Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Sounds like he was planning a much bigger attack, but fell into a drunken stupor in his van and missed the opportunity.

Finsbury Park terror suspect 'planned to attack' Muslim march in London but was too late, it is claimed

The landlord of his local pub, Andy Parker, claimed the day before the incident he had been ranting about the pro-Palestinian, Al Quds day rally, which took place on Sunday afternoon in central London.

Mr Parker, who runs the Hollybush pub in Pentwyn, said: "The gentleman came in and was very political with everyone he spoke to.

"He was very motivated about the Muslim Al Quds Day rally going on on Sunday and London and kept saying: 'Our brothers and sisters are dying and someone needs to do something about it'.

"He kept saying he would do something about it, but he kept going on about it, and was saying we need to 'stand up to Muslims' it is 'time we did something about them'.

"I did not like one bit of it so asked him to leave."

We are supposed to all go on what the Landlord of the pub says? A pub Landlord :rolleyes-41:

How many excuses are you going to make Lucy....first, you discount the Imam and the other people there because they're Muslims. Now you discount the pub landlord. You going to find a reason for each and everyone? If so - you going to apply that reason to other terrorist attacks and discount witness' who heard "allah akbar"? :poke:

"How many excuses are you going to make Lucy"

I'm doing exactly what 90% of the Leftists do at this forum EVERY time there is a Paris, Nice, London, Manchester, Orlando, San Bernardino :poke:
I'm saying one thing - terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks - it doesn't matter who commits them, they're wrong.

You are aware that NOBODY is DEAD from this Finsbury Park situation? There's one elderly man and he died of a heart attack.

So NOBODY was even killed in this incident.

The whole reaction is completely hysterical and out of all rational proportion in relation to the London Bridge Islamic Terrorist attack for example, where three Killer Kebabs mowed down and killed multiple people and then all got out of the vehicle wielding machete type long knives and began stabbing multiple people to death.

THAT IS what you call a Terrorist Attack.

Finsbury Park isn't, despite what the Politically Correct British Police say because they are afraid to contradict the Iman in case they are called Islamaphobes and Bigots.

It was similar with the Pakistani Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England, for YEARS the police KNEW that over 1,000 young girls were being groomed and gang raped, girls even TOLD the police they had been groomed and gang raped and the testicle free police did NOTHING and when finally it did go to Court the head of the police was asked WHY when they knew for YEARS didn't they do anything and he said because he was afraid the police would be called racist.

It's sheer luck that no one is dead, not for LACK OF INTENT.

It is a terrorist attack. If the victims weren't Muslim - there'd be no question.

And the utter police failure on the Rotherham affair shouldn't make any difference in the Finsbury.

Do drunken people even know WTF they are DOING when they are drunk? I'm sure you have seen the pictures of him, he looks completely pissed and totally out of it.

They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

We need to know what his blood alcohol level was, this to get a better picture of how cohesive he even was in that vehicle ie. was he even in CONTROL, as I said the pictures of him he looks completely out of it.

He does...but then he also looks like a complete and utter loser.
You are aware that NOBODY is DEAD from this Finsbury Park situation? There's one elderly man and he died of a heart attack.

So NOBODY was even killed in this incident.

The whole reaction is completely hysterical and out of all rational proportion in relation to the London Bridge Islamic Terrorist attack for example, where three Killer Kebabs mowed down and killed multiple people and then all got out of the vehicle wielding machete type long knives and began stabbing multiple people to death.

THAT IS what you call a Terrorist Attack.

Finsbury Park isn't, despite what the Politically Correct British Police say because they are afraid to contradict the Iman in case they are called Islamaphobes and Bigots.

It was similar with the Pakistani Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England, for YEARS the police KNEW that over 1,000 young girls were being groomed and gang raped, girls even TOLD the police they had been groomed and gang raped and the testicle free police did NOTHING and when finally it did go to Court the head of the police was asked WHY when they knew for YEARS didn't they do anything and he said because he was afraid the police would be called racist.

It's sheer luck that no one is dead, not for LACK OF INTENT.

It is a terrorist attack. If the victims weren't Muslim - there'd be no question.

And the utter police failure on the Rotherham affair shouldn't make any difference in the Finsbury.

