Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Why do idiots keep insisting it took place in front of a mosque?

Where is Finsbury Park Mosque and Muslim Welfare House where attack occurred?

That's what MSM does starts the rumor real or not and you see what happens it spins out into so many lies nobody knows what is what until the digging of truth takes place , and it sure in the isn't msm that digs for that truth. More often than not.
The narrative has been managed from very shortly after the attack happened, with lies about how long it took the police to arrive - which is islamophobic since they were faster to get to London Bridge (completely untrue), to knives, stabbings, guns, hero Imams (police were already there and they were fighting off the Muslims who were still trying to kill the perp), etc etc. MSM have fallen into line whilst at the same time showing footage that is at odds with line they are toeing. But I don't think any of us expect any better.

MSM will use this as the perfect bait . It will be used as psychological warfare just to start the uprising of war (s) it will be used as a distraction for the bigger plan taking place as those distracted will fall right into the trap.
The only terrorist supporters I see on this thread are those who are actively praising the person who drove his van into a crowd of people and justifying his act as "payback". That's supporting terrorism.

There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people.

If you live by an "eye for an eye" what happens when everyone is blind? You just end up with a pile of dead bodies of people who had nothing to do with the violence but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You'd think folks would have learned something from the Irish Troubles. "There Were Roses" by Tommy Sands, is just as relevant now as it was then:

Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
From 3 hours ago....mobs can quickly become very angry and violent...why do people have such a hard time recognizing good actions?

'Hero' imam praises group that saved Finsbury Park suspect from angry crowd

In the chaos and terror of the moment, events might have taken an even darker turn.

Outside the Muslim Welfare Centre, three men wrestled to the ground the driver of a van which had ploughed into people leaving the mosque.

Amid confusion, distress and anger, a crowd gathered. Fists and feet struck out. Suddenly a voice shouted: “No one touch him – no one! No one!”

It came from Mohammed Mahmoud, the mosque’s imam, later hailed as the hero of the day. He urged the crowd to be calm and restrained until the police arrived.

Speaking to reporters on Monday afternoon, Mahmoud said he had not been the only one urging restraint. “It wasn’t me alone, there were a group of brothers. They were calm and collected and managed to calm people down and to extinguish any flames of anger or mob rule that would have taken charge had this group of mature brothers not stepped in.”

He said he had just finished leading prayers in the mosque when “a brother came in, quite panicked, and said that somebody had run over a group of people and tried to kill them”.

He added: “We arrived at the scene within minutes and we found the assailant on the floor. He had been restrained by around three people.

“We found a group of people quickly started to collect around the assailant. And some tried to hit him, either kicks or punches. By God’s grace we manage to surround him and to protect him from any harm. We stopped all forms of attack and abuse towards him that were coming from every angle.

“A police van drove past so we flagged them down and we told them the situation. There’s a man, he’s restrained. He mowed down a group of people and there’s a mob attempting to hurt him. If you don’t take him, God forbid he might be seriously hurt.”

He added: “There was a mob attempt to hurt him, so we pushed people away from him until he was safely taken by police.”

The man was unscathed, he said.


Imam from Muslim welfare centre protected Finsbury Park suspect from angry crowd
An imam from a Muslim centre close to where this morning’s terror attack took place has been praised for leading calls for people to stay calm and preventing a crowd from harming the Finsbury Park suspect

People became angry at the scene where one man died and 10 others were injured in North London after the 48-year-old was detained by witnesses.

He was pinned to the floor and people could be heard shouting at him, understandably angry at what they had just seen.

Their anger continued when police turned up to take the man into custody, but others, led by the imam, begged for calm outside Muslim Welfare House.

They put their hands up and formed a small barrier around an officer who was trying to get him into the back of a police van

Someone in the crowd shouted ‘Why did you do that? Why?’, another shouted ‘dickhead’.

But another shouted: ‘No one touch him. No one.’
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.

One thing that is clear in this thread - some have quit pretending that it's only Islamic extremists they're against.

Just what ISIS wants.

I do believe ISIS is about to have some serious, serious problems in the next 2 weeks.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.

