Broken Chains: Under God, Pledge of Allegiance?

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
I'm here to make bad news and hardship known. A lot of people feel plenty of this , still today, from America's past and its choices, such as slavery, and hardship made known in America's history, and I don't mitigate that slightly by making more hardship known. What did we lose by the Northern government winning the Civil War? We know many lives were affected. America has a long historical record in regards to its Civil War. If it was a War Between the States is to support the viewpoint of some 5.5 million people of America , over the view of 25 million others, that would prefer it was a Civil War, then somehow, those governments and declarations of those States were not valid as Abraham Lincoln had said, and within one civil nation existed war in its civilian population. Then again, its totally true that these simple militia men were given the idea of general organized territorial defense of the States, they supported Government, and a third of all males in these states were injured or killed in this act. I have to expound the Confederate viewpoint, or else, this will not even be noticed, the fringe of one party of a two-party system even at this time would describe the Southern States.
Our use of the memory of this war has been selfish in many intervals, most definitely during Martin Luther King Jr.'s era and the centennial of that war and its racist events. I must therefore try to sift through and recover past these dreadfully ignorant and wasteful and selfish memories for the original memories. Confederate veterans with family and responsibility served as community pillars well into the 1920's, which are now removed, sadly. People wished to represent with President Woodrow Wilson, with policies, and reunion the good work to be remembered. Otherwise, we choose to limit the bounds of our own morality and our own conscience, our very own American Conscience with Every ritual and dogma, not a single immune ritualistic dogmatic fascism or nationalism, as America is very much immune to charges of Nationalism, being so removed from events in past European Nationalism, that we ignore the ritualistic dogmatic indoctrinations in our society as a general good.

" I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation,under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All."

