Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.

There is no moderate with the muslims, no matter how much that hypocrite mayor of london acts like he just wants everybody to get along like one happy family.
He's really gone the extra mile today for THIS attack, whereas for the others its 'get used to it if you live in a city' and "London is one of the safest cities - so don't be alarmed'. Lol.
His hypocrisy is utterly nauseating but typical. What can you expect of a Muslim who is called 'moderate' but who calls other 'moderate' Muslims 'Uncle Toms'?
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I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.

There is no moderate with the muslims, no matter how much that hypocrite mayor of london acts like he just wants everybody to get along like one happy family.
As Erdogan and others have told us many times, the 'moderate' Muslim is a construct of the Western media and Western gvmnts - and one that many muslims find offensive. Erdogan, for example also says there are only 'muslims', and the mosques are their barracks, the minarets their missiles, and the worshippers their foot soldiers - or something similar. He quoted form an Islamic 'poem'.
You can't blame all islamophobes for this attack in London. Most islamophobes I know are completely moderate and peaceful.
The British Marxist Party leader this Jeremy Mohammed bin Corbyn, never met a Radical Terrorist he doesn't like.

You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

When someone deliberately drives a van into a crowd of innocent civilians, in an act of terrorism, and someone else says: "The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come."

What exactly does that make that person?

Every time there is a terrorist attack where ISIS takes the credit they call the attacker a soldier of ISIS and a hero and vow more attacks. Hamas calls it's terrorists "freedom fighters".

What Hutch said was: Exactly what an ISIS leader would say

And it is. It is what they say.

So...right now, from Chaos, it's only words...except for what this van driver did...where he took words into action. But those words are the words ISIS uses.

Coyote, I would like to be able to explain something, but understand that I am not an American and I will do my best to be as clear as possible in terms of terrorism. Especially ISIS.
Zone d'opération
Arabie saoudite[7]
Bande de Gaza[8],[9]
Période d'activité Since 2006

It would have been necessary for ISIS to be destroyed, say in the 2010s even if the group was already active.
Isis is like a disease that has not been eradicated now we are at small attacks like a desease cell that cause terrors all over the world which gives a sensation of insecurity especially the countries most affected and I do not include Iraq and Syria (their bases) I focus on the Western countries where they declared war by causing attacks in several ways
Now those who browse on the web or are easily influenced joins the group.
And the Western are the ones who have not asked for all this.
And what do the leaders do? Are they determined to destroy ISIS? But no then the Westerners look for the guilty to their insecurity and they are Muslims who kill Westerners who come by car roll us on, shot us.
And after all his attacks and the families that have lost a loved one we have the leaders who come to put the oil on fire saying life goes on.
But I tell them, Yes for you own life, for your husband, your daughter
But we are not protected as you are and we must change our habits.
So who is the fault ?
You're working very hard to disparage anyone and everyone except the attacker.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

When someone deliberately drives a van into a crowd of innocent civilians, in an act of terrorism, and someone else says: "The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come."

What exactly does that make that person?

Every time there is a terrorist attack where ISIS takes the credit they call the attacker a soldier of ISIS and a hero and vow more attacks. Hamas calls it's terrorists "freedom fighters".

What Hutch said was: Exactly what an ISIS leader would say

And it is. It is what they say.

So...right now, from Chaos, it's only words...except for what this van driver did...where he took words into action. But those words are the words ISIS uses.

Coyote, I would like to be able to explain something, but understand that I am not an American and I will do my best to be as clear as possible in terms of terrorism. Especially ISIS.
Zone d'opération
Arabie saoudite[7]
Bande de Gaza[8],[9]
Période d'activité Since 2006

It would have been necessary for ISIS to be destroyed, say in the 2010s even if the group was already active.
Isis is like a disease that has not been eradicated now we are at small attacks like a desease cell that cause terrors all over the world which gives a sensation of insecurity especially the countries most affected and I do not include Iraq and Syria (their bases) I focus on the Western countries where they declared war by causing attacks in several ways
Now those who browse on the web or are easily influenced joins the group.
And the Western are the ones who have not asked for all this.
And what do the leaders do? Are they determined to destroy ISIS? But no then the Westerners look for the guilty to their insecurity and they are Muslims who kill Westerners who come by car roll us on, shot us.
And after all his attacks and the families that have lost a loved one we have the leaders who come to put the oil on fire saying life goes on.
But I tell them, Yes for you own life, for your husband, your daughter
But we are not protected as you are and we must change our habits.
So who is the fault ?

