Bring The Troops Home From South Korea...

I read your post and wondered what kind of fool would even suggest such a thing? Turns out it's Ron Paul, the source of some of the most foolish ideas in American politics.

There's good reason why that idiot didn't win his Presidential campaign.

Like: "We have nuclear weapons, why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons."
While I agree with him that we should not be so interventionist in shitty little conflicts around the world we cannot just precipitously turn around a 70 year policy in the space of a single presidential term. Power vacuums always get filled with the worst kind of people.

We didn't just turn around that policy. Remember what happened after Obama's disastrous interventions in Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Syria.
Continuation of a policy that presidents of both parties have espoused for decades. Our more recent adventures in the middle east have been less than successful because we ruined our "good guy of the world" status just to go after Saddam. Bush acting unilaterally in Iraq made intervention in the region practically useless for the foreseeable future. Typical that you think our mid-east policy began eight years ago rather than 70 years ago.
Bring them home? What the hell... were they just there on vacation?! It's time to send them in. Cross the DMZ and plunder North Korea.
Yeah...let's kill and destroy for the EMPIRE!!!!

Isn't that why you voted for Trump?
Silly and stupid.

Trump is not of the establishment or ruling class. This in part is why the American people voted for him and the criminal in-a-pantsuit. That said, he may turn out to be just like her.

Here is a great book for you to learn from.
Yeah the billionaire New York City elitist is not part of the establishment or ruling class :rolleyes:

Good fucking grief
Read the book and you won't be so stupid.
We're actually now only standing in the way of the North & South working out a peace agreement. Every time they've come close in the past, the US has sabotaged it with rabid Warmongering rhetoric towards the North. So, it looks like the US doesn't want peace between the North & South. It wants to keep them divided and at each other's throats. It's just more Imperialist Empire meddling.
Do not fool yourself that anyone in NKorea is interested in anything resembling peaceful co-existence. They would invade the South in a minute if they thought they could actually occupy and hold the place.
Wrong. You are referring to the ruling class of NK. not their people.

Their people are starving and destitute. They have no future and live a life akin to Americans on the frontier in 1750, but without any freedom.
Of course, it's not a distinction you really had to make, we all know how it is for the people of N Korea. As bad as it is for them if the order to invade the South were given the invasion would happen and they probably would gain some territory were we not there to deter them.
70 years of occupation is enough. The Cold War's been over for decades and China is no longer our enemy. Instead of only discussing starting a war with North Korea, Americans should be discussing us leaving South Korea and coming home.

Interesting and enlightening article by Jacob Hornberger

There is one good solution to the Korean crisis, one that the mainstream press commentators simply will not confront. It’s not a solution that is likely to be adopted, especially by a blustery and bellicose president and a national-security establishment that has a Cold War anti-communist mindset. Nonetheless, it bears pointing out.

What is the solution to the Korean crisis: For all U.S. troops to vacate South Korea immediately and come home. No more threats. No more bluster. No more regime-change activity. No more anti-communist crusade. Just exit the country and come home.

There is one — and only one — reason that North Korea has been spending years trying to get nuclear weapons — to deter a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea or to defend itself from a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea. The North Koreans have learned that that’s the best way to deter the Pentagon and the CIA from initiating one of their storied regime-change operations against North Korea.

North Korea’s actions are entirely rational. The U.S. national-security establishment has been committed to regime-change in North Korea for almost 70 years. That’s what U.S. intervention in Korea’s civil war in the early 1950s was all about...

Read More:
Bring the Troops Home From Korea

There is nothing rational about nk or pot belly murderer un.
We're actually now only standing in the way of the North & South working out a peace agreement. Every time they've come close in the past, the US has sabotaged it with rabid Warmongering rhetoric towards the North. So, it looks like the US doesn't want peace between the North & South. It wants to keep them divided and at each other's throats. It's just more Imperialist Empire meddling.

There is no peace with North Korea, and there never has been. Only appeasement: They rattle sabers, you give them food and supplies, they run out and rattle more sabers, you give them more food and supplies, wash, rinse, and repeat. It's always been that way.

North Korea doesn't want "reunification" with South Korea. They want complete control over it.
We're actually now only standing in the way of the North & South working out a peace agreement. Every time they've come close in the past, the US has sabotaged it with rabid Warmongering rhetoric towards the North. So, it looks like the US doesn't want peace between the North & South. It wants to keep them divided and at each other's throats. It's just more Imperialist Empire meddling.

There is no peace with North Korea, and there never has been. Only appeasement: They rattle sabers, you give them food and supplies, they run out and rattle more sabers, you give them more food and supplies, wash, rinse, and repeat. It's always been that way.

