Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.
Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

"Do I call for the killing of anyone?"

The exceptions being that Kebab's like the woman below and the Kebab's with the ISIS flags can very easily be dragged away and disappeared during the night and in Top Secret, everyone involved in these Operations would have to sign an official statement of Complete Silence.

Do they look like they are innocent? The woman read her banner, the men surrounded by ISIS flags.


I don't care about any of that. It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what those people stuck in those wore torn shitholes we left behind think, and what those who decide it it's ok to kill innocent people think. And if people start justifying the targeting and killing of innocent people...then it matters what they think.

Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.



Are these people British enough?
Muslim peace march in London 'IGNORED by media'

Are these people being shut up?



You Europeans have weird laws about hate speech. We don't. We have a strong right of free speech - even "offensive" free speech. I'm not sure what your laws allow or don't allow. I think all voices need to be heard as long as they don't resort to violence.
I understand your feeling. And every one of them is getting that hate filled into their heads by others. The source needs to be found and removed.
Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

"Do I call for the killing of anyone?"

The exceptions being that Kebab's like the woman below and the Kebab's with the ISIS flags can very easily be dragged away and disappeared during the night and in Top Secret, everyone involved in these Operations would have to sign an official statement of Complete Silence.

Do they look like they are innocent? The woman read her banner, the men surrounded by ISIS flags.


Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

The Islamic council of one European country - and I can't recall which one (I'll have to try and find it) - was concerned about radicalization, and one of the proposals was in only having Imams that are European, raised in western cultures. In some communities there is a practice of importing Imams from the "old country" and they bring with them many of the "old country" ideas that are often contrary to western values.
Well, I don't see Germans or Russians or Japanese or North Koreans roaming the globe blowing themselves and 100 Children to bits because of some past war.
Germany was leveled. I heard it took until 1983 to finish re-building. Japan had two cities wiped out. Russia had about 100 million freeze to death or murdered fighting Germans. They got over it. Why not muslims?

did I win now? Bet you can't answer that one.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.



Are these people British enough?
Muslim peace march in London 'IGNORED by media'

Are these people being shut up?



You Europeans have weird laws about hate speech. We don't. We have a strong right of free speech - even "offensive" free speech. I'm not sure what your laws allow or don't allow. I think all voices need to be heard as long as they don't resort to violence.

Those pictures mean NOTHING, where is a banner calling for the EXTERMINATION of ANYONE who doesn't agree?

Darling that was literally your worst attempt at a deflection ever.

Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.

So America can further commit Cultural Suicide, but American Patriots of European Descent who are PROUD of their Heritage, you are VERY welcome to return to the Continent of your Ancestors, the European Continent.

Is it acceptable to target and kill civilians?

Should the people of Manchester just "get over it"?

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.



Are these people British enough?
Muslim peace march in London 'IGNORED by media'

Are these people being shut up?



You Europeans have weird laws about hate speech. We don't. We have a strong right of free speech - even "offensive" free speech. I'm not sure what your laws allow or don't allow. I think all voices need to be heard as long as they don't resort to violence.

Those pictures mean NOTHING, where is a banner calling for the EXTERMINATION of ANYONE who doesn't agree?

Darling that was literally your worst attempt at a deflection ever.

Lucy, those aren't "deflection" - those are examples of free speech that you said wasn't allowed! I wasn't making comparisons I was giving examples of free speech.

Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.


What the hell Lucy....:dunno:

The people of Manchester were told to STFU and not say anything that might upset the Mooselimbs fragile feelings, after a Mooselimb strapped a suicide vest on and walked into a concert building and blew up children and teenagers.

WTF?! When these savage animals are slaughtering THE MOST INNOCENT people children, people have a right to get angry, it's a normal human reaction, anyone who doesn't just isn't functioning correctly.

Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.



Are these people British enough?
Muslim peace march in London 'IGNORED by media'

Are these people being shut up?



You Europeans have weird laws about hate speech. We don't. We have a strong right of free speech - even "offensive" free speech. I'm not sure what your laws allow or don't allow. I think all voices need to be heard as long as they don't resort to violence.

Those pictures mean NOTHING, where is a banner calling for the EXTERMINATION of ANYONE who doesn't agree?

Darling that was literally your worst attempt at a deflection ever.

Lucy, those aren't "deflection" - those are examples of free speech that you said wasn't allowed! I wasn't making comparisons I was giving examples of free speech.

Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.


What the hell Lucy....:dunno:


"What the hell Lucy....:dunno:"

I was completely coherent, it doesn't take a rocket scientist :eusa_dance:

You haven't defended the killing of innocent people, but your mentality doesn't want US to kill ANYONE because of Muh Human Rights.

