Brenda Snipes Must Do Jail Time

Republicans are the same people who can have people be not only INDICTED, NOT ONLY ARRESTED, BUT CHARGED with MULTIPLE FELONY CONVICTIONS and they cry fake news...

but are quick to lock her up without any charges being filed whatsoever

Its a mantra, like calling Trump a NAZI.

I dont see Trump death camps and we are not invading Canada and Mexico.

You act like the FBI is under the control of Snipes

Why is it every fucking conspiracy you sycophants pull out your ass NEVER has any investigations behind it?

Are you telling me that Trump's own DOJ and FBI are that weak that they will refuse to investigate all of these crimes done by Snipes?

In fact, you don't even need an FBI investigation -- hell, you can't even get the local law enforcement to support your delusions.

State elections observers have seen no evidence of criminal activity in Broward County

"The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced Friday it had received no reports of illegal activity in Broward, nor had Scott formally requested an investigation into voter fraud."

But Rick Scott can get on TV and allege crimes have been committed, but not once formerly call for a criminal investigation?
bwahahahahahahaha - were you not in another thread telling people they get their news from the russians and now you're in here saying other people believe some seriously stupid shit?
she made high definition photo copies of them allowed in Florida law as keeping the records, MONTHS AFTER the election was over, but not the 2 years required to keep the originals.... so she did make a mistake but in no way was it some sort of fraud, the guy who lost the election, lost by like 15% points to wasserman and in no way shape or form even came close to winning...

so, you are bull-shitting!
A JUDGE declared she broke the law. And what about all the laws she's breaking AGAIN NOW ?
what was her punishment for any of the laws broken?
The US democracy (democratic republic) stands on a foundation. That foundation is free and fair elections. With election supervisors deliberately mishandling votes, to try to have their party's candidates win, that is the destruction of the foundation of what America is, and has always been.

As patriotic Americans, we cannot allow our nation to be torn apart by people who have been entrusted to oversee our very important elections processes. Not only has Brenda Snipes violated that trust (put in her by Jeb Bush, who appointed her, and now is calling for her removal), but so have other elections officials such as Susan Bucher in Florida's Palm Beach county, Adrian Flores in Maricopa County, Arizona, and allegedly others in other states (Utah, California, etc).

If these people are not arrested and jailed, this kind of abuse will surely grow, and our elections system will fall apart entirely. What then ?

"...arrested and jailed..."

What a fucking commie you are.
No official charges and a trial by their peers?
In this country there's something called due process, and innocent until proven guilty.
You are one of the stupidest posters on this board.
Move to China, asshole.
You are the threat to our democracy. You support using laws to suppress the vote and then to prevent votes from being counted. There is nothing fair and square about that. You are the criminals, you are unscrupulous ones.
I most certainly DO support laws to suppress the ILLEGAL vote, just as I support laws to suppress murder, rape, arson, etc. And you oppose those laws, because you support illegal alien voting, and sanctuary cities to keep the illegals here so they can vote for Democrats.
Brenda Snipes is an example of all that's wrong with America today. On a CNN interview, she showed it all off.

CNN likely regrets giving a platform to the Florida elections official under fire for ballot recounts after her interview just seemed to make things worse.

Chris Cuomo’s interview of Broward County’s embattled supervisor of elections, Brenda Snipes, on Tuesday may have accomplished little else than to confirm the chaos surrounding the recounting of ballots in the state’s top races.

Watch the video with Chris Cuomo trying to help Snipes redeem herself (he's wasn't expecting her to make it worse. :laugh:

And notice how Cuomo asks her about rules she is required to abide by. That she refused to give Florida Gov. Rick Scott's campaign the information they wanted, and a judge ordered her to do that and she refused. Watch how Snipes goes into a long blabbering filibuster ,which at the end of it, you struggle to remember what the question was (which she dodged totally)

Cuomo tries to help Brenda Snipes redeem herself with a CNN interview. He didn't expect her to make it worse!