North Korea doesn't want "reunification" with South Korea. They want complete control over it.

We're actually now only standing in the way of the North & South working out a peace agreement. Every time they've come close in the past, the US has sabotaged it with rabid Warmongering rhetoric towards the North. So, it looks like the US doesn't want peace between the North & South. It wants to keep them divided and at each other's throats. It's just more Imperialist Empire meddling.

There is no peace with North Korea, and there never has been. Only appeasement: They rattle sabers, you give them food and supplies, they run out and rattle more sabers, you give them more food and supplies, wash, rinse, and repeat. It's always been that way.

North Korea doesn't want "reunification" with South Korea. They want complete control over it.
Maybe we shouldn't have sold them reactors and helped them close the deal by offering your tax dollars a mere 2 years before we placed the on an "axis of evil" list. But we're mimicing what we're doing with radical Islam, so .....
70 years of occupation is enough. The Cold War's been over for decades and China is no longer our enemy. Instead of only discussing starting a war with North Korea, Americans should be discussing us leaving South Korea and coming home.

Interesting and enlightening article by Jacob Hornberger

There is one good solution to the Korean crisis, one that the mainstream press commentators simply will not confront. It’s not a solution that is likely to be adopted, especially by a blustery and bellicose president and a national-security establishment that has a Cold War anti-communist mindset. Nonetheless, it bears pointing out.

What is the solution to the Korean crisis: For all U.S. troops to vacate South Korea immediately and come home. No more threats. No more bluster. No more regime-change activity. No more anti-communist crusade. Just exit the country and come home.

There is one — and only one — reason that North Korea has been spending years trying to get nuclear weapons — to deter a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea or to defend itself from a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea. The North Koreans have learned that that’s the best way to deter the Pentagon and the CIA from initiating one of their storied regime-change operations against North Korea.

North Korea’s actions are entirely rational. The U.S. national-security establishment has been committed to regime-change in North Korea for almost 70 years. That’s what U.S. intervention in Korea’s civil war in the early 1950s was all about...

Read More:
Bring the Troops Home From Korea

There is nothing rational about nk or pot belly murderer un.
And Don is rational.
70 years of occupation is enough. The Cold War's been over for decades and China is no longer our enemy. Instead of only discussing starting a war with North Korea, Americans should be discussing us leaving South Korea and coming home.

Interesting and enlightening article by Jacob Hornberger

There is one good solution to the Korean crisis, one that the mainstream press commentators simply will not confront. It’s not a solution that is likely to be adopted, especially by a blustery and bellicose president and a national-security establishment that has a Cold War anti-communist mindset. Nonetheless, it bears pointing out.

What is the solution to the Korean crisis: For all U.S. troops to vacate South Korea immediately and come home. No more threats. No more bluster. No more regime-change activity. No more anti-communist crusade. Just exit the country and come home.

There is one — and only one — reason that North Korea has been spending years trying to get nuclear weapons — to deter a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea or to defend itself from a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea. The North Koreans have learned that that’s the best way to deter the Pentagon and the CIA from initiating one of their storied regime-change operations against North Korea.

North Korea’s actions are entirely rational. The U.S. national-security establishment has been committed to regime-change in North Korea for almost 70 years. That’s what U.S. intervention in Korea’s civil war in the early 1950s was all about...

Read More:
Bring the Troops Home From Korea

There is nothing rational about nk or pot belly murderer un.
And Don is rational.

At this point, yes. W and O were already getting their war on by now. October is a beautiful time of year for the ICBMs to fall.
70 years of occupation is enough. The Cold War's been over for decades and China is no longer our enemy. Instead of only discussing starting a war with North Korea, Americans should be discussing us leaving South Korea and coming home.

Interesting and enlightening article by Jacob Hornberger

There is one good solution to the Korean crisis, one that the mainstream press commentators simply will not confront. It’s not a solution that is likely to be adopted, especially by a blustery and bellicose president and a national-security establishment that has a Cold War anti-communist mindset. Nonetheless, it bears pointing out.

What is the solution to the Korean crisis: For all U.S. troops to vacate South Korea immediately and come home. No more threats. No more bluster. No more regime-change activity. No more anti-communist crusade. Just exit the country and come home.

There is one — and only one — reason that North Korea has been spending years trying to get nuclear weapons — to deter a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea or to defend itself from a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea. The North Koreans have learned that that’s the best way to deter the Pentagon and the CIA from initiating one of their storied regime-change operations against North Korea.

North Korea’s actions are entirely rational. The U.S. national-security establishment has been committed to regime-change in North Korea for almost 70 years. That’s what U.S. intervention in Korea’s civil war in the early 1950s was all about...