Kebabs on the streets waving ISIS flags need to be disappeared into the night and the ones who hold banners saying to behead people. These are dangerous individuals, we need to save innocent lives by killing the types who are in those pictures I posted.
Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

It's already being used as a toilet thanks to the European leaders.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.

We don't call ourselves mutts. I have never, in all my life, heard an American call himself a mutt.
Who told them to STFU? And yes they have every right to be angry and demand more of their police and politicians.

The MSM and Bedwetting politicians, effectively anything criticising Muslims and Islam is "Hate Speech"

However Muslims can get on the streets with the below banners and that's NOT Hate Speech.

IF White Western peoples were on the streets holding signs saying "EXTERMINATE ALL MUSLIMS", "BEHEAD ALL MUSLIMS", "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK JESUS CHRIST" etc you'd ALL be screaming hysterically about how racist and bigoted and White Christian Supremacist and how it was HATE SPEECH and "SHUT IT DOWN, FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOESN'T COVER HATE SPEECH" etc but none of you have ANY problem with filthy backward animals like the below exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you? They aren't preaching HATE SPEECH are they because they are BROWN SKINNED AND MUSLIM and not WHITE SKINNED AND CHRISTIAN.


So I DARE you Coyote and the other pro-Islamist Leftist Apologist Propagandists to DEFEND the below, how can you DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE?

And don't say the below are a minority, the majority of Muslims fully are sympathetic to the below outrageous statements on those banners....that's WHY we never on ANY Western street capital EVER see 500,000 Muslims marching AGAINST Islam, AGAINST ISIS, AGAINST Extremism.



Are these people British enough?
Muslim peace march in London 'IGNORED by media'

Are these people being shut up?



You Europeans have weird laws about hate speech. We don't. We have a strong right of free speech - even "offensive" free speech. I'm not sure what your laws allow or don't allow. I think all voices need to be heard as long as they don't resort to violence.

Those pictures mean NOTHING, where is a banner calling for the EXTERMINATION of ANYONE who doesn't agree?

Darling that was literally your worst attempt at a deflection ever.

Lucy, those aren't "deflection" - those are examples of free speech that you said wasn't allowed! I wasn't making comparisons I was giving examples of free speech.

Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.


What the hell Lucy....:dunno:


"What the hell Lucy....:dunno:"

I was completely coherent, it doesn't take a rocket scientist :eusa_dance:

You haven't defended the killing of innocent people, but your mentality doesn't want US to kill ANYONE because of Muh Human Rights.

Kebabs on the streets waving ISIS flags need to be disappeared into the night and the ones who hold banner saying to behead people. These are dangerous individuals, we need to save innocent lives by killing the types who are in those pictures I posted.

Thank you.
I will never support the targeting and killing of any innocent people. But if you want to kill actual terrorists I'm fine with that. Just extract the information first.:popcorn:
Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

It's already being used as a toilet thanks to the European leaders.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.

We don't call ourselves mutts. I have never, in all my life, heard an American call himself a mutt.

Yes but that toilet can and WILL be getting flushed. If people think that OUR Continent is going to just roll over and die, they can forget about it. By the hook or by the crook OUR Continent is getting saved, fuck Human Rights, WE have a HUMAN RIGHT to SURVIVAL and to DEFEND and PROTECT what belongs to US, it was always that way and it still is.

Coyote has refered to herself as a Mutt, I've seen a few others call themselves Mutts also. I have been SHOCKED the times I read people PROUDLY calling themselves Mutts, how tragic, who the fuck would WANT to be a Mutt?
So America can further commit Cultural Suicide, but American Patriots of European Descent who are PROUD of their Heritage, you are VERY welcome to return to the Continent of your Ancestors, the European Continent.

Scots-Irish ancestry here but no thanks. Europe's freedoms are not acceptable.
So America can further commit Cultural Suicide, but American Patriots of European Descent who are PROUD of their Heritage, you are VERY welcome to return to the Continent of your Ancestors, the European Continent.

Scots-Irish ancestry here but no thanks. Europe's freedoms are not acceptable.

If you are not careful America will have no freedoms, the pro-Islamist Leftist Activists are going for your First Amendment and your Second Amendment, you should know they are obsessed with getting rid of both, especially the Second.
Coyote has refered to herself as a Mutt, I've seen a few others call themselves Mutts also. I have been SHOCKED the times I read people PROUDLY calling themselves Mutts, how tragic, who the fuck would WANT to be a Mutt?

