Breonna Taylor case: Grand jury recordings released

Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?

Because they thought drugs were in the apartment, and just surrounding the place gives them time to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Which is more important? Finding drugs or refraining from harming innocent people?

So the police should only do a warrant search if there is zero risk of harming someone?

They announced, they knocked, he shot at them.

Whether they knocked and announced themselves is questionable. Only 1 person claims they knocked and announced their presence. Everyone else heard nothing. He changed his story after initially telling the police they did not knock or announce their presence. Yet Cameron told the grand jury that they had conclusively determined the police had knocked and announced their presence. The fact that charges against Walker was dropped shows how shaky this whole thing is.

The police said they knocked and announced, one person was brave enough to confirm that.

They dropped the charges for political reasons, people are claiming they didn't hear the cops for political reasons.

And 11 others said they heard nothing and that one initially said he heard nothing. I wonder what he was offered to change his testimony?

Police hear "I heard nothing" in certain neighborhoods all the time, it's part of the reason minority neighborhoods can't get rid of their criminal element.

"Snitches get stitches" and all that.

There is a reason people refuse to assist.

But just as a counter argument, when the police killed one of their own in Baltimore they all clammed up also.

They cover for each other up to and including lying. People should trust that?

the reason is they fear the thugs, and their refusal to assist perpetuates the cycle.

There are mechanisms to punish bad cops, there is only one mechanism to remove fear from a neighborhood.

The mechanism to punish bad cops has been broken. We are trying to change that. Change that and more people will assist.

No, you are trying to make their job impossible.

what is the end game for you, anarchy?

I move closer and closer to anarchy all the time. If we refuse to make sure we have a fair and equal justice system I support it all falling apart.

That makes you an idiot.

I'm an idiot in your eyes because I want a fair and equal justice system. That says it all.

No you are an idiot because the alternative to your mythical "fair and equal" justice system is anarchy.

To you it's an acceptance of racism. I'll take anarchy.

No, it's acceptance of the reality of no system being perfect.

You really think anarchy will eliminate racism, when the biggest and strongest will rule?
Massive looting, rioting, destruction, burning, violent assaults, murders, and police injure / killed, Millions of dollars in damages, because Drug Enforcement Agents served a legal (normal, NOT a 'no-knock') warrant on a drug-dealing crack-head, he pulls a gun, shoots an officer in the leg, gun fire erupts, and Taylor, who made the choice to be with this crack-head, runs out into the middle of the shoot-out, and ends up getting shot....?!

Except her boyfriend wasn't a crack head or guilty of any crime, other than shooting at some maniacs trying to break into his house... Isn't that why you nuts think we need a Second Amendment?

None of this was an 'miscarriage of justice'.
None of this was 'targeting a black man'.
This was NOT cops waking up in the morning & deciding to kill a black man.

No, it was cops using excessive force because anotehr case of "Silly Darkie, Rights are For White People".

This was DEA agents serving a warrant on a drug dealer/user who shot 1st.

They weren't DEA, they were local cops, and they really had no business being there, as the person they were looking for was already in custody.

This was about a girl who made the wrong choices in life.

No, it was about the police violating her right to life.

This was all about an accidental shooting during the take-down of a crack-head.

Uh, guy, dropping a breakfast plate is an accident. BUsting into someone's home at 12:45 in the morning on false pretenses and shooting the place up is murder.

Based on the evidence, IMO, the cops should NOT have been charged with murder!

What about the evidence that was ignored?
According to ballistics, we can't tell which gun fired the shot that hit the officer in the leg.
The "witness" who claimed they announced themselves has changed his story multiple times.

This was all about false accusations and false narratives against the police and how it was all used to divide America further and justify looting, burning, assaulting, murdering, & attacking cops!

No, it was about the kind of abuse of police power that happens much too often in this country, often abbetted by abuses by prosecutors like the Sellout KY AG.
I'm an idiot in your eyes because I want a fair and equal justice system. That says it all.
it was a legal warrant. what is it you want differently? The police that went to the residence followed a legal document. period. Did the drug dude fire at them when they entered? yes or no?

The Grand Jury testimony showed that Cameron lied. He said that those who served the warrant had nothing to do with the investigation that was presented to the judge (admitting that there was a problem there). We found out after the fact that one of the officers was involved. Cameron lied on many occasions. It's why the judge insisted on releasing the testimony.

Now, if Cameron had done his job from the beginning and fired and charged the officer that lied to get the warrant we may not be where we are today.

The facts are we have had lie after lie coming from the prosecution side. That has to stop. We have no system if the prosecution side is allowed to lie without repercussions. We have anarchy.
You know what I am referring to.
sorry bubba, I have no clue what you're talking about. The police that entered that apartment did so legally. Period. had nothing to do with the validity of the warrant. talk to the judge.
Except her boyfriend wasn't a crack head or guilty of any crime, other than shooting at some maniacs trying to break into his house... Isn't that why you nuts think we need a Second Amendment?
so why did he have a gun and why did he have it when they entered? Finally, why did he shoot? son, sometimes facts make your brains fall out.
I'm an idiot in your eyes because I want a fair and equal justice system. That says it all.
it was a legal warrant. what is it you want differently? The police that went to the residence followed a legal document. period. Did the drug dude fire at them when they entered? yes or no?

The Grand Jury testimony showed that Cameron lied. He said that those who served the warrant had nothing to do with the investigation that was presented to the judge (admitting that there was a problem there). We found out after the fact that one of the officers was involved. Cameron lied on many occasions. It's why the judge insisted on releasing the testimony.

Now, if Cameron had done his job from the beginning and fired and charged the officer that lied to get the warrant we may not be where we are today.

