Brenda Snipes Must Do Jail Time

The US democracy (democratic republic) stands on a foundation. That foundation is free and fair elections. With election supervisors deliberately mishandling votes, to try to have their party's candidates win, that is the destruction of the foundation of what America is, and has always been.

As patriotic Americans, we cannot allow our nation to be torn apart by people who have been entrusted to oversee our very important elections processes. Not only has Brenda Snipes violated that trust (put in her by Jeb Bush, who appointed her, and now is calling for her removal), but so have other elections officials such as Susan Bucher in Florida's Palm Beach county, Adrian Flores in Maricopa County, Arizona, and allegedly others in other states (Utah, California, etc).

If these people are not arrested and jailed, this kind of abuse will surely grow, and our elections system will fall apart entirely. What then ?

Just swallow your puke...don't post it.
You are the threat to our democracxy. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you. We should investigate Republican attempts to disenfranchise voters. This whole business with signatures is a good example. None of the people looking at this are handwriting experts nd it is so subjective that it is a open invitation for mischief and likely stealing of a election.
No, YOU are the threat to our democracy. You and Snipes, and all the LAWBREAKERS whose lawbreaking you support. You're a CRIMINAL in spirit (if not deed) just like she is. This has nothing to do with agreeing, and YOU KNOW IT. It has to do with unscrupulous creeps like Snipes, and Bucher, and Flores, abusing their authority, and VIOLATING LAWS, to steal elections, from those who properly won them, fair and square.

They are violating the laws so badly that Rick Scott is winning the election.

Hard to finish the job of stealing an election when you're caught in the middle of it.
"...arrested and jailed..."

What a fucking commie you are.
No official charges and a trial by their peers?
In this country there's something called due process, and innocent until proven guilty.
You are one of the stupidest posters on this board.
Move to China, asshole.

Who said anything about her not having charges and a trial ? Answer: YOU did.

Sorry, USMB doesn't give out BOOBY prizes. Now go back to your brain doctor.

Are you another one of the idiots here who doesn't know criminal justice procedure ? I posted it in Post # 64, for your education.

Please, no more idiocy OK ?
Somebody had to remind you of how stupid you are about civil rights in this country?
And you call yourself a protectionist?
Of what? Fascism?
Exactly WHAT is your problem here ? Does somebody have to remind YOU about civil rights in this country? And how criminal justice is done ?

You quoted my post that explained it to you (what 10 year old kids know). Here it is again, if it didn't quite sink in for you >>>

1. Arrest (maybe bail out)
2. Trial
3. Conviction or aquittal
Somebody had to remind you of how stupid you are about civil rights in this country?
And you call yourself a protectionist?
Of what? Fascism?
Exactly WHAT is your problem here ? Does somebody have to remind YOU about civil rights in this country? And how criminal justice is done ?

You quoted my post that explained it to you (what 10 year old kids know). Here it is again, if it didn't quite sink in for you >>>

1. Arrest (maybe bail out)
2. Trial
3. Conviction or aquittal
One of the less convincing walk-backs I've come across.
Another blog.
Alas, the pseudo-cons on this board are awash in fake news.
Opinions don't = facts.
They are too stupid to breathe and type at the same time..
As I told IM2, if/whenever you think you're capable of debating the CONTENT of what was posted, you're free to do so. Nobody says you have to be limited to the laughingstock INVALIDATION CARD.
Hard to finish the job of stealing an election when you're caught in the middle of it.
Depending on how efficiently the Republicans fight back, and which party's judges get involved. Ultimately, Democrats will lose. They don't have majorities on either the US Supreme Court, or the Florida Supreme Court.
Snipes delinquent thought she was going to be protected by the DemonRat mob??? no scum you are not!!!!!!!!!!!!

her time has come

not a minute too soon
One of the less convincing walk-backs I've come across.
You make no sense at all. I've walked NOTHING back.

In fact, I did exactly the opposite of that. I posted the same thing TWICE.

Not getting enough sleep today ?
One of the less convincing walk-backs I've come across.
You make no sense at all. I've walked NOTHING back.

In fact, I did exactly the opposite of that. I posted the same thing TWICE.

Not getting enough sleep today ?
What was the title of the OP again?
It was a definite call for jailing Snipes...but now you want due process?
What was the title of the OP again?
It was a definite call for jailing Snipes...but now you want due process?
I ever said I DIDN'T want due process. Do you understand how criminal justice due process works in America ? I'll spell it out for you for the 3rd time. (after this you're on your own)

1. law enforcement authorities suspect you of having committed a crime. They thereby arrest you, and put you IN JAIL.

2. If you can post bail, you are sprung. If not, you remain there until your trial.

3. If you're convicted in the trial, you go back to the county jail (for a misdemeanor), or to a state or federal prison (for a felony). If you're acquitted, you go home.

GOT IT NOW ? :rolleyes:
Hilarious coming from a Trumpanzee.
Hundreds of thousands of US military died to protect this democracy, and turds like you laugh about dirtbag lowlifes destroying it. Whose worse ? You or them ?
Trump and Rick Scott are trying to stop the vote counting, which includes thousands of absentee votes from military abroad.

Trump didn't honor the military who died because it was raining and he didn't want everyone to see his aqua-net beehive when it's wet.

So fuck off.

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