British Army Rapes And Murder Cover Up In Kenya


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
This is an outrage and more outrageous is the cover up just one more scandal among many others.
Black Muslims there are doing all that and cutting the women's breasts off too!
Local muslims in their own country do worse than what happened to her by British soldiers.

Lay back and enjoy it, things could be worse, you’re lucky the brutality is done unto you by those white nominally Christian guys. That it?
Lay back and enjoy it, things could be worse, you’re lucky the brutality is done unto you by those white nominally Christian guys. That it?
No. I hope they catch the bastards. Even if they do, will they hang them like they should? Fuck no.
He hates Muslims as he’s directed to by the oligarchy. He’s too dumb to overcome his hatred and bigotry.
Fuck you, moon rock worshipper. I'll smack you with a ham sammich.
Ooo, I got some good ham, too. It's so good! If it had a little smoke on it, it'd be perfect!
I would hope that the Kenya Police are able to solve this case. But there isn't a suspect yet, there is no proof that a UK soldier perpetrated this atrocity, much less any specific individual is the guilty party.
I would hope that the Kenya Police are able to solve this case. But there isn't a suspect yet, there is no proof that a UK soldier perpetrated this atrocity, much less any specific individual is the guilty party.
The only thing to do here is take solace in knowing that karma works.
It's doesn't work according to man's time schedule, but it always works.
That's terrible what was done to those girls, and the perpetrators of it or their offspring will be visited by that.
That's the way the world works. :dunno:
You never get away with anything. Ever.
They had to be pretty hard-up to want to rape one of those nasty Kenyan African tribals and risk catching something.

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