needs to spin anything you say, your apologia is writ large all over the board! Lol.

Now, I say I'm glad people and children haven't been killed in this latest attack and YOU SPIN THAT TO MEAN IM HAPPY if people have been maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism! Disgusting behaviour.


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
YOU are the one who said that people like me who said it's good there are probably no fatalities and no children were involved means that I'm happy people are maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism!
That's some disgusting spin from you right there - and you should know better! :)

And it was you who agreed with a post that took a post completely out of context from another thread and claimed I think a terrorist should win a Nobel Prize. You have frequently implied (either directly or passive-aggressively through the posts you choose to agree with) that I support terrorists and terrorism when it kills Europeans.

And that is not disgusting spin? You seem to to do what you accuse me of doing.
There's a reason SO MANY people here know you for the islamopologist you are, it's because you appear in every single thread on Islamic terrorism and immediately proceed to make excuses! You usually don't even seem to remember to say a word for the poor victims first! Nobody needs to spin anything you say, your apologia is writ large all over the board! Lol.

Now, I say I'm glad people and children haven't been killed in this latest attack and YOU SPIN THAT TO MEAN IM HAPPY if people have been maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism! Disgusting behaviour.


And with that you've revealed yourself as a blatant liar.

And in this thread?

Your 1st post - no "word for the poor victims first"...nor in your second post. Gee, maybe by the third post you'll have something but no - that one's about how the mosque was once found to have an arsenal and once had a preacher renouned for hate speech and radicalism (ok, so you got a start on demonizing the victims). Nothing in posts 4, 5, 6, 8....10, 11, 12...still not a word for the victims....just news bites and some more stuff demonizing Muslims in general......ah finally, post #24...a brief comment "may he RIP"....

So much for not saying a word about the poor victims first :rolleyes-41:

Keep pretending.
No, that seems to be YOUR job!
And your pretty good at it :)

You consistently and constantly twist and distort what your leftwing opponents say and then play innocent when it's done to you.

Good bye. I am done with you (and certainly should have known better than to respond). :)
YOU are the one who said that people like me who said it's good there are probably no fatalities and no children were involved means that I'm happy people are maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism!
That's some disgusting spin from you right there - and you should know better! :)

And it was you who agreed with a post that took a post completely out of context from another thread and claimed I think a terrorist should win a Nobel Prize. You have frequently implied (either directly or passive-aggressively through the posts you choose to agree with) that I support terrorists and terrorism when it kills Europeans.

And that is not disgusting spin? You seem to to do what you accuse me of doing.
There's a reason SO MANY people here know you for the islamopologist you are, it's because you appear in every single thread on Islamic terrorism and immediately proceed to make excuses! You usually don't even seem to remember to say a word for the poor victims first! Nobody needs to spin anything you say, your apologia is writ large all over the board! Lol.

Now, I say I'm glad people and children haven't been killed in this latest attack and YOU SPIN THAT TO MEAN IM HAPPY if people have been maimed and that I'm excusing terrorism! Disgusting behaviour.


And with that you've revealed yourself as a blatant liar.

And in this thread?

Your 1st post - no "word for the poor victims first"...nor in your second post. Gee, maybe by the third post you'll have something but no - that one's about how the mosque was once found to have an arsenal and once had a preacher renouned for hate speech and radicalism (ok, so you got a start on demonizing the victims). Nothing in posts 4, 5, 6, 8....10, 11, 12...still not a word for the victims....just news bites and some more stuff demonizing Muslims in general......ah finally, post #24...a brief comment "may he RIP"....

So much for not saying a word about the poor victims first :rolleyes-41:

Keep pretending.
I have expressed my sympathy for the victims at least 3 or 4 times in this thread - something you don't seem to have done until THIS attack.

I also tend not to say RIP until someone has actually DIED, you silly creature! Lol.

And yes, I have posted many updates in an attempt to provide information and to keep the thread on topic - something YOU should be doing instead of TROLLING and lying about posters! :)
that one's about how the mosque was once found to have an arsenal and once had a preacher renouned for hate speech and radicalism

The first reports suggested the involvement of the Finsbury Park Mosque.

Many of the American posters probably know little or nothing about it's notorious history so I provided some brief background information.

I was thanked by many for the information. Why don't you want posters to be informed (rhetorical)? Lol.
What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

"Those "muslims" ARE Londoners."

Just like Misho is a fish because he was born in an aquarium.

They are no more Londoners or British than Hasan is Swedish.

left ..... did it.liberal are behind tower burn and van attack .sunni are victim and white are bad boy now. old jew propaganda.
Now, back to the topic ....again.....:wink_2:

Looks as though he is not associated with any groups and is a lone wolf.
I don't know why they are using the phrase 'self radicalised' (well, yes I do) when it seems like a hate crime with no ideology involved.

Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'
Officers obtain warrant to extend detention of Darren Osborne, 47, as counter-terror detectives try to establish motives for attack

The suspect in the Finsbury Park terrorist attack is believed to have been self-radicalised into his extremist hatred of Muslims, it is understood.

The investigation by Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command continues after a van was driven into Muslims near a mosque early on Monday.

Darren Osborne, 47, is being questioned and detectives are trying to establish the motives for the attack.

Police are taking advice from lawyers from the Crown Prosecution Service’s counter-terrorism division about the scope of the investigation and what charges should be considered....

Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably 'self-radicalised'

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