I don't watch fox news. Looks like g5000 is on the move with his childish insults, so I guess things are back to normal after a hectic weekend.
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This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.

One thing that is clear in this thread - some have quit pretending that it's only Islamic extremists they're against.

Just what ISIS wants.

I do believe ISIS is about to have some serious, serious problems in the next 2 weeks.

You won't find me shedding any tears.
The only terrorist supporters I see on this thread are those who are actively praising the person who drove his van into a crowd of people and justifying his act as "payback". That's supporting terrorism.

There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people.

If you live by an "eye for an eye" what happens when everyone is blind? You just end up with a pile of dead bodies of people who had nothing to do with the violence but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You'd think folks would have learned something from the Irish Troubles. "There Were Roses" by Tommy Sands, is just as relevant now as it was then:

Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.

The only terrorist supporters I see on this thread are those who are actively praising the person who drove his van into a crowd of people and justifying his act as "payback". That's supporting terrorism.

There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people.

If you live by an "eye for an eye" what happens when everyone is blind? You just end up with a pile of dead bodies of people who had nothing to do with the violence but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You'd think folks would have learned something from the Irish Troubles. "There Were Roses" by Tommy Sands, is just as relevant now as it was then:

Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
They do occasionally get thrown out of mosques, but what really needs to happen is they are reported to the police.
"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll.

Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News |

The other Problem is we already have about 30,000 extrmists, including actual jihadis, who fought against our troops in Syria, whom we don't have the manpower or the resources to watch, so even when they are reported or known to security services, they still get to go on to commit terrorism, as we have seen over and over again.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
You say "There is no excuse ever ever ever for targeting innocent people". This is what muslims do. Think San Bernardino of christmas 2015. It's their mmo. muslim modus operandi and it's frustrating to me that people like you don't get it yet.

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible being in the same country with those that want to live decent, civilized lives, since they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips of non believers. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and I'm
frustrated that you don't.
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I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.

I think it's much better for them to go to the police and let the police handle it because the police are better able to track down any affiliations or possible plots.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
And there is NO excuse for it. It's frustrating to me that you don't get it.

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.
What do Muslims really think? This skewed poll certainly won’t tell us
For instance, he describes as “alarming” the finding that only 34% of Muslims would report someone to the police who was involved with people who support terrorism in Syria. But for the survey’s “control” group – consisting of randomly selected people from across the country of all or no faiths – the figure is only 30%. And other polls have found that 94% of British Muslims would report someone they knew who was planning an act of violence to the police.
30 page thread and not one "christian" has apologised to the victims.

Isnt that what is supposed to happen ?

I am also interested to hear what "christians" are doing to curb extremism in their communities.

They can no longer turn a blind eye to this and are as guilty as the perp if they do not take action now.
I condemn the wannabe murderer and the victims have my condolences.
I can't apologise for Christians as I'm not religious and as far as I know there is no evidence this man is a Christian anyway.

However, the van is Welsh, so will you apologise to the victims on behalf of the Welsh?

You stupid fat twat. Lol.
Seeing as that is where he hired his van its possible that he was Welsh.
We have our share of shits (patriots in your language) and it is a source of National shame. Wales isnt like that.
Lol. Wales has the NF, filthy communists, Muslim extremists and the EDL, Tammy.
And It seems the police are investigating properties in Cardiff as we speak.
If he turns out to come from your crappy little slag heap of a country, will you be 'apologising' for him?

I have once visited Wales, this because I like the 1960s British television programme "The Prisoner", I have the box set of all the episodes, they only made 17 episodes.

The Prisoner - Wikipedia

Anyhow it was all filmed in this Italianite village Portmeirion and we went there and it's FANTASTIC in the EXTREME.

We also were given clotted cream ice cream and asked if we had had any Welsh Rabbit and I was SHOCKED and said I would NEVER eat bunny rabbits if they were Welsh bunny rabbits or not Welsh bunny rabbits and the man said that Welsh Rabbit isn't rabbit that Welsh Rabbit is cheese on toasted bread and I thought WTF are all Welsh people this crazy, why are they calling cheese on toasted bread a rabbit? :uhoh3:

Where was I? Oh yes, that's it about Portmeirion.