I agree with what you are saying about ISIS - and because of that I think it's important to not do things that inadvertently help them recruit. Along with police and military efforts we need to be able to our own Muslim communities to stop radicalization before it happens. And because it's through social media, the internet, and they are masters at targeting vulnerable people - it's doubly difficult.

I don't know what the answer is in combating it, but I think it's important to realize that Muslims around the world have disproportionately been the largest group if ISIS' victims, Turkey for instance has had horrendous attacks. I to stop ISIS we all have to work together.

But you are right - we have an ocean between us and them and we haven't been flooded by migrants, assylum seekers, poorly vetted refugees. The problem is more urgent for Europe.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

When someone deliberately drives a van into a crowd of innocent civilians, in an act of terrorism, and someone else says: "The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come."

What exactly does that make that person?

Every time there is a terrorist attack where ISIS takes the credit they call the attacker a soldier of ISIS and a hero and vow more attacks. Hamas calls it's terrorists "freedom fighters".

What Hutch said was: Exactly what an ISIS leader would say

And it is. It is what they say.

So...right now, from Chaos, it's only words...except for what this van driver did...where he took words into action. But those words are the words ISIS uses.

Coyote, I would like to be able to explain something, but understand that I am not an American and I will do my best to be as clear as possible in terms of terrorism. Especially ISIS.
Zone d'opération
Arabie saoudite[7]
Bande de Gaza[8],[9]
Période d'activité Since 2006

It would have been necessary for ISIS to be destroyed, say in the 2010s even if the group was already active.
Isis is like a disease that has not been eradicated now we are at small attacks like a desease cell that cause terrors all over the world which gives a sensation of insecurity especially the countries most affected and I do not include Iraq and Syria (their bases) I focus on the Western countries where they declared war by causing attacks in several ways
Now those who browse on the web or are easily influenced joins the group.
And the Western are the ones who have not asked for all this.
And what do the leaders do? Are they determined to destroy ISIS? But no then the Westerners look for the guilty to their insecurity and they are Muslims who kill Westerners who come by car roll us on, shot us.
And after all his attacks and the families that have lost a loved one we have the leaders who come to put the oil on fire saying life goes on.
But I tell them, Yes for you own life, for your husband, your daughter
But we are not protected as you are and we must change our habits.
So who is the fault ?

I agree with what you are saying about ISIS - and because of that I think it's important to not do things that inadvertently help them recruit. Along with police and military efforts we need to be able to our own Muslim communities to stop radicalization before it happens. And because it's through social media, the internet, and they are masters at targeting vulnerable people - it's doubly difficult.

I don't know what the answer is in combating it, but I think it's important to realize that Muslims around the world have disproportionately been the largest group if ISIS' victims, Turkey for instance has had horrendous attacks. I to stop ISIS we all have to work together.

But you are right - we have an ocean between us and them and we haven't been flooded by migrants, assylum seekers, poorly vetted refugees. The problem is more urgent for Europe.
Coyote muslims suffer from the ISIS barbarians in the areas invaded by ISIS they become migrants they flee to save their lives but among them there are terrorists who have slipped among those poor people. And here is the problem of civilizations it is still the leaders who put the oil on fire by minimize the attacks made in the western countries.
Westerners feel abandoned by those who should defend them in their own country.
This way of doing it by never wanting to say the full names of the terrorists the western ones saw it they are not stupid, they feel left out
And living together becomes impossible when the leaders tell us to live with the attacks.
They have the means to destroy ISIS, what are they waiting for?
Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The thing is, this is EXACTLY what DAESH/ISIS wants - pitting muslims against non muslims through terrorism. And everyone is scared.

