Brother of Oregon Shooting Victim Has a Message for Obama…


I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

Yes. You missed it.

Before he "evolved" I criticized his inaction on DODT.
I criticized his drown program and still do.
I am critical of his insistence that Assad be removed.
I am not in favor of the TPP agreement. Not at all.

Want more?
Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


this overarching need of the radical left to flock together to support obama and never find fault in ANYTHING he does... is possibly a form of mental illness too...

Most of them are just agitators, I realize, but some of these hyperpartisan zealots really DO think the democrats are "better" than the republicans...and THEY'RE the dupes..useful idiots the communists call them..

The two party electoral system is broken and can't be fixed.Both parties are corrupt beyond redemption...

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats

who cares what you "find fault" with?
You've staked out your territory and defend it fiercely...we all know your entire routine...when obama gets criticized you show up to explain how everyone else is always wrong...hyperpartisan zealots are amusing as they twist and spin to protect their party and politicians ...

Go ahead. Criticize the man for something which I also criticize him.....and refrain from going ape shit with overblown rhetoric and watch me not come to his defense. It's easy. Try it.'re always correct..obama is always're funny..

Obama is not always correct. I am often mistaken. You are a retard.

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
That's funny.
BOBO hasn' done sweet fuck all to "deal" with negro on negro crime.
He's used the negro block vote to get elected twice. He used the negro like a piece of ass wipe. When the negroes didn't show up for the midterms the DNC basically wrote off the negro base.
Now the DNC are after the latino vote, whether they can legally vote of not in some cases.
Only an entire race of losers would vote one of their own into office.
And we all got to suffer the result.

Who is BOBO?
That's what 'MO' calls him.....and his SS detail.......and his generals....... and Putin.......and the mullahs.
this overarching need of the radical left to flock together to support obama and never find fault in ANYTHING he does... is possibly a form of mental illness too...

Most of them are just agitators, I realize, but some of these hyperpartisan zealots really DO think the democrats are "better" than the republicans...and THEY'RE the dupes..useful idiots the communists call them..

The two party electoral system is broken and can't be fixed.Both parties are corrupt beyond redemption...

Get the fuck out of dumb clueless mindless idiots worship Ronald Fuckin Reagan like he's the second coming of Christ and that racist ass wipe didn't do a gotdamn thing for anybody but fuck over everybody but the rich

Talking about 'Second Comings'

Remember this?



Media play on words......bit your ass didn't it?

always making excuses for dear leader...everyone else is always wrong...comical.

Obama didn't create that cover, dummy. What excuse are you talking about?

yes..we know he didn't create that cover..did someone say he did
this overarching need of the radical left to flock together to support obama and never find fault in ANYTHING he does... is possibly a form of mental illness too...

Most of them are just agitators, I realize, but some of these hyperpartisan zealots really DO think the democrats are "better" than the republicans...and THEY'RE the dupes..useful idiots the communists call them..

The two party electoral system is broken and can't be fixed.Both parties are corrupt beyond redemption...

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats

who cares what you "find fault" with?
You've staked out your territory and defend it fiercely...we all know your entire routine...when obama gets criticized you show up to explain how everyone else is always wrong...hyperpartisan zealots are amusing as they twist and spin to protect their party and politicians ...

Go ahead. Criticize the man for something which I also criticize him.....and refrain from going ape shit with overblown rhetoric and watch me not come to his defense. It's easy. Try it.'re always correct..obama is always're funny..

Obama is not always correct. I am often mistaken. You are a retard.

you can always tell when you hit a nerve...that's when when they start calling you names...

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

Yes. You missed it.

Before he "evolved" I criticized his inaction on DODT.
I criticized his drown program and still do.
I am critical of his insistence that Assad be removed.
I am not in favor of the TPP agreement. Not at all.

Want more?
No Need, I dont read much of your political postings. Thanks:thup:
I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats

who cares what you "find fault" with?
You've staked out your territory and defend it fiercely...we all know your entire routine...when obama gets criticized you show up to explain how everyone else is always wrong...hyperpartisan zealots are amusing as they twist and spin to protect their party and politicians ...

Go ahead. Criticize the man for something which I also criticize him.....and refrain from going ape shit with overblown rhetoric and watch me not come to his defense. It's easy. Try it.'re always correct..obama is always're funny..

Obama is not always correct. I am often mistaken. You are a retard.

you can always tell when you hit a nerve...that's when when they start calling you names...

You project.

You said that I never find fault with Obama. I tell you that I often find fault with Obama. You say " who cares what you find fault with ".

That's the sign of a retard. I'm not calling you names. I'm describing you.
What if Obama did NOT go to this town to meet the shot up guy who heroically stood up to the crazed conservative, to talk to the families, to offer comfort and solace and show the country`s concern? The chickenshit teabaggers would be howling, would they not?
Did BOBO personally go and 'comfort' the dozens of family members grieving after their negro family members were murdered by other negroes in Chicagoland last month?
BOBO spends his time sneaking Camels and watching the golf channel. He never given a shit about the inner city negroes.

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

Yes. You missed it.

Before he "evolved" I criticized his inaction on DODT.
I criticized his drown program and still do.
I am critical of his insistence that Assad be removed.
I am not in favor of the TPP agreement. Not at all.

Want more?
No Need, I dont read much of your political postings. Thanks:thup:

No sweat.
You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


You are either dense or purposefully misreading what he wants to politicize. Bad in either case.

Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


You will likely be upset by the warm welcome he receives. Any demonstration of maturity and respect for the office of the POTUS will upset you. That's because you are a true patriot!

Why should I respect a man who has no respect for America or me?


He has no respect for American? Er... I won't ask how that is, I'm sure you have a box full of useless reasons why.

why hasn't he closed the border?
why is he colonizing the u.s. with somalians and syrians?
racial revenge politics...americans want the border closed and a say in who is allowed in...we're tired this form of political "elitism" of bypassing the people and twisting the system to advance his personal agendas.....
And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.

You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


You are either dense or purposefully misreading what he wants to politicize. Bad in either case.

Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


You will likely be upset by the warm welcome he receives. Any demonstration of maturity and respect for the office of the POTUS will upset you. That's because you are a true patriot!

For some ungodly reason these moronic hicks are convinced because all of them, 1 million plus live breath and eat FOX Fucked News that somehow that consensus covers the entire country???? Not every effin body in this country hates this president, not every effin body in this country blames this black man for every gotdamned problem we got in life. He is the most disrespected president in US history and white people especially will bare the blame for this when history is written. I hated both Bush and Reagan with a passion, but I didn't go around the damned country bad mouthing the men, I just bent over like the rest of the country and endured the bullshit!!

go get your shine box, boy...

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
what specifically has he done to address "black" crime?...other than ignore it...

Tell you what, you give me some specifics on what every president in US has done to address black crime, than we can't talk...dig?
You brought up obama and black crime, not me.,..

but now you want to change the subject now and go off on another tangent...Gee..I wonder why?

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

now just watch..he's going to come tell you you're wrong...everyone else is always wrong.he's comical...narcissistic delusions of grandeur seem to feed his impulse to correct everyone else...

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

now just watch..he's going to come tell you you're wrong...everyone else is always wrong.he's comical...narcissistic delusions of grandeur seem to feed his impulse to correct everyone else...
I like LL, just not his politics
Why doesn't this guy meet with Obama along with other family members and, calmly, like an adult tell him how he feels?

Oh yeah, that's right - because the last thing the nutters want is resolution.

Just as on the world stage, they want domestic war.

I find fault in much that Obama does. You have failed again. Congrats
LoneLaugher to tell the truth, i cant remember you posting anything critical of obama ever, I prolly just missed it.

now just watch..he's going to come tell you you're wrong...everyone else is always wrong.he's comical...narcissistic delusions of grandeur seem to feed his impulse to correct everyone else...
I like LL, just not his politics

that's nice....I stand by what I said above, though.
Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


this overarching need of the radical left to flock together to support obama and never find fault in ANYTHING he does... is possibly a form of mental illness too...

Most of them are just agitators, I realize, but some of these hyperpartisan zealots really DO think the democrats are "better" than the republicans...and THEY'RE the dupes..useful idiots the communists call them..

The two party electoral system is broken and can't be fixed.Both parties are corrupt beyond redemption...

Get the fuck out of dumb clueless mindless idiots worship Ronald Fuckin Reagan like he's the second coming of Christ and that racist ass wipe didn't do a gotdamn thing for anybody but fuck over everybody but the rich

Talking about 'Second Comings'

Remember this?



Media play on words......bit your ass didn't it?

always making excuses for dear leader...everyone else is always wrong...comical.

He's the effin President of the United States, as voters we had a right to either get rid of the guy or vote him in or back in....we chose to stick with Obama and trust his leadership, something I've chosen to do. Has nothing to do with validating his every move or decision. Question? Dumb shits like yourself voted in this last congress, are you mf's happy with every gotdamn thing they don't do?
Why doesn't this guy meet with Obama along with other family members and, calmly, like an adult tell him how he feels?

Oh yeah, that's right - because the last thing the nutters want is resolution.

Just as on the world stage, they want domestic war.

Does Joe the effin Plumber ring a bell? Hate on Obama and the US conservative stage is at your beckon call. Next?

Nobody from that county wants Obama visiting. Of course......Soetero is out there before the victims blood is even dry trying to score political points with his base. PCness obviously doesn't fly out there............good for them!!

And if he doesn't visit he gets accused of only ever dealing with black crime.
What are you talking about? Obama doesn't deal with black crime. He ignores it completely.
You see, Obama said he wants to politicize this. Thus the trip which nobody wants

They should all chip in an get him a free round of golf at Municipal


You are either dense or purposefully misreading what he wants to politicize. Bad in either case.

Obama is not wanted or needed. America is ready to move beyond its embarrassed posture

When Obama speaks it reminds me of the tree falling in the forest

So what? LMAO


this overarching need of the radical left to flock together to support obama and never find fault in ANYTHING he does... is possibly a form of mental illness too...

Most of them are just agitators, I realize, but some of these hyperpartisan zealots really DO think the democrats are "better" than the republicans...and THEY'RE the dupes..useful idiots the communists call them..

The two party electoral system is broken and can't be fixed.Both parties are corrupt beyond redemption...

Get the fuck out of dumb clueless mindless idiots worship Ronald Fuckin Reagan like he's the second coming of Christ and that racist ass wipe didn't do a gotdamn thing for anybody but fuck over everybody but the rich

whatever you say, boy...go get your shoeshine box and get to work....

Exactly...typical conservative move....bring out the race card when confronted with those who find you maggots stupid!!

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