The facts are we have had lie after lie coming from the prosecution side. That has to stop. We have no system if the prosecution side is allowed to lie without repercussions. We have anarchy.
the warrant was served legally. that is a fact.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
I suggest you watch this video... and YOU tell me what YOU would do?
Jarrett Maupin is the Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix.
In his own words..".Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
“I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!

The police need to understand that they can only enforce legal orders. NO, we should NOT willingly cede our civil rights because it pisses off out of control police officers.
I take it from your lack of respect for authority you come from a father-less childhood?
This is the Major contributing factor as to why the majority of blacks resist arrest...i.e. have no respect for authority figures.
THIS is a fact as borne out by these black commentators which I'm confident YOU call Uncle Toms!
These are FACTS. Walter Williams a person in the famous words of your hero Obama who said..(."by the way his black"!, ) points this out.
Again courtesy of the Democrats!
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
BUT again for simplicity... in the 60s almost 78% of black households had two parents, i.e. male/femail.
BUT today less than 30% have two parents.
But people like you IGNORE these facts that a cop is an authority figure. A teacher is an authority figure. A father is an authority figure.
As a consequence most young black males that are killed are killed because they resist authority figures. Plain and simple!

I didn't vote for Obama but rant away.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?

Because they thought drugs were in the apartment, and just surrounding the place gives them time to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Which is more important? Finding drugs or refraining from harming innocent people?

So the police should only do a warrant search if there is zero risk of harming someone?

They announced, they knocked, he shot at them.

Whether they knocked and announced themselves is questionable. Only 1 person claims they knocked and announced their presence. Everyone else heard nothing. He changed his story after initially telling the police they did not knock or announce their presence. Yet Cameron told the grand jury that they had conclusively determined the police had knocked and announced their presence. The fact that charges against Walker was dropped shows how shaky this whole thing is.

The police said they knocked and announced, one person was brave enough to confirm that.

They dropped the charges for political reasons, people are claiming they didn't hear the cops for political reasons.

And 11 others said they heard nothing and that one initially said he heard nothing. I wonder what he was offered to change his testimony?

Police hear "I heard nothing" in certain neighborhoods all the time, it's part of the reason minority neighborhoods can't get rid of their criminal element.

"Snitches get stitches" and all that.

There is a reason people refuse to assist.

But just as a counter argument, when the police killed one of their own in Baltimore they all clammed up also.

They cover for each other up to and including lying. People should trust that?

the reason is they fear the thugs, and their refusal to assist perpetuates the cycle.

There are mechanisms to punish bad cops, there is only one mechanism to remove fear from a neighborhood.

The mechanism to punish bad cops has been broken. We are trying to change that. Change that and more people will assist.

No, you are trying to make their job impossible.

what is the end game for you, anarchy?

I move closer and closer to anarchy all the time. If we refuse to make sure we have a fair and equal justice system I support it all falling apart.

That makes you an idiot.

I'm an idiot in your eyes because I want a fair and equal justice system. That says it all.

No you are an idiot because the alternative to your mythical "fair and equal" justice system is anarchy.

To you it's an acceptance of racism. I'll take anarchy.

No, it's acceptance of the reality of no system being perfect.

You really think anarchy will eliminate racism, when the biggest and strongest will rule?

There is a difference in understanding that nothing is perfect and making excuses and not holding people accountable when it goes wrong.
So a US Government employee shot a US Citizen in cold blood and that is OK...
See, I stopped reading at this early point in your post. What you suggest, is so patently incredulous.. that you may as well hold up a sign that states, "I'm a wicked troll, or have an IQ below 70. perhaps both."
To you it's an acceptance of racism. I'll take anarchy.
what about that warrant was racist? explain.

It's obvious. She was black so obviously she was guilty of something even though the police had no proof of that.
Jumping to conclusions. She was not the subject of the shooting. She was a bystander who also happened to date the criminal WHO STARTED the shooting.
What is really wrong with people like you? FACTS don't matter evidently. Emotional responses without any thinking is what animals do!
So a US Government employee shot a US Citizen in cold blood and that is OK...
See, I stopped reading at this early point in your post. What you suggest, is so patently incredulous.. that you may as well hold up a sign that states, "I'm a wicked troll, or have an IQ below 70. perhaps both."
How can you see it any different ? There was no need to shoot her. She was in her own house in the early hours of the morning and a group break in and shoot her.
The only reason you loons are defending this is because she was a black woman. If she was some crazy survivalist militia type in Idaho you would be going ballistic.
To you it's an acceptance of racism. I'll take anarchy.
what about that warrant was racist? explain.

It's obvious. She was black so obviously she was guilty of something even though the police had no proof of that.
Jumping to conclusions. She was not the subject of the shooting. She was a bystander who also happened to date the criminal WHO STARTED the shooting.

Her boyfriend wasn't a criminal. He was a lawful concealed carry citizen. Why lie about this?

What is really wrong with people like you? FACTS don't matter evidently. Emotional responses without any thinking is what animals do!

Get a mirror.
So a US Government employee shot a US Citizen in cold blood and that is OK...
See, I stopped reading at this early point in your post. What you suggest, is so patently incredulous.. that you may as well hold up a sign that states, "I'm a wicked troll, or have an IQ below 70. perhaps both."
How can you see it any different ? There was no need to shoot her. She was in her own house in the early hours of the morning and a group break in and shoot her.
The only reason you loons are defending this is because she was a black woman. If she was some crazy survivalist militia type in Idaho you would be going ballistic.
You would have to literally be retarded not to see how this can be viewed as "in cold blood."

How could you learn how to register and type words and not know what the phrase means?

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