Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

I'm from N africa...and it's not a common practice at all, it's more of south,East Asian and Corn of Africa thingy. Purely cultural has nothing to do with Islam, same with honor killing.

I stand corrected - was looking it up on UNICEF and this is what they showed for prevalence:

And in those regions - it's done irregardless of religion.

Some of the below you need a magnifying glass to read Missy :funnyface:

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.
I'm from N africa...and it's not a common practice at all, it's more of south,East Asian and Corn of Africa thingy. Purely cultural has nothing to do with Islam, same with honor killing.

I stand corrected - was looking it up on UNICEF and this is what they showed for prevalence:

And in those regions - it's done irregardless of religion.

Some of the below needs a magnifying glass Missy :funnyface:


No problem :)
The only thing that we guilty of is we do circumcision and I have to admit the best thing ever lol
I'm from N africa...and it's not a common practice at all, it's more of south,East Asian and Corn of Africa thingy. Purely cultural has nothing to do with Islam, same with honor killing.

I stand corrected - was looking it up on UNICEF and this is what they showed for prevalence:

And in those regions - it's done irregardless of religion.
I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

Or their nations are undergoing severe privation and famine.

Most Economic Migrants nations are not undergoing severe privation and famine though.
They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.
I'm from N africa...and it's not a common practice at all, it's more of south,East Asian and Corn of Africa thingy. Purely cultural has nothing to do with Islam, same with honor killing.

I stand corrected - was looking it up on UNICEF and this is what they showed for prevalence:

And in those regions - it's done irregardless of religion.

Some of the below needs a magnifying glass Missy :funnyface:



Look at the time! What time is it? Yes it's Martini O'Clock :eusa_dance: :smoke:
This is identical to what we have faced, where these Activist Groups are saying "poor refugee children" and 90% of them are in their 20s, 30s and some have been in their early 40s. They must think we are stupid.

Also with regard to us, this crowd have left the Middle East into Turkey on the Greek Islands and travelled across ten to twelve SAFE nations to deliberately go to the wealthier European nations where upon they DEMAND to be allowed to stay.

This is completely against the UN 1951 law on what constitutes an actual refugee. A refugee is someone who flees and the first safe nation they arrive in that isn't in a war, they ask to be considered for asylum there.

So in the case of the Kebabs that first safe nation would be Turkey.

They are not refugees, they are Economic Migrants and they've been couched by these NGOs on the ground what to say, where to head for, what to demand and also if ANYONE opposes they've been couched to say "Racist" "Nazi's"

We do need to get over this shit and say fuck Political Correctness and NO you CANNOT stay so GTFO already.

I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

Not a lot of optimists in Somalia. :badgrin: For valid reasons. But at OTHER times, when the bombs are not dropping and people dying daily outside their door -- The ones that WANT more liberty and WANT more opportunity -- are welcome to come. And they KNOW WHY they are coming..

Sometimes I think there is a certain self-selection going on - these people take huge risks, life threatening risks - and many die - for those opportunities. These aren't people who will shy away from hard work and challenges.
They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.
Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

It NOT a win win -- if they are given segregated public housing and are free to continue the CULTURAL institutions they know that are often in conflict with local culture and law. That appears to be a lot more servile attitude rather than a productive and welcoming immigration policy..
I'm from N africa...and it's not a common practice at all, it's more of south,East Asian and Corn of Africa thingy. Purely cultural has nothing to do with Islam, same with honor killing.

I stand corrected - was looking it up on UNICEF and this is what they showed for prevalence:

And in those regions - it's done irregardless of religion.

Some of the below needs a magnifying glass Missy :funnyface:



Look at the time! What time is it? Yes it's Martini O'Clock :eusa_dance: :smoke:


Put your feet up Lucy :)
These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

Or their nations are undergoing severe privation and famine.

Most Economic Migrants nations are not undergoing severe privation and famine though.

