Brilliant Idea!: GOP Rep. Steve King Suggests Using Food Stamp Funding Towards Building Trumps Wall

Steve King is a nasty hypocrite. Look into all of the illegals working in the agriculture and packing industry in his home district where he gets a lot of support from and you'll see it. I think he is merely trying to buffer up support as he has been outed as being a hypocrite.
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
I guess you think its stealing food from those that refuse to work to get foodstamps as well right? Funny thing is when I was a kid my mother got the OLD kind of FS and yet she worked AND went to college at same time but still needed the FS to feed us.
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
Sorry, but it's the welfare parasites who are doing the stealing.
Actually its the corporate whores stealing people's labor without just payment therefore they must get on welfare. EVEN when people work the majority still need FS. Hell Wal Mart shows their employees how to get on welfare!

You really display your ignorance. Getting food stamps in not easy and it is not a lot of money. People are not refusing to work to get food stamps.
Actually it is easy. People that won't work and have no kids are being cut off if they refuse to work or get training etc. Depends on how many kids you have and how much you make as to how much you get in FS.
Lets see....... no talk about cutting the billions in welfare we send israel each year. A country that in some ways is better off than us, considering they have national health care and better subsidized education. Way to go republicans, and a good way to lose elections in the future. This trump win was a one time gift from God, or the cosmos or whatever, not to be repeated.

Not really. When the GOP created Welfare Reform, it won us elections for many years afterwards.
Food stamps are minuscule by comparison and mostly feed the elderly, children and babies, veterans, handicapped but hey -
Bullshit. Food stamps are designed (by Democrats) to buy votes from the lazy, non productive drug dealing bums who normally don't vote and the poor who really need them get screwed.

Bullshit----- Then Hillary should be the president now idiot.
You really display your ignorance. Getting food stamps in not easy and it is not a lot of money. People are not refusing to work to get food stamps.
You are obviously talking our your ass and have no clue what you're talking about. If you walk, quack, and smell like a Democrat voter you will get welfare.

And how did you know that?
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
Since when do the poor own the U.S. Treasury?

Since when a dumb wall more important than the poor Americans?

Since millions of them have flooded our country, taking our jobs, changing our language, and bringing drugs with them that kill 50,000 Americans every year.

Taking jobs that Americans don't want is what you mean. There are shortages of workers all over this country right now. But whiteys and blacks are nowhere to be found in agriculture, meat and poultry or dirty job services.

Are all illegals coming in carrying drugs?
Are drug cartels forcing you to take drugs? Or Americans asking for the drugs?
Answer these questions.
Get rid of all illegal aliens working construction jobs and service jobs for pennies on the dollar and make food stamps near impossible to get as well as welfare and people will go to work. It sucks to have to get your ass of of a couch, but that's what the taxpayers are forced to do to keep Lefty Fat, Drunk, High and on his XBOX all day

What happened when you woke up in the morning -------
1. Nobody will clean you up in the convalescence home or home care?
2. Nobody will pick the crop for you.
3. Increase prices across the board-----foods, meat and poultry, groceries, restaurants------ The RIPPLING EFFECT will trigger the prices of car services, day care, hospitals, lumbers, housing cost, rentals, crushing blow to minimum wage and anything that you encounter in your daily expenses.

Labor Shortage Leaves $13 Million in Crops to Rot in Fields

Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don't want the job
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
Since when do the poor own the U.S. Treasury?

Since when a dumb wall more important than the poor Americans?

Since millions of them have flooded our country, taking our jobs, changing our language, and bringing drugs with them that kill 50,000 Americans every year.

Taking jobs that Americans don't want is what you mean. There are shortages of workers all over this country right now. But whiteys and blacks are nowhere to be found in agriculture, meat and poultry or dirty job services.

Are all illegals coming in carrying drugs?
Are drug cartels forcing you to take drugs? Or Americans asking for the drugs?
Answer these questions.

Oh yes, they have guns. I remember seeing the arsenal our authorities collected when Sean Hannity had his special about going inside the government warehouse where they kept all the contraband they took from illegals. Maybe you can find it on YouTube; it's a few years old.

My cousin buried her son a year and a half ago. He died at 28. He was hooked on dope since he was 15 years old. Had he no access to those drugs, he probably would have never gotten addicted. But now opioids are as common as pot was when I was a kid. It's all over the place, and cities all across the country (including mine) are experiencing record numbers of OD's. But that's fine with you, as long as Trump doesn't get his wall.
Stealing food from the poor to build walls. The modern GOP.
Since when do the poor own the U.S. Treasury?

Since when a dumb wall more important than the poor Americans?

Since millions of them have flooded our country, taking our jobs, changing our language, and bringing drugs with them that kill 50,000 Americans every year.

Taking jobs that Americans don't want is what you mean. There are shortages of workers all over this country right now. But whiteys and blacks are nowhere to be found in agriculture, meat and poultry or dirty job services.

