Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.
Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.

He was radicalized by the numerous terror attacks which sprung forth from that Mosque and the willing collaborators in government who say the problem has been fixed when in reality they put the MAB in charge which is a proven front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come, Muslims out, and those who allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, death to collaborators!

What an utterly hateful mind.
From their website-
Services welcome text
Bellow is the services we provide for our local communities in Finsbury Park, Islington Council borough. Please scroll bellow to find more details. We organised our services in categories such as: Education, Religious, Youth and young children, Community events and Hall hire sections. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will endeavour to help.

Their site also states they have areas where women can pray, and hear a service, or whatever they call it, from the main Mosque. Must keep women separate, ya know.
Why do idiots keep insisting it took place in front of a mosque?

Where is Finsbury Park Mosque and Muslim Welfare House where attack occurred?

What is a Muslim Welfare House, is this taken in the literal, I mean literally a building where Muslims go and are given Welfare?


I think it's like any church or religious welfare center where they provide charity. Not government charity.

Edited to add: I'm not sure how all other religions do this, but the Morman's have long provided welfare to their followers in need. It's part of a communal and family-centered tradition that was part of their faith from the very beginning: Mormon Welfare Program | June 24, 2016 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Jews do the same thing. Do you have a problem with them? If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice. Just don't be hypocritical about it.

"If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice."

You are saying that Islam is Sexist and doesn't consider women equal to men, but lower than men and men and women must be segregated.

What about all that Equality and Anti-Sexism that Leftists like screaming about, where does your above comment which will be shared by the majority of Leftists fit in with the Leftist obsessions with Equality and Anti-Sexism?

Are you saying that Kebabs - Jews was a sidepoint to attempt to draw attention away from the Leftists pets the Kebabs who must be defended at ALL costs - are you saying that Leftists are okay with men and women being SEGREGATED but ONLY if it's Kebab men and women?
Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.

He was radicalized by the numerous terror attacks which sprung forth from that Mosque and the willing collaborators in government who say the problem has been fixed when in reality they put the MAB in charge which is a proven front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come, Muslims out, and those who allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, death to collaborators!

What an utterly hateful mind.
From their website-
Services welcome text
Bellow is the services we provide for our local communities in Finsbury Park, Islington Council borough. Please scroll bellow to find more details. We organised our services in categories such as: Education, Religious, Youth and young children, Community events and Hall hire sections. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will endeavour to help.

Their site also states they have areas where women can pray, and hear a service, or whatever they call it, from the main Mosque. Must keep women separate, ya know.
Why do idiots keep insisting it took place in front of a mosque?

Where is Finsbury Park Mosque and Muslim Welfare House where attack occurred?

What is a Muslim Welfare House, is this taken in the literal, I mean literally a building where Muslims go and are given Welfare?


I think it's like any church or religious welfare center where they provide charity. Not government charity.

Edited to add: I'm not sure how all other religions do this, but the Morman's have long provided welfare to their followers in need. It's part of a communal and family-centered tradition that was part of their faith from the very beginning: Mormon Welfare Program | June 24, 2016 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Jews do the same thing. Do you have a problem with them? If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice. Just don't be hypocritical about it.

"If men and women choose to follow a faith that keeps them seperate - it's their choice."

What about all that Equality and Anti-Sexism that Leftists like screaming about, where does your above comment which will be shared by the majority of Leftists fit in with the Leftist obsessions with Equality and Anti-Sexism?

Do you realize the Amish seperate women and men? Orthodox Jews? It's called freedom of religion. People have a right to choose what faith they follow. As a leftist I have no problem with that. It's a free country and religion is one of our foundational rights. It's like if a woman chooses to not follow a career and instead raise her children at home - it's not sexist. It's her choice.

Are you saying that Kebabs - Jews was a sidepoint to attempt to draw attention away from the Leftists pets the Kebabs who must be defended at ALL costs - are you saying that Leftists are okay with men and women being SEGREGATED but ONLY if it's Kebab men and women?

