Brother of Oregon Shooting Victim Has a Message for Obama…

Obama should be using some of his self proclaimed superior intellect and stay away. He is not wanted there.

How did you know that he was not wanted there? These people will meet a U.S. president a lifetime experience and its an honor. How and what should he address this tragedy? Just ignore it? Don't worry about it? Go buy guns and arm your kids? As far as I'm concerned you can fuck this couple.
Nutters are so easy to impress.

The mental health part of the equation is indeed obvious. So obvious that the GOP led congress hasn't offered shit by way of plans or policies to address it.

Once again......the massive intellect found in most nutters reads an attempt to keep a few guns out of the hands of people with mental illness.....via background checks and closing an attempt to abolish the ABSOLUTELY MISREAD 2nd amendment.

This grieving brother doesn't know that Obama has no real gun agenda.

And....if that guy is your spokesperson.......I think you've fallen further than I had expected.

they're clueless. but they do get their talking points right.
And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.

You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


You are either dense or purposefully misreading what he wants to politicize. Bad in either case.

Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


You will likely be upset by the warm welcome he receives. Any demonstration of maturity and respect for the office of the POTUS will upset you. That's because you are a true patriot!

For some ungodly reason these moronic hicks are convinced because all of them, 1 million plus live breath and eat FOX Fucked News and somehow that consensus covers the entire country???? Not every effin body in this country hates this president, not every effin body in this country blames this black man for every gotdamned problem we got in life. He is the most disrespected president in US history and white people especially will bare the blame for this when history is written. I hated both Bush and Reagan with a passion, but I didn't go around the damned country bad mouthing the men, I just bent over like the rest of the country and endured the bullshit!!



now they'll say that they can't "criticize" the president without being racist....and they'll say we hate women because we point out that she's a moron.

but they don't "criticize". they pretend this president isn't their president.

i lived with that imbecile bush for 8 years while i watched him wage two unnecessary wars on our credit card and destroying our courts and our economy.

the wackos need to suck it up ....

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
That's funny.
BOBO hasn' done sweet fuck all to "deal" with negro on negro crime.
He's used the negro block vote to get elected twice. He used the negro like a piece of ass wipe. When the negroes didn't show up for the midterms the DNC basically wrote off the negro base.
Now the DNC are after the latino vote, whether they can legally vote of not in some cases.
Only an entire race of losers would vote one of their own into office.
And we all got to suffer the result.

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
That's funny.
BOBO hasn' done sweet fuck all to "deal" with negro on negro crime.
He's used the negro block vote to get elected twice. He used the negro like a piece of ass wipe. When the negroes didn't show up for the midterms the DNC basically wrote off the negro base.
Now the DNC are after the latino vote, whether they can legally vote of not in some cases.
Only an entire race of losers would vote one of their own into office.
And we all got to suffer the result.

Who is BOBO?

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
That's funny.
BOBO hasn' done sweet fuck all to "deal" with negro on negro crime.
He's used the negro block vote to get elected twice. He used the negro like a piece of ass wipe. When the negroes didn't show up for the midterms the DNC basically wrote off the negro base.
Now the DNC are after the latino vote, whether they can legally vote of not in some cases.
Only an entire race of losers would vote one of their own into office.
And we all got to suffer the result.

Who is BOBO?

the bigoted morons so hate having a black president and so don't understand that their "ideas" keep getting rejected by normal people can't bear to acknowledge him as their president and can't manage to say or spell his name correctly.

it's okay, he's still the president... and they're still losers.

soetero? freaking loons.
Obama should be using some of his self proclaimed superior intellect and stay away. He is not wanted there.

How did you know that he was not wanted there? These people will meet a U.S. president a lifetime experience and its an honor. How and what should he address this tragedy? Just ignore it? Don't worry about it? Go buy guns and arm your kids? As far as I'm concerned you can fuck this couple.
I'd be more impressed with meeting Charlie Manson than meeting BOBO. I wouldn't cross the street to meet him.
Obama should be using some of his self proclaimed superior intellect and stay away. He is not wanted there.

