Brief synopsis of last night's debate

first admit you're a coward and intellectual midget

then i will remind you of actual votes FOR bush's policies from your precious Democrats, even long after Bush left office, long after dems took congress

ok moron??

filibusters, obstruction.........................all your whines mean nothing when the ACTUAL RECORD shows the Jackass Party voting for ALL the major bush policies and laws REPEATEDLY
That was, as the Donald would say, a very low-energy affair.

I agree.

None of them came out of it looking like a winner. And none of them talked about what matters and the plans they have for what they didn't talk about.

No winners in that debate.

LOL, a perfect description of both Republican debates; The Dems debate was substantive, as everyone with both feet in reality understand.

Yes indeed, it was a great debate. Each candidate explained how they would expand the welfare government dependency state. You must have loved it.
That was, as the Donald would say, a very low-energy affair.

I agree.

None of them came out of it looking like a winner. And none of them talked about what matters and the plans they have for what they didn't talk about.

No winners in that debate.

LOL, a perfect description of both Republican debates; The Dems debate was substantive, as everyone with both feet in reality understand.

Yes indeed, it was a great debate. Each candidate explained how they would expand the welfare government dependency state. You must have loved it.
Keep swallowing the propaganda from greedy idiot Pub billionaires...Welfare has only been expanded by the ruin of the nonrich in this country by Reaganism and the Bush Depression. We and New Guinea are the only 2 countries without paid parental leave. Thanks Pubs and silly dupes.
O'Malley stands somewhere between 0 and 1% in the polls. Sander's is certainly not going to support O'Malley over Clinton. That would be insane. As in most primaries when the leading candidate ranks higher in the polls than all the other candidates combined, the primary becomes about selecting a VP running mate.

Also, well stated.....As a liberal democrat. my problem is that I really don't like Hillary, while fully realizing that Sanders....for all his current populist still a long shot; so, I would agree that if Sanders would eventually pull out, where will his support go (I'm sure he'll encourage his followers to back Hillary, but I'm really not too comfortable with that.........)....So. right now, I'm uncommitted.

NOTE TO RIGHT WINGERS......You may notice how a civil debate is conducted among us left-leaning voters.....
Most voters, particular Republicans are not satisfied with the offering they're presented. Many voters believe that the dysfunction that exist in Washington is caused by the political elite, such as Clinton. Democrats see Sanders as an outsider proposing sweeping reforms and not really part of the Washington in crowd. Republicans see Trump as something new and different with no experience in government.

The idea that putting someone with no experience and knowledge in the Whitehorse is not a good idea. This reminds me of my plumbing problem. I called a plumber I had used for years to fix a leak in the kitchen. After he left, it still leaked so I decided to ask my brother-in-law to take a look. He stopped the leak however, the next morning our kitchen was flooded with water and it cost me $2,000 to actually get it all fixed by professionals.

The problems we have in Washington just mirrors the political divide we have across the country. People want small government but they also want what big government provides. People want freedom from government intrusion but they want the protections that those intrusions make possible. The hypocrisy and the inconsistency of the public is just mirrored by our elected officials.
a real leader builds concensus

Ah, a right winger "praising" Obama for the Iran and Cuba deals.....Thanks

Yep, Iran is now testing missiles directly against the phony deal the DumBama administration signed and the Cuban flag is flying at the White House.

Good going.
The deal has nothing to do with missiles.

somebody tell this moron a Black President was elected 7 years ago
That was, as the Donald would say, a very low-energy affair.

I agree.

None of them came out of it looking like a winner. And none of them talked about what matters and the plans they have for what they didn't talk about.

No winners in that debate.

LOL, a perfect description of both Republican debates; The Dems debate was substantive, as everyone with both feet in reality understand.

Yes indeed, it was a great debate. Each candidate explained how they would expand the welfare government dependency state. You must have loved it.
Keep swallowing the propaganda from greedy idiot Pub billionaires...Welfare has only been expanded by the ruin of the nonrich in this country by Reaganism and the Bush Depression. We and New Guinea are the only 2 countries without paid parental leave. Thanks Pubs and silly dupes.

people all over the world are dying to come here just for the right to not have parental leave; or any number of other things you idiots say they have and are so great in other countries..................they are still trying to get here
my god you're an idiot!!


somebody tell this idiot a Democrat was elected president 7 years ago; and his Party was a majority of government until january of THIS YEAR
O'Malley stands somewhere between 0 and 1% in the polls. Sander's is certainly not going to support O'Malley over Clinton. That would be insane. As in most primaries when the leading candidate ranks higher in the polls than all the other candidates combined, the primary becomes about selecting a VP running mate.