No, it's not a sidepoint. Why do you ignore the fact that many religious sects seperate men and women in worship? As a leftist - I am ok with it in any religion. A person's religious values and choices are none of my business unless it interferes with my rights, or the law. Is that so hard to understand?

Here's one religious opinion on it:

If followers don't like it - they can change the faith, create new sects, leave the faith - like what is happening across many religions in allowing women to be ministers, rabbi's etc.
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslim in Nice?

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's full of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

The majority HAS condemned it. I can't think of anyone who was cheering it, or supporting it - can you?

Did ANYONE call terrorists heroic? Did ANYONE say they hoped to see more attacks like Manchester? Anyone? It's a simple question. Don't you think some lines should not be crossed?

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

No one has criticized anyone who condemns terrorist attacks or offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. In fact, I think everyone has joined in the condemnations and tears. should I take this statement Lucy? Are you saying when innocent Muslims are mowed down in a terrorist attack they don't deserve similar sympathy and condemnation of the terrorist? Are you saying your glad they were attacked?

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

We have the same moral ground as you and any other person. As any rightist.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslin in Nice?

Quite a few more than rightists here in this thread I'm thinking.

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's iull of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

In that thread, did anyone:
support the terrorists?
applaud the deaths?
hope for more killings of innocent people?

Did they?

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

How is affirming that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for targeting and killing innocent people pathetic? Is that so hard?

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

I'm siding with one thing only: that terrorism is WRONG, that targeting and killing innocent people is wrong.

It's that simple Lucy.
Last edited:
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

You are judging that the events are "the same thing" and that is not my assessment
Repeated Islam attributed attacks upon all walks of life is not the same as one
Retaliatory response directed at the instigators
Facts over emotions would allow this assessment but your are an apologist and frother
So to answer your question-I do not view this response to the instigators as equal to the multiple instigations and there really are no "innocent" Muslims, and this is actually an anticipated and even good response as to finally slapping them back
Last edited:
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

The majority HAS condemned it. I can't think of anyone who was cheering it, or supporting it - can you?

Did ANYONE call terrorists heroic? Did ANYONE say they hoped to see more attacks like Manchester? Anyone? It's a simple question. Don't you think some lines should not be crossed?

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

No one has criticized anyone who condemns terrorist attacks or offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. In fact, I think everyone has joined in the condemnations and tears. should I take this statement Lucy? Are you saying when innocent Muslims are mowed down in a terrorist attack they don't deserve similar sympathy and condemnation of the terrorist? Are you saying your glad they were attacked?

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

We have the same moral ground as you and any other person. As any rightist.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslin in Nice?

Quite a few more than rightists here in this thread I'm thinking.

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's iull of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

In that thread, did anyone:
support the terrorists?
applaud the deaths?
hope for more killings of innocent people?

Did they?

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

How is affirming that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for targeting and killing innocent people? Is that so hard?

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

I'm siding with one thing only: that terrorism is WRONG, that targeting and killing innocent people is wrong.

It's that simple Lucy.

I have never made one post supporting acts of terrorism, I also in this thread have not cheerleaded whatever the man's name is who drove the vehicle.

As another point I'm not sure that I even consider this situation in Finsbury Park a terrorist attack, as we have become to know terrorist attacks. It's more like a random drunk man crashed the vehicle, we have no independent verification he shouted that he wanted to kill all Muslims, we only have that from the Iman and his cohorts at the Mosque.
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?
You are maki
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

You are judging that the events are "the same thing" and that is not my assessment
Repeated Islam attributed attacks upon all walks of life is not the same as one
Retaliatory response directly

You're making excuses for terrorist attacks on innocent people as acceptable when it's "retaliation".

Almost every terrorist attack is "retaliation" for something.

