British education system among worst in the world


Oct 29, 2010
As most of you should already know, the British have been heavily criticized for their education system, and how they are "more like prison facilities" than "learning institutions".

Strictest rules in the world and unlike America, students have absolutely no freedom of assembly and are forced to be branded like cattle by wearing school uniforms. Uniforms have been proven to have more negative effects on schools and on human behavior than positive. They also don't have high schools in England, they have little 11 and 12 year olds mixed up with teenagers, they don't separated 13-18 from the kids, like they do in America. Reasons (aside from the more obvious ones) that 11 and 12 year olds don't belong near teenagers:
1. Two entirely different maturity levels.

2. The teens have hit puberty and the kids have not.

3. That must wreak havok on dating out there, and especially on sex. Dating a 13 year old is a little strange, but still socially acceptable. If you tried dating a 12 year old you'd be a pedophile.

4. 11 and 12 year olds shouldn't be exposed to all the drug dealings and sex that goes on in high school.

5. If one were to get in a fight with the little kids, and they did not know they were little kids (though it's pretty obvious to spot the 12 year olds, since they stand out for being complete dumbasses), they could seriously injure or possibly even kill them, since they are such fragile creatures, they could also get in some real serious trouble for insulting a non-teen child and possibly serve time.
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Holy shit, you really are stupid! Seriously... grow the fuck up.

Holy shit, you really are a troll! Seriously, get the fuck out.

No. Your OP was total and complete bullshit. I doubt you've ever set foot in the UK, you clearly know jack shit about their education system. You've provided nothing to back up your claim that it is among the worst in the world.... and, since two of their Universities are among the TOP 10 global rankings, I doubt very much that you can prove it.

On the other hand.... there is this:

Educational Score Performance - Country Rankings

Where you will see Britain at number 13... not brilliant but not too shabby.... the USA... number 33.
I have been in the British school system. It is hard to know where to begin on how wrong you are. About the only thing you have right is the school uniform...but that ain't a bad tghing. My old high school in the UK had a school uniform. About eight years after I left, they got rid of it. It was reinstituted two years later at the behest of the parents AND most students...
Notice how the free world (America) doesn't have school uniforms (in public schools). And yet, America's education system, while it has some flaws, is praised as being one of the best in the world.
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Notice how the free world (America) doesn't have school uniforms (in public schools). And yet, America's education system, while it has some flaws, is praised as being one of the best in the world.

praised by whom?

i'm guessing sock puppet. No true conviction in its argument...just saying whatever pops in mouth to get reaction...
I have been in the British school system. It is hard to know where to begin on how wrong you are. About the only thing you have right is the school uniform...but that ain't a bad tghing. My old high school in the UK had a school uniform. About eight years after I left, they got rid of it. It was reinstituted two years later at the behest of the parents AND most students...

My school (Catholic, in California) had uniforms. I think they instill a sense of unite, make it easier for parents, and better for kids. We certainly never had kids being ridiculed because their parents couldn't afford designer labels and the latest crap. I think uniforms are a good thing.
Dating a 13 year old is a little odd, but still socially acceptable. Trying to date a 12 year old makes you a pedophile. There's a huge difference between liking younger women and being a pedophile.
Dating a 13 year old is a little odd, but still socially acceptable. Trying to date a 12 year old makes you a pedophile. There's a huge difference between liking younger women and being a pedophile.

The topic, which you started (without providing any actual evidence for) is the British Education System. Exactly what does that have to do with pedophilia?

And, FYI: The Brit system ranks higher than ours. They have primary (5-10), secondary (11-17) and further (17+). You're totally and completely wrong on every single point.

Notice how the free world (America) doesn't have school uniforms (in public schools). And yet, America's education system, while it has some flaws, is praised as being one of the best in the world.

Praised by whom? Americans? :lol:

This is an American forum, dear, if you can't accept that, perhaps you should head on over to

It's also a grown up forum. Perhaps you'd be better off in the kiddie pool?

If you are an example of the US public education system, I am not surprised we rank 33rd.
Notice how the free world (America) doesn't have school uniforms (in public schools). And yet, America's education system, while it has some flaws, is praised as being one of the best in the world.

Praised by whom? Americans? :lol:

actually, the ones who say it's the best are the ones who also say that they want to defund it.

Given that the OP is a product of that system, we are wasting our money on it. Defund it.

I must remember to thank my parents for choosing a Catholic education for me! :lol:
Dating a 13 year old is a little odd, but still socially acceptable. Trying to date a 12 year old makes you a pedophile. There's a huge difference between liking younger women and being a pedophile.

The topic, which you started (without providing any actual evidence for) is the British Education System. Exactly what does that have to do with pedophilia?

And, FYI: The Brit system ranks higher than ours. They have primary (5-10), secondary (11-17) and further (17+). You're totally and completely wrong on every single point.


I like how when you are wrong you automatically resort to insults. Tisk tisk.
ok, Gunster - you definitely have a Sock Puppet here...all the signs are there..time to shut him or her down...Do out there for Dante even..

...hhhmmm..maybe Jim from the old days....Mani? hhhmm, not likely. Could be Shoggie but since he got hitched he hasn't been around...

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