Also, well stated.....As a liberal democrat. my problem is that I really don't like Hillary, while fully realizing that Sanders....for all his current populist still a long shot; so, I would agree that if Sanders would eventually pull out, where will his support go (I'm sure he'll encourage his followers to back Hillary, but I'm really not too comfortable with that.........)....So. right now, I'm uncommitted.

NOTE TO RIGHT WINGERS......You may notice how a civil debate is conducted among us left-leaning voters.....

They are all socialists, boring as hell and old.
Re hashing same old problems, never really getting anything done and just putting band aids on things.
That is not a civil debate.
What happened to the Dem's being the party of youth during Obama's campaign for 2008?
It'll be funny when they win the youth vote again. For the umpteenth consecutive time.
Progressive agenda's always seem to attract the young because they are looking forward while conservative agendas are looking backwards.
O'Malley stands somewhere between 0 and 1% in the polls. Sander's is certainly not going to support O'Malley over Clinton. That would be insane. As in most primaries when the leading candidate ranks higher in the polls than all the other candidates combined, the primary becomes about selecting a VP running mate.

Also, well stated.....As a liberal democrat. my problem is that I really don't like Hillary, while fully realizing that Sanders....for all his current populist still a long shot; so, I would agree that if Sanders would eventually pull out, where will his support go (I'm sure he'll encourage his followers to back Hillary, but I'm really not too comfortable with that.........)....So. right now, I'm uncommitted.

NOTE TO RIGHT WINGERS......You may notice how a civil debate is conducted among us left-leaning voters.....

They are all socialists, boring as hell and old.
Re hashing same old problems, never really getting anything done and just putting band aids on things.
That is not a civil debate.
What happened to the Dem's being the party of youth during Obama's campaign for 2008?
It'll be funny when they win the youth vote again. For the umpteenth consecutive time.
Progressive agenda's always seem to attract the young because they are looking forward while conservative agendas are looking backwards.

hilarious really!!
who wants WWII-era tax rates on the top brackets?

who wants protectionist trade policies like Republicans wanted in the 1920's?

who pines for the mafia-infested unions of a few decades ago?
who wants wide-open borders like in the first half of the 1800s???
who wishes a billiion Chinese were still running around on bicycles wearing grey pantsuits???

who has speech codes?

the Left, the Left, the Left!!!
a real leader builds concensus

Ah, a right winger "praising" Obama for the Iran and Cuba deals.....Thanks

Yep, Iran is now testing missiles directly against the phony deal the DumBama administration signed and the Cuban flag is flying at the White House.

Good going.
The deal has nothing to do with missiles.

Double checked, you're right. They violated a UN arms agreement.
people all over the world are dying to come here just for the right to not have parental leave; or any number of other things you idiots say they have and are so great in other countries

Yes, scum bucket....we are INDEED being flooded by Swedes and Danes, right ???

(Is this moron allowed on the computer during homework time?)
a real leader builds concensus

Ah, a right winger "praising" Obama for the Iran and Cuba deals.....Thanks

Yep, Iran is now testing missiles directly against the phony deal the DumBama administration signed and the Cuban flag is flying at the White House.

Good going.
The deal has nothing to do with missiles.

somebody tell this moron a Black President was elected 7 years ago
people all over the world are dying to come here just for the right to not have parental leave; or any number of other things you idiots say they have and are so great in other countries

Yes, scum bucket....we are INDEED being flooded by Swedes and Danes, right ???

(Is this moron allowed on the computer during homework time?)


put it this way leftard; how many of your citizens are flooding into Sweden and Denmark? i mean cuz its so bad here and so much better over there right??
a real leader builds concensus

Ah, a right winger "praising" Obama for the Iran and Cuba deals.....Thanks

Yep, Iran is now testing missiles directly against the phony deal the DumBama administration signed and the Cuban flag is flying at the White House.

Good going.
The deal has nothing to do with missiles.

Double checked, you're right. They violated a UN arms agreement.
Which everyone does.

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