Brian Sandoval, Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted for Supreme Court vacancy

If the Dems take the Senate, they will confirm Obama's nominee prior to the 20 Jan inauguration
They won't take the senate and even if they do, it's not going to happen in two weeks with a lame duck president. Think ffs!

The vote will happen the first day of a new Senate
Not going to happen since Dems can't take 100 seats. Sorry.
They only have to take six to get to 50
You're being silly. Don't you think you can get dozens of senators to talk non-stop for two weeks. Dems would have to swing 14 seats to invoke cloture.
Even if Trump wins and the Dems take the Senate, Obama still gets his man

Pretty much zero chance of that. If the nation rejects Hillary, they are rejecting the democratic - socialist establishment. They will not put that same establishment in the senate.

There is a better chance of Hillary winning the POTUS than there is of the dims winning the Senate.
Obama throws this crap out just to see the media get whiplash from jerking their head to the side trying to follow / spin it in reaction to it...there is no way in hail Obama is going to nominate a Republican to the USSC. Anyone who thinks he will is gullible as hail!
If the Dems take the Senate, they will confirm Obama's nominee prior to the 20 Jan inauguration
They won't take the senate and even if they do, it's not going to happen in two weeks with a lame duck president. Think ffs!

The vote will happen the first day of a new Senate
Not going to happen since Dems can't take 100 seats. Sorry.
They only have to take six to get to 50
You're being silly. Don't you think you can get dozens of senators to talk non-stop for two weeks.

You mean filibuster?
Filibuster rules are established by the incoming Senate. Dems have already shown their intolerance of Republican filibustering judicial nominations. You think after 300 days of Republican obstruction that Democrats will not play that card?
I have a difficult time seeing Obama appointing a Republican to the court. Democrats would lose their shit over it and the Republicans would have to confirm him.

Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court

Sandoval would be an excellent choice as he would not automatically tilt the court to one side or the other. If he is the nominee and Republicans block him, it will be to their own detriment. Of course, Obama would never nominate someone so middle of the road being the Communist that he is.
What is it that President Obama does that makes him a Communist?

Obama is not a Communist. Just poking fun at the rubes who consistently demand that he is.
I have a difficult time seeing Obama appointing a Republican to the court. Democrats would lose their shit over it and the Republicans would have to confirm him.

Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court
Nope! The REPs aren't going to consider any nomination from Obama. ZIP ZERO!
If Sandoval is such a great choice the new President will nominate after the inauguration.
It looks like you refuse to take NO for an answer.
Obama could nominate John Bolton and the REP controlled Senate wouldn't even open the envelope.
You are not grasping the issue at hand apparently. It's NOT about which nomination Obama puts up. It's about the FACT that over time the fucking DEMs from Biden to Schummer to Obama himself screamed their heads off against the President nominating ANY!!! SCJ in ANY President' last year in office.
It's fucking payback time!
And the DEMs are for decades going to rue the day they elected the First 'AA' President who turned out to be an asshole.
I have a difficult time seeing Obama appointing a Republican to the court. Democrats would lose their shit over it and the Republicans would have to confirm him.

Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court

I dont know where you get this '...and republicans would have to confirm him.'

Republicans have been trying to get their Congresscritters to do what they are supposed to do for decades now and it hasnt worked yet.

How are they going to reject a sitting Republican governor and explain that one?

as it turns out the guy has rejected obamas offer

and withdrew his name
They won't take the senate and even if they do, it's not going to happen in two weeks with a lame duck president. Think ffs!

The vote will happen the first day of a new Senate
Not going to happen since Dems can't take 100 seats. Sorry.
They only have to take six to get to 50
You're being silly. Don't you think you can get dozens of senators to talk non-stop for two weeks.

You mean filibuster?
Filibuster rules are established by the incoming Senate. Dems have already shown their intolerance of Republican filibustering judicial nominations. You think after 300 days of Republican obstruction that Democrats will not play that card?
The rules permit a senator, or a series of senators, to speak for as long as they wish and on any topic they choose, unless "three-fifths of the Senators duly chosen and sworn"[1] (usually 60 out of 100 senators) brings debate to a close by invoking cloture under Senate Rule XXII.