Whether it's this or other recent attacks - they are the same. People who had nothing to do with "the fight" are targeted and killed.
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

The majority HAS condemned it. I can't think of anyone who was cheering it, or supporting it - can you?

Did ANYONE call terrorists heroic? Did ANYONE say they hoped to see more attacks like Manchester? Anyone? It's a simple question. Don't you think some lines should not be crossed?

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

No one has criticized anyone who condemns terrorist attacks or offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. In fact, I think everyone has joined in the condemnations and tears. should I take this statement Lucy? Are you saying when innocent Muslims are mowed down in a terrorist attack they don't deserve similar sympathy and condemnation of the terrorist? Are you saying your glad they were attacked?

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

We have the same moral ground as you and any other person. As any rightist.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslin in Nice?

Quite a few more than rightists here in this thread I'm thinking.

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's iull of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

In that thread, did anyone:
support the terrorists?
applaud the deaths?
hope for more killings of innocent people?

Did they?

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

How is affirming that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for targeting and killing innocent people? Is that so hard?

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

I'm siding with one thing only: that terrorism is WRONG, that targeting and killing innocent people is wrong.

It's that simple Lucy.

I have never made one post supporting acts of terrorism, I also in this thread have not cheerleaded whatever the man's name is who drove the vehicle.

As another point I'm not sure that I even consider this situation in Finsbury Park a terrorist attack, as we have become to know terrorist attacks. It's more like a random drunk man crashed the vehicle, we have no independent verification he shouted that he wanted to kill all Muslims, we only have that from the Iman and his cohorts at the Mosque.

Then why can't you condemn this attack Lucy? The police are treating it as a terrorist attack and have stated so. Was the man who drove the semi into the crowd in Nice just a random drunk? The police didn't think so.

It's all the same. And if people don't realize it, it's just going to keep on happening because people justify it and dead bodies pile up.
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

This situation in Finsbury Park, it's a completely random one man happening, a drunk man in a vehicle, there is no "Group" behind him, no "Group" who have been orchestrating and executing coordinated multiple attacks, he is by himself, he isn't affiliated with any Network.

He hired a vehicle, he got drunk, he crashed the vehicle.

He's probably got mental health know like many on the Left said about the Nice attacker and the one that murdered all the gays in the club in Orlando.

So going on Leftist thinking - Orlando not a terrorist, just had mental health problems. Finsbury Park not a terrorist, just has mental health problems.
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslim in Nice?

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's full of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

Leftists come in varying degrees just like right wingers. Many lefties crossed over and voted for Trump, knowing that he was a crummy candidate, but clinton was worse. Corrupt as can be and especially horrible on immigration. Only people out of touch with reality would want any more muslims to come here, and clinton claimed to want to ramp up the obama refugee onslaught by 550%.
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?
You are maki
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

You are judging that the events are "the same thing" and that is not my assessment
Repeated Islam attributed attacks upon all walks of life is not the same as one
Retaliatory response directly

You're making excuses for terrorist attacks on innocent people as acceptable when it's "retaliation".

Almost every terrorist attack is "retaliation" for something.

Whether it's this or other recent attacks - they are the same. People who had nothing to do with "the fight" are targeted and killed.
I continue to reject the idea that this incident "is the same thing" as all of the Islam attributed attacks
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

You are judging that the events are "the same thing" and that is not my assessment
Repeated Islam attributed attacks upon all walks of life is not the same as one
Retaliatory response directed at the instigators
Facts over emotions would allow this assessment but your are an apologist and frother
So to answer your question-I do not view this response to the instigators as equal to the multiple instigations and there really are no "innocent" Muslims, and this is actually an anticipated and even good response as to finally slapping them back

What did those people at the Islamic welfare center do to instigate anything? The act the of being Muslim?

Murdering innocent people is a "good response"?
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

The majority HAS condemned it. I can't think of anyone who was cheering it, or supporting it - can you?

