Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

A man has been arrested on suspicion of posting an offensive Facebook post about the London Finsbury Park attack.

Police said a 37-year-old, believed to be the son of an owner of the Rhondda Cynon Taff company whose van was used in Monday's attack, is in custody.

Richard Evans allegedly posted: "It's a shame they don't hire out steam rollers or tanks could have done a tidy job then."

His father, Lee Evans, said he condemned the remarks.

South Wales Police said a 37-year-old man was being held on suspicion of displaying threatening, abusive, insulting written material with intent that is likely to stir up racial hatred.

Finsbury Park attack: Son of hire boss held over Facebook post - BBC News

Holy smokes. I'm glad I live in the US and have my free speech . . . for now anyways.
It is so astonishing that he can be arrested for that, yet the Quran is openly sold, read, and taught all over the UK.
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Here is a thread some might find useful by way of perusal.

Nobel Prize For Palestinian Hero?

It sure does blow one particular hypocrite right out of the water and that is even after she deep sixed some of her more revolting statements.
Oh good Lord! Marwan Barghouti is a terrorist who killed people, and Coyote thinks he should get the Nobel Peace Prize? WTH.??!?
This post of mine will clealry be removed, so I hope people will see the gross hypocrisy before it is!
Maybe if I add something on topic?
OK, does anyone here think this white van man, Osborne, might be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize or deserves one? And If so, why?
Seriously, I'm actually shocked.

Isn't it so odd the lengths some will go to? It's so weird. The Muslims have worn out their welcome. We can only accept and "tolerate" so much. I'm sorry that some of them are "nice" or whatever. There are WAY too many of them who are not so nice to trust them. WAY TOO MANY.
Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians for any reason?


Some here think it is. Fuck 'em.
The libbies want this response retaliation to be a hate crime while the atrocities in name of Islam are just crime crime because of Crusades, white priviledge, American aggression, and 4,630 other "excuses"

They are LOVING it, it's one of those evil White men.

This is like in America when there's a mass shooting and tons of Leftists are on Social Media Tweeting and Facebooking "PLEASE MAKE IT BE A WHITE MALE" and then if it's NOT a White male they are all disappointed and then EVERYONE has to even forget there was a mass shooting and all switch to "THIS IS WHY GUN CONTROL IS NEEDED"

I don't love it. Every time it happens you have more dead people who don't need to be dead. That's what it comes down to.

And then you have people afraid of retaliation from one or the other factions.
Mutual fear instead of one way fear may be a deterrent
It's worked before
Did it work with the Irish?

Is it worth attacks like Manchester and dead people who had nothing to do with it? I doubt it.
being reported on FOX , might be 'ramadan' related or just an old English Grandpa whose foot slipped off the brake pedal . 'muslim' mayor says , aw , get used to these kind of things in this diverse city of 'london-istan' !!

that isn't what happened and it isn't what the mayor of london said...

you need to stop reading the tweeting imbeciles tweets.
They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

I agree with you. I think this drunk driver should be sent for 5 weeks Alcohol rehab and then released. Obviously this guy has a drinking problem. Like the Dems on Capitol hill. DUI at 2AM in Capitol parking lot, crash car. Kennedy? He did not mean to do it. It was an accident. Must be the sleeping pills mixed with Bourbon?
They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

I agree with you. I think this drunk driver should be sent for 5 weeks Alcohol rehab and then released. Obviously this guy has a drinking problem. Like the Dems on Capitol hill. DUI at 2AM in Capitol parking lot, crash car. Kennedy? He did not mean to do it. It was an accident. Must be the sleeping pills mixed with Bourbon?
So vehicular terrorism is ok in your book? You might want to let the truck driver in Nice know this.
being reported on FOX , might be 'ramadan' related or just an old English Grandpa whose foot slipped off the brake pedal . 'muslim' mayor says , aw , get used to these kind of things in this diverse city of 'london-istan' !!

that isn't what happened and it isn't what the mayor of london said...

you need to stop reading the tweeting imbeciles tweets.
------------------------------------Hey Jillian !! 'london-istans muslim mayor is a supporter of muslims flooding 'london-stan' England and Europe , the USA and all the West by any means possible Jillian . After all , the mayor of 'london-istan' is muslim Jillian . And i think that the attack happened during the weird holiday of ramadan and on orders from 'isis / islamic state' . And of course the , mayor; said , aw , get used to muslims attack or words to that effect Jillian .
It is so astonishing that he can be arrested for that, yet the Quran is openly sold, read, and taught from all over the UK.


It states that Muslims should hunt down and kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees.