Some are. some are suffering under political instability, others just lack sufficient economic opportunities - it's a mix that needs to be handled before human traffickers load them into rickety boats and send them into the mediteranean.
I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

Not a lot of optimists in Somalia. :badgrin: For valid reasons. But at OTHER times, when the bombs are not dropping and people dying daily outside their door -- The ones that WANT more liberty and WANT more opportunity -- are welcome to come. And they KNOW WHY they are coming..

Sometimes I think there is a certain self-selection going on - these people take huge risks, life threatening risks - and many die - for those opportunities. These aren't people who will shy away from hard work and challenges.

That mass migration was motivated solely out of fear. Wasn't much "deliberation" about opportunities involved. It's hard to make critical decisions like that intelligently when your kids are dying and your city is a pile of rubble. That really makes them "refugees" and NOT immigrants. PERHAPS -- since the world took a crap on them for 4 long years of epic destruction in their homelands -- we should MAKE exceptions and recieve them as "TEMP refugees".. But our divided country would never allow that option politically..
That's exactly what Morooccan and migrants from Morocco in North America fair better than their counterparts in Europe because of the points you made.

They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.
They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.

As a side point how many illegal immigrants do you have voting in your elections? Answer you don't know, people can literally turn up on voting day with NO ID and just vote.

We do NOT have this situation on the European Continent.

Being asked to show some ID to vote is not racist and the morons who suggest it is are doing that for party political reasons, because they know that the majority of illegal immigrants will vote Democrat as it's ONLY the Democrats who ridiculously say that illegal immigrants are not illegal because there's no such thing as people being illegal, which is why in Democrat areas you have Leftist politicians with the Sanctuary Cities protecting the illegal immigrants and effectively breaking American Federal Law.

In the below States where NO ID is needed, look at California, Arizona, Virginia and the majority of your East Coast, how many illegal immigrants can go from one polling station to another and vote multiple times? There is NOTHING to stop ONE person voting 50 times in ONE election.

You need an ID to get a car, a passport, a bank account etc so why isn't having an ID for those things racist if asking for an ID to vote is racist?

That's exactly what Morooccan and migrants from Morocco in North America fair better than their counterparts in Europe because of the points you made.

They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.

That's interesting to know! Morocco is interesting, I just finished reading an interesting memoir by Fatima Mernissi about her childhood in Morocco called the "Harem Within".

The other aspect of immigration that is different is that because we don't get entire villages moving over en-masse, immigrant communities are more mixed, so quite often a local Mosque will have Muslims from a variety of Islamic backgrounds attending and that tends to dilute insularity.
They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.

As a side point how many illegal immigrants do you have voting in your elections? Answer you don't know, people can literally turn up on voting day with NO ID and just vote.

We do NOT have this situation on the European Continent.

Being asked to show some ID to vote is not racist and the morons who suggest it is are doing that for party political reasons, because they know that the majority of illegal immigrants will vote Democrat as it's ONLY the Democrats who ridiculously say that illegal immigrants are not illegal because there's no such thing as people being illegal.

In the below States where NO ID is needed, look at California, Arizona, Virginia and the majority of your East Coast, how many illegal immigrants can go from one polling station to another and vote multiple times? There is NOTHING to stop one person voting 50 times in ONE election.

View attachment 134863

That's a whole 'nother topic Lucy - and it's very debatable that there are masses of illegals voting - it's not as easy as you think.
Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

I think there is a lot of conflation between refugee, asylum seeker and migrant. A lot of them aren't refugees.

These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

What about Economic Migrants, they leave home because their nation doesn't have things like Welfare and other hand outs.
Europe is almost broke, she is in agony
It's a comparison that may be simple, but it means something.
At home you do not invite someone if you can not welcome him propely or you do not like that people invite themself to your house when they are not welcome.
Well, it's the same thing for immigration, you have to have the capacity to receive and the people most agree, but with all the attacks that has been made by Muslims are no longer welcome, it's a normal reaction
These people have no business being in the West. It's not their countries. They don't belong here. Their religion and ideology isn't compatible with freedom - they don't fit. The reason they were brought in was to destroy the host culture and pave the way for a more Leftist government controlled system.

