Brilliant Idea!: GOP Rep. Steve King Suggests Using Food Stamp Funding Towards Building Trumps Wall

So...which trumpanzees here are going to give up a major part of their family's food budget to donate to the Wall?
So...which trumpanzees here are going to give up a major part of their family's food budget to donate to the Wall?

None of us, what's your point? Food stamp people are not giving up anything, the proposition is we give them less. See, that's the great thing about not having to depend on government for your survival.
Actually its the corporate whores stealing people's labor without just payment therefore they must get on welfare. EVEN when people work the majority still need FS. Hell Wal Mart shows their employees how to get on welfare!

More liberal propaganda. Walmart does not teach their employees how to get on food stamps.
Wife worked at 2 wal marts. I know more about this than you obviously.

Of course because Walmart is so small only you know people that worked there?

A few years back there was a guy that used to unload my truck. It wasn't a bad job but not the greatest either, so he took a part-time job at Walmart for extra money. He did good work for them so they made him a managers assistant. Then they wanted him to become a full-time manager. He was torn because he liked the full-time job he had, but Walmart offered much better pay and medical benefits. A few weeks after he was telling me about it, I went there and another person took over shipping and receiving.

You people have been duped by your party leaders. Walmart doesn't pay any different than K-Mart, Target, McDonald's, or a number of low or minimum wage paying jobs. In fact, they offer the best opportunity to advance in the company. I talk to Walmart truck drivers, they love the job. Their office staff does pretty well. Their managers make a decent living. Their warehouse people are quite happy. So why do the liberals target Walmart? Because of their size and they represent a successful non-union corporation.
Lol you act like I am a democrat when I am neither a democrat or republican and I call BS when I see it. They are targeted because they treat their workers like slaves. Anything they get they certainly have it coming.We already forced them to raise their wages to 10$ so...its working.
Actually its the corporate whores stealing people's labor without just payment therefore they must get on welfare. EVEN when people work the majority still need FS. Hell Wal Mart shows their employees how to get on welfare!

More liberal propaganda. Walmart does not teach their employees how to get on food stamps.
Wife worked at 2 wal marts. I know more about this than you obviously.

Of course because Walmart is so small only you know people that worked there?

A few years back there was a guy that used to unload my truck. It wasn't a bad job but not the greatest either, so he took a part-time job at Walmart for extra money. He did good work for them so they made him a managers assistant. Then they wanted him to become a full-time manager. He was torn because he liked the full-time job he had, but Walmart offered much better pay and medical benefits. A few weeks after he was telling me about it, I went there and another person took over shipping and receiving.

You people have been duped by your party leaders. Walmart doesn't pay any different than K-Mart, Target, McDonald's, or a number of low or minimum wage paying jobs. In fact, they offer the best opportunity to advance in the company. I talk to Walmart truck drivers, they love the job. Their office staff does pretty well. Their managers make a decent living. Their warehouse people are quite happy. So why do the liberals target Walmart? Because of their size and they represent a successful non-union corporation.
Lol you act like I am a democrat when I am neither a democrat or republican and I call BS when I see it. They are targeted because they treat their workers like slaves. Anything they get they certainly have it coming.We already forced them to raise their wages to 10$ so...its working.

Sorry for responding to you as a Democrat, but when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......

Who forced Walmart to raise wages? And how do they compare to the other companies I outlined?

It has nothing to do with how they treat their workers. What do they do, use whips and chains to get them to work? Do they go out and kidnap people, bring them to a Walmart and force them to work?

Walmart is like any other company. They offer X job for X amount of money, and you either work for them or you don't. There is no inhuman treatment at Walmart. You can work a day, a week, a month, and if you don't like the job, you quit the job and go out and get another one.
We all have a heart, but lets face it there is massive fraud. I still think they need to use actual stamps for certain foods only. No more pop or junk. Bread, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, prunes, cooking oil, flour, canned meats, fruit and veg. This was given back during the depression called commodities.

We all have a heart, but lets face it there is massive fraud. I still think they need to use actual stamps for certain foods only. No more pop or junk. Bread, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, prunes, cooking oil, flour, canned meats, fruit and veg. This was given back during the depression called commodities.


I'd like to think that I have a heart. But my heart shrinks when I see that 300 lbs lady in the store with four kids using food stamps. My sympathy decreases when I see them lay out their food stamp items, and then pay cash for their dog food, cat food, cat litter, flowers, cigarettes and alcohol. I grow callus when I happen to get behind them leaving the store, and they are driving a late model SUV while I put my groceries away in my 2009 Toyota Camry.

Some time ago I had to evict some tenants of mine because they were getting behind in rent. I suggested that the woman of the household get a job on the weekends to catch up while her boyfriend watches the kids. They didn't even consider it. Why? Because she got $250.00 a month in food stamps, and working would decrease her benefits.

They had the Obama phone. They had cable television. They had three cats and a very large dog. They both smoked and so did their 12 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco products to. I'm supposed to feel sorry for people like that?
We all have a heart, but lets face it there is massive fraud. I still think they need to use actual stamps for certain foods only. No more pop or junk. Bread, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, prunes, cooking oil, flour, canned meats, fruit and veg. This was given back during the depression called commodities.