But Isis is not there to put us against each other it is the leaders who make us believe this is false.
ISIS wants to force us into their belief, they are against Christians and what most Arabs do is follow ISIS belief, women are not treated freely they the Arab peoples are acting this way.
They want to impose it in Western countries, France has had threats following the law of the refusal to wearing veil in schools.
But the Western countries do not want to live to the boot of the Muslims, that is quite normal.
Would you believe that it would be ok that a Westerner would go and tell the Iraqis how their hair should be done would be well received?
This is the same for the westerners
Yeah the role reversal is a bitch and watching libs try and tip it to one way only is sickening

I think targeting and killing innocent people is a bitch. Don't you?
I think responding to numerous terrorist attacks on home soil with a counter attack upon the perpetrating source equals things. Civilians die in warfare, the best policy is to not generate repeated terrorist attacks which one could anticipate will eventually draw a response
"Innocents dying" is not where I hang my hat. If you don't want someone shooting back then don't shoot first yourself

So you support the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians. That is terrorism.

You're no different then anyone else supporting terrorism such as Hamas.
Well you would be wrong in your predictable frothy lib response
You all are trying to sell that since this is retaliation that somehow it's worse or equal. Its neither
Throw enough stones at your neighbor and they will eventually throw one back , the instigators just got a response wake up call but you keep right on going to bat for them
From 3 hours ago....mobs can quickly become very angry and violent...why do people have such a hard time recognizing good actions?

'Hero' imam praises group that saved Finsbury Park suspect from angry crowd

In the chaos and terror of the moment, events might have taken an even darker turn.

Outside the Muslim Welfare Centre, three men wrestled to the ground the driver of a van which had ploughed into people leaving the mosque.

Amid confusion, distress and anger, a crowd gathered. Fists and feet struck out. Suddenly a voice shouted: “No one touch him – no one! No one!”

It came from Mohammed Mahmoud, the mosque’s imam, later hailed as the hero of the day. He urged the crowd to be calm and restrained until the police arrived.

Speaking to reporters on Monday afternoon, Mahmoud said he had not been the only one urging restraint. “It wasn’t me alone, there were a group of brothers. They were calm and collected and managed to calm people down and to extinguish any flames of anger or mob rule that would have taken charge had this group of mature brothers not stepped in.”

He said he had just finished leading prayers in the mosque when “a brother came in, quite panicked, and said that somebody had run over a group of people and tried to kill them”.

He added: “We arrived at the scene within minutes and we found the assailant on the floor. He had been restrained by around three people.

“We found a group of people quickly started to collect around the assailant. And some tried to hit him, either kicks or punches. By God’s grace we manage to surround him and to protect him from any harm. We stopped all forms of attack and abuse towards him that were coming from every angle.

“A police van drove past so we flagged them down and we told them the situation. There’s a man, he’s restrained. He mowed down a group of people and there’s a mob attempting to hurt him. If you don’t take him, God forbid he might be seriously hurt.”

He added: “There was a mob attempt to hurt him, so we pushed people away from him until he was safely taken by police.”

The man was unscathed, he said.


Imam from Muslim welfare centre protected Finsbury Park suspect from angry crowd
An imam from a Muslim centre close to where this morning’s terror attack took place has been praised for leading calls for people to stay calm and preventing a crowd from harming the Finsbury Park suspect

People became angry at the scene where one man died and 10 others were injured in North London after the 48-year-old was detained by witnesses.

He was pinned to the floor and people could be heard shouting at him, understandably angry at what they had just seen.

Their anger continued when police turned up to take the man into custody, but others, led by the imam, begged for calm outside Muslim Welfare House.