The reasons for that humanitarian disaster in MidEast are largely that the entire world refused to stem it by providing new safe DEVELOPMENTS (not camps) in the war zones. Then when the Med started to fill up with rafts and floating bodies and MILLIONS tried to pour in -- Europe THEN decided to be "humanitarian" and allow the migration and TRIED to parcel it out all over the map.

Because they see desperate Arabs -- like we "see" Mexicans. It's that short sighted vision of obtaining a low maintenance underclass to fill in for the crashing Euro birth rates. Several problems with that assessment. By the 2 or 3rd generation, this influx WONT be doing menial tasks. At least not the history of "our Mexicans" (sarcasm). Our 2 and 3rd gen Mex are fully integrated into every profession in the USA. The Euros won't be as fortunate. Because they never INTENDED to facilitate assimilation and integration. And that's an error we shouldn't repeat.

The most important vetting question to be asked should be -- Do you INTEND to become a _______ citizen? And if so, why did you choose _______ over other choices? Answer too often with the RECENT wave of "refugees" is --- they didn't HAVE a choice and don't INTEND to be citizens. They just wanted to survive..

Reminds me of a quote I heard, from a Somali born poet - people leave for a reason, and to them it's a good reason...."people don't leave home unless home is a sharks mouth"...

Not a lot of optimists in Somalia. :badgrin: For valid reasons. But at OTHER times, when the bombs are not dropping and people dying daily outside their door -- The ones that WANT more liberty and WANT more opportunity -- are welcome to come. And they KNOW WHY they are coming..

Sometimes I think there is a certain self-selection going on - these people take huge risks, life threatening risks - and many die - for those opportunities. These aren't people who will shy away from hard work and challenges.

That mass migration was motivated solely out of fear. Wasn't much "deliberation" about opportunities involved. It's hard to make critical decisions like that intelligently when your kids are dying and your city is a pile of rubble. That really makes them "refugees" and NOT immigrants. PERHAPS -- since the world took a crap on them for 4 long years of epic destruction in their homelands -- we should MAKE exceptions and recieve them as "TEMP refugees".. But our divided country would never allow that option politically..

From a personal (not pragmatic) standpoint - I feel we owe them for wrecking their country. At the very least we absolutely owe safety and a welcome to any who assisted us and who's live and family are now in jeopardy because of that.
Nice...i need to checkout the book. What's is it about?
Yes did it right, and made it easy for Muslims and others to assimilate. Europe they brought modern day slaves and the seggragated them in ghettos, and that's why we see what we see. But the aging population of Europe will continusouly need the flow of young blood, they better have a better system in place to assimilate new comers into their society for everyone to be a winner and co exist.

That's exactly what Morooccan and migrants from Morocco in North America fair better than their counterparts in Europe because of the points you made.

They put them in ghettos and discriminated against 2nd and 3rd generation kids of immigrants and that's why we see the troubled. France recognized it's mistake, but it's somewhat too late.

Europe is aging and they need migrants. Is a win win.

That's a good point and it IS a problem with Europe. The trick is to make it work.

That's what I've read also and also why the immigrant experience in countries like the US and Canada is very different than that of France for example. The other thing, which I mentioned is that France's policies encourage huge numbers of immigrants from former colonies that had no real job skills, not a lot of education and they brought thier communities with them creating their own insular groups. I think that combined with the French attitudes towards non-French and the economic disparities made integration a lot harder.

That's interesting to know! Morocco is interesting, I just finished reading an interesting memoir by Fatima Mernissi about her childhood in Morocco called the "Harem Within".

The other aspect of immigration that is different is that because we don't get entire villages moving over en-masse, immigrant communities are more mixed, so quite often a local Mosque will have Muslims from a variety of Islamic backgrounds attending and that tends to dilute insularity.

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