Brooklyn shooter captured

You said that his capture was fake news. Did you mean that........

1. He was not captured
2. He was captured but he is being set up as the perp and is actually a law abiding black man
3.The shooting was staged and the victims are crisis actors
4. Nothing at all happened. The carnage in the subway was just a deep fake video created by those trying to start a race war

Do you know what SARCASM is?
Why isn’t Biden on the airwaves calling him a black supremacist, and that his jury should reach the correct verdict and put him in prison for the max?
Because ONLY WHITES can be bigoted and consider themselves Supremacist. Remember what BRANDON said? WHITE SUPREMACY is the GREATEST threat to this Country !!!
Because ONLY WHITES can be bigoted and consider themselves Supremacist. Remember what BRANDON said? WHITE SUPREMACY is the GREATEST threat to this Country !!!
It’s all a big lie. The leftists had this country in total turmoil for months over “racism” connected to the Floyd case - murdering people, assaulting people, burning down businesses, setting cars on fire - when it had nothing to do with race at all. Race wasn’t even mentioned at trial because it wasn’t a facfor.

All a big lie.
Why isn’t Biden on the airwaves calling him a black supremacist, and that his jury should reach the correct verdict and put him in prison for the max?
Why ?? Because it doesn't serve his political directive which is to race bait for votes, and to gas light white conservatives/Republican's/moderate democrat's who try to point the finger at what he does or keeps doing.
Because ONLY WHITES can be bigoted and consider themselves Supremacist. Remember what BRANDON said? WHITE SUPREMACY is the GREATEST threat to this Country !!!
It was a narrative used by the Democrat's in order to keep their tight knitted groups together for the vote, and to say anything at all cost to do so... It was because the radical Democrats don't have any platforms that the working class voter will agree on or run with, so winning dirty is the Democrat position anymore. They'll do and say anything to get power, but I'm just not sure who the dumbest of their groups are ? lol
It was a narrative used by the Democrat's in order to keep their tight knitted groups together for the vote, and to say anything at all cost to do so... It was because the radical Democrats don't have any platforms that the working class voter will agree on or run with, so winning dirty is the Democrat position anymore. They'll do and say anything to get power, but I'm just not sure who the dumbest of their groups are ? lol
The Dems really only have two groups they can get votes from: the 30% or so of “takers” who are on some form of government support, and the upper 10% or so who earn well into the six figures who can buy their way out of the consequences of liberal policies.

That leaves the bulk of Americans - the working class to middle class - that is fed up with the Democrats’ crazy leftist policies that favor criminal thugs over law-abiders, illegal immigrants over citizens, and lazy people who won’t get jobs over hard-working Americans.

The numbers are not in the Democrats’ favor.
Why isn’t Biden on the airwaves calling him a black supremacist, and that his jury should reach the correct verdict and put him in prison for the max?
Why do you think that he represents all black people?

Does Ted Bundy represent all white people?
Why do you think that he represents all black people?

Does Ted Bundy represent all white people?
Who said he represents all black people? I’m just saying he should call him a black supremacist the way he called Kyle a white suoremacist.

You libs are trying so hard to paint your political opponents as racists that your comments are ridiculous.
It was a narrative used by the Democrat's in order to keep their tight knitted groups together for the vote, and to say anything at all cost to do so... It was because the radical Democrats don't have any platforms that the working class voter will agree on or run with, so winning dirty is the Democrat position anymore. They'll do and say anything to get power, but I'm just not sure who the dumbest of their groups are ? lol

All they have to run on now is Trump Derangement Syndrome. It appeals to a certain democratic mindset.
Who said he represents all black people? I’m just saying he should call him a black supremacist the way he called Kyle a white suoremacist.