Do drunken people even know WTF they are DOING when they are drunk? I'm sure you have seen the pictures of him, he looks completely pissed and totally out of it.

They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

We need to know what his blood alcohol level was, this to get a better picture of how cohesive he even was in that vehicle ie. was he even in CONTROL, as I said the pictures of him he looks completely out of it.

He does...but then he also looks like a complete and utter loser.

Yes he does, that's because he is a loser.
You are aware that NOBODY is DEAD from this Finsbury Park situation? There's one elderly man and he died of a heart attack.

So NOBODY was even killed in this incident.

The whole reaction is completely hysterical and out of all rational proportion in relation to the London Bridge Islamic Terrorist attack for example, where three Killer Kebabs mowed down and killed multiple people and then all got out of the vehicle wielding machete type long knives and began stabbing multiple people to death.

THAT IS what you call a Terrorist Attack.

Finsbury Park isn't, despite what the Politically Correct British Police say because they are afraid to contradict the Iman in case they are called Islamaphobes and Bigots.

It was similar with the Pakistani Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England, for YEARS the police KNEW that over 1,000 young girls were being groomed and gang raped, girls even TOLD the police they had been groomed and gang raped and the testicle free police did NOTHING and when finally it did go to Court the head of the police was asked WHY when they knew for YEARS didn't they do anything and he said because he was afraid the police would be called racist.

It's sheer luck that no one is dead, not for LACK OF INTENT.

It is a terrorist attack. If the victims weren't Muslim - there'd be no question.

And the utter police failure on the Rotherham affair shouldn't make any difference in the Finsbury.

Do drunken people even know WTF they are DOING when they are drunk? I'm sure you have seen the pictures of him, he looks completely pissed and totally out of it.

They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

We need to know what his blood alcohol level was, this to get a better picture of how cohesive he even was in that vehicle ie. was he even in CONTROL, as I said the pictures of him he looks completely out of it.

He does...but then he also looks like a complete and utter loser.

As a side point. What time is it? Yes it's Martini O'Clock :smoke:

I am 15 minutes late for my Martini darling, this is your fault....arguing and disagreeing with me :meow:

Do not allow this to happen again :poke:
From their website-
Services welcome text
Bellow is the services we provide for our local communities in Finsbury Park, Islington Council borough. Please scroll bellow to find more details. We organised our services in categories such as: Education, Religious, Youth and young children, Community events and Hall hire sections. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will endeavour to help.

Their site also states they have areas where women can pray, and hear a service, or whatever they call it, from the main Mosque. Must keep women separate, ya know.
Why do idiots keep insisting it took place in front of a mosque?

Where is Finsbury Park Mosque and Muslim Welfare House where attack occurred?

What is a Muslim Welfare House, is this taken in the literal, I mean literally a building where Muslims go and are given Welfare?


I think it's like any church or religious welfare center where they provide charity. Not government charity.

Edited to add: I'm not sure how all other religions do this, but the Morman's have long provided welfare to their followers in need. It's part of a communal and family-centered tradition that was part of their faith from the very beginning: Mormon Welfare Program | June 24, 2016 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

That is! women apart, they are not considered equal to men by the Arabs already there this is not acceptable. Then I say shit to all those who defend the Arabs
The only terrorist supporters I see on this thread are those who are actively praising the person who drove his van into a crowd of people and justifying his act as "payback". That's supporting terrorism.

There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people.

If you live by an "eye for an eye" what happens when everyone is blind? You just end up with a pile of dead bodies of people who had nothing to do with the violence but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You'd think folks would have learned something from the Irish Troubles. "There Were Roses" by Tommy Sands, is just as relevant now as it was then:

Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

How do YOU know? Because you know a couple of Muslims who are "nice?" You don't know what these people are really thinking. Nobody does. Of course, no one with half a brain is going to come out and admit to being an extremist or a terrorist. MOST people (even the bad ones) SEEM nice. That doesn't mean shit.
Nobody can know who is a terrorist we have S files here in France who goes and make act of other slips among us without being noticed (as for September 11, 2001 terrorists have not moved from their hotel ) And this is not written on the front I am a terrorist.
As for the terrorist who beheaded his boss in Isère after testimonies from relatives no one would have thought that he would have acted that way.
Dalia, can you translate something for me here, please?

