Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

OTOH, there are SOME who seem quite demanding, rude and ignorant too. I see a LOT of people from a lot of different countries, and I have to say that from my own experiences, Americans are the ones who display the most manners and are the most pleasant to deal with in most cases. Of course there is the occasional dick wad, but what can you do? Of course, I am polite and pleasant to all of them, even if they are rude and ignorant dick wads. I just grin and bear it. :D

That's really kind of funny because other countries find American tourists rude, damanding and ignorant :lol:

I find the Saudi's the most annoying - they tend to be pushy to the point of rudeness sometimes.

I don't know what nationality most of these people are. I know they wear the mummy clothes and don't speak English well or sometimes not at all, which tends to make things very difficult. I thought I would get carpal tunnel from typing, but I might just get it from making hand gestures!

Anyways, at work, I'm very nice to them and even go out of my way for them a lot of times. I want to give off a GOOD impression of America and Americans when I'm dealing with foreigners.
How do YOU know? Because you know a couple of Muslims who are "nice?" You don't know what these people are really thinking. Nobody does. Of course, no one with half a brain is going to come out and admit to being an extremist or a terrorist. MOST people (even the bad ones) SEEM nice. That doesn't mean shit

"Pretend to be Christian": ISIS handbook tells Muslims to lose beard, shun mosque and wear cross before killing - Geller Report

And to match your Christian slaughters there is this :

ISIS Executes Christians in the Philippines | Clarion Project

There's a video but it's rather graphic as it shows them being shot in the head .
OTOH, there are SOME who seem quite demanding, rude and ignorant too. I see a LOT of people from a lot of different countries, and I have to say that from my own experiences, Americans are the ones who display the most manners and are the most pleasant to deal with in most cases. Of course there is the occasional dick wad, but what can you do? Of course, I am polite and pleasant to all of them, even if they are rude and ignorant dick wads. I just grin and bear it. :D

That's really kind of funny because other countries find American tourists rude, damanding and ignorant :lol:

I find the Saudi's the most annoying - they tend to be pushy to the point of rudeness sometimes.

I don't know what nationality most of these people are. I know they wear the mummy clothes and don't speak English well or sometimes not at all, which tends to make things very difficult. I thought I would get carpal tunnel from typing, but I might just get it from making hand gestures!

Anyways, at work, I'm very nice to them and even go out of my way for them a lot of times. I want to give off a GOOD impression of America and Americans when I'm dealing with foreigners.

We get a lot of foreign students, and I enjoy them - for the most part, they seem to really appreciate any effort to make the system easier to navigate :)
I will never forget that guy with the daughter with the black eye. That will be etched into my mind forever, I think. She was very quiet and subdued and wouldn't make any eye contact with me at all.

London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a Mosque | Clarion Project

As some of us have already said, this played right into the hands of ISIS.

Maybe, but it sounds as though "you" are operating from fear. "Better not make them mad."

What has being nice to them and allowing them in our country gotten us?

They have no right to live among us unless we grant them that PRIVILEGE.

They are guests in our Western lands, and they haven't been good guests.

Throw them out, and see the threat vanish.

They don't scare me. WE hold all the power.

London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a Mosque | Clarion Project

As some of us have already said, this played right into the hands of ISIS.

Maybe, but it sounds as though "you" are operating from fear. "Better not make them mad."

What has being nice to them and allowing them in our country gotten us?

They have no right to live among us unless we grant them that PRIVILEGE.

They are guests in our Western lands, and they haven't been good guests.

Throw them out, and see the threat vanish.

They don't scare me. WE hold all the power.

You do realize many are citizens don't you? They are no more "guests" then you and your ilk.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

You don't believe an ISIS leader would characterize their attackers in the same way?

You dopes are exactly like them and are too dumb to even see it.
30 page thread and not one "christian" has apologised to the victims.

Isnt that what is supposed to happen ?

I am also interested to hear what "christians" are doing to curb extremism in their communities.