They put their hands up and formed a small barrier around an officer who was trying to get him into the back of a police van

Someone in the crowd shouted ‘Why did you do that? Why?’, another shouted ‘dickhead’.

But another shouted: ‘No one touch him. No one.’
A ray of light in a sea of murderous behavior. Go peddle this sofft soap shit somewhere else
...One thing that is clear in this thread - some have quit pretending that it's only Islamic extremists they're against...

Best to get that out in the open, so that it can be celebrated and cultivated, rather than hidden.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.

I think it's much better for them to go to the police and let the police handle it because the police are better able to track down any affiliations or possible plots.

I believe that it's better to not allow them to even be in our country. Why import trouble? I think it was bin laden that said he would break us financially, and it's working, with us having to support the muslims and their large families. Lots of them on the dole, guaranteed. And we certainly don't need more workers anyway, with this lousy economy and automation threatening to disappear more jobs.
No that's what you Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists do every time one of your Camel Jockey Kebab friends slaughters Western peoples on Western streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck The Paedophile Prophet Mohammed. Fuck Leftist pro-Islamist Apologists.

Post up even one example of any leftist saying anything even close to these gems below, dope.

The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.

He's a hero for fighting back against tge pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist invaders who you so love.

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him).

Post where ANYONE has posted ANYTHING to get likened to an ISIS leader.

View attachment 134201

^ What Call Sign Chaos said :thup:

I just did, retard.

No you didn't, there is NOTHING in ANY of Call Sign Chaos comments to liken him to an ISIS leader.

Why don't you just go to Mecca and Praise Allah, you're already there in your hollow head as it is.
Like I said earlier. You're too dumb to even see how you're just like them. :laugh2:

Collaborating scum off our streets!
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.

There is no moderate with the muslims, no matter how much that hypocrite mayor of london acts like he just wants everybody to get along like one happy family.

And once again, the argument that folks are only against Islamic extremists gets blown sky high :cuckoo:

How is it blown sky high? They're all extremists to begin with, since they have no willingness to assimilate and be Americans like immigrants of the past have been.
Apparently the man yelled "I want to kill Muslims," if that is the case he is a hero and martyr in the war against the Islamic Imperialist invaders, he should be given a posthumous medal. Death to Islam and death to pedophile worshippers Jes Suis Breivik!

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
So, you are really just a little coward boy who can only play at violence thru your computer........:lol:

Collaborating scum are legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution as well.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come.
Exactly what an ISIS leader would say.

^ Disgusting, but typical for a Leftist, Leftists are morally bankrupt.

Likening Call Sign Chaos to an ISIS leader, yes where has Call Sign Chaos demanded that people have their heads cut off including children, where people are burned alive, where people are buried alive including children, where people are thrown off rooftops, where people are dissolved alive in vats of acid?

You people are such sick, twisted, perverted and vile puppies.

When someone deliberately drives a van into a crowd of innocent civilians, in an act of terrorism, and someone else says: "The attacker was a freedom fighter and a hero, hopefully there will be many more acts of self defense against the Islamic Imperialist invaders to come."

What exactly does that make that person?

Every time there is a terrorist attack where ISIS takes the credit they call the attacker a soldier of ISIS and a hero and vow more attacks. Hamas calls it's terrorists "freedom fighters".

What Hutch said was: Exactly what an ISIS leader would say

And it is. It is what they say.

So...right now, from Chaos, it's only words...except for what this van driver did...where he took words into action. But those words are the words ISIS uses.