PANIC IN BELGIUM Brussels train station explosion
You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

How do YOU know? Because you know a couple of Muslims who are "nice?" You don't know what these people are really thinking. Nobody does. Of course, no one with half a brain is going to come out and admit to being an extremist or a terrorist. MOST people (even the bad ones) SEEM nice. That doesn't mean shit.
Nobody can know who is a terrorist we have S files here in France who goes and make act of other slips among us without being noticed (as for September 11, 2001 terrorists have not moved from their hotel ) And this is not written on the front I am a terrorist.
As for the terrorist who beheaded his boss in Isère after testimonies from relatives no one would have thought that he would have acted that way.
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Since the 7/7/2005 London attack. Islamic Extremism accounts for 96.8% of terrorism fatalities & 98.8% of terrorism injuries in the UK

a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

You have been quite adamant in the past that terrorists should not be prevented from receiving Nobel peace prizes.

You taunted those who oppose terrorism by saying the Nobel isn't a "Mother Theresa" prize, you know, and added that terrorists often do heroic things. You even normalized terrorism targeting Jews for their ethnicity by rationalizing the mass murder as a legitimate way of establishing a Pally Arab state.
Well Muslims and Jews don't like also how you treat women, good for billboards, sex objects still under paid, and teens girls getting banged and sexually exploited at young age with the parents consent and in their house by their boyfriends.
You see it's called everyone sees things differently.
The amount of sexual harassment in the US, rape and sexual violence against women in the US is staggering...i haven't seen that in the Muslim country I lived in. Contrary we had a duty to protect our women, if you walked to a neighborhood and disrespected a girl you'll get your ass kicked. Here no one will give crap about the defenseless woman. Each to his own!!!

Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.

He was radicalized by the numerous terror attacks which sprung forth from that Mosque and the willing collaborators in government who say the problem has been fixed when in reality they put the MAB in charge which is a proven front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come, Muslims out, and those who allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, death to collaborators!

What an utterly hateful mind.
From their website-
Services welcome text
Bellow is the services we provide for our local communities in Finsbury Park, Islington Council borough. Please scroll bellow to find more details. We organised our services in categories such as: Education, Religious, Youth and young children, Community events and Hall hire sections. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will endeavour to help.

Their site also states they have areas where women can pray, and hear a service, or whatever they call it, from the main Mosque. Must keep women separate, ya know.
Why do idiots keep insisting it took place in front of a mosque?

Where is Finsbury Park Mosque and Muslim Welfare House where attack occurred?

What is a Muslim Welfare House, is this taken in the literal, I mean literally a building where Muslims go and are given Welfare?


I think it's like any church or religious welfare center where they provide charity. Not government charity.

Edited to add: I'm not sure how all other religions do this, but the Morman's have long provided welfare to their followers in need. It's part of a communal and family-centered tradition that was part of their faith from the very beginning: Mormon Welfare Program | June 24, 2016 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Jews do the same thing. Do you have a problem with them? If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice. Just don't be hypocritical about it.

"If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice."

You are saying that Islam is Sexist and doesn't consider women equal to men, but lower than men and men and women must be segregated.

What about all that Equality and Anti-Sexism that Leftists like screaming about, where does your above comment which will be shared by the majority of Leftists fit in with the Leftist obsessions with Equality and Anti-Sexism?

Are you saying that Kebabs - Jews was a sidepoint to attempt to draw attention away from the Leftists pets the Kebabs who must be defended at ALL costs - are you saying that Leftists are okay with men and women being SEGREGATED but ONLY if it's Kebab men and women?
A man has been arrested on suspicion of posting an offensive Facebook post about the London Finsbury Park attack.

Police said a 37-year-old, believed to be the son of an owner of the Rhondda Cynon Taff company whose van was used in Monday's attack, is in custody.

Richard Evans allegedly posted: "It's a shame they don't hire out steam rollers or tanks could have done a tidy job then."

His father, Lee Evans, said he condemned the remarks.

South Wales Police said a 37-year-old man was being held on suspicion of displaying threatening, abusive, insulting written material with intent that is likely to stir up racial hatred.

Finsbury Park attack: Son of hire boss held over Facebook post - BBC News

So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

This situation in Finsbury Park, it's a completely random one man happening, a drunk man in a vehicle, there is no "Group" behind him, no "Group" who have been orchestrating and executing coordinated multiple attacks, he is by himself, he isn't affiliated with any Network.

