Brexit dividend - 160000 vacancies in social care, Here come the filipinos

Most of your care homes are going to go under due to your energy prices, so you probably won't need nearly as many as you think.
They'll keep the care homes as long as the people have sufficient money for the increase.
Most of your care homes are going to go under due to your energy prices, so you probably won't need nearly as many as you think.
Well that might be the case but I am not sure. It looks like they are planning to use care homes to ship folk out of the NHS. Old people whoare cured but cant go home.
Its a solution to the current NHS problems. Not sure why it hasnt been done.
Of course care home pay is shit so they may be better off in Nepal.

Well that might be the case but I am not sure. It looks like they are planning to use care homes to ship folk out of the NHS. Old people whoare cured but cant go home.
Its a solution to the current NHS problems. Not sure why it hasnt been done.
Of course care home pay is shit so they may be better off in Nepal.

hmmm they say
“NHS leaders were disappointed when the previous discharge to assess funding ended, despite their pleas,” said Rory Deighton, the acute lead at the NHS Confederation. “During the first wave of coronavirus it freed up 30,000 hospital beds, led to a 28% drop in patients staying in hospital for more than three weeks, freed up more than 6,000 staff, and led to £451m of efficiency savings.”
but no mention of the tens of thousands of deaths this caused.
Well that might be the case but I am not sure. It looks like they are planning to use care homes to ship folk out of the NHS. Old people whoare cured but cant go home.
Its a solution to the current NHS problems. Not sure why it hasnt been done.
Of course care home pay is shit so they may be better off in Nepal.

Yes that is the American model for old people--kick em out of the hospital ASAP and put them in a nursing home to bide time. It kind of sucks. We call it "rehab" though so it sounds like they are being helped.
hmmm they say but no mention of the tens of thousands of deaths this caused.
When I was in hospital earlier this year I was the only one on the ward under 80. The sister spent most of he day trying to find somewhere to offload them.
It was very sad .
Yes that is the American model for old people--kick em out of the hospital ASAP and put them in a nursing home to bide time. It kind of sucks. We call it "rehab" though so it sounds like they are being helped.
Ive seen pix of American nursing homes. They look amazing.
Not the case over here. they are run down profit units that stink of piss.
When I was in hospital earlier this year I was the only one on the ward under 80. The sister spent most of he day trying to find somewhere to offload them.
It was very sad .
They've known this was going to be the situation for a long time. They have had plenty of time to sort things out. I thought that apart from very rich people who can afford total luxury the only reason people went to care homes was Dementia, Do care home workers have the skills needed to help these people get well enough to go home.
They've known this was going to be the situation for a long time. They have had plenty of time to sort things out. I thought that apart from very rich people who can afford total luxury the only reason people went to care homes was Dementia, Do care home workers have the skills needed to help these people get well enough to go home.
My wife is a nurse and when she moved up here to get married she went for an interview at a local care home.
She walked out when they told her she had to prep veg for the next day dinners during quiet spells.
I dont think that they do rehab.
Ive seen pix of American nursing homes. They look amazing.
Not the case over here. they are run down profit units that stink of piss.

Results vary depending on where you are, the age of the facility, and who is paying and for what. We have one locally that is immaculate on one side and has nice (but expensive) assisted living apartments but way over on that other end in the old part of the facility where the permanent and medicaid covered patients are packed into, it is, well Old Testament like.
Hmm, that worked so well before we joined the EEC, Britain was known as the sick man of Europe. Now that we have "sovereignty" we are rapidly heading back to that status. Here's what we influenced when we were members.

"But there were compensations. The relative decline of the UK vis-a-vis the EU stopped almost the second it joined. More competition and access to a huge market count.

Then under Margaret Thatcher, the UK had a huge influence on the future direction of the EU. It led the bloc’s move away from a frankly ridiculous amount of spending on agriculture towards the real benefits of such an economic grouping, the single market. There is even a debate about whether membership of the EU was more important to the UK than those far more famous Thatcherite reforms, or even whether it made them possible.

It was Thatcher’s appointment to the European Commission, Lord Cockfield, who led the charge to create a proper single market. In fact, he helped to create the largest market in the world; barriers to trade were reduced, co-ordination of standards and regulations was enhanced, subsidies cut, national champions were forced to compete, all leading to an increasingly level playing field.

