Bronze and Silver Obamacare Program are GARBAGE - Liberals let’s not forget this.

Silver plans are fine. Better than what was available to middle class workers pre-ACA.
Define 'better'.

They cover you more fully with preventive care, no caps and no denials of service for comparable cost. That's better.
Preventive care costs next to nothing and the premiums/deductibles are certainly higher in the Silver plan. Depending on what state you live in a LOT higher.

Nope. Not with subsidies. Middle class families pay the same or less. Sorry.

You left out the fact that there are no caps and no exemptions for preexisting conditions. Very VALUABLE stuff.

And, do you even know what a colonoscopy costs? I paid $75 because the ACA forced my insurer to cover it.
The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

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those look suspiciously like the plans he criticized but only higher priced......
The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

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. A co-worker had gotten the AC-cough-A for his wife, and yep you are right that it was pure garbage. No one decent would take it, and his wife might as well have threw her & his money right out of the window. The same result would have happened (nothing).

He kept it two years, dropped it, and started paying the dam fine. She has been suffering with her back ever since. Him and her are paying out of pocket for her care now, but they are having to be very careful while doing so. So far they have paid for shots in her back, but that's not lasting long enough.

Trust me, this guy don't like Obama for the bullcrap he was either involved in or helped to orchastrate in the healthcare situation.
I'd like to see what plan participants paid total for a year vs what the insurance companies paid in claims that would be quite telling. My co-pay is 10% after a $1,300 deductible and they pay 100% after I have paid $2,500 out of pocket for the year.

By law insurance companies have to pay out 80% on claims for individual plans or 85% on group plans, it was a lot less before obamacare.

Obamacare Bronze only pays 60% hello.

Before the ACA they didn't HAVE TO pay shit.

Go back to your Oreo's and milk :itsok:

What's that, dummy? Have a problem with someone who knows the subject? Too bad. Run.

You know jack shit lib clown, do you even know what an insurance policy is? Hint POLICY.
I'd like to see what plan participants paid total for a year vs what the insurance companies paid in claims that would be quite telling. My co-pay is 10% after a $1,300 deductible and they pay 100% after I have paid $2,500 out of pocket for the year.

By law insurance companies have to pay out 80% on claims for individual plans or 85% on group plans, it was a lot less before obamacare.

Obamacare Bronze only pays 60% hello.

Hello, the law said claims paid on a whole for individual plans had to be 80% and 85% on group. Research it. That is why some people get a small refund each year from the insurance company although I haven't heard of one in the past couple years so they're paying out what the are suppose to. 60/40 is an actuarial value. Research.

Dumb ass we are talking about individual plans. Specifically the lame ass Obamacare bronze plan that only pays 60% admit it or you are a fake news worthless liberal.
The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

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Sure, let’s go back to republic insurance plans before 2010 which one would pay for and never get a benefit from.

Dude, stay in your happy idiot lane.
The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

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Sure, let’s go back to republic insurance plans before 2010 which one would pay for and never get a benefit from.

Dude, stay in your happy idiot lane.
. Now it is true that the insurance premiums we're going crazy before the crats intervened. The problem is that the corrupt crats saw it as an opportunity, and so they pounced on it. Then we got something way worse as working people, but if you were barely working or jobless you came out like a bandit with a B. Pathetic.
Silver plans are fine. Better than what was available to middle class workers pre-ACA.


This is an actual Silver plan quote for a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL:
$5k deductible
$415 premium ($4,980 a yr)


Silver plans are garbage.

Note: Gold plans are the equivalent of a low level group plan.

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I'd like to see what plan participants paid total for a year vs what the insurance companies paid in claims that would be quite telling. My co-pay is 10% after a $1,300 deductible and they pay 100% after I have paid $2,500 out of pocket for the year.

By law insurance companies have to pay out 80% on claims for individual plans or 85% on group plans, it was a lot less before obamacare.

Not true at all. Lol do some homework. All bronze plans pay 60/40 and all Silver pay 70/30. All sky high deductibles are paid. That is garbage!

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Why not do something that has shown to work dozens of times like single payer? Why recreate the wheel???
anyone who is poor on the exchange, also get cost sharing reductions in addition to premium help, which makes their copays, deductibles and out of pocket expenses much less than the shown deductibles....

otherwise, you are right about the insurance plans and their very high deductibles and out of pocket expenses....However what you fail to mention is that individual plans were always expensive....

in 2006, here in Maine when we moved here, before Matthew found a job, we were paying around $700 a month for COBRA, so I priced with Anthem, Blue Cross Blue shield an individual policy for Matt and me and it was $2400 a month for our premium. I was absolutely shell shocked! That was in 2006!!!! We thought the $700 from COBRA was way too high, considering we had no income coming in at that time....boy oh boy were we wrong!!!