Are all illegals coming in carrying drugs?
Are drug cartels forcing you to take drugs? Or Americans asking for the drugs?
Answer these questions.

1. Oh yes, they have guns. I remember seeing the arsenal our authorities collected when Sean Hannity had his special about going inside the government warehouse where they kept all the contraband they took from illegals. Maybe you can find it on YouTube; it's a few years old.

2. My cousin buried her son a year and a half ago. He died at 28. He was hooked on dope since he was 15 years old. Had he no access to those drugs, he probably would have never gotten addicted. But now opioids are as common as pot was when I was a kid. It's all over the place, and cities all across the country (including mine) are experiencing record numbers of OD's. But that's fine with you, as long as Trump doesn't get his wall.

All wrong answers.
1. Link. You are lying. Few ------ But MOST or ALL coming to US from different part of the world are looking for a better life. Not crime.
Hannity????? Is full of crap bad for America.
2. Sorry to hear about your nephew but what happened to the parents responsible for taking care of the 15 yo kid? This is like blaming McDonald's on obesity.

Opioids epidemic are manufactured here in US like Allergan, Johnson and Johnson, Endo, Teva, Purdue but not in Mexico so the fence (not wall) will not stop that. Again this like blaming the buffet restaurants for obesity.
I play basketball, tennis and golf------ if I stumble and broke my ankle. Should I blame the court or golf course? That's pathetic don't you think?
Since when do the poor own the U.S. Treasury?

Since when a dumb wall more important than the poor Americans?

Since millions of them have flooded our country, taking our jobs, changing our language, and bringing drugs with them that kill 50,000 Americans every year.

Taking jobs that Americans don't want is what you mean. There are shortages of workers all over this country right now. But whiteys and blacks are nowhere to be found in agriculture, meat and poultry or dirty job services.

Are all illegals coming in carrying drugs?
Are drug cartels forcing you to take drugs? Or Americans asking for the drugs?
Answer these questions.

1. Oh yes, they have guns. I remember seeing the arsenal our authorities collected when Sean Hannity had his special about going inside the government warehouse where they kept all the contraband they took from illegals. Maybe you can find it on YouTube; it's a few years old.

2. My cousin buried her son a year and a half ago. He died at 28. He was hooked on dope since he was 15 years old. Had he no access to those drugs, he probably would have never gotten addicted. But now opioids are as common as pot was when I was a kid. It's all over the place, and cities all across the country (including mine) are experiencing record numbers of OD's. But that's fine with you, as long as Trump doesn't get his wall.

All wrong answers.
1. Link. You are lying. Few ------ But MOST or ALL coming to US from different part of the world are looking for a better life. Not crime.
Hannity????? Is full of crap bad for America.
2. Sorry to hear about your nephew but what happened to the parents responsible for taking care of the 15 yo kid? This is like blaming McDonald's on obesity.

Opioids epidemic are manufactured here in US like Allergan, Johnson and Johnson, Endo, Teva, Purdue but not in Mexico so the fence (not wall) will not stop that. Again this like blaming the buffet restaurants for obesity.
I play basketball, tennis and golf------ if I stumble and broke my ankle. Should I blame the court or golf course? That's pathetic don't you think?

So what are you saying, that Hannity made it all up? He staged an officer to take him on the tour of a warehouse our government doesn't have? He did an hour special on the drugs and firearms that people were trying to bring across that border, and nobody from the government challenged him on it?

As for my cousins kid, she did everything possible to help her son out. He was in jail, he's been to rehab many times, she kept him in the house as much as she could as a child. Nothing worked, and this is common with opioid addicts.

I knew a guy who robbed some churches in the area. One of the officers remembered a similar case over 20 years earlier, so on that hunch, they tailed this guy and busted him breaking into yet another church.

He was a talented man; a very good diesel mechanic, but he couldn't hold a job because of his stealing for drugs. Apparently the judge was a religious woman because she gave him five years in prison for the thefts.

He was in jail on several occasions in the past, but for short periods of time where he could survive the withdrawals. But this time there were no drugs in his future, so he went into a bathroom stall, stuffed toilet paper down his throat and in his nose and suffocated himself.

This is how bad it is with those people. They are willing to risk death to try and get a high. Here, we've had stories of people who were saved with Narcan, and a few hours later, the ambulance was called to the same residence for the same thing. These poor souls simply can't stop themselves, and I'd hate to see even more Americans fall prey to these harmful drugs partly because liberals won't let us do anything about it.
Since when a dumb wall more important than the poor Americans?

Since millions of them have flooded our country, taking our jobs, changing our language, and bringing drugs with them that kill 50,000 Americans every year.

Taking jobs that Americans don't want is what you mean. There are shortages of workers all over this country right now. But whiteys and blacks are nowhere to be found in agriculture, meat and poultry or dirty job services.