No wonder Coyote loves it like she does!
--------------------------------------------------- and as the JEWS hide the rocks and trees will say , hey muslim , there is a JEW hiding behind me !! --- Dogmaphobe .
being reported on FOX , might be 'ramadan' related or just an old English Grandpa whose foot slipped off the brake pedal . 'muslim' mayor says , aw , get used to these kind of things in this diverse city of 'london-istan' !!

that isn't what happened and it isn't what the mayor of london said...

you need to stop reading the tweeting imbeciles tweets.
------------------------------------Hey Jillian !! 'london-istans muslim mayor is a supporter of muslims flooding 'london-stan' England and Europe , the USA and all the West by any means possible Jillian . After all , the mayor of 'london-istan' is muslim Jillian . And i think that the attack happened during the weird holiday of ramadan and on orders from 'isis / islamic state' . And of course the , mayor; said , aw , get used to muslims attack or words to that effect Jillian .

Is it ok to target and attack innocent civilians pismoe?
Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians for any reason?


Some here think it is. Fuck 'em.

They are not Civilians. They were coming from a Mosque owned by the enemy in this war vs. Islam. Sorry, some don't think that but they (the muslims) have declared war on anyone NOT willing to join the cult. True Dat. Crazy as it sounds.........."Join up" or we will kill more and more.

Therefore this car an act of war. Or a revenge killing vs. those that have slaughtered about 1000 Civilians/month (or CIV/MO) since about "forever"? Give the guy a medal and a DUI. Let it go. Clean up muslim killer aggressor scum. This is where the effort should be concentrated.
They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

I agree with you. I think this drunk driver should be sent for 5 weeks Alcohol rehab and then released. Obviously this guy has a drinking problem. Like the Dems on Capitol hill. DUI at 2AM in Capitol parking lot, crash car. Kennedy? He did not mean to do it. It was an accident. Must be the sleeping pills mixed with Bourbon?
---------------------------------------- good memory and accurate account OYeller .
Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians for any reason?


Some here think it is. Fuck 'em.

They are not Civilians. They were coming from a Mosque owned by the enemy in this war vs. Islam. Sorry, some don't think that but they (the muslims) have declared war on anyone NOT willing to join the cult. True Dat. Crazy as it sounds.........."Join up" or we will kill more and more.

Therefore this car an act of war. Or a revenge killing vs. those that have slaughtered about 1000 Civilians/month (or CIV/MO) since about "forever"? Give the guy a medal and a DUI. Let it go. Clean up muslim killer aggressor scum. This is where the effort should be concentrated.

I truly hope you don't think this.
being reported on FOX , might be 'ramadan' related or just an old English Grandpa whose foot slipped off the brake pedal . 'muslim' mayor says , aw , get used to these kind of things in this diverse city of 'london-istan' !!

that isn't what happened and it isn't what the mayor of london said...

you need to stop reading the tweeting imbeciles tweets.
------------------------------------Hey Jillian !! 'london-istans muslim mayor is a supporter of muslims flooding 'london-stan' England and Europe , the USA and all the West by any means possible Jillian . After all , the mayor of 'london-istan' is muslim Jillian . And i think that the attack happened during the weird holiday of ramadan and on orders from 'isis / islamic state' . And of course the , mayor; said , aw , get used to muslims attack or words to that effect Jillian .

Is it ok to target and attack innocent civilians pismoe?
-------------- talk to the muslims , they do it all the time and everyday from the Trade Towers to everyday attacks all over the world Coyote .
being reported on FOX , might be 'ramadan' related or just an old English Grandpa whose foot slipped off the brake pedal . 'muslim' mayor says , aw , get used to these kind of things in this diverse city of 'london-istan' !!

that isn't what happened and it isn't what the mayor of london said...

you need to stop reading the tweeting imbeciles tweets.
------------------------------------Hey Jillian !! 'london-istans muslim mayor is a supporter of muslims flooding 'london-stan' England and Europe , the USA and all the West by any means possible Jillian . After all , the mayor of 'london-istan' is muslim Jillian . And i think that the attack happened during the weird holiday of ramadan and on orders from 'isis / islamic state' . And of course the , mayor; said , aw , get used to muslims attack or words to that effect Jillian .

Is it ok to target and attack innocent civilians pismoe?
-------------- talk to the muslims , they do it all the time and everyday from the Trade Towers to everyday attacks all over the world Coyote .
Answer the question.

I truly hope you don't think this.

Well, I don't know what else to think? Can't go a few days anymore with an Islamic attack on Western Civilians. This has gone on for all of my life. Now they seem to be ramping up.........kill....maim...blow.....repeat.
If the Muslims don't stop with the terror attacks, I'm sure they can expect more of the same. People are sick of it and some of them are just as crazy as the Muslims!

I truly hope you don't think this.

Well, I don't know what else to think? Can't go a few days anymore with an Islamic attack on Western Civilians. This has gone on for all of my life. Now they seem to be ramping up.........kill....maim...blow.....repeat.
And that justifies killing innocent people? Come on, it can' just can't. One of the Islamic terrorists yelled that his attack was for what was happening in Syria. But how is ramming your vehicle into a crowd of people because they are westerners going to right any wrongs? Those people had nothing to do with it. They were just ordinary people out shopping. Because that is what cowardly terrorists do.
I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "

I asked this question several pages ago

I got no answer

so again I ask

Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "


What did he actually say, his original quote?

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