Coyote, I would like to be able to explain something, but understand that I am not an American and I will do my best to be as clear as possible in terms of terrorism. Especially ISIS.
Zone d'opération
Arabie saoudite[7]
Bande de Gaza[8],[9]
Période d'activité Since 2006

It would have been necessary for ISIS to be destroyed, say in the 2010s even if the group was already active.
Isis is like a disease that has not been eradicated now we are at small attacks like a desease cell that cause terrors all over the world which gives a sensation of insecurity especially the countries most affected and I do not include Iraq and Syria (their bases) I focus on the Western countries where they declared war by causing attacks in several ways
Now those who browse on the web or are easily influenced joins the group.
And the Western are the ones who have not asked for all this.
And what do the leaders do? Are they determined to destroy ISIS? But no then the Westerners look for the guilty to their insecurity and they are Muslims who kill Westerners who come by car roll us on, shot us.
And after all his attacks and the families that have lost a loved one we have the leaders who come to put the oil on fire saying life goes on.
But I tell them, Yes for you own life, for your husband, your daughter
But we are not protected as you are and we must change our habits.
So who is the fault ?

I agree with what you are saying about ISIS - and because of that I think it's important to not do things that inadvertently help them recruit. Along with police and military efforts we need to be able to our own Muslim communities to stop radicalization before it happens. And because it's through social media, the internet, and they are masters at targeting vulnerable people - it's doubly difficult.

I don't know what the answer is in combating it, but I think it's important to realize that Muslims around the world have disproportionately been the largest group if ISIS' victims, Turkey for instance has had horrendous attacks. I to stop ISIS we all have to work together.

But you are right - we have an ocean between us and them and we haven't been flooded by migrants, assylum seekers, poorly vetted refugees. The problem is more urgent for Europe.

The answer is Muslims out now and death to the collaborating scum who opened the gates to the city in the first place.
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. are YOU actively doing to make that happen?

None of your fucking business. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Je Suis Breivik!
ov vey goy boy

Death to the pedophile worshipping death cult of Mohammad (may piss be upon him). is so cheap.

Hopefully the heroic action of this freedom fighter is the first of many more to come, Muslims out death to collaborators!
Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The thing is, this is EXACTLY what DAESH/ISIS wants - pitting muslims against non muslims through terrorism. And everyone is scared.

But Isis is not there to put us against each other it is the leaders who make us believe this is false.
ISIS wants to force us into their belief, they are against Christians and what most Arabs do is follow ISIS belief, women are not treated freely they the Arab peoples are acting this way.
They want to impose it in Western countries, France has had threats following the law of the refusal to wearing veil in schools.
But the Western countries do not want to live to the boot of the Muslims, that is quite normal.
Would you believe that it would be ok that a Westerner would go and tell the Iraqis how their hair should be done would be well received?
This is the same for the westerners

I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly.

ISIS is a doomsday cult - they want an Armageddon. They want to put Muslims against non-Muslims and they want to kill any Muslims that disagree with them in the process (as they have been doing). Anything that pushes events closer to an all out war pleases them.

I think France's issues with it's immigrant population is different then that of the US, or Canada for that matter. In the US, all the Muslims I know have no desire to trade their rights and freedoms for some sort of religious theocracy. Most of them fled that sort of thing. I work with a lot of graduate students, and we get them from Muslim majority country - currently, we have an Iranian post-doc, who graduated from our doctoral program and has no desire to return to Iran where he doesn't get along with the Mullahs. So we're working on getting him employment so he doesn't have to. If a muslim woman WANTS to wear a hijab, I don't see why it should be a problem any more then if a Jewish man wants to wear a kippa. When it comes to a full veil or a burka - that's a bit dicier. There really is nothing in Islam that insists a woman must be completely covered or, really, even having her hair covered. A lot of that is cultural (and common to many cultures such as Jewish and Hindu women). In western countries we need to see people's faces and we need to be able to identify them by their faces. Also in some professions a woman can't possibly do her job in that sort of regalia. So banning full veils and burkas seems reasonable for France. Banning "burkini's" though, is cruel. Many women like to dress modestly - and that includes certain Christian groups and orthodox Jews. Why should they be forced to bear their arms and legs? :dunno:
Did London Mayor Kahn said:

" Muslims are just going to have to accept that getting mowed down by a van outside a mosque is just "part and parcel" with living in a large city. "

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Pakistani Khan always say to Londoners to get used to terrorists attacks.

Why doesn't he say that now??

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