They can no longer turn a blind eye to this and are as guilty as the perp if they do not take action now.

Did the man kill in the name of the Christian god?
Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.
Well he seems to have been 'radicalised' in Wales, Tammy.
So what can you tell us? :popcorn:
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The only terrorist supporters I see on this thread are those who are actively praising the person who drove his van into a crowd of people and justifying his act as "payback". That's supporting terrorism.

There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people.

If you live by an "eye for an eye" what happens when everyone is blind? You just end up with a pile of dead bodies of people who had nothing to do with the violence but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You'd think folks would have learned something from the Irish Troubles. "There Were Roses" by Tommy Sands, is just as relevant now as it was then:

Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

How do YOU know? Because you know a couple of Muslims who are "nice?" You don't know what these people are really thinking. Nobody does. Of course, no one with half a brain is going to come out and admit to being an extremist or a terrorist. MOST people (even the bad ones) SEEM nice. That doesn't mean shit.
Most people learn this stuff before they are adults.
Nope Islam doesn't teach that will have attacks la by the minute and Muslims once could've wiped non Muslims to instinction when they ruled the old world if what you say was true.

I live in LA , most gangs and crimes are commuted by either blacks or Hispanics. Do i put all blacks and Hispanics in one basket and call for retaliation against the innocent ones no....only idiots would.

This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.
Blacks and Hispanics do not follow a hostile pseudo-religious Warrior Religion of Conquest, which holds that God smiles on warfare to advance The Cult.

Your inability to understand that difference puts you in the same "idiot" category that you would stupidly assign to others.
There are attacks practically by the minute all around the world - and Muslims never ruled the world. Lol.

London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a Mosque | Clarion Project

As some of us have already said, this played right into the hands of ISIS.

Maybe, but it sounds as though "you" are operating from fear. "Better not make them mad."

What has being nice to them and allowing them in our country gotten us?

They have no right to live among us unless we grant them that PRIVILEGE.

They are guests in our Western lands, and they haven't been good guests.

Throw them out, and see the threat vanish.

They don't scare me. WE hold all the power.

Everything makes them mad. They slaughter people in countries that have had no part in wars and their only crime was to let them live among them.
I don't give a monkeys what 'Isis wants' and all this nonsense about 'upsetting' them is absolutely ridiculous and reeks of cowardice.
Thank God we weren't craven enough to worry about what the Nazis 'wanted' or whether we might 'upset' them.
It's completely absurd and is simply a tactic used by the yellow Left to stop anything being done.
I see a lot of Muslims every day at work. Some of them seem to be nice enough, but that's all I know. I've learned my lessons the hard way, just because a person "seems nice" doesn't mean they ARE nice. I don't really want them to die. I just don't want them coming here and destroying my country.
The muslim couple that worked for the State in San Bernardino were nice too. They were so nice and kindly that the whole office got together to throw them a baby shower. They were nice right up to the point where they shut up the place.
Well some do commit trouble. But no where near what others do. Stats show Muslims are the least likely to commit a crime. And I'm sure the native Indians didn't want you here as well....pepple migrate and civilisations come and go....and your hate for a millions of American Muslims here is unjustified just because few did horrible things (Sandy hook, Columbus, Denver theater, UPS, and hundreds of mass shootings) commuted by whites....i will never discriminated against all whites.

I'm sorry is just dumb...its like me asking you. You better turning in all the white supremacists, the mass shooters and bigots that will plan to kill others.
Do you get that we are ordinary people and if one decide to do something stupid we don't know about? And he doesn't gives a heads up?
The closest Muslims to me for example, are hard working busy people, no time for bullshit or watching TV and fox all day. You think we sit on our asses all day discussing how we can take over the world?
Just unbeleivable!!!

They'd better start stepping up to the plate to turn in their own terrorists or I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more attacks like this on them in the future.

