Brexit Britain - turn off all of your appliances to avoid blackouts

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.
As usual, the connectors to your tiny brain have been switched, causing you to think oppositely of truth.

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.
Energy bad

The Left good.
This is the wet dream of every Leftists on the planet


Won't you turn off your lights and do your part, or are you a climate denier?

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.

This has been going on in California for years. Decades, even.

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.

Sounds like it's a money saving option, not a requirement. What's the problem? They did something similar in Colorado, which does not have a conservative government. Doesn't sound like politics is playing much of a role here
Poor Timmy Tummy .
Nobody is switching off.
They are reducing consumption in a heavy demand period with people volunteering to join this test scheme . For a reward .
Silly Tummy .
All partly caused by our brainless Labour party with their daft reliance on wind turbines that we are all suffering --- flat weather means the turbines are still .
Get somebody clever to first check your proposed posts , Tummy. You will make yourself look less foolish .
Sounds like it's a money saving option, not a requirement. What's the problem? They did something similar in Colorado, which does not have a conservative government. Doesn't sound like politics is playing much of a role here
The problem is that there isnt enough power to keep us going. 13 years of tory failure to invest in our power infrastructure is coming home to roost. Bans on wind farms and no investment in green anergy has left us exposed . They have just comissioned a new nuclear plant which will come on stream in the 2030s. maybe.
There is no plan.
The problem is that there isnt enough power to keep us going. 13 years of tory failure to invest in our power infrastructure is coming home to roost. Bans on wind farms and no investment in green anergy has left us exposed . They have just comissioned a new nuclear plant which will come on stream in the 2030s. maybe.
There is no plan.

That's been the case in California for decades. Are you saying you don't want to be like California?
Poor Timmy Tummy .
Nobody is switching off.
They are reducing consumption in a heavy demand period with people volunteering to join this test scheme . For a reward .
Silly Tummy .
All partly caused by our brainless Labour party with their daft reliance on wind turbines that we are all suffering --- flat weather means the turbines are still .
Get somebody clever to first check your proposed posts , Tummy. You will make yourself look less foolish .
Yes they can make up to £10 if they do so.That should buy them a pint in their local which has , of course, closed down due to the tory recession.
Tory britain where nothing works.
Yes they can make up to £10 if they do so.That should buy them a pint in their local which has , of course, closed down due to the tory recession.
Tory britain where nothing works.

Shame that the Americans here do not really know Alf Garnett from " Till death do us part". As played by Warren Mitchell .
You are him.
Feel sure that you were the figure on whom that character was based . A rabid communist and misogynist with 100% cognitive rigidity .

Praying that you are an Impure One so that you can head the queue for permanent detention in one of the camps .

Here lies Tin Pot Tummy Traitor .

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.
Thought it was Putin's fault.
Thought it was Putin's fault.
Timmy Tummy is one of those old fashioned UK communists that are treated kindly because they have never managed to handle the changed

world we live in .

He is a clear cut traitor to his country but we tolerate him because some clowns are harmless and they keep people smiling .

Well this must be a low point. Brought to us by the incompetent conservative govt.
This is the UK not texas. The least that these wankers could do is keep the lights on.

This is what happens when you elect conservatives to positions that adults should fill.

My city has a payment schedule where you can pay less for electrons most of the day if you are willing to get soaked for them during peak hours. It appeases Saint Greta to save energy and all that. Specifically I think your rate is a couple cents lower than the fixed rate during off peak hours and a couple cents higher during peak hours. I haven't signed up for it though because I am a zappity zap pig.
My city has a payment schedule where you can pay less for electrons most of the day if you are willing to get soaked for them during peak hours. It appeases Saint Greta to save energy and all that. Specifically I think your rate is a couple cents lower than the fixed rate during off peak hours and a couple cents higher during peak hours. I haven't signed up for it though because I am a zappity zap pig.
I think it shows how out of whack the energy market is. A company paying you not to use its service is a new one on me. The fact that they can afford to do so suggests that they are coining it at the moment.
I think it shows how out of whack the energy market is. A company paying you not to use its service is a new one on me. The fact that they can afford to do so suggests that they are coining it at the moment.

In our case the reason is because of price leveling. Supposedly charging us more during fair weather days offset the huge surcharges that come on foul weather days to be able to keep a fixed rate for all consumption throughout the month/year. This new floating pricing option may save some people money, but I want to have my AC on 69 when it is hitting triple digits outside and want to have my heat on 71 when it is below freezing outside.
In our case the reason is because of price leveling. Supposedly charging us more during fair weather days offset the huge surcharges that come on foul weather days to be able to keep a fixed rate for all consumption throughout the month/year. This new floating pricing option may save some people money, but I want to have my AC on 69 when it is hitting triple digits outside and want to have my heat on 71 when it is below freezing outside.
Ours is fucked up but I couldnt begin to explain it to you. It looks like a cartel to me. It certainly doesnt benefit the consumer.
Britain has energy problems. Ok

The OP posits that if they hadn’t left the EU, they wouldn’t have such problems.

Support for that claim is found — where?
Ours is fucked up but I couldnt begin to explain it to you. It looks like a cartel to me. It certainly doesnt benefit the consumer.

It doesn't at the moment. I have a cursory knowledge of the UK situation. Part of the problem is that you people keep very little stored natural gas and are overly reliant on wind and european suppliers of electricity when the wind isn't blowing. Right now it is cold, not especially windy, you have no gas stored, and Europe may not be able to meet your needs because of the Ukraine/Russia crap, so they ask you to cut back. If they bring the new nuclear online in Wales, that will help in these situations eventually.

What really perplexes me is why they haven't changed these longer term contract agreements for businesses that renew when prices are off the chart. That logic is foreign to me unless it is to guarantee revenue certainty for small scale producers. In the US, I am not aware of any end consumer who has to enter such contracts. Municpal providers may contract long term at a fixed rate with individual suppliers, but the residents and mom and pop businesses do not have a fixed contract in any place I have ever heard of. That may be because states often have regulatory controls in place that cap prices that can be passed along.

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