The 1940's and on is a time without Confederate veterans , we can safely say, of organized schools with the Pledge of Allegiance performed by students. Every word of this is focused actually on our Civil War allegiance to the Union.
The flag has been repeated over and over as a point of allegiance after the war. The northern states maintained the same flag from before the war where as the South had to shift to another flag for identification. This brings to mind such pieces as "You're a Grand Old Flag" and our current National Anthem. Most people probably won't know our national Anthem in its current use is only as old again as the 1930's era invention of "You're a Grand old Flag". "My Country Tis of Thee" is a particular counterpoint in nationalistic ideology. Many hear of Puritans, but do not know Oliver Cromwell, an English Puritan staying on in England under the motto "God is King", as Lord Protector, removed the tyranny of a King from England, as a Puritan belief brought to colonized America, and a Protestant Reformed religion.
Many hear the "National Anthem" "Dixie". I know I spent too much time on it. If Dixie were ever a nation, then it had one matter of concern in its identity diplomacy, which is the Northern States. the Northern People and the Northern States. If it serves any idea of a National Anthem, then it says to Northern States who are currently expending life and limb, of the beautiful, mirthful land to the South that everyone wishes to Return to, written by a Northern man about a black man in the North, currently, a member of the lowest class in Dixie. The secondary Anthem "Bonnie Blue Flag" is more what we today use for National Anthem. A man and woman impersonate, using the strictly Scottish word "Bonnie", a Bonnie Blue Scottish flag that contains a Republican star instead of a saltire cross. This Reformed religion of the original Native peoples before glorified "American immigration", was always a confederacy. Every 15 first presidents the term and concept was well developed in politics and snuffed out later the idea of Confederacy. The European nations of England, Scotland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, are not Lutheran or regard equally Martin Luther, but even more so from the Scottish perspective than the mixed English opinion, the Reformed Calvinistic religion of these countries took the rights and liberty and equality away from Italy and the Pope. Every single military and nationalistic Confederacy song will be Focused , laser focused , on a very Odd concept, the President is a Pope, the States are this coalition of self-validated States, even more so that a Union of two states such as the United Kingdom, is only valid under Presbyterian religion as long as the Scottish people are continuing to approve that Union, and the Scottish Kingdom is not at all invalidated as a State to be party to the Union. This was a popular and well-circulated idea by the well-established Southern hero president Andrew Jackson, I say so from being named in Jefferson Davis' secession or many minstrel tunes, under General Andrew Jackson, later to be followed up by Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, during the war of 1812, the British ignored America's statehood by impressing and stealing American sailors, and burning Washington DC. General Andrew Jackson kept them from 'sleeping a day on this soil' as a devout Presbyterian and Scotsman, and its a formula hyper-inflated with Thomas Jackson, that America is a recognized under God, Nation, similar to Scotland, Netherlands, or others, not colonized and trampled.
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In 1950 the Korean War is a disaster beyond our comprehension. I read that 5 million civilians died along with our standard 1 million or so Civil War casualties. One way in which it is similar to the Vietnam War, is the United States is known for hands-off bombing on a mass scale. The South Korean government tries to validate and express this immense suffering in every way, as the instrument of its people, like the Southern States try to do or used to. One of the oddest holidays imaginable is the South Korean March 1st holiday. Its their Independence day, but not really? Koreans did not win independence from Japan in 1912, instead, around 10,000 demonstrators were shot in Korea by Japan for copying what US President Woodrow Wilson proposed in the Fourteen Points. In a time of memory of Confederacy, Woodrow Wilson's policies internationally reflected an end to imperialism, and military control, and an end to colonies. Japan in Korea, is the worst of these beyond the same categories. If a comparison must be made, perhaps Nazi Poland. 3 Million Japanese looking to clear the way for Japanese people stole most property and homes from Koreans, where every minor government post in Korea had to be Japanese. There would be no repercussion to cheat Koreans in the Japanese Empire. Back to the holiday, in an overt clarity, recognize this is a propose Union by Japan only, in which that wasn't a recognized government by the Korean people, and the results of World War 2 and other atrocities were entirely Japanese results. Modernizers and independence activists maintained a true government for Korea, exiled in China throughout this time. After the war, these leaders were voted into office, and these leaders were historical heroes. We must allow ourselves to see a few things that today we are missing, that were not missing, from the 1880's. The original Scottish Presbyterian Church existed as a valid Church of Scotland against all forces from England before and during Union with England and Romanist or Roman Catholic forces. These were ideals repeated Naturally in the 1860's Civil War, and humanist concern must extend pass our borders. The idea of separation of Church and State has led to the Subordination, of a Church doctrine under a National doctrine, almost inarguable. However, if we were to take the original uniting force of diplomacy of these older Churches, and looked for one such Church from America, it would be the Presbyterian Church! If we were to naturally name a global administrative and diplomatic Christian agency of government outside old Catholicism, it was the Presbyterian Church. Like the Roman Church in every way, which ancient European peoples saw as the old Roman civilization lost in the Dark Age, a Christian fervor of Priests to use Latin in uniting these different nations diplomatically. This distinction might be confusing, but American Baptists parade Government and Church separation just like the Government does. Methodists parade "the world as a Parish" in different language moving without borders or respect to border. These are mostly Civil War Band-Aid Churches. Major Protestant Churches. Few American Churches, in a category of Old World American Diplomacy, equate National Conversion in US Diplomacy, in the same way that Korea adopted Confucianism as a 15th Century little Brother to China, to be granted protectorate.
After 1950, General Eisenhower had saved this Old World from tyranny for American Liberty and expressed the same in the Korean War. But what were the political and public motivations, truly, on his administrations Religiosity for the United States? The Old United States could not force Catholic Maryland, or French Louisiana, or other Dutch Reformed or various states to accept a Federal Religious message of Under God, or In God We Trust added to money. The Federal Government did not favor religion. There is no Perfect phrase passed by All religions to make these Good phrases. General Eisenhower converting to Presbyterianism, split in a hardline with "religious leadership", the Presbyterian community. With some conjecture, we can deduce to see a Scottish Reporter's from the Korean War's lyrics to "Scotland The Brave", a few versions, as reaffirming, the Presbyterian experience. President Eisenhower has managed to redefine today the Presbyterian Church with his "religious leadership".