Are all illegals coming in carrying drugs?
Are drug cartels forcing you to take drugs? Or Americans asking for the drugs?
Answer these questions.

1. Oh yes, they have guns. I remember seeing the arsenal our authorities collected when Sean Hannity had his special about going inside the government warehouse where they kept all the contraband they took from illegals. Maybe you can find it on YouTube; it's a few years old.

2. My cousin buried her son a year and a half ago. He died at 28. He was hooked on dope since he was 15 years old. Had he no access to those drugs, he probably would have never gotten addicted. But now opioids are as common as pot was when I was a kid. It's all over the place, and cities all across the country (including mine) are experiencing record numbers of OD's. But that's fine with you, as long as Trump doesn't get his wall.

All wrong answers.
1. Link. You are lying. Few ------ But MOST or ALL coming to US from different part of the world are looking for a better life. Not crime.
Hannity????? Is full of crap bad for America.
2. Sorry to hear about your nephew but what happened to the parents responsible for taking care of the 15 yo kid? This is like blaming McDonald's on obesity.

Opioids epidemic are manufactured here in US like Allergan, Johnson and Johnson, Endo, Teva, Purdue but not in Mexico so the fence (not wall) will not stop that. Again this like blaming the buffet restaurants for obesity.
I play basketball, tennis and golf------ if I stumble and broke my ankle. Should I blame the court or golf course? That's pathetic don't you think?

So what are you saying, that Hannity made it all up? He staged an officer to take him on the tour of a warehouse our government doesn't have? He did an hour special on the drugs and firearms that people were trying to bring across that border, and nobody from the government challenged him on it?

As for my cousins kid, she did everything possible to help her son out. He was in jail, he's been to rehab many times, she kept him in the house as much as she could as a child. Nothing worked, and this is common with opioid addicts.

I knew a guy who robbed some churches in the area. One of the officers remembered a similar case over 20 years earlier, so on that hunch, they tailed this guy and busted him breaking into yet another church.

He was a talented man; a very good diesel mechanic, but he couldn't hold a job because of his stealing for drugs. Apparently the judge was a religious woman because she gave him five years in prison for the thefts.

He was in jail on several occasions in the past, but for short periods of time where he could survive the withdrawals. But this time there were no drugs in his future, so he went into a bathroom stall, stuffed toilet paper down his throat and in his nose and suffocated himself.

This is how bad it is with those people. They are willing to risk death to try and get a high. Here, we've had stories of people who were saved with Narcan, and a few hours later, the ambulance was called to the same residence for the same thing. These poor souls simply can't stop themselves, and I'd hate to see even more Americans fall prey to these harmful drugs partly because liberals won't let us do anything about it.

Hannity is good at manipulating the technicalities of the realities. Bad for America. I don't trust Hannity. What happened to the link I requested?

Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

The opioids or any addiction epidemic lay solely on the users. So you are saying all manufacturers of opioids are liberals? Or all doctors that prescribe opioids are liberals? Since when liberals or any political crap will allow that to happen? That has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservatives.
This is like blaming the guns for the death of 1,300 children.
Or blaming the jet blast for killing a tourist.

Jet blast from a plane kills a tourist at a Caribbean airport

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year
The opioids or any addiction epidemic lay solely on the users. So you are saying all manufacturers of opioids are liberals? Or all doctors that prescribe opioids are liberals? Since when liberals or any political crap will allow that to happen? That has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservatives.

People who become addicted on prescription opioids are usually given free rehab or treatment from the facility or doctor who prescribed the drugs, provided the patient makes them aware of the problem. The larger problem is street narcotics with no medical supervision whatsoever. After all, if you got hooked on an opioid drug and wanted to buy them without a prescription, would you know who to talk to, who you could trust? I certainly don't.

Where politics comes to play is the southern wall. Trump is trying to stop the illegals, the drugs, the guns from crossing that border and liberals want to see it continue. The cost for the wall varies by who is being asked, but the ballpark is about one-third of what we spend on food stamps for one year. I think it's worth the investment.
The opioids or any addiction epidemic lay solely on the users. So you are saying all manufacturers of opioids are liberals? Or all doctors that prescribe opioids are liberals? Since when liberals or any political crap will allow that to happen? That has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservatives.

1. People who become addicted on prescription opioids are usually given free rehab or treatment from the facility or doctor who prescribed the drugs, provided the patient makes them aware of the problem. The larger problem is street narcotics with no medical supervision whatsoever. After all, if you got hooked on an opioid drug and wanted to buy them without a prescription, would you know who to talk to, who you could trust? I certainly don't.

2. Where politics comes to play is the southern wall. Trump is trying to stop the illegals, the drugs, the guns from crossing that border and liberals want to see it continue.
3. The cost for the wall varies by who is being asked, but the ballpark is about one-third of what we spend on food stamps for one year. I think it's worth the investment.