How did you know that he was not wanted there? These people will meet a U.S. president a lifetime experience and its an honor. How and what should he address this tragedy? Just ignore it? Don't worry about it? Go buy guns and arm your kids? As far as I'm concerned you can fuck this couple.
I'd be more impressed with meeting Charlie Manson than meeting BOBO. I wouldn't cross the street to meet him.

that would be President Obama to you, little boy.

now be a good boy and go to school. maybe you'll learn something.

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.

You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


Obama's job is a politician. Politicizing things is what he does. It's what politicians do do.

However the "He wants to politicize this" is just a way of deflecting the issue, isn't it? We all know it.

What sort of country doesn't try to solve its problems? The US sort of country.

Deflecting? No, it is being truthful. His visit to Oregon isn't for the families, it is political. You are right this is what he is supposed to do, politicize. Call it what it is. Quit making excuses for it. If it wasn't political he wouldn't ever go to Roseburg.

It's not a bad thing it is reality and if the families want to meet with him, fine. They are grieving, they are searching for answers.

So, Obama is politicizing, he is not going there for the families and I have no issue, other than lefties being nutty and saying it isn't political.
You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


You are either dense or purposefully misreading what he wants to politicize. Bad in either case.

Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


You will likely be upset by the warm welcome he receives. Any demonstration of maturity and respect for the office of the POTUS will upset you. That's because you are a true patriot!

Why should I respect a man who has no respect for America or me?


He has no respect for American? Er... I won't ask how that is, I'm sure you have a box full of useless reasons why.

Asking any of these fools, ever to explain their hatred of Obama is like asking a retarded 1 year old, the meaning of Life.
Nutters are so easy to impress.

The mental health part of the equation is indeed obvious. So obvious that the GOP led congress hasn't offered shit by way of plans or policies to address it.

Once again......the massive intellect found in most nutters reads an attempt to keep a few guns out of the hands of people with mental illness.....via background checks and closing an attempt to abolish the ABSOLUTELY MISREAD 2nd amendment.

This grieving brother doesn't know that Obama has no real gun agenda.

And....if that guy is your spokesperson.......I think you've fallen further than I had expected.

This man, with all his grieve is being used like most angry whites in this country to dis Obama by any means necessary. If it were me, I personally wouldn't want to meet with anybody, my heart, my soul my everything knowing I have a loved one die this way, wouldn't allow me to emotionally handle anything, but I be damned if I'm gonna dis the President should he show to show support for others.

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.

You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


Obama's job is a politician. Politicizing things is what he does. It's what politicians do do.

However the "He wants to politicize this" is just a way of deflecting the issue, isn't it? We all know it.

What sort of country doesn't try to solve its problems? The US sort of country.

Deflecting? No, it is being truthful. His visit to Oregon isn't for the families, it is political. You are right this is what he is supposed to do, politicize. Call it what it is. Quit making excuses for it. If it wasn't political he wouldn't ever go to Roseburg.

It's not a bad thing it is reality and if the families want to meet with him, fine. They are grieving, they are searching for answers.

So, Obama is politicizing, he is not going there for the families and I have no issue, other than lefties being nutty and saying it isn't political.

Neo Nut, the man's not running for office, his tenure is almost up, he could give a damn about Hillary and in some cases the Democratic party as a whole. Nobody wants him to campaign for them...what political motives other than showing solidarity and support on behalf of the American people could he have? You effin nuts make me sick to my gotdamn stomach the way you treat this black man.
Love how this couple represents the good in America


he brother of a survivor of the Oregon shooter knows what he would say to Barack Obama when he comes to Roseburg to meet with families for the usual political reasons.

When he was told that Obama is traveling to Roseburg Friday, Jessy Atkinson, brother of Cheyenne, was taken off guard and stumbled for a minute before he told Anderson Cooper Obama should stop running the gun agenda when that is not the problem.

“I would tell him to look where the problem really lies and quit running the agenda — quit running the gun agenda,” he said. “It’s not the problem. It’s mental health in America. It’s obvious. All of us talk about it. I don’t know why we are hiding from it.”

Atkinson said money is wasted overseas and incarcerating drug offenders when it could be spent on mental health programs.

“It doesn’t seem our country is going in the right direction,” he said.

Bonnie, their mother, added:

“I feel that our children should be able to protect themselves somehow.”

