Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque


Finsbury attack: Police had swooped on suspect Darren Osborne's van day before attack
POLICE last night admitted they had contact with the mosque van attack suspect nearly 24 hours before the outrage which left one person dead and eleven injured.
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Wed, Jun 21, 2017 | UPDATED: 07:27, Wed, Jun 21, 2017

Finsbury attack: Police had swooped on suspect Darren Osborne's van day before attack

South Wales officers investigated after Darren Osborne was reported for appearing drunk and unconscious in a white box van.

But after attending the scene in Osborne’s home city of Cardiff, they decided no offence had been committed.

Almost 24 hours later, the 47-year-old jobless mechanic was held after a similar hired van was driven into a crowd of Muslims.

The officers’ assessment was that no offences were disclosed
I wondered if the annual destroy Israel march might feature.

Finsbury Park terror suspect 'planned to attack' Muslim march in London but was too late, it is claimed

20 JUNE 2017 • 7:38PM

The Finsbury Park terror suspect had been intending to target a Muslim march in London but arrived too late and so allegedly attacked worshippers at a mosque instead, it has been claimed.


Darren Osborne allegedly threatened to attack the Al Quds march in London on Sunday

Finsbury Park terror suspect 'planned to attack' Muslim march in London but was too late, it is claimed
Hundreds of Brits....went to the mosque to show their support for their Muslim community after the terrorist attack. And some scum bags here call for the killing of innocents.
How sad that some people can't even acknowledge that a Muslim Imam can do a good and just thing like stopping an angry crowd from beating up a man who had just tried to kill them. Instead they have to double down on discrediting him and portraying the attacker as some sort of misunderstood drunk lout who happened to lose control of his car. :eusa_eh:
The libbies want this response retaliation to be a hate crime while the atrocities in name of Islam are just crime crime because of Crusades, white priviledge, American aggression, and 4,630 other "excuses"

They are LOVING it, it's one of those evil White men.

This is like in America when there's a mass shooting and tons of Leftists are on Social Media Tweeting and Facebooking "PLEASE MAKE IT BE A WHITE MALE" and then if it's NOT a White male they are all disappointed and then EVERYONE has to even forget there was a mass shooting and all switch to "THIS IS WHY GUN CONTROL IS NEEDED"

I don't love it. Every time it happens you have more dead people who don't need to be dead. That's what it comes down to.

And then you have people afraid of retaliation from one or the other factions.
Mutual fear instead of one way fear may be a deterrent
It's worked before
Did it work with the Irish?

Is it worth attacks like Manchester and dead people who had nothing to do with it? I doubt it.

"Did it work with the Irish?"

That was an entirely different situation, you are comparing apples to clementines.
Hundreds of Brits....went to the mosque to show their support for their Muslim community after the terrorist attack. And some scum bags here call for the killing of innocents.

Yes and those hundreds of Brits should be considered a part of the Fifth Column.

As Old Yeller commented, Islam declared war on the West, they did this officially on September 11th, 2001.

Anyone who sides with the Islamists against their OWN NATIVE populations is to be considered part of the Fifth Column, The Enemy Within and basic Traitors.

It's time for OUR NATIVE populations in ALL Western nations to choose a side, you cannot be on BOTH sides, you are either WITH Islam or AGAINST Islam, there is no middle ground with this.
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

"Those "muslims" ARE Londoners."

ONLY on paper, mentally and culturally there is NOTHING Londoner OR British OR European about them. Their origin is Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq etc.

Pakistani, Afghan, Somalian, Iraqi are NOT British OR European.

Doesn't matter if some were born in Britain, they are NOT British.

EG. If a puppy is born in a horse stable, does that make the puppy a horse?
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

"Those "muslims" ARE Londoners."

Just like Misho is a fish because he was born in an aquarium.

They are no more Londoners or British than Hasan is Swedish.

What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

"Those "muslims" ARE Londoners."

Just like Misho is a fish because he was born in an aquarium.

They are no more Londoners or British than Hasan is Swedish.


And therein lies part of the problem. No matter how many generations they may have lived there - they're not accepted as "Londoners".
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.
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Well Muslims and Jews don't like also how you treat women, good for billboards, sex objects still under paid, and teens girls getting banged and sexually exploited at young age with the parents consent and in their house by their boyfriends.
You see it's called everyone sees things differently.
The amount of sexual harassment in the US, rape and sexual violence against women in the US is staggering...i haven't seen that in the Muslim country I lived in. Contrary we had a duty to protect our women, if you walked to a neighborhood and disrespected a girl you'll get your ass kicked. Here no one will give crap about the defenseless woman. Each to his own!!!

Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.

He was radicalized by the numerous terror attacks which sprung forth from that Mosque and the willing collaborators in government who say the problem has been fixed when in reality they put the MAB in charge which is a proven front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come, Muslims out, and those who allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, death to collaborators!

What an utterly hateful mind.
From their website-
Services welcome text
Bellow is the services we provide for our local communities in Finsbury Park, Islington Council borough. Please scroll bellow to find more details. We organised our services in categories such as: Education, Religious, Youth and young children, Community events and Hall hire sections. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will endeavour to help.

Their site also states they have areas where women can pray, and hear a service, or whatever they call it, from the main Mosque. Must keep women separate, ya know.
What is a Muslim Welfare House, is this taken in the literal, I mean literally a building where Muslims go and are given Welfare?


I think it's like any church or religious welfare center where they provide charity. Not government charity.

Edited to add: I'm not sure how all other religions do this, but the Morman's have long provided welfare to their followers in need. It's part of a communal and family-centered tradition that was part of their faith from the very beginning: Mormon Welfare Program | June 24, 2016 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Jews do the same thing. Do you have a problem with them? If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice. Just don't be hypocritical about it.

"If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice."

You are saying that Islam is Sexist and doesn't consider women equal to men, but lower than men and men and women must be segregated.

What about all that Equality and Anti-Sexism that Leftists like screaming about, where does your above comment which will be shared by the majority of Leftists fit in with the Leftist obsessions with Equality and Anti-Sexism?

Are you saying that Kebabs - Jews was a sidepoint to attempt to draw attention away from the Leftists pets the Kebabs who must be defended at ALL costs - are you saying that Leftists are okay with men and women being SEGREGATED but ONLY if it's Kebab men and women?

Funny that coming from a member of a cult founded by a pedophile.

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Hundreds of Brits....went to the mosque to show their support for their Muslim community after the terrorist attack. And some scum bags here call for the killing of innocents.

Yes. They do. :(
All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

Don't play obtuse you cunnt.

I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

You are a Londonistan collaborator, listen to your task master Sadiq Khan, you're going to have to get used to it.
Not only Khan, from france24 today, what I posted in the Belgium thread-

Oh, boy, here it is-

Security experts said Tuesday's incident could have been similar to "lone wolf" assaults carried out by radicalised individuals with limited access to weapons and training.

"Such isolated acts will continue in Brussels, in Paris and elsewhere. It's inevitable," Brussels security consultant Claude Moniquet, a former French agent, told broadcaster RTL.

With Islamic State under pressure in Syria - where Belgium has been the most fertile European recruiting ground for foreign Islamist fighters - he said attacks in Europe could increase, though many of these would be by "amateurs" doing little harm.

Personally, I think that attitude makes one implicit.

I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?


I am glad that no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered this time. I'm horrified at all the innocent people who have been killed and hurt in the many terror attacks London has experienced.

I am also disgusted that people on this thread - and you know there are some - who have who have praised the man who did this, and called for more of it.

Now. Are you going to twist and distort what I said?

You are a Londonistan collaborator, listen to your task master Sadiq Khan, you're going to have to get used to it.
All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.





LOL and people like YOU Coyote think these animals are Londoners and British. Okay whatever :rolleyes-41:


The Kebab Camel Jockey Anjem Choudary with his fellow Kebab Camel Jockey's.



Islam isn't superior you psychopathic screaming Sand Apes, fuck off back to your Sand Ape Shit Holes.


Sand Apes in London all waving the ISIS flag, I see no reason why the below type Sand Apes cannot just be shot where they stand, do the below look like Poor Innocent Muslims Coyote, or do they look like they have the Islamist Killer Kebab mentality and at any moment might go on the rampage slaughtering ACTUAL innocent people on the streets?


Sand Ape women protesting, fuck off back to Iraq and Pakistan disgusting filth.


WTF has Angola got to with Britain and the European Continent?


The women cannot be trusted, women like the below one should be shot where they stand, these are dangerous animals, rabid animals, they need their oxygen supply stopped. Period.

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