He hired a vehicle, he got drunk, he crashed the vehicle.

He's probably got mental health know like many on the Left said about the Nice attacker and the one that murdered all the gays in the club in Orlando.

So going on Leftist thinking - Orlando not a terrorist, just had mental health problems. Finsbury Park not a terrorist, just has mental health problems.

There doesn't have to be a group behind him for it to be a terrorist attack.

He may very well have mental health problems - but that doesn't mean his actions weren't purposeful and targeted. Mental health issues and terrorism often collide in one person.

Doesn't make what he did any less purposeful but if there are mental health issues involved the issue becomes - how did we miss this?

The Westminster Bridge attack in March was done by a 52-year-old British man Khalid Masood who acted alone, not part of a group. Are you saying that isn't terrorism then?

"The Westminster Bridge attack in March was done by a 52-year-old British man Khalid Masood who acted alone, not part of a group. Are you saying that isn't terrorism then?"

Who shouts Allahu Akbar before slaughtering people? We know that you know the answer to this question.

According to witness' right? Like the witness' who said the Finsbury killer was shouting anti-muslim slurs, right?

This is what you said about Finsbury: ...there is no "Group" behind him, no "Group" who have been orchestrating and executing coordinated multiple attacks, he is by himself, he isn't affiliated with any Network.

"Like the witness' who said the Finsbury killer was shouting anti-muslim slurs, right?

He's NOT the Finsbury killer, NOBODY died as a result of his vehicle, an elderly man who was nowhere near the vehicle died of a heart attack, there are NO other dead people, so how can he be the Finsbury killer? He's just some drunken idiot.

All those witnesses had just come out of Finsbury Park Mosque.

I mean there are no independent and impartial witnesses, the above have a vested interest in making this non-terrorist attack a terrorist attack.
Quite. The man who died was already being resuscitated because he'd had an event - most likely an MI - and an ambulance had already been called.
I believe this will prove to be unrelated to the attack - despite the 'hero' imam (we now think men who ask other men to stop kicking the crap out of unarmed restrained men - 'heroic' - shows how low our expectations of Muslims and their holy men of peace are ) pretending this man briefly regained consciousness - for obvious reasons.

In addition, I don't know if anyone here has been unfortunate enough to be outside a mosque at kicking out time, but they pour out into the road in huge numbers. I'm beginning to think the allegedly drunk man driving found himself in such a situation.

BUT I will be happy to accept it was deliberate if that's what is proved. And terrorism too, if they prove he mouthed the rather long winded "I want to kill all Muslims" - an allegation that only appeared much later, along with the outrageous lie that the police took an hour to arrive - and that this (lie) means the police were islamophobic because they arrived at the London bridge terror attack scene more quickly. And, of course, he will need to be fitted up with an ideology.

Also, there were so many people filming this, we will surely be shown the footage of where the assailant says this stuff. In fact, the Muslim guy who said the perp had said 'I want to kill all muslims' is the same one who said the police took an hour to arrive, and he said he'd filmed it all. When the reporter asked to see the recording, the guy said his battery had run out. So, I guess we will at least be able to see that evidence, eventually (when his battery is charged?).
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I'm saying one thing - terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks - it doesn't matter who commits them, they're wrong.

You are aware that NOBODY is DEAD from this Finsbury Park situation? There's one elderly man and he died of a heart attack.

So NOBODY was even killed in this incident.

The whole reaction is completely hysterical and out of all rational proportion in relation to the London Bridge Islamic Terrorist attack for example, where three Killer Kebabs mowed down and killed multiple people and then all got out of the vehicle wielding machete type long knives and began stabbing multiple people to death.

THAT IS what you call a Terrorist Attack.

Finsbury Park isn't, despite what the Politically Correct British Police say because they are afraid to contradict the Iman in case they are called Islamaphobes and Bigots.

It was similar with the Pakistani Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England, for YEARS the police KNEW that over 1,000 young girls were being groomed and gang raped, girls even TOLD the police they had been groomed and gang raped and the testicle free police did NOTHING and when finally it did go to Court the head of the police was asked WHY when they knew for YEARS didn't they do anything and he said because he was afraid the police would be called racist.