No, YOU are the example of what is wrong in America today. This is your source:

BizPac Review is a top-rated political news website that provides breaking news and analysis unfiltered by the liberal bias that has eroded the media’s credibility. With public trust in the press sputtering at an all-time low, BizPac Review fills the void with its unparalleled coverage of current events that the mainstream media intentionally ignore.

Our analysis has been touted by the top conservatives in the world, including Donald Trump Jr., Dan Bongino, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Kris Paronto, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, and Sarah Palin.

About BizPac Review - Conservative News Today

A conservative biased source that has only been around for 9 years.

Another blog.
Alas, the pseudo-cons on this board are awash in fake news.
Opinions don't = facts.
They are too stupid to breathe and type at the same time..
Republicans are the same people who can have people be not only INDICTED, NOT ONLY ARRESTED, BUT have a JURY FIND THEM GUILTY on MULTIPLE FELONY CONVICTIONS and they cry fake news...

but are quick to lock her up without any charges being filed whatsoever
Don't talk stupid. Nobody is calling for Snipes to go straight to jail without charges filed.
If Brenda Snipes resigns or is removed, I'm putting my name in the hat to be appointed to that position.
So should she go to jail for being incompetent?
Those who lack morality or integrity might attempt to argue its simply incompetence. Even if that were the case, it’s still criminal incompetence.

But that’s also clearly not the case. Even if one is incompetent, once they’ve been notified of their incompetence and ordered to comply – one can control effort. After that, when effort isn’t placed on compliance, all doubt is removed. Criminal intent - very clear.
Either one of two things:

1. She is corrupt and did it on purpose. She purposely disenfranchised over 700 voters that voted for Scott that won't have their voted counted. That should mean jail time.

2. She is simply the typical incompetent Moon Bat Negro and should be fired before she fucks up something else.
She destroyed ballots in the contested 2016 democrat primary before the law allowed. She rigged it for DW Schultz who went on to rig it for Hildabeasty.
Oh no...that's terrible...when was the verdict announced?!!!!
She continues to break laws and defy a judges orders. Guess you are a fan?
Not at all.
But you seem to have a very full list of her crimes so naturally I assume she's been investigated, tried and convicted.

Educate yourself on her missteps.

She is incompetent at best and corrupt as fuck most likely.
So should she go to jail for being incompetent?

There's dumb and then there's weaponized dumb. Committing dumb with a weapon carries a longer sentence.
You support voter suppression and not counting votes. If this was a cour4t of law, you would have to bring in a handwriting expert to determine whether a signature is forged or not.
You oppose voter suppression of illegal aliens, by opposing requiring proof of citizenship, thereby allowing them to vote.

There is much more going on here than forging signatures, See post # 25.
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Its a mantra, like calling Trump a NAZI.

I dont see Trump death camps and we are not invading Canada and Mexico.

Id say there's more than enough existing right now to arrest her,
You act like the FBI is under the control of Snipes

Why is it every fucking conspiracy you sycophants pull out your ass NEVER has any investigations behind it?

Are you telling me that Trump's own DOJ and FBI are that weak that they will refuse to investigate all of these crimes done by Snipes?

In fact, you don't even need an FBI investigation -- hell, you can't even get the local law enforcement to support your delusions.

State elections observers have seen no evidence of criminal activity in Broward County

"The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced Friday it had received no reports of illegal activity in Broward, nor had Scott formally requested an investigation into voter fraud."

But Rick Scott can get on TV and allege crimes have been committed, but not once formerly call for a criminal investigation?
Your link contradicts itself. It says >> State elections observers have seen no evidence of criminal activity in Broward County. But then inside that link, it says this >> "A circuit judge ruled Friday that Snipes violated Florida’s open-records laws after failing to fulfill a request for information by the Scott campaign."

Maybe the leftist Miami Herald thought they could get away with this by publishing a headline, and then expecting nobody to actually read the article.

And this was only ONE of 6 criminal offenses committed by Snipes, the other 5 are listed in Post # 25.


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