My State is like the worst State in the Nation when it comes to health insurance costs....and I have no idea why, other than many of us are rural or maybe no doctors want to live here, unless they are Nature lovers too??? It's just gosh awful here on healthcare costs....

Needless to say, Matt took any job he could at the time, just to get healthcare insurance coverage as a benefit....

Those were with the subsidies. The cost without the subsidies were ridiculous. That is why it was bad to get rid of Obamacare without a replacement.

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The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

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Was a comparable plan, minus the subsidy, cheaper before Obamacare?

Depends. In most cases yes because you could could opt out of many of the Obamacare required coverage, like maternity.

However, you could get pre-existing coverage riders that didn’t cover the treatment and care you specifically bought insurance for. Or of the pre-existing condition was covered then the premium skyrocketed (well over Obamacare).

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I'd like to see what plan participants paid total for a year vs what the insurance companies paid in claims that would be quite telling. My co-pay is 10% after a $1,300 deductible and they pay 100% after I have paid $2,500 out of pocket for the year.

By law insurance companies have to pay out 80% on claims for individual plans or 85% on group plans, it was a lot less before obamacare.

Obamacare Bronze only pays 60% hello.

Hello, the law said claims paid on a whole for individual plans had to be 80% and 85% on group. Research it. That is why some people get a small refund each year from the insurance company although I haven't heard of one in the past couple years so they're paying out what the are suppose to. 60/40 is an actuarial value. Research.

Smh, you are dead wrong

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Silver plans are fine. Better than what was available to middle class workers pre-ACA.
Define 'better'.

They cover you more fully with preventive care, no caps and no denials of service for comparable cost. That's better.
Preventive care costs next to nothing and the premiums/deductibles are certainly higher in the Silver plan. Depending on what state you live in a LOT higher.

Nope. Not with subsidies. Middle class families pay the same or less. Sorry.

You left out the fact that there are no caps and no exemptions for preexisting conditions. Very VALUABLE stuff.

And, do you even know what a colonoscopy costs? I paid $75 because the ACA forced my insurer to cover it.

Not true. That vast majority of people pay a ton more!

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Nothing in Obamacare addressed the reasons why health care is so expensive.

The lobby that restricts supply to profit at our expense that is.
Silver plans are fine. Better than what was available to middle class workers pre-ACA.
Define 'better'.

They cover you more fully with preventive care, no caps and no denials of service for comparable cost. That's better.
Preventive care costs next to nothing and the premiums/deductibles are certainly higher in the Silver plan. Depending on what state you live in a LOT higher.

Nope. Not with subsidies. Middle class families pay the same or less. Sorry.

You left out the fact that there are no caps and no exemptions for preexisting conditions. Very VALUABLE stuff.

And, do you even know what a colonoscopy costs? I paid $75 because the ACA forced my insurer to cover it.

Not true. That vast majority of people pay a ton more!

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What vast majority is this?
Silver plans are fine. Better than what was available to middle class workers pre-ACA.


This is an actual Silver plan quote for a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL:
$5k deductible
$415 premium ($4,980 a yr)

View attachment 167675

Silver plans are garbage.

Note: Gold plans are the equivalent of a low level group plan.

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My Premium offered was the same $416, but deductible was $7000 max out of pocket was only $7350. That's great insurance if your sick. But I ain't been spent that much on medical in my 52 years of life, so I don't buy it unless they subsidize it. But I have friends that have been admitted to hospital because doctor messed them up & their bills were $160,000 for about a week & Obamacare covered it all but their co-pay.
The Dimcrats complain that people might lose their insurance. Over 90% elect the bronze or silver. These plans are pure garbage and actually the equivalent of no insurance.

For a single person:
Premiums: $300-700 for Bronze, $400-1000

Deductibles $6500 for bronze; $5000 for Silver (so before the insurer pays $1 you have to meet these entire deductibles!)

Co-pays: 60/40 bronze (so after you pay $6500 out of pocket you had to cover 40% of the cost) and 70/30 for Silver

Doctor visit: $40 gen, $60 spec, $200 IR. The Silver isn’t much better

Doctor availability: very small since many doctors opt out.

These programs are absolutely horrible. These are what 90% if Obaminationcare enrollee get into. It is a travesty and an injustice!

View attachment 167648

This sums up Obama’s Presidency, pure garbage. And this is what liberals want to save!

Sent from my iPhone using
. A co-worker had gotten the AC-cough-A for his wife, and yep you are right that it was pure garbage. No one decent would take it, and his wife might as well have threw her & his money right out of the window. The same result would have happened (nothing).

He kept it two years, dropped it, and started paying the dam fine. She has been suffering with her back ever since. Him and her are paying out of pocket for her care now, but they are having to be very careful while doing so. So far they have paid for shots in her back, but that's not lasting long enough.

Trust me, this guy don't like Obama for the bullcrap he was either involved in or helped to orchastrate in the healthcare situation.
does your company not offer healthcare insurance as a benefit that he and his wife could buy in to?

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