It's sheer luck that no one is dead, not for LACK OF INTENT.

It is a terrorist attack. If the victims weren't Muslim - there'd be no question.

And the utter police failure on the Rotherham affair shouldn't make any difference in the Finsbury.

Do drunken people even know WTF they are DOING when they are drunk? I'm sure you have seen the pictures of him, he looks completely pissed and totally out of it.

They sure as hell do when they're planning it. Alcohol issues and mental illness issues can have an affect on a person's thinking and behavior.

To what degree does it lessen culpability? As long as they know right from wrong, it doesn't - all it does is add insight.

We need to know what his blood alcohol level was, this to get a better picture of how cohesive he even was in that vehicle ie. was he even in CONTROL, as I said the pictures of him he looks completely out of it.
One of the very earliest eyewitnesses said the driver seemed totally out of it and LOST CONTROL of the vehicle. This report seems to have disappeared along with a few others.
BUT, I'm REALLY concerned about a media that is pushing a narrative that paints a man as a 'hero' just because he asked some other men to stop kicking the crap out of someone - i.e. To stop kicking the crap out of a man who was not armed and who was already restrained - and when the police were literally right on top of them.
There is nothing heroic about that at all - I thought it was just called common human decency?
Another example of how little the Left expect of Muslims - common decency is now 'heroic'. Lol.
And we all know why we're being force fed this crap.
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A man has been arrested on suspicion of posting an offensive Facebook post about the London Finsbury Park attack.

Police said a 37-year-old, believed to be the son of an owner of the Rhondda Cynon Taff company whose van was used in Monday's attack, is in custody.

Richard Evans allegedly posted: "It's a shame they don't hire out steam rollers or tanks could have done a tidy job then."

His father, Lee Evans, said he condemned the remarks.

South Wales Police said a 37-year-old man was being held on suspicion of displaying threatening, abusive, insulting written material with intent that is likely to stir up racial hatred.

Finsbury Park attack: Son of hire boss held over Facebook post - BBC News
I wonder what Tammy has to say about this :)
Here is a thread some might find useful by way of perusal.

Nobel Prize For Palestinian Hero?

It sure does blow one particular hypocrite right out of the water and that is even after she deep sixed some of her more revolting statements.
OMG. shocking and nauseating.
But not at all surprising.

And, regarding this topic, I'm wondering if anyone has 'found' an ideology for this van guy yet? Don't 'terrorists' need an ideology? Will anyone argue for him to be enobled if he doesn't have one?
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A man has been arrested on suspicion of posting an offensive Facebook post about the London Finsbury Park attack.

Police said a 37-year-old, believed to be the son of an owner of the Rhondda Cynon Taff company whose van was used in Monday's attack, is in custody.

Richard Evans allegedly posted: "It's a shame they don't hire out steam rollers or tanks could have done a tidy job then."

His father, Lee Evans, said he condemned the remarks.

South Wales Police said a 37-year-old man was being held on suspicion of displaying threatening, abusive, insulting written material with intent that is likely to stir up racial hatred.

Finsbury Park attack: Son of hire boss held over Facebook post - BBC News

Holy smokes. I'm glad I live in the US and have my free speech . . . for now anyways.
The libbies want this response retaliation to be a hate crime while the atrocities in name of Islam are just crime crime because of Crusades, white priviledge, American aggression, and 4,630 other "excuses"

They are LOVING it, it's one of those evil White men.

This is like in America when there's a mass shooting and tons of Leftists are on Social Media Tweeting and Facebooking "PLEASE MAKE IT BE A WHITE MALE" and then if it's NOT a White male they are all disappointed and then EVERYONE has to even forget there was a mass shooting and all switch to "THIS IS WHY GUN CONTROL IS NEEDED"

I don't love it. Every time it happens you have more dead people who don't need to be dead. That's what it comes down to.

And then you have people afraid of retaliation from one or the other factions.
Mutual fear instead of one way fear may be a deterrent
It's worked before
How sad that some people can't even acknowledge that a Muslim Imam can do a good and just thing like stopping an angry crowd from beating up a man who had just tried to kill them. Instead they have to double down on discrediting him and portraying the attacker as some sort of misunderstood drunk lout who happened to lose control of his car. :eusa_eh:

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