Did ANYONE call terrorists heroic? Did ANYONE say they hoped to see more attacks like Manchester? Anyone? It's a simple question. Don't you think some lines should not be crossed?

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

No one has criticized anyone who condemns terrorist attacks or offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. In fact, I think everyone has joined in the condemnations and tears. should I take this statement Lucy? Are you saying when innocent Muslims are mowed down in a terrorist attack they don't deserve similar sympathy and condemnation of the terrorist? Are you saying your glad they were attacked?

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

We have the same moral ground as you and any other person. As any rightist.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslin in Nice?

Quite a few more than rightists here in this thread I'm thinking.

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's iull of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

In that thread, did anyone:
support the terrorists?
applaud the deaths?
hope for more killings of innocent people?

Did they?

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

How is affirming that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for targeting and killing innocent people? Is that so hard?

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

I'm siding with one thing only: that terrorism is WRONG, that targeting and killing innocent people is wrong.

It's that simple Lucy.

I have never made one post supporting acts of terrorism, I also in this thread have not cheerleaded whatever the man's name is who drove the vehicle.

As another point I'm not sure that I even consider this situation in Finsbury Park a terrorist attack, as we have become to know terrorist attacks. It's more like a random drunk man crashed the vehicle, we have no independent verification he shouted that he wanted to kill all Muslims, we only have that from the Iman and his cohorts at the Mosque.

Then why can't you condemn this attack Lucy? The police are treating it as a terrorist attack and have stated so. Was the man who drove the semi into the crowd in Nice just a random drunk? The police didn't think so.

It's all the same. And if people don't realize it, it's just going to keep on happening because people justify it and dead bodies pile up.

The Nice attacker had sworn allegiance to ISIS in a video, ISIS cheerleaders across Social Media celebrated his um "achievement"

Of course the London Police are treating it as a terrorist attack, they've got thousands of screaming Muslims demanding, London also has an Islamic Pakistani Mayor and the police are following what he says and they are ALL following the lead of the Iman who within MINUTES of it happening the Iman had DECLARED it was a terrorist attack, the police are afraid to say any different in case probably the Muslims go and riot, also they are probably bound by the Political Correctness are afraid of being called Islamaphobic for not saying it's a terrorist attack.

"It's all the same."

No it's NOT all the same, there are deep fundamental differences on ALL levels between Finsbury Park, Nice, Paris, Manchester, the London Bridge etc.
The reason you are wrong is that the responder is not in the same category as the instigator
Nice try on your "responding to terrorism is the same thing as initiating it" but it's a no sale


So are you saying that targeting and killing people who had nothing to do with a prior act of violence is ok? Seriously?

You do realize don't you, that's the same pathetic excuse used by terrorists who accuse the west of attacking them first?

You approve of all that?

This situation in Finsbury Park, it's a completely random one man happening, a drunk man in a vehicle, there is no "Group" behind him, no "Group" who have been orchestrating and executing coordinated multiple attacks, he is by himself, he isn't affiliated with any Network.

He hired a vehicle, he got drunk, he crashed the vehicle.

He's probably got mental health know like many on the Left said about the Nice attacker and the one that murdered all the gays in the club in Orlando.

So going on Leftist thinking - Orlando not a terrorist, just had mental health problems. Finsbury Park not a terrorist, just has mental health problems.

There doesn't have to be a group behind him for it to be a terrorist attack.

He may very well have mental health problems - but that doesn't mean his actions weren't purposeful and targeted. Mental health issues and terrorism often collide in one person.

Doesn't make what he did any less purposeful but if there are mental health issues involved the issue becomes - how did we miss this?

The Westminster Bridge attack in March was done by a 52-year-old British man Khalid Masood who acted alone, not part of a group. Are you saying that isn't terrorism then?
The longer this thread goes on, the more it becomes apparent that some who pretended to be only against extremism are against all Muslims and a disturbing number of people support acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

Anyone who supports that is as barbaric and subhuman as the terrorists they claim to oppose.