The Second Village: Portmeirion: Architecture

Portmeirion - Wikipedia
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
I get it and that's why I said muslim modus operandi. Tell me this isn't how they operate no matter in what country they are allowed to live in.

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.

There is no moderate with the muslims, no matter how much that hypocrite mayor of london acts like he just wants everybody to get along like one happy family.
30 page thread and not one "christian" has apologised to the victims.

Isnt that what is supposed to happen ?

I am also interested to hear what "christians" are doing to curb extremism in their communities.

They can no longer turn a blind eye to this and are as guilty as the perp if they do not take action now.
I condemn the wannabe murderer and the victims have my condolences.
I can't apologise for Christians as I'm not religious and as far as I know there is no evidence this man is a Christian anyway.

However, the van is Welsh, so will you apologise to the victims on behalf of the Welsh?

You stupid fat twat. Lol.
Seeing as that is where he hired his van its possible that he was Welsh.
We have our share of shits (patriots in your language) and it is a source of National shame. Wales isnt like that.
Lol. Wales has the NF, filthy communists, Muslim extremists and the EDL, Tammy.
And It seems the police are investigating properties in Cardiff as we speak.
If he turns out to come from your crappy little slag heap of a country, will you be 'apologising' for him?

I have once visited Wales, this because I like the 1960s British television programme "The Prisoner", I have the box set of all the episodes, they only made 17 episodes.

The Prisoner - Wikipedia

Anyhow it was all filmed in this Italianite village Portmeirion and we went there and it's FANTASTIC in the EXTREME.

We also were given clotted cream ice cream and asked if we had had any Welsh Rabbit and I was SHOCKED and said I would NEVER eat bunny rabbits if they were Welsh bunny rabbits or not Welsh bunny rabbits and the man said that Welsh Rabbit isn't rabbit that Welsh Rabbit is cheese on toasted bread and I thought WTF are all Welsh people this crazy, why are they calling cheese on toasted bread a rabbit? :uhoh3:

Where was I? Oh yes, that's it about Portmeirion.

The Second Village: Portmeirion: Architecture

Portmeirion - Wikipedia
I know, Lucy. There are some really beautiful places in Wales. But since Tommy insists on slagging off my country on a daily basis he will get it back in spades. And they do indeed have branches of the NF, EDL, Rabid Commies and so on.
In fact the police are investigating whether this man today has links to either of these groups. But I think they will find he does not.
I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism.
Of course you do. One of the requirements for being a fucking retard is to bleev stupid shit like that.

I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?
And as long as you watch propaganda channels like Fox News, you never will. They absolutely depend on your willful ignorance.
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats
The vast majority of Muslims do not support this so it's hard to call it a "muslim modus operandi". It just seems to be the latest terrorist trend and now it's moved beyond ISIS extremists. When you think about it it's effective at terrorizing. The guy doesn't have to kill himself, and no one can predict it or screen for weapons. It's very low tech and because vehicles are all around us - even more frightening.

I say the majority of muslims do support terrorism. I never hear of them chasing radicals out of the mosques where hatred and jihad is preached. Do you?

They report to the police - for example: U.S. officials say American Muslims do report extremist threats

They need to chase them out of the temple themselves, or stop going to certain mosques that preach that crap. Like I said, muslims cause trouble in any country they're allowed into. Islam is a political movement, not a religion. They are incompatible with other religions, and they preach jihad, chopping off heads and fingertips. This is been going on since the 7th century. Like I said. I get it, and am
frustrated that you don't.
The Mosque that was inserted into the story today, the Finsbury Park Mosque, has a long history of direct terrorism links, and even now has a terrorist supporter for a leader and regularly hosts extremists. They hand out tea and cakes to the locals now and again and so we are now assured they have become 'moderate'.

There is no moderate with the muslims, no matter how much that hypocrite mayor of london acts like he just wants everybody to get along like one happy family.

And once again, the argument that folks are only against Islamic extremists gets blown sky high :cuckoo:

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