Brennan testimony on Capitol Hill...makes good points, for both sides per se


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
States that he had a problem with Trump speaking to Russia about classified information because:

1) He didn't do it through proper intelligence channels. That is, U.S intel to Russia intel to have it distributed properly.

2) They didn't have a chance to go to source nation to shape the language properly.

3) Now one for the Trump team, he is concerned about the leaks and the details in the media that names the source country. This final point is one i made on here with some passion, it's one thing for Trump to make a comment, which my or may not have been on any value to Russia even if they tried to figure out the source, as they can't be sure if it was provided to them on purpose on not. Quite another for the media to leak the name and details of the leak to confirm and really provide intelligence to Russia that they might not have even known they had.

As an aside, Trey Gowdy is the best. He's tough and direct. I really wish he had pursued the FBI position, the agency and the country would be proud.
Look at him play dodge ball!

I don't think he has done a horrific job, much of the answers he cannot provide in an open setting but he states that in Closed Door sessions details are available that might answer the questions. Of course he has to be careful about what he says, especially because he might slip and say something that is classified and not meant for open exposure.

Notice, he reiterated that Russia is taking advantage of American open society, including open and free media. In other words, "the WH leaks going through the media are not good for American democracy".
Russians did what we do. They tried to influence an election in a foreign nation. This is nothing new. Nothing startling. The ONLY difference this time from any other time is Hillary lost & Trump won. Look how much money & deals with Russia were made by the Clintons over the years, but the focus is all Trump.
These hearing are a pointless charade in the face of the independent counsel that has taken over. A total waste of tax dollars.
There is a basic point here that the Media refuses to acknowledge: The President has almost unlimited discretion in these matters, UNDER OUR LAWS AND THE CONSTITUTION. If the President deems it advisable to disclose something that was previously secret, he has the RIGHT to do so, and no one sitting in an office, who was not there at the moment, and doesn't know the full context of the interaction, has any standing to second-guess that disclosure. It is not unusual for Presidents to do this. They need to convey to their counterparts that they are on top of the situations, are well informed, and have the information necessary to take the best course of action. Sometimes you have to show your hand.

The King cannot break the law. The King is the law. Figuratively speaking.

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