Yes but darling the majority of Leftists in this thread, none of us have EVER seen them condemn the latest act of Islamic Terrorism, a lot of the Leftists in this thread have been in the Killer Kebab threads and ALL we've seen is a combination of Deflection, Apologistic gibberish, desperate attempts to change the subject with WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS?! and all out Trolling One Line Drive By posts.

The majority HAS condemned it. I can't think of anyone who was cheering it, or supporting it - can you?

Did ANYONE call terrorists heroic? Did ANYONE say they hoped to see more attacks like Manchester? Anyone? It's a simple question. Don't you think some lines should not be crossed?

So forgive the rest of us who CONDEMN EVERY Killer Kebab attack AND offer our thoughts and prayers to the VICTIMS of the Killer Kebabs....forgive us if we aren't all crying about Muh Muslims those poor innocent lambs.

No one has criticized anyone who condemns terrorist attacks or offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. In fact, I think everyone has joined in the condemnations and tears. should I take this statement Lucy? Are you saying when innocent Muslims are mowed down in a terrorist attack they don't deserve similar sympathy and condemnation of the terrorist? Are you saying your glad they were attacked?

Leftists have no moral ground at ALL to criticise ANYONE on this issue, considering so many Leftists are just shills, Apologists and total Propagandists on the Internets for the 7th Century Satan Death Cult.

We have the same moral ground as you and any other person. As any rightist.

How many Leftists for example gave a CRAP about nearly 100 people including children who were mowed down by a poor innocent lamb like Muslin in Nice?

Quite a few more than rightists here in this thread I'm thinking.

The thread at this forum the night the Nice attack happened is absolutely one of the most vile threads I've ever read, it's iull of the Leftist Internets Army For Islam Brigade vomiting everything up about Christians, Islam is peace, it wasn't Muslims, Muslims are innocent, what about Timothy McVeigh etc and I cannot recall ONE condemning the Killer Kebab attack or ONE having ANY sympathy with the dead in Nice.

In that thread, did anyone:
support the terrorists?
applaud the deaths?
hope for more killings of innocent people?

Did they?

All this Holier Than Thou moralising from the Leftists is beyond hypocritical and absolutely pathetic.

How is affirming that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for targeting and killing innocent people? Is that so hard?

NO Leftist can even give a logical argument for WHY The West even has to have ANY of these fucking animals in Western nations and don't give the response "but but but they were born in The West" and "but but but Diversity and Stop Being a Racist Bigot"

Give a REASON WHY and stop using absurd emotional and totally irrational horsecrap for WHY we NEED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims, we have survived perfectly well WITHOUT them.....actually it's WHY we have survived for multiple Centuries because our Ancestors kicked them OUT of The West when they attempted to march in and take control.

Why do Leftists SIDE with Islam? Can any Leftist tell us, let's just take two issues:

Islam is anti-Womens Right and does this fit in with your Leftist politics of Feminism and Gays?

I'm siding with one thing only: that terrorism is WRONG, that targeting and killing innocent people is wrong.

It's that simple Lucy.

I have never made one post supporting acts of terrorism, I also in this thread have not cheerleaded whatever the man's name is who drove the vehicle.

As another point I'm not sure that I even consider this situation in Finsbury Park a terrorist attack, as we have become to know terrorist attacks. It's more like a random drunk man crashed the vehicle, we have no independent verification he shouted that he wanted to kill all Muslims, we only have that from the Iman and his cohorts at the Mosque.

Then why can't you condemn this attack Lucy? The police are treating it as a terrorist attack and have stated so. Was the man who drove the semi into the crowd in Nice just a random drunk? The police didn't think so.

It's all the same. And if people don't realize it, it's just going to keep on happening because people justify it and dead bodies pile up.

I already have said several times in this thread that I do NOT support or condone terrorist attacks.

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