Do I feel sad? After everything is said and done, no. Not really. Sorry, but I don't. I guess I have some animosity towards the Muslims. *shrugs*

I guess you missed the poll. Yes, I have animosity towards Muslims. I don't know how we can trust them, and I don't want them coming here, numbering in the thousands. Everywhere they go, there is trouble. THAT is a fact.
They are not their just to help, don't be naive. If they wanted to help there were other parts in the world that were worse, but they didn't have natural resources.

What I would really like is for the US to wash it's hands of the ME completely. It's not really up to America to be the "daddy" and to take care of everyone else's problems for them. We really can't afford it. If there is some disaster or something, then fine, send them some money to help them out, but other than that, I would like to steer clear.
You more likely will be killed by an African American, Latino or white. Hundreds of thousands killed I. The US by the second and guess what???!!! Muslims have nothing to do with it.
You know what's crazy? The death toll in the US is higher than let's Iraq, crazy huh?

I see a lot of Muslims every day at work. Some of them seem to be nice enough, but that's all I know. I've learned my lessons the hard way, just because a person "seems nice" doesn't mean they ARE nice. I don't really want them to die. I just don't want them coming here and destroying my country.
I travel the world and there is lot of stereotype about Americans. Which most of it is not true. Don't do the same.
Arabs for example are the most hospitable people out there, but if you have prejudice and you got a chip on your shoulder you'll have issues interacting with others.

OTOH, there are SOME who seem quite demanding, rude and ignorant too. I see a LOT of people from a lot of different countries, and I have to say that from my own experiences, Americans are the ones who display the most manners and are the most pleasant to deal with in most cases. Of course there is the occasional dick wad, but what can you do? Of course, I am polite and pleasant to all of them, even if they are rude and ignorant dick wads. I just grin and bear it. :D

That's really kind of funny because other countries find American tourists rude, damanding and ignorant :lol:

I find the Saudi's the most annoying - they tend to be pushy to the point of rudeness sometimes.

I don't know what nationality most of these people are. I know they wear the mummy clothes and don't speak English well or sometimes not at all, which tends to make things very difficult. I thought I would get carpal tunnel from typing, but I might just get it from making hand gestures!

Anyways, at work, I'm very nice to them and even go out of my way for them a lot of times. I want to give off a GOOD impression of America and Americans when I'm dealing with foreigners.
So, as suspected, looking like a revenge attack.

...Neighbour Saleem Naema, 50, a taxi driver, said: “I can't believe it. I know him. I've lived here for five years, he was already living here when I moved in.

"If I ever needed anything he would come. I just can't believe that he did that. I am a Muslim."...

Darren Osborne, 47, is being held in custody on suspicion of terror offences including attempted murder. He is alleged to have expressed increasingly antagonistic views towards Muslims in the weeks since the London Bridge atrocity.

Who is Darren Osborne? Everything we know about the Finsbury Park mosque suspect
...Islam does teach that...
Islam teaches many things.

Toxic intolerance and aggression against those who worship differently than they do is probably the worst.

... The only thing that kept Muslims from being being wiped from the face of the earth was the mercy of The Crusaders...
Islam was never in any danger of being wiped from the face of the earth by Crusaders.

The only thing that saved the Muslim Eastern Mediterranean Coast was the incompetence, ignorance and arrogance of the Crusaders.

As to "Crusader mercy", one need look no further than the Siege of Jerusalem, to gain an appreciation of that.

Christendom was far too divided to win against even a very-imperfectly-and-temporarily-united Islam.

Rather like today.

The difference being, Christendom now has the Military Muscle to slap the $hit out of them, if the need arise.

...That and they expelled them from their homelands (Europe) and beat them to far, far away.
The Spaniards spent 700 years ridding themselves of the cancer of Islam.
Its not material. It springs from a violent western culture. We need to examine how he was radicalised. there are lessons to be learned here.

He was radicalized by the numerous terror attacks which sprung forth from that Mosque and the willing collaborators in government who say the problem has been fixed when in reality they put the MAB in charge which is a proven front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come, Muslims out, and those who allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors, death to collaborators!

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