1. Not sure why you keep bringing this up.

2. Trump wants you to believed that America is a third world country and scaring Americans that is how get most of the votes. The border problem is not that a big problem but Trump wins by scaring people like you.
You are very wrong about guns crossing to US. I'm shocked how in the world you came up with that impression.
So what happened to the link I requested from Hannity?

In reality guns are not crossing the border to US. It's the other way around. Guns is a lot easier to obtain here than in any other countries. I strongly suggest you read this link. There are tons of links related to guns sold here in US then shipped illegally to south and north of the borders and even to Asia.

Why Mexico’s drug cartels love America’s gun laws

More than 70,000 guns recovered from crime scenes in Mexico between 2009 and 2014 could be traced back to the United States, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. That represents 70 percent of all crime guns recovered and traced in Mexico during that period.

3. US spent about $73 billions in food stamps total each year.
Any $ amount that you think spent on illegals are already living INSIDE the US. So how is the fence ( not wall) make that any difference? Fence or a wall is just a waste of tax payers money.
I strongly suggest. Please read this link about illegals. It's about 5 immigration myths about illegal immigrants.

5 immigration myths debunked
Get rid of all illegal aliens working construction jobs and service jobs for pennies on the dollar and make food stamps near impossible to get as well as welfare and people will go to work. It sucks to have to get your ass of of a couch, but that's what the taxpayers are forced to do to keep Lefty Fat, Drunk, High and on his XBOX all day

What happened when you woke up in the morning -------
1. Nobody will clean you up in the convalescence home or home care?
2. Nobody will pick the crop for you.
3. Increase prices across the board-----foods, meat and poultry, groceries, restaurants------ The RIPPLING EFFECT will trigger the prices of car services, day care, hospitals, lumbers, housing cost, rentals, crushing blow to minimum wage and anything that you encounter in your daily expenses.

Labor Shortage Leaves $13 Million in Crops to Rot in Fields

Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don't want the job

No rebuttal Original Tree? My post are facts and reality in life.
Food stamps are minuscule by comparison and mostly feed the elderly, children and babies, veterans, handicapped but hey -
Bullshit. Food stamps are designed (by Democrats) to buy votes from the lazy, non productive drug dealing bums who normally don't vote and the poor who really need them get screwed.

Bullshit----- Then Hillary should be the president now idiot.
That logic makes no sense. But then I look at the source...
You really display your ignorance. Getting food stamps in not easy and it is not a lot of money. People are not refusing to work to get food stamps.
You are obviously talking our your ass and have no clue what you're talking about. If you walk, quack, and smell like a Democrat voter you will get welfare.

And how did you know that?
I get my information first hand. You get yours from left wing talking points spoon fed to you by people like Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper.
Food stamps are minuscule by comparison and mostly feed the elderly, children and babies, veterans, handicapped but hey -
Bullshit. Food stamps are designed (by Democrats) to buy votes from the lazy, non productive drug dealing bums who normally don't vote and the poor who really need them get screwed.

Bullshit----- Then Hillary should be the president now idiot.
That logic makes no sense. But then I look at the source...

That mean you are dumber and I thought.

All of you are keep posting nonsense about welfares, illegals, drug dealers supporting Hillary.
If that is true then Hillary should be the president now. Don't you think?
You really display your ignorance. Getting food stamps in not easy and it is not a lot of money. People are not refusing to work to get food stamps.
You are obviously talking our your ass and have no clue what you're talking about. If you walk, quack, and smell like a Democrat voter you will get welfare.

And how did you know that?
I get my information first hand. You get yours from left wing talking points spoon fed to you by people like Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper.

I know that you are getting your information from Infowars, Breitbart, National enquirer, Hannity and other alt right white groups.
You are a bigot and not a patriot. The bottom line is that a wall is a waste of money. The American people do not want a wall. The Senate will take care of that $1.6 billion and more power to them.
The Wall is a jobs maker and we need it to protect our citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act.

The wall is not a job creator. It is a waste of money. Thank you again for showing your bigotry.
It's not a waste of money. Putting illegals on welfare is.

The wall is a waste of money. That is why voters are overwhelmingly against it.
False! Trump was elected because smart American people want a Wall.

BULL!! Exit polls showed that a majority of voters did not want a wall built. That support has gone down even more. Trump was elected because people hated him the least.
Food stamps are minuscule by comparison and mostly feed the elderly, children and babies, veterans, handicapped but hey -
Bullshit. Food stamps are designed (by Democrats) to buy votes from the lazy, non productive drug dealing bums who normally don't vote and the poor who really need them get screwed.

What I would expect from a clueless Trump supporter. Food stamp benefits are not that large to begin with. The idea that people are not working to get food stamps is ridiculous.

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