Brexit dividend - 160000 vacancies in social care, Here come the filipinos

See post #120 and 125.

Also this article

When you stop laughing, perhaps you can provide that list of Brexit benefits? I'm sure Jacob Rees-Mogg can help you out, after all, he is in charge of finding them...
Oh, BTW, "Remoaners" no longer exist, They're now calling themselves "Rejoiners", and "Brexiteers" are now being called "Brexshitters".
Nope, "Arsehole" Remoaners. They're a cancer on the UK.

There should be a law that you can shoot these fucking weasels, they're moaning parasites.
Germany's inflation rate hits 50 year high. Don't tell me, Brexit did that :laughing0301:
Nothing to with the topic, but yes I agree, Germany's inflation rate has gon up tp 7.9% from 7.5%; it's highest since unification was 11.5%. Average inflation rate in the EU is 9.8% up from 9.6%.
The UK's inflation rate by comparison is currently 10.1% a 40 year high, and climbing as opposed to an inflation rate of 2.68% in 2017 and 0.66% in 2016 when we had the referendum.
Nice try at deflection.
Why are your sort so aggressive and unpleasant ?
Probably because they have finally realised in their heart of hearts that they were conned and now need to lash out in a feeble attempt at denial, like many "cultists" in the past, both in the UK and abroad. Facts don't matter to them, they must preserve their "world view" at any cost.
Probably because they have finally realised in their heart of hearts that they were conned and now need to lash out in a feeble attempt at denial, like many "cultists" in the past, both in the UK and abroad. Facts don't matter to them, they must preserve their "world view" at any cost.
They are getting angrier. I suppose as the reality sinks in they realise they were sold a pup.
My biggest worry is that they will see Ireland in flames in pursuit of this nonsense.
Nothing to with the topic, but yes I agree, Germany's inflation rate has gon up tp 7.9% from 7.5%; it's highest since unification was 11.5%. Average inflation rate in the EU is 9.8% up from 9.6%.
The UK's inflation rate by comparison is currently 10.1% a 40 year high, and climbing as opposed to an inflation rate of 2.68% in 2017 and 0.66% in 2016 when we had the referendum.
Nice try at deflection.
Inflation world wide is due to coming out of lockdowns, the Brexit cranks will state otherwise.

The Brexit cranks are all concerned by an unknown quantity of scientists doing mostly unknown work getting an unknown amount of funding from the EU that charges every member state for this funding and they don't know how that effects them. And they want to stay in the EU because of this problem. All I can say is, "Fucking brainless retards". If you ever wonder where the UK problems come from, look at the brainless fucking retards crying over this science problem that makes them wet their bed on a night. AND THAT is their reason to stay in a dictatorship?? I blame, the education system, and in-breeding.

Imagine how the UK came about before the EU, in terms of engineering, science etc.. and the brainless fucking retards are crying over scientists not getting funding. Fucking brainless retards.
Inflation world wide is due to coming out of lockdowns, the Brexit cranks will state otherwise.
Erm, inflation has nothing to do with the pandemic. Currently inflation is being driven by extreme profiteering. Wages are not causing inflation, prices are rising in the UK because of the policies of previous Conservative governments starting with Thatcher
Imagine how the UK came about before the EU, in terms of engineering, science etc.. and the brainless fucking retards are crying over scientists not getting funding. Fucking brainless retards
No need, remember the "brain drain" of the 1960s and 70's? Skilled and talented people chose to leave the UK because of inadequate funding.
Because remoaners are embarrassing and a cancer to the UK. If you weren't such an embarrassment, then you wouldn't find the unpleasantness that you perceive.
The only embarrassment to the UK are the clowns that voted to leave the EU because the wealthy didn't want to declare their world wide assets and pay their fair share of taxes. The Brexit brigade were duped and now have to live with the consequences. Oh, btw, we're about to drop out of the top 6 economies, to be replaced by India, hey ho... Oh look I thought I saw a unicorn on those sunny uplands...
The only embarrassment to the UK are the clowns that voted to leave the EU because the wealthy didn't want to declare their world wide assets and pay their fair share of taxes. The Brexit brigade were duped and now have to live with the consequences. Oh, btw, we're about to drop out of the top 6 economies, to be replaced by India, hey ho... Oh look I thought I saw a unicorn on those sunny uplands...
Most of Scotland didn't vote to leave the EU Scotland's voted to remain, and we wish to rejoin the EU when we become independent .
Well that is the facts if you look at the votes in Scotland, Scotland don't want to be in the UK because of policies that are detrimental to Scotland and the Scottish people the EU policies are better with more rights than what we have now the UK government want to change the human rights Act, and they currently want to change the trade unions acts via Liz Truss who is the new prime minster, and she's as useful as a chocolate teapot
Well that is the facts if you look at the votes in Scotland, Scotland don't want to be in the UK because of policies that are detrimental to Scotland and the Scottish people the EU policies are better with more rights than what we have now the UK government want to change the human rights Act, and they currently want to change the trade unions acts via Liz Truss who is the new prime minster, and she's as useful as a chocolate teapot
Scotland was lied to by the tories.
Doesnt make it right though.
Nope but I have learned never to believe a politician because you can’t trust them, political association doesn’t matter. That’s why I find people that get upset when politicians lie amusing. Name a politician that hasn’t lied? That is why I don’t trust any politicians.

what I find amusing is people only get mad when politicians with opposing views get mad and you accept the lies of those you agree with. They should all make you upset because they are lies and you are a hypocrite it they don’t all make you mad.
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