Breonna Taylor Protesters Are Behaving Irresponsibly!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Breonna Taylor protesters making a big scene this weekend with the Kentucky Derby are wrong, irresponsible and a disgrace and should stop their spectacle behavior immediately! I support the principle and value that "Black Lives Matter" and agree there should be a gargantuan legislative effort at the national level to get people off the police forces across America that are unfit from a character standpoint to be an officer and people that commit these indefensible acts of violence against Black people in America. But the Breonna Taylor shooting wasn't a racially motivated shooting; it was a mistake, an error by the police and because of that mistake the civil judgment against the police over it should be very large! It was not an unjust shooting by the police, it was a mistake by the police; the police failed to make clear their presence when they were issuing an arrest warrant and because of that mistake Breonna's boyfriend thought the intruder was out to harm them and so he fired his gun at the intruder to protect himself and Breonna. In doing so Breonna's boyfriend actually was shooting at the police and the police returned fire in self -defense a legitimate reason for them to discharge their weapons and from that return fire Breonna suffered bullet wounds that were fatal.

The Breonna Taylor Protesters calling for the police officers that executed this warrant to be charged with a homicide is unjust there isn't the evidence to support such charges this shooting was a mistake not a criminal act. These Breonna Taylor protesters are illegitimately hurting America we need to tone down the hostiliting and rancor in America over racial injustice and keep the conversation on a constructive plateau so the nation can bring material improvement in this area and seek to end this problem permanently. There is plenty of legitimate police abuse against black people in America to protest in the extreme the George Floyd killing, the Rayshshard Brooks shooting and the Jacob Blake shooting, the Breonna Taylor incident wasn't, isn't and will never be and people seeking to make it so are acting incredibly irresponsible and need to stop it immediately because it is not helping with the societal boiling over going on in America in the current times!
Breonna Taylor protesters making a big scene this weekend with the Kentucky Derby are wrong, irresponsible and a disgrace and should stop their spectacle behavior immediately! I support the principle and value that "Black Lives Matter" and agree there should be a gargantuan legislative effort at the national level to get people off the police forces across America that are unfit from a character standpoint to be an officer and people that commit these indefensible acts of violence against Black people in America. But the Breonna Taylor shooting wasn't a racially motivated shooting; it was a mistake, an error by the police and because of that mistake the civil judgment against the police over it should be very large! It was not an unjust shooting by the police, it was a mistake by the police; the police failed to make clear their presence when they were issuing an arrest warrant and because of that mistake Breonna's boyfriend thought the intruder was out to harm them and so he fired his gun at the intruder to protect himself and Breonna. In doing so Breonna's boyfriend actually was shooting at the police and the police returned fire in self -defense a legitimate reason for them to discharge their weapons and from that return fire Breonna suffered bullet wounds that were fatal.

The Breonna Taylor Protesters calling for the police officers that executed this warrant to be charged with a homicide is unjust there isn't the evidence to support such charges this shooting was a mistake not a criminal act. These Breonna Taylor protesters are illegitimately hurting America we need to tone down the hostiliting and rancor in America over racial injustice and keep the conversation on a constructive plateau so the nation can bring material improvement in this area and seek to end this problem permanently. There is plenty of legitimate police abuse against black people in America to protest in the extreme the George Floyd killing, the Rayshshard Brooks shooting and the Jacob Blake shooting, the Breonna Taylor incident wasn't, isn't and will never be and people seeking to make it so are acting incredibly irresponsible and need to stop it immediately because it is not helping with the societal boiling over going on in America in the current times!

And here we go:

David Hookstead

Rioters in Louisville had a U-Haul on standby loaded up with supplies, and immediately geared up as soon as the Breonna Taylor decision was announced. People pretend these riots happen out of nowhere. They don't. They're well-coordinated and prepared.

Louisville mayor puts curfew in place, says National Guard is coming.

These Bolsheviks along with the black community are simply looking for excuses to get violent in the streets of America.
They'll hoist up a flag of George Floyd or Breonna Taylor, or whoever, but it's all an excuse to try and legitimize violence.
These Bolsheviks along with the black community are simply looking for excuses to get violent in the streets of America.
They'll hoist up a flag of George Floyd or Breonna Taylor, or whoever, but it's all an excuse to try and legitimize violence.
Yup. Vote Republican or vote for Rioters.

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