The Broken Chains that we need today, is to not be misled by the government of America in conspiracy, if we're native persons of this land like myself, or immigrants looking to participate in Citizenship. We pronounce every day that a Presbyterian top-down God, who sometimes takes control of Scottish government, the Covenanters, defending Reformed faith for England, Scotland, and Ireland, as was the model of the Dixie Flag and the Bonnie Blue Flag, is the Exact Presbyterian God that Eisenhower is using in adding "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, many righteous Korean armies fought to prove Two States separable instead of a forced one State by God, and they're not considered in vain. The proposal then is the original 1940's pledge of allegiance, made by true heartfelt , believing truthful oath-giving Christians of the Pledge of Allegiance that didn't add "under God".
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Pledge allegiance to ?
My employees get paid wed. I pledge allegiance.It's a done deal.
I'll have your columns painted by noon tomorrow. I pledge allegiance.( The paint got here at 4)
If you have ona them flag things if I can borrow it to keep the paint drips off my floor.......I pledge allegiance I'll fold it up and have it back by Sat noon.

Maybe I missed something
Spoken like a true dick not planning to associate with anybody else whatsoever. What carried the connotation of any of your message? CEOs are "employed", they're "entrusted" and "invested", and they're "defined". They're not rogue, without characterization, and alien. Then again, there's some 10th generation African Americans not to expect to sit still outside a jail cell, which is an admirable quality. The Bible says do not swear by your head, you basically, cannot change anything with swearing oaths, give a simple yes or a simple no is Truthful. Its become some denominational religious objections in Court "do you swear to tell the whole truth" or such situations. The government of America has a unique history promoting a private morality over public checks of your soul, and the Old mandatory church attendances on pain of death, the more Modern of Those churches, or Execution on owning a Bible, or any other thing. The full devotion of your body might be the more appropriate and historical expectation to swear by short of your soul.
Do we have an obligation to a Presbyterian belief system, ridiculous enough of President Eisenhower jumping in and then showing-and-telling America in all these ways, but that the Presbyterian belief should be defined in this way, that as a Presbyterian I believe in an indivisible Union of Government? 1560 to 1702 the Church of Scotland, still the Church of Scotland 1702 to today despite a United Kingdom, similar fundamentals of what it means to be in the Presbyterian Church. The Parish and the Nation is completely recoverable , the Nation and the Scottish Government by which is the proud Establishment of Presbyterianism, and the Covenanters so named after the Covenants God has with Man in the Bible by which responsibility is matched with the protection of God-given land such as Israel. Puritans saw America as a "pilgrimage" to such a Holy Land and I don't know Any group near to this definition, except Martin Luther King Jr. "Being to the Mountaintop" implying he's seen the Promiseland he's going to take from the others? Anyway the 13 Colonies as is the common wording that became 13 confederated United States as were both true and accurate definitions throughout this period and that was the formed established Government of Providence, and I'd like to hear anybody confusing Abraham Lincoln's relativism on Religion and a Confederacy Subserviant to a Presbyterian doctrine and show some confusion on this issue?
This case vs Free Speech is Odd. Lawyers believe its all "ornamental" and that "Under God" in an Every Day pledge and "In God We Trust" on every currency we handle is ornamental? Not really! A Christian God is implied, or that's the thing being trusted. The United States is a good little puppet under a happy Presbyterian God making "disciples of all Nations" and a new Christendom, Not Really! The National Church of Mexico excommunicated in basic language the USA Presbytery. The PCUSA is the most liberal church in all America in all issues. No leadership or historical decisions of Scotland are in discussion, discussion is mildly influenced by it, or around the world. Does anyone think the National figure who prayed to "look out for his citizens" as a nationalist was pioneering a worldwide movement for Presbyterianism, again, no confusion. I c ould make the case above of Dixie as "Defender of the Faith" in Presbyterianism, a title awarded by the Presbyterian Church to the reigning British Monarch. If General Eisenhower of the Korean War were "defender of the Faith", he'd be in instant trouble with the Chinese, as if to say America fought the Korean War like religious crusading fanatic lunatics for their 9 million faithful. This "Always Reforming" some catch-phrase out of nowhere, in English or in Latin, this "2nd protestant Reformation", will make you see stars of confusion to anyone looking to Biblical leadership, deeper than if God was not female, or if Gay weddings by gay officials are acceptable and 'liberation theology', by the liberty-crusader President Eisenhower. It would be far tougher to take seriously these transition churches and smoke and mirrors of transitions from the 1702 - 1958 PC in the USA, the 1958 - 1980 United Presbyterian Church, and the yet another 1980 PC(USA) to today, like they can deform and kill what isn't temporal, or what exactly?
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