British special forces ready to deploy 600 troops to Ukraine amid Moscow invasion fears

Regarding President Reagan's speech:
None of that speech would have been thought necessary if stupid Americans had not gone to 2 wars against Germany;
The First to destroy the Tsar of Syro,Christian Israel Russia and unleash Trotsky, Stalin and the rest of the torturing & murdering Comminists;
And, the second in which America spent over 11 billion $'s to save Lenin and his gangs from a Germany trying to save Russians from the Communist butchers.
Stupid Americans are still paying the price of their wickedness.

As for Ukraine, it was USA that formented the terrorist takeover of Ukraine and subsequent frenzy of murder against East Ukraine.
And, it is still the murderous lust of USA to wreck and plunder Russia.

Gee whiz. This must be one hell of a free-speech discussion board if it allows Russian propagandists a platform too. I thought only Facebook and Twitter did that.

Regarding President Reagan's speech:
None of that speech would have been thought necessary if stupid Americans had not gone to 2 wars against Germany;
The First to destroy the Tsar of Syro,Christian Israel Russia and unleash Trotsky, Stalin and the rest of the torturing & murdering Comminists;
And, the second in which America spent over 11 billion $'s to save Lenin and his gangs from a Germany trying to save Russians from the Communist butchers.
Stupid Americans are still paying the price of their wickedness.

As for Ukraine, it was USA that formented the terrorist takeover of Ukraine and subsequent frenzy of murder against East Ukraine.
And, it is still the murderous lust of USA to wreck and plunder Russia.
Poor put upon Russia. The good guys in the Kremlin are always taking the blame for everything. :icon_rolleyes:

And Germany declared war on the US and attacked unarmed American merchant vessels.
So our war on Germany was not really something we could choose to ignore.

But keep up your good fight, no matter how absurd.
Regarding President Reagan's speech:
None of that speech would have been thought necessary if stupid Americans had not gone to 2 wars against Germany;
The First to destroy the Tsar of Syro,Christian Israel Russia and unleash Trotsky, Stalin and the rest of the torturing & murdering Comminists;
And, the second in which America spent over 11 billion $'s to save Lenin and his gangs from a Germany trying to save Russians from the Communist butchers.
Stupid Americans are still paying the price of their wickedness.

As for Ukraine, it was USA that formented the terrorist takeover of Ukraine and subsequent frenzy of murder against East Ukraine.
And, it is still the murderous lust of USA to wreck and plunder Russia.
Ivan, you represent Nigeria with snow here , We Free World destroyed your sovok, your putinstan with its 1% of the world gdp , just without chances...


Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
Gee whiz. This must be one hell of a free-speech discussion board if it allows Russian propagandists a platform too. I thought only Facebook and Twitter did that.


Olgino work here for sure

Really! Demonstrate how we were close to world war,
I'm sure you have a good reason for claiming we were.

The only thing that saved us was that no Russian or Chinese troops themselves were involved in any fighting. If they were, it would have been a war.

The point I am have been trying to get at here, is Biden is too stupid to use any discernment and I think that whatever happens, it won't be good. Let Europe stand on its own feet for once.
I disagree. Stopping Russian aggression in Ukraine is the right thing to do. And I doubt if Biden does anything more but give Ukraine some high tech weaponry.

We've stood by in last century and stayed out of European struggles until we were sucked in by necessity.
This time let's get ahead of that curve.
Britain is sending war ships now and if we do nothing the world will rightly judge us harshly.
So every conflict between two nations will necessarily wind up in a global conflict?

Just like in Vietnam, I guess. Oh....wait a minute.
Vietnam is one thing, Canada or Ukraine is quite different. Russian/Chinese troops in Canada or American troops in Ukraine will cause really aggressive self-defence reaction of the Americans or Russians - up to the all-out nuclear war.
At least in the popular Russian song "A medal for capture of Washington" WWIII was started because of Obama's games with the Ukrainian Nazies.
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I think that this news is taken too seriously. Nothing actually happened in reality. Britain claimed it would deploy 600 troops in Ukraine in the case of Russian intervention. But that is just claims.
I think that this news is taken too seriously. Nothing actually happened in reality. Britain claimed it would deploy 600 troops in Ukraine in the case of Russian intervention. But that is just claims.
Actually, it was claimed not by the UK, but by the British newspapers only. British ambassador to Ukraine said, that they don't have such a plan. It's not that I believe her, but looks like, officially the UK isn't ready to play this 'nuclear tripwire' game.

Actually, it was claimed not by the UK, but by the British newspapers only. British ambassador to Ukraine said, that they don't have such a plan. It's not that I believe her, but looks like, officially the UK isn't ready to play this 'nuclear tripwire' game.

It may well be this is just hot air out of nothing.
Yeah, look how that turned out for us. The Russians and Chinese kept supplying the Viet Cong and look how we ended up.
That's off topic blather. No one denies the Vietnam war was a war where we fought against
Communist surrogates in Vietnam.

And the far left aided by support from the media, and leftist pricks like John Kerry, simply drained all support from the masses for the war.

There was no comparable second front that the Soviets and China had to overcome.
Dissidents, if there were any in totalitarian states, were simply shot in the head and dumped in ditches. So in the long run we were fighting with one hand tied behind our backs.

U.S., Allies Weigh Response to Moscow Military Buildup Around Ukraine

RIGA, Latvia—NATO foreign ministers are meeting here Tuesday to calibrate a response to Moscow’s military buildup around Ukraine, seeking to deter the Kremlin from any potential assault

Actually, it was claimed not by the UK, but by the British newspapers only. British ambassador to Ukraine said, that they don't have such a plan. It's not that I believe her, but looks like, officially the UK isn't ready to play this 'nuclear tripwire' game.

yes, we believe you


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