Brother of Oregon Shooting Victim Has a Message for Obama… |

The Independent Sentinel is a right wing rag with an agenda, big time. How about posting something from an unbiased source? Otherwise, you have zero credibility with people who think for themselves.
Love how this couple represents the good in America


he brother of a survivor of the Oregon shooter knows what he would say to Barack Obama when he comes to Roseburg to meet with families for the usual political reasons.

When he was told that Obama is traveling to Roseburg Friday, Jessy Atkinson, brother of Cheyenne, was taken off guard and stumbled for a minute before he told Anderson Cooper Obama should stop running the gun agenda when that is not the problem.

“I would tell him to look where the problem really lies and quit running the agenda — quit running the gun agenda,” he said. “It’s not the problem. It’s mental health in America. It’s obvious. All of us talk about it. I don’t know why we are hiding from it.”

Atkinson said money is wasted overseas and incarcerating drug offenders when it could be spent on mental health programs.

“It doesn’t seem our country is going in the right direction,” he said.

Bonnie, their mother, added:

“I feel that our children should be able to protect themselves somehow.”

Brother of Oregon Shooting Victim Has a Message for Obama… |

The Independent Sentinel is a right wing rag with an agenda, big time. How about posting something from an unbiased source? Otherwise, you have zero credibility with people who think for themselves.


So you are questioning whether these folks have family ties to the victims?

This should be good and I'll wait


Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
That's funny.
BOBO hasn' done sweet fuck all to "deal" with negro on negro crime.
He's used the negro block vote to get elected twice. He used the negro like a piece of ass wipe. When the negroes didn't show up for the midterms the DNC basically wrote off the negro base.
Now the DNC are after the latino vote, whether they can legally vote of not in some cases.
Only an entire race of losers would vote one of their own into office.
And we all got to suffer the result.

If this bullshit that you neo nuts keep harping here makes you saps sleep better at night, than by all means have at it.....but understand one thing, the black vote didn't put this brother in the white house, not once but twice all by itself, David Duke.....some of you white folks liked the man too....just sayin!!

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
what specifically has he done to address "black" crime?...other than ignore it...
Love how this couple represents the good in America


he brother of a survivor of the Oregon shooter knows what he would say to Barack Obama when he comes to Roseburg to meet with families for the usual political reasons.

When he was told that Obama is traveling to Roseburg Friday, Jessy Atkinson, brother of Cheyenne, was taken off guard and stumbled for a minute before he told Anderson Cooper Obama should stop running the gun agenda when that is not the problem.

“I would tell him to look where the problem really lies and quit running the agenda — quit running the gun agenda,” he said. “It’s not the problem. It’s mental health in America. It’s obvious. All of us talk about it. I don’t know why we are hiding from it.”

Atkinson said money is wasted overseas and incarcerating drug offenders when it could be spent on mental health programs.

“It doesn’t seem our country is going in the right direction,” he said.

Bonnie, their mother, added:

“I feel that our children should be able to protect themselves somehow.”

Brother of Oregon Shooting Victim Has a Message for Obama… |

The Independent Sentinel is a right wing rag with an agenda, big time. How about posting something from an unbiased source? Otherwise, you have zero credibility with people who think for themselves.

These neo nuts think we all watch Fuck News and dream of Dukes of Hazards in our sleep.....just the thought of having a brain, is just foreign to these nuts, like really?


Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
what specifically has he done to address "black" crime?...other than ignore it...

Tell you what, you give me some specifics on what every president in US has done to address black crime, than we can't talk...dig?
I agree with this guy's view, especially the part about guns and sending money overseas. One part I question in the OP, it quoted him as saying, "Atkinson said money is wasted overseas and incarcerating drug offenders when it could be spent on mental health programs."

His actual reference wasn't to, "mental health programs" but rather "health care systems." Big difference, I might presume he was referring to mental health but you know what they say about assumptions. Plus I wouldn't want to be like the media and put words into someone's mouth.
What if Obama did NOT go to this town to meet the shot up guy who heroically stood up to the crazed conservative, to talk to the families, to offer comfort and solace and show the country`s concern? The chickenshit teabaggers would be howling, would they not?

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