I'd like to think that I have a heart. But my heart shrinks when I see that 300 lbs lady in the store with four kids using food stamps. My sympathy decreases when I see them lay out their food stamp items, and then pay cash for their dog food, cat food, cat litter, flowers, cigarettes and alcohol. I grow callus when I happen to get behind them leaving the store, and they are driving a late model SUV while I put my groceries away in my 2009 Toyota Camry.

Some time ago I had to evict some tenants of mine because they were getting behind in rent. I suggested that the woman of the household get a job on the weekends to catch up while her boyfriend watches the kids. They didn't even consider it. Why? Because she got $250.00 a month in food stamps, and working would decrease her benefits.

They had the Obama phone. They had cable television. They had three cats and a very large dog. They both smoked and so did their 12 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco products to. I'm supposed to feel sorry for people like that?

My uncle drives school van and asked the one boy from the projects where his dad worked and his response was he is too lazy to work....even the little boy was disgusted.
We all have a heart, but lets face it there is massive fraud. I still think they need to use actual stamps for certain foods only. No more pop or junk. Bread, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, prunes, cooking oil, flour, canned meats, fruit and veg. This was given back during the depression called commodities.


I'd like to think that I have a heart. But my heart shrinks when I see that 300 lbs lady in the store with four kids using food stamps. My sympathy decreases when I see them lay out their food stamp items, and then pay cash for their dog food, cat food, cat litter, flowers, cigarettes and alcohol. I grow callus when I happen to get behind them leaving the store, and they are driving a late model SUV while I put my groceries away in my 2009 Toyota Camry.

Some time ago I had to evict some tenants of mine because they were getting behind in rent. I suggested that the woman of the household get a job on the weekends to catch up while her boyfriend watches the kids. They didn't even consider it. Why? Because she got $250.00 a month in food stamps, and working would decrease her benefits.

They had the Obama phone. They had cable television. They had three cats and a very large dog. They both smoked and so did their 12 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco products to. I'm supposed to feel sorry for people like that?

My uncle drives school van and asked the one boy from the projects where his dad worked and his response was he is too lazy to work....even the little boy was disgusted.

And you know something......maybe that's a good thing!
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018

You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018

You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
The Wall is a jobs maker and we need it to protect our citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act. The people want a Wall. It's the primary reason Trump was elected.
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018

You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
The Wall is a jobs maker and we need it to protect our citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act.

The wall is not a job creator. It is a waste of money. Thank you again for showing your bigotry.
National work requirement for food stamps unless your a widow, truly disabled, and the elderly would work. Black women and some white but mostly black make a living on their backs popping out kids every five years

Also not true.

You racist human garbage alt right assholes obviously think food stamp amounts or other welfare is enough to live on.

But, please, don't bother to learn just how ignorant you are. That way, you can continue to spout :bs1:
When you include all the money they earn under the table, they are living like kings.

You are a idiot. Maybe you should talk to your mommy before you post you uncaring bastard.
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
I guess you think its stealing food from those that refuse to work to get foodstamps as well right? Funny thing is when I was a kid my mother got the OLD kind of FS and yet she worked AND went to college at same time but still needed the FS to feed us.
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
Sorry, but it's the welfare parasites who are doing the stealing.
Actually its the corporate whores stealing people's labor without just payment therefore they must get on welfare. EVEN when people work the majority still need FS. Hell Wal Mart shows their employees how to get on welfare!

You really display your ignorance. Getting food stamps in not easy and it is not a lot of money. People are not refusing to work to get food stamps.
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018

You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
The Wall is a jobs maker and we need it to protect our citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act.

The wall is not a job creator. It is a waste of money. Thank you again for showing your bigotry.
It's not a waste of money. Putting illegals on welfare is.
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018
And all this time assholes like you told us that mexico was going to pay for the wall. The 1.6 billion you speak of will NEVER pass Congress.
Sure it will. God will see to it.

You dare to insult God. The Devil is more your speed. If God has anything to say, this will not pass.
No, stupid. Its not. Its the corporations owned by the 1%. Food stamps are minuscule by comparison and mostly feed the elderly, children and babies, veterans, handicapped but hey -

Yeah, you tell em. Obama doubled the amount of children, babies, elderly and veterans through no fault of his own!

Well its sure as hell not Republicans and you scum RWNJs who want to feed the elderly, babies, children, handicapped and veterans.

Sure we do. We are willing to help those who need the help--just not anybody that wants it because we are trying to expand our base of government dependents like the Democrats do.

If you take a state like Maine where they made food stamps requirements, it greatly reduced the dependency class of childless people. They likely found alternative means for buying food like getting a job, and they are the better for it.

There is no evidence of that. It is possible that they tried to meet the requirements but were unable to do so and so they didn't bother to show up. There was no follow-up to determine what happened to them.
Hopefully black food stamp recipients and other minorities would be targeted. I consider them expendable when it comes towards protecting our borders. Kudos to Steve King for a brilliant idea. Like me, his patriotism shines.

GOP Rep Steve King: Use Food Stamp, Planned Parenthood Funding to Build Border Wall - Breitbart

Also, more good news on the Wall.

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018

You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
The Wall is a jobs maker and we need it to protect our citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act.

The wall is not a job creator. It is a waste of money. Thank you again for showing your bigotry.
It's not a waste of money. Putting illegals on welfare is.

The wall is a waste of money. That is why voters are overwhelmingly against it.

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