According to the Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Ballin (1892), changes to Senate rules could be achieved by a simple majority. Nevertheless, under current Senate rules, a rule change itself could be filibustered, with the votes of two-thirds of those senators present and voting (as opposed to the normal three-fifths of those sworn) needed to end debate.[1] Despite this written requirement, the possibility exists that the Senate's presiding officer could on motion declare a Senate rule unconstitutional, which decision can be upheld by a simple majority vote of the Senate.
The vote will happen the first day of a new Senate
Not going to happen since Dems can't take 100 seats. Sorry.
They only have to take six to get to 50
You're being silly. Don't you think you can get dozens of senators to talk non-stop for two weeks.

You mean filibuster?
Filibuster rules are established by the incoming Senate. Dems have already shown their intolerance of Republican filibustering judicial nominations. You think after 300 days of Republican obstruction that Democrats will not play that card?
The rules permit a senator, or a series of senators, to speak for as long as they wish and on any topic they choose, unless "three-fifths of the Senators duly chosen and sworn"[1] (usually 60 out of 100 senators) brings debate to a close by invoking cloture under Senate Rule XXII.

According to the Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Ballin (1892), changes to Senate rules could be achieved by a simple majority. Nevertheless, under current Senate rules, a rule change itself could be filibustered, with the votes of two-thirds of those senators present and voting (as opposed to the normal three-fifths of those sworn) needed to end debate.[1] Despite this written requirement, the possibility exists that the Senate's presiding officer could on motion declare a Senate rule unconstitutional, which decision can be upheld by a simple majority vote of the Senate.
Only takes 51 votes to change filibuster rules

Should take about ten minutes after the new Senate is seated
Humpf. McConnell wasn't gonna give him a hearing, and didn't want to be mallet Obama used for Dem maj for Hillary. Now I hope Hillary gets elected and the guy never sniffs the bench. The "right" thing would have been a compromise candidate and McConnell to confirm him. That was the guy. We're going to be stuck with an actual political rule that never again will a Justice be confirmed in the last year of a potus with an min in the senate.
Not going to happen since Dems can't take 100 seats. Sorry.
They only have to take six to get to 50
You're being silly. Don't you think you can get dozens of senators to talk non-stop for two weeks.

You mean filibuster?
Filibuster rules are established by the incoming Senate. Dems have already shown their intolerance of Republican filibustering judicial nominations. You think after 300 days of Republican obstruction that Democrats will not play that card?
The rules permit a senator, or a series of senators, to speak for as long as they wish and on any topic they choose, unless "three-fifths of the Senators duly chosen and sworn"[1] (usually 60 out of 100 senators) brings debate to a close by invoking cloture under Senate Rule XXII.

According to the Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Ballin (1892), changes to Senate rules could be achieved by a simple majority. Nevertheless, under current Senate rules, a rule change itself could be filibustered, with the votes of two-thirds of those senators present and voting (as opposed to the normal three-fifths of those sworn) needed to end debate.[1] Despite this written requirement, the possibility exists that the Senate's presiding officer could on motion declare a Senate rule unconstitutional, which decision can be upheld by a simple majority vote of the Senate.
Only takes 51 votes to change filibuster rules

Should take about ten minutes after the new Senate is seated
If you think that'll get by SCOTUS your more of a foll than I thought. The next president will nominate the jurist who ultimately takes the seat. That is no secret.
TPM members think that Trump will nominate a Scalia type individual.

How dumbness continues on the far right.

A Trump presidency will make them weep even more than a HRC presidency.
What happens if Trump wins and Dems take the Senate?

1. The Dem Senate will confirm Obama's appointment turning the Supreme Court 5-4
2. Older Judges like Ginsberg, Kennedy and Kennedy will resign/die
3. Trump will nominate replacements and the Democratic led Senate will refuse to consider them

You are rather confused on how things work.

If Trump takes office, any Obammy nominee is null and void.
You are all just standing around in a circle-jerk!
Why this endless 'debate' about who Obama will nominate and how he/she would rule on the bench?
You're all stupid!
Apple: Obama's possible nomination.
Orange: The Fact that whoever obama nominates is irrelevant.
Some of you are so fucking delusional you actually believe if Obama nominates someone the REPs could live with they are then going to cave and hold hearings?
I mean seriously!
The REP Senate has put their political careers on the line now.
None of them are going to go down as caving into some bullshit Obama nomination. They would NEVER be able to set foot in their State as long as they lived.
The REP Senate has made it very clear they are going to follow the lead of Joe Biden and Schumer and Obama himself and allow the American voter to decide who will be the next SCJ.
It was 'fair' to them when THEY demanded it so it is obviously 'fair' when the REPs do it.
19 of the Senate seats are contestable, of which are 18.

The Dems are ahead now in 14 of those.

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