Only a Liberal would call themselves a mutt. Real Americans don't use that term. We are Americans and proud of it. We are NOT Europeans nor do we want to be. The people you're talking to are idiots.
Yes but that toilet can and WILL be getting flushed. If people think that OUR Continent is going to just roll over and die, they can forget about it. By the hook or by the crook OUR Continent is getting saved, fuck Human Rights, WE have a HUMAN RIGHT to SURVIVAL and to DEFEND and PROTECT what belongs to US, it was always that way and it still is.

Hey, I'm rooting for you guys. I fully support the flushing.
Oh and yes one way or another WE will STOP the Islamisation on OUR Continent. This Continent is OURS, it's not to be used as a giant toilet for ever Third World piece of walking crap that turns up.

It's already being used as a toilet thanks to the European leaders.

Let all the Africans and Kebabs go to America instead, Americans have no Heritage considering you all PROUDLY call yourself "Mutts" who the fuck wants to be a Mutt, most Europeans don't that's for sure.

We don't call ourselves mutts. I have never, in all my life, heard an American call himself a mutt.

Yes but that toilet can and WILL be getting flushed. If people think that OUR Continent is going to just roll over and die, they can forget about it. By the hook or by the crook OUR Continent is getting saved, fuck Human Rights, WE have a HUMAN RIGHT to SURVIVAL and to DEFEND and PROTECT what belongs to US, it was always that way and it still is.

Coyote has refered to herself as a Mutt, I've seen a few others call themselves Mutts also. I have been SHOCKED the times I read people PROUDLY calling themselves Mutts, how tragic, who the fuck would WANT to be a Mutt?

A mutt is a mixture of many traits. Being a mutt means my pride is in myself, what I myself have accomplished or do - not based on my heritage. It also means that my heritage has given me a wealth of stories to choose from- from a Norwegian great grandmother on one side, to a Welsh great grandmother on another - to German, English, Danish and Irish bits and pieces. They say America is a land where people can constantly reinvent themselves and while funny, there's truth to it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm fine with it. I admire people who have a deep connection to their past - through family, land, traditions. I think that is wonderful and to be cherished. But there's nothing wrong with being a mutt and when I look into the eyes of my 4-legged fluffy mutts, I think they agree too ;)
So America can further commit Cultural Suicide, but American Patriots of European Descent who are PROUD of their Heritage, you are VERY welcome to return to the Continent of your Ancestors, the European Continent.

Scots-Irish ancestry here but no thanks. Europe's freedoms are not acceptable.

If you are not careful America will have no freedoms, the pro-Islamist Leftist Activists are going for your First Amendment and your Second Amendment, you should know they are obsessed with getting rid of both, especially the Second.

Won't happen. We're armed and many of us will use our guns if they come for them. Civil war and we'll win if it comes to it. You have no idea how strong real America is. NO IDEA.
So America can further commit Cultural Suicide, but American Patriots of European Descent who are PROUD of their Heritage, you are VERY welcome to return to the Continent of your Ancestors, the European Continent.

Scots-Irish ancestry here but no thanks. Europe's freedoms are not acceptable.

If you are not careful America will have no freedoms, the pro-Islamist Leftist Activists are going for your First Amendment and your Second Amendment, you should know they are obsessed with getting rid of both, especially the Second.

Won't happen. We're armed and many of us will use our guns if they come for them. Civil war and we'll win if it comes to it. You have no idea how strong real America is. NO IDEA.

We are a nation of rights and laws, not vigilantes and mobs.
Yeah, I posted about it under one of the other terror attack threads.
Do I call for the killing of anyone? No. I do call for accountability. People are not just being radicalized through the web. It is happening by those teaching it locally. There should never be any elected official, or otherwise, that just accepts it. And those that preach hate need to be found and removed. Laws have to be strengthened against allowing one to 'practice' and teach such hate. Protections should be there for the good citizens. They should not have to accept their countries becoming militarized, as a 3rd world country is, due to the teachings of radicals, to keep from stomping on their rights. And do not try to tell me it isn't happening within local mosques, etc. because it is. I lived down the street from one of these mosques that had a history. They got a new Imam, which for a time, to bring less scrutiny, was more moderate, but once again, when he felt safe, he started with the hate speech, but further behind closed doors. And this mosque is part of one of the largest councils in the US.

The Islamic council of one European country - and I can't recall which one (I'll have to try and find it) - was concerned about radicalization, and one of the proposals was in only having Imams that are European, raised in western cultures. In some communities there is a practice of importing Imams from the "old country" and they bring with them many of the "old country" ideas that are often contrary to western values.
But there's nothing wrong with being a mutt and when I look into the eyes of my 4-legged fluffy mutts, I think they agree too ;)

Of course there is. It means you're a no nothing squishy Liberal without a backbone who hates discrimination.

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