You libs are trying so hard to paint your political opponents as racists that your comments are ridiculous.
Excellent response... I was about to respond also, but you did an exceptional job (took the word's right out of my mouth). They can't deal with the hypocrisy they constantly defend, so they respond in a ridiculous way sooner or later.
All they have to run on now is Trump Derangement Syndrome. It appeals to a certain democratic mindset.
Yep, but even that is getting ridiculous to continually use forever and ever. Like everyone says, they basically have nothing to run on, so attack, attack, attack.
Excellent response... I was about to respond also, but you did an exceptional job (took the word's right out of my mouth). They can't deal with the hypocrisy they constantly defend, so they respond in a ridiculous way sooner or later.
You‘re right. There’s no way to defend the fact that Biden called Kyle a white supremacist, with no evidence of that, and then has no comment when an obviously racist black man attacks a group of whites indiscriminately. They simply can‘t process their own hypocrisy, so they lash out in nonsensical ways.
Yep, but even that is getting ridiculous to continually use forever and ever. Like everyone says, they basically have nothing to run on, so attack, attack, attack.
They can’t control themselves, and it applies in real life as well. A conversation can be ongoing among a group of people about a totally non-political issue, and these leftists interject nasty and completely unrelated comments about “Republican morons” or “the racists who voted for Trump” - AND this is when they know there are Trump voters in the room!
They can’t control themselves, and it applies in real life as well. A conversation can be ongoing among a group of people about a totally non-political issue, and these leftists interject nasty and completely unrelated comments about “Republican morons” or “the racists who voted for Trump” - AND this is when they know there are Trump voters in the room!
Funny thing, is that I don't have any leftist friends that I converse with or talk around in the real world, so it's good that I don't have to go through what you spoke of above. They avoid me, and I avoid them in a very respectful manor.

Until they get their heads back on straight, I just avoid them. Thank God I live in a rural town where forced habitation and cohesion isn't a thing that one has to endure while looking like a mule eating briar's sort of grin. All they need to do is grow up and finally have their come to Jesus moment if not to far gone.

The good parent's of the world are probably waiting for their prodical son's or daughter's moment to hopefully come back home or come back around if their now adult children had gone astray.
Funny thing, is that I don't have any leftist friends that I converse with or talk around in the real world, so it's good that I don't have to go through what you spoke of above. They avoid me, and I avoid them in a very respectful manor.

Until they get their heads back on straight, I just avoid them. Thank God I live in a rural town where forced habitation and cohesion isn't a thing that one has to endure while looking like a mule eating briar's sort of grin. All they need to do is grow up and finally have their come to Jesus moment if not to far gone.

The good parent's of the world are probably waiting for their prodical son's or daughter's moment to hopefully come back home or come back around if their now adult children had gone astray.
Interesting. I too have avoided leftists, and I now have only one Democrat friend who is respectful to me. Up until this morning, I had two.

What happened this morning, you ask? This leftist “friend“ who has been making nasty remarks about Republicans for years - to me! - sent me a joke mocking Jews - specifically Jews - who vote Republican. (I’m Jewish.) It was especially bad because today was the first day of Passover.

Yes, this is the level to which they have sunk. Yet despite this, they still hold themselves up as our moral superiors.
Interesting. I too have avoided leftists, and I now have only one Democrat friend who is respectful to me. Up until this morning, I had two.

What happened this morning, you ask? This leftist “friend“ who has been making nasty remarks about Republicans for years - to me! - sent me a joke mocking Jews - specifically Jews - who vote Republican. (I’m Jewish.) It was especially bad because today was the first day of Passover.

Yes, this is the level to which they have sunk. Yet despite this, they still hold themselves up as our moral superiors.
Yes it's hard to get past their ideology's and craziness, but as long as politics aren't involved, it seems they can do alright if they aren't to stupid to bring politics up. That's what amazes me about the hollyweird slave's that are like robot's being programmed to do as hollyweird tells them to do, even if it comes at their complete destruction they do it anyways. The love of money is an evil thing, otherwise for what is a person that gains the world, yet loses their own soul or what would they give in exchange for their soul's ??

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