Read More:
Bring the Troops Home From Korea

There is nothing rational about nk or pot belly murderer un.
And Don is rational.

At this point, yes. W and O were already getting their war on by now. October is a beautiful time of year for the ICBMs to fall.
Anytime is a good time for war in the mind's of the corporate state.
No way, our aim is to occuy the planet, are you crazy?

Why yes, didn't we just invade Crimea? :slap:
Hey, let's go to war with both North Korea and Russia and make it 9 ongoing wars, fine with me.

Might as well huh. W and O parted the sea for the tanks to roll in.
Endless global war is the corporate state's goal, utterly bipartisan.

Govt rules corporate. Were you expecting a bouquet of flowers with your sapphire?
Nope, you have it
No way, our aim is to occuy the planet, are you crazy?

Why yes, didn't we just invade Crimea? :slap:
Hey, let's go to war with both North Korea and Russia and make it 9 ongoing wars, fine with me.

Might as well huh. W and O parted the sea for the tanks to roll in.
Endless global war is the corporate state's goal, utterly bipartisan.

Govt rules corporate. Were you expecting a bouquet of flowers with your sapphire?
Nope, not now, you have it backwards.
70 years of occupation is enough. The Cold War's been over for decades and China is no longer our enemy. Instead of only discussing starting a war with North Korea, Americans should be discussing us leaving South Korea and coming home.

Interesting and enlightening article by Jacob Hornberger

There is one good solution to the Korean crisis, one that the mainstream press commentators simply will not confront. It’s not a solution that is likely to be adopted, especially by a blustery and bellicose president and a national-security establishment that has a Cold War anti-communist mindset. Nonetheless, it bears pointing out.

What is the solution to the Korean crisis: For all U.S. troops to vacate South Korea immediately and come home. No more threats. No more bluster. No more regime-change activity. No more anti-communist crusade. Just exit the country and come home.

There is one — and only one — reason that North Korea has been spending years trying to get nuclear weapons — to deter a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea or to defend itself from a U.S. regime-change operation in North Korea. The North Koreans have learned that that’s the best way to deter the Pentagon and the CIA from initiating one of their storied regime-change operations against North Korea.

North Korea’s actions are entirely rational. The U.S. national-security establishment has been committed to regime-change in North Korea for almost 70 years. That’s what U.S. intervention in Korea’s civil war in the early 1950s was all about...

Read More:
Bring the Troops Home From Korea

There is nothing rational about nk or pot belly murderer un.
And Don is rational.

At this point, yes. W and O were already getting their war on by now. October is a beautiful time of year for the ICBMs to fall.
Anytime is a good time for war in the mind's of the corporate state.

West to East missiles.....October.
Nope, you have it
Why yes, didn't we just invade Crimea? :slap:
Hey, let's go to war with both North Korea and Russia and make it 9 ongoing wars, fine with me.

Might as well huh. W and O parted the sea for the tanks to roll in.
Endless global war is the corporate state's goal, utterly bipartisan.

Govt rules corporate. Were you expecting a bouquet of flowers with your sapphire?
Nope, not now, you have it backwards.

The corporate state ie fb, Google, etc serves govt.
Nope, you have it
Hey, let's go to war with both North Korea and Russia and make it 9 ongoing wars, fine with me.

Might as well huh. W and O parted the sea for the tanks to roll in.
Endless global war is the corporate state's goal, utterly bipartisan.

Govt rules corporate. Were you expecting a bouquet of flowers with your sapphire?
Nope, not now, you have it backwards.

The corporate state ie fb, Google, etc serves govt.
All the same thing, all of it. Amazon/Bezos who buys the WashPo, then cuts a deal with the CIA for 3 times what he paid for the paper. Doesn't disclose it to readers, tries to scrub the internet of that. Then hands over the editorial page to a CIA guy (without disclosing that) to promote war.

And not limited to america; here's your one world order shit:

Sphere of Influence: How American Libertarians Are Remaking Latin American Politics
We're actually now only standing in the way of the North & South working out a peace agreement. Every time they've come close in the past, the US has sabotaged it with rabid Warmongering rhetoric towards the North. So, it looks like the US doesn't want peace between the North & South. It wants to keep them divided and at each other's throats. It's just more Imperialist Empire meddling.
Do not fool yourself that anyone in NKorea is interested in anything resembling peaceful co-existence. They would invade the South in a minute if they thought they could actually occupy and hold the place.

They have actually made progress in the past. They've been very close to significant peace agreements. But the US always sabotages the effort by screeching Warmongering rhetoric. I really don't think the US wants peace between the North & South. I think it likes things the way they are. It needs a justification for continuing to occupy South Korea. It is about Imperialist Empire meddling.

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