The airline industry is a perfect example. Europe’s airspace was forced open, competition encouraged, new entrants to the sector thrived, new routes multiplied, fares fell, and standards improved. Ryanair and EasyJet became huge airlines – a previously impossible achievement.

As part of the changes that created the single market, the EU became a standards superpower. If you wanted to do business in the EU, you had to meet its common standards. These have become the gold standard of standards, so to speak, and allowed the EU to become a rule-maker, not a rule-taker, something the UK is going to discover to its cost.

But while it was a member, this gave the UK a huge advantage, as one of the most free-market economies in Europe, with a flexible labour market, an excellent legal system and the massive advantage of speaking English. All that and it was still within the single market, meaning it attracted more and more inward investment.

This in turn was a huge boost to productivity,
for the simple reason that foreign firms that wanted to make and sell their products in the EU set up shop in the UK and sent their brightest and best to the UK to do business. They invested vast amounts in the latest technology and managed and trained their workers far better than homegrown firms.

They also demanded that their suppliers did the same – the knock-on effects have been felt far and wide in the UK. Our productivity levels are still lamentable compared with France, Germany, and the US (between 20% and 30% lower) but they would be far, far worse without inward investment." The sick man of Europe is back

If the New European is too "biased" for you, try the Economist
or the London Economic on the New Statesman's report

Nothing to do with trains or scientists, leaving the EU, has really screwed us over, thanks a lot, Brexshitters.
I read your first line and got bored with the usual shit. Either sort yourselves out, or fuck off, the UK can't be done with progress draggers.
Results vary depending on where you are, the age of the facility, and who is paying and for what. We have one locally that is immaculate on one side and has nice (but expensive) assisted living apartments but way over on that other end in the old part of the facility where the permanent and medicaid covered patients are packed into, it is, well Old Testament like.
I would cut my throat before I went into a nursing home. Hell is other people.
I would cut my throat before I went into a nursing home. Hell is other people.

Progress on what ?You know they have abolished the Brexit opps ministry after just 6 months ?
Why would that be ?
Oh, hey, there has been progress, we've been overtaken by India in the G7, wait a while and we may not even qualify for the G12, but hey we've got sovereignty that we never lost back, hurrah!!
The United States is a single nation.

So an Alaskan is culturally identical to a Floridian? A Texan to a New Englander? Why do many Americans describe themselves as German-American, Dutch-American, Irish-American, African-American, etc,etc.

There are over 350 different languages spoken in the USA. The USA has no official language and each individual state has it's own government that makes it's own laws.

You have a central Federal Government which can make USA wide laws and deal with foreign relations, to which individual states are to some degree subservient, but they in turn elect their own representatives to the central government in order to influence what laws the central government makes.

How is this different from the EU?

So an Alaskan is culturally identical to a Floridian? A Texan to a New Englander? Why do many Americans describe themselves as German-American, Dutch-American, Irish-American, African-American, etc,etc.

There are over 350 different languages spoken in the USA. The USA has no official language and each individual state has it's own government that makes it's own laws.

You have a central Federal Government which can make USA wide laws and deal with foreign relations, to which individual states are to some degree subservient, but they in turn elect their own representatives to the central government in order to influence what laws the central government makes.

How is this different from the EU?

If you are so deeply and irreparably ignorantly that the difference is not clear to you, then I cannot imagine that there is anything that I or anyone else can say to help you understand.
Progress on what ?You know they have abolished the Brexit opps ministry after just 6 months ?
Why would that be ?
England became England in 927. Foolishly, it took on the retarded Welsh, Scots, and Irish. England should fuck the lot off to perish, and after the 40 odd years of EU membership, you think the sky is falling. Please just wither away and die because England doesn't want you.
England became England in 927. Foolishly, it took on the retarded Welsh, Scots, and Irish. England should fuck the lot off to perish, and after the 40 odd years of EU membership, you think the sky is falling. Please just wither away and die because England doesn't want you.
Go for it. We will nationalise our water and live off the proceeds for ever.
Or is this another whacky "We hold all the cards" thing ?

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