Brittney Griner delivers final plea for leniency before verdict: 'I hope that in your ruling that it doesn’t end my life here'

It is a she not a he or do you need a biologist to tell yous? So far she has not blamed the US or Biden so that is two mistakes you've made on the case.
He hates America. He costs America many times more than people trying to raise children. Trump brought home an arrogant basketball player form Asia. And he was shit on.
I think people should be required to watch at least one season of Locked up Abroad before they can get a passport
I disagree. America has been tough on crime for decades, how has it helped crime? You have some people in prison for a life sentence for the crime of shoplifting. Thanks to the "three strikes you're out" policy. A catchy, convenient but in my opinion rather lazy and counter productive policy.

Crime all has a source, primarily poverty and environment. Then there is social and cultural norms.

Why don't people in China, Korea or Japan steal and commit crimes at such a high degree? It isn't because of the law but because of an ingrained, taught from birth concept of "family shame".

This concept has it's own problems, too much pride and honour has the potential to do that. However, overall, as a deterrent to committing crime it is far more effective than harsh sentences after the fact.

By the way, this shame is also found in policing in Asia. A crooked cop is lower than pond scum in the eyes of citizens. I can tell you in Canada they are hugged and protected, if they are ever called out at all.
Your reply is interesting.

America pushes 1,000 laws to alter social behavior. Still, do you think that telling someone that if you commit a few felonies and then are provided a warning upon release that any crime you do next will cost you a life sentence is somehow wrong?

At least the three strikes laws have actual victims.
If there is a prisoner exchange, I would hope that Uncle Pootie will take back Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as well as that Merchant of Death character
Who is it that is in prison for life for shoplifting? Do you have a name?

I note that after sentencing, Fuckwad Biden demanded Griner's immediate release. What a moron!
Brittney Griner delivers final plea for leniency before verdict: 'I hope that in your ruling that it doesn’t end my life here'

Jeff Eisenberg

Thu, August 4, 2022, 9:08 AM

Russian prosecutors asked a judge during closing arguments on Thursday to sentence Brittney Griner to 9 ½ years in prison, just shy of the maximum 10 years that she is eligible to receive.

Both a verdict and potential sentence in the WNBA star’s drug-smuggling trial are expected Thursday, her attorney told reporters.

Closing arguments ended with Griner herself having the final word. Standing in the defendant's cage at the back of the tiny courtroom, Griner took responsibility for her "mistake" and apologized to her family, her teammates and her Russian club for "the embarrassment I brought on them."

He is going to get 9 1/2 years. Bet he will be blaming Trump and America for violating Russian law.

How many Americans IN THE USA are currently jailed for Cannabis?
Your reply is interesting.

America pushes 1,000 laws to alter social behavior. Still, do you think that telling someone that if you commit a few felonies and then are provided a warning upon release that any crime you do next will cost you a life sentence is somehow wrong?

At least the three strikes laws have actual victims.

Yes, I do think that any broad, forced sentences is wrong headed and will ultimately fail in their objective, if that objective is actually to cut down on crime. You need judges for a reason, they serve a vital purpose based on their experience and ability to sift out the truth and character of people.

Furthermore it is the discretion of the officers as well. "Should we charge this guy for stealing these shoes Jim"? "Naw, he comes from a good family, don't send him to prison for life".

I've made the argument that there are instances in which harsh sentences actually make crime WORSE. For example, someone robs a store and is facing 15 years in prison, they may say "I need to cut down my chances of getting caught" and will instead murder the store owner, even though getting caught after that crime means they face life in prison and they were interested in theft, not murder.

Look, I grew up in government housing, my first day of school i was forced to fight while circled. First week of school my winter coat was stolen and put in the toilet. All for being a new kid in school.

I'd play sports all the time and there were always shady people around. Many dishonest, cowardly provocateurs who were sons of cops or pursuing a career in policing in the future. They were the worse of the lot and they'd NEVER do a day in prison.

How bad were these undercovers? I knew of three youth (well I had long moved out by then but I knew some good guys who still lived there) who murdered a woman in a botched robbery and one of the kids involved was a C.I whose older brother was a cop. Oddly, THAT kid wasn't charged, but the other two were. You see how Canadas police "system" works? He was there, with two others, with a shotgun, but he does NO time because he was an undercover. I bet you the American cops on this forum won't here THIS story from Canadian police (oh, and I know all the names, including the decreased. How can I know the names when they were juveniles and identity protected from publication?).

How about a woman committing suicide because of the urging of an undercover cop (she had threatened many times before this time he said "just do it then" and she obliged)? Believe me, I could go on. I got out of that area with all their names and secrets and they have worked hard to silence me.

I was accused of having a gun at school, I shared the story on here before. I never had one, ever. I was cleared by police. That lying undercover now works for the Toronto Police while I got thrown out of my house by my dad at the time, because "hey, cops never lie!".

Now, it's easy for me to look back and realize that the worst people in our buildings were the cops. They were the "earners" there to generate trouble and they did so as the police budget exploded.

Too may lives were destroyed by these filthy animals. It would have been even worse if so many did life for simple crimes due to the actions of the wannabe East German police.

Some of us have a really uncomfortable and even disgusting story to tell. Just remember when I tell Americans "do not become like us". We are 60 years behind the rest of the world. You need to find a line between harsh punishment that works and logical sentencing.

It isn't easy, but life sentences should be reserved for the worst of crimes IMO.
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