Brittney Griner delivers final plea for leniency before verdict: 'I hope that in your ruling that it doesn’t end my life here'

People from the USA do not understand that we have given rights to the perps.
Other countries not so much. I heard her complain that he/her rights were violated
when she was busted.
Sadly, if no deal is met, she will come back looking like a completely different person
and probably a lot more thankful for our country and its rule of law.

Anyways, Eldridge Cleaver did, and he wasn't even incarcerated overseas,
he was just avoiding a stint over here.
Maybe now the Leftists who call this the KKK of America will understand that the justice Griner just received is on par with what goes on throughout the rest of the world and is the kind of justice that
has happened to people throughout history when they are living at the whim of their rulers.
Contrast that with the USA where individuals have a voice and rights as stated by our constitution. I wonder if they are smart enough to appreciate the place they live just a little bit more today.
Russia I suppose has a right to enforce its own laws. But for shit sake. 9 years prison for a visiting foreign national for personal use of fucking hashish oil? Russia isn’t seeking to vindicate its own laws. It is using a human being as a stage prop in a larger theatrical arena.

It’s simple. Griner was in the wrong: and she is a stupid person. Foreign guests in another land should obey the laws of the land they visit. Duh.

That being true, it is also true that Russia is being an asshole international actor. Putin needs to just fucking die.
Maybe now the Leftists who call this the KKK of America will understand that the justice Griner just received is on par with what goes on throughout the rest of the world and is the kind of justice that
has happened to people throughout history when they are living at the whim of their rulers.
Contrast that with the USA where individuals have a voice and rights as stated by our constitution. I wonder if they are smart enough to appreciate the place they live just a little bit more today.
This is not what goes on throughout the rest of the world.

Perhaps in backwoods authoritarian countries, but certainly not the Western world.
9+ years seems excessive but it's difficult for me to have any sympathy for her. She knew better and her antics over the flag and anthem didn't gain her any points
So what's the principle here, she should know better, or that b/c you don't like her for personal reasons she should get harshly punished?
Sadly, if no deal is met, she will come back looking like a completely different person
and probably a lot more thankful for our country and its rule of law.

I wouldn't bet on that. A lot of Lefties believe they deserve special treatment under the law but also from the gov't. It's possible that she feels that the US Gov't should have got her out of there at any cost and if they don't then she could eventually come back with an even stronger hate for her country.

Knowing Biden, I suspect a deal will be struck and we'll give up some Russian spies for Griner, who I suspect will be mad cuz she didn't get sprung sooner.
According to you? Meaningless. The point being our country has politicized multiple Russian individuals, yet hypocrite drama queens like you only whine about one side.
What was meaningless was your post about her getting “due process” and your blather about the seizure of Russian Oligarchs’ yachts. 🙄
What was meaningless was your post about her getting “due process” and your blather about the seizure of Russian Oligarchs’ yachts. 🙄
Not just yachts, bank accounts, real estate, and other properties. We hold no moral high ground here. Not to mention this degenerate was arrested before the invasion, meaning it wasn't political to begin with.
Not just yachts, bank accounts, real estate, and other properties. We hold no moral high ground here. Not to mention this degenerate was arrested before the invasion, meaning it wasn't political to begin with.
When do you think Putin planned to invade Ukraine?

That said, do you think he didn't have some contingency plans?

Looking forward to your thoughtful response.
I disagree. America has been tough on crime for decades, how has it helped crime? You have some people in prison for a life sentence for the crime of shoplifting. Thanks to the "three strikes you're out" policy. A catchy, convenient but in my opinion rather lazy and counter productive policy.

Crime all has a source, primarily poverty and environment. Then there is social and cultural norms.

Why don't people in China, Korea or Japan steal and commit crimes at such a high degree? It isn't because of the law but because of an ingrained, taught from birth concept of "family shame".

This concept has it's own problems, too much pride and honour has the potential to do that. However, overall, as a deterrent to committing crime it is far more effective than harsh sentences after the fact.

By the way, this shame is also found in policing in Asia. A crooked cop is lower than pond scum in the eyes of citizens. I can tell you in Canada they are hugged and protected, if they are ever called out at all.

In recent years we have let blm run around burning, looting, stealing with no consequences. People in places like California allover the place brazingly steal from stores in the daylight to the point stores had to close. We have more shootings than before. We let illegals pour in the country, many with criminal records. And the list goes on and on.

Crimes and murders are on the rise in the 18 months or so.

Why? Because we encourage it. We spent 2 years screaming fuck the police, people protested when some black gang banger thug committed a crime and attacked police and then was shot, the news ignores black crime, cities like Chicago go to shit and the mayor decides to not let cops persue suspects, activist dipshits take over an entire city block in Portland and it takes months before they do something about it, las Angeles decriminalized theft under like 900 dollars, and so on.

Dumb ass ideas like cashless bail is only going to drive crime.

Even progressive prosecutors are soft on crime.

We praise criminals and build them shrines like George Floyd and worship them, imagine building statues for a convicted felon dope head thief that tried to comitt a crime while hopped up on drugs that died because he was resisting arrest.

We are not tough on crime anymore, at all. To think otherwise is delusional.

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