Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
Old Yeller

what is so funny about my #881 post?

can you explain

what's your problem
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "

Strangely he didn't say that this time.


His name is



shall I say lol


I will

his name is Kunt
What has annoyed people in London and probably the U.K - and has caused sympathy to wane somewhat - is that the police and politicians were paractically falling over each other to appear more sympathetic than each other and to find it more horrific than each other!

Unlike other attacks, it seems no one has died and no children have been blown to pieces. Yet the police responded to the Muslim demands to guard mosques.

We don't guard bridges, cafes, restaurants and pubs, but we are going to guard well over 500 mosques (in London alone) because of one single (apparent) attack???
This seems to be making people even more angry.
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I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?

go and look for it

it's everywhere

go and look for it

it's everywhere

I thought it funny that you said......Go and look for it. Like "I don't do your work". I funny many similar post to those type when I see them. Or "Welcome to Iggy land" or "Say hello to Stepanie when you get to Ignore".

Makes me smile and laugh. I suppose I could add funny and agree?
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?

go and look for it

it's everywhere

go and look for it

it's everywhere

I thought it funny that you said......Go and look for it. Like "I don't do your work". I funny many similar post to those type when I see them. Or "Welcom to Iggy land" or "Say hello to Stepanie when you get to Ignore".

Makes me smile and laugh. I suppose I could add funny and agree?


so give me a winner then :2up: not a funny shit LOL haha
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

I think that the opinion around here is that you are the one who is dense with your constant defense of anything Muslim. It's really old and tiresome, like you. :D
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?



the question is

will he say the same in this case

Flashback: London Mayor Says Terrorism Is ‘Part And Parcel Of Living In A Big City’ didn't mention any particular group did he?

So, Londoners are attacked, and it's like "oh well, you had best get used to it!" But when Muslims are attacked, it's the MOST horrible situation!

Are you usually this dense?

Those "muslims" ARE Londoners.

You are so dishonest. If you didn't know what I mean, then it is you who is dense. But then, I already had that figured out a while ago.
If it is suggested that an Islamic terrorist is mentally ill, it is denounced and a psychiatrist's affidavit is demanded. Now all those critics are in haste to proclaim that this latest (non islamic) loser is mentally ill with no similar burden of proof required. He probably has some serious issues. Like Omar Mateem and some others had.

Boy is the hypocrisy thick. We need a bread knife.

All these killers have issues. But the killers of innocent Civilians is about 100000:1 in favor of the mentally ill muslims at this point in time.

Don't start up with me about the UN sanctioned war against out of control Muslim countries dicktaters. You all want to pay AND utilize the UN. Then when they act.........uh ..... "we meant only against bad white or asian".
Bullhockey. Sadaam pushed and pushed till the UN said......."OK, it is time. Go get him". Can't have it both ways.
I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

No way. I would like to see massive revenge attacks. But we won't. We may see a bigger Nation on Nation WW3. We may be in it? This is why inviting (this enemy) to your lands is not a good idea. Interment or Expulsion. Yes, maybe.

I don't think you see the difference between Nations at war (UN approved) vs. nutjobs running around the planet blowing up or cutting throats of Children. Someone should explain it to the loons.

When you lose a war (Sadaam) you sign agreements. Don't follow the will get bashed again and again until you are no more.
The thing is, we don't know much about this guys motivation yet so we are all speculating. If mods don't want us to speculate, maybe we shouldn't have a current events board, for obvious reasons. Current events haven't usually gone to trial yet.

It 'seems' he is not a racist.

It has been announced by the police and MI5 that he is unknown to them. He doesn't have a criminal record of any sort.

It has been 'said' that after the London Bridge terror attack he snapped and started ranting about Muslims.
Before that, his Muslim neighbours said he was always helpful to them.

So this 'looks' like the kind of attack that many of us warned we knew would happen if Islamists kept attacking us. We've been saying it for years, and many posters here actually laughed, as if it were impossible.

But this is what 'seems' to have happened here.

I am glad no one has died - and I hope it stays that way, and I'm glad no children were involved.

And I'm glad the man is alive so we can find out more and he will serve time. Usually there is no justice because the perp kills himself.

I am sad that so many Muslim 'representatives' have used this event to their own ends. I'm sad I'm not at all surprised about it.
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The thing is, we don't know much about this guys motivation yet so we are all speculating. If mods don't want us to speculate, maybe we shouldn't have a current events board, for obvious reasons. Current events haven't usually gone to trial yet.
It 'seems' he is not a racist. It has been announced by the police and MI5 that he is unknown to them. He doesn't have a criminal record of any sort.
It has been 'said' that after the London Bridge terror attack he snapped and started ranting about Muslims. Before that, his Muslim neighbours said he was always helpful to them.
So this 'looks' like the kind of attack that many of us warned we knew would happen if Islamists kept attacking us. We've been saying it for years, and many posters here actually laughed, as if it was impossible.
But this is what 'seems' to have happened here.
I am glad no one has died - and I hope it stays that way, and I'm glad no children were involved. And I'm glad the man is alive so we can find out more and he will serve time. Usually there is no justice because the perp kills him self.
I am sad that so many Muslim 'representatives' have used this event to their own ends. I'm sad I'm not at all surprised about it.

Maybe this is why they are more "quiet" in attacks on USA? Too many guns (400million?) against them. And they know the Citizens are not going to take much more of it.
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.

POT meet kettle. This is kind of like what you do WHENEVER there is a Muslim terror attack. So sad, too bad.
I'm sad at all the excuses made for this. It's pathetic when people excuse terrorism simply because they hate the victims so much. It's ok as long as no one is actually killed. If they are badly injured or disabled for life that is just fine as long as they are the wrong ethnicity or faith. I suppose these ideas are a little better then what the terrorists themselves believe since they prefer death and carnage in that order.
Perhaps you should name names so the people you are accusing can defend themselves if they wish to?
I mean you've 'misunderstood' a great number of posts in this thread already It seems.

I'll start. I said I'm glad that it seems no one has been killed and no children were involved or maimed or murdered.

Using your logic that my statement 'excuses terrorism' (WTH?), your comments must mean you are UNHAPPY that no one was killed and that children weren't involved.

See how this works?

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