Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

Flip Benham? guilt by association now?
Those brothers should be condemned because they don't believe in abortion.
You're ignorant, Joe.....along with being a racist.

nobody's condemning them.

They have every right to have their views.

They just don't have the right to a TV show and have sponsors and a network invest in their views.

Again, you wingnuts were the ones who insisted Martin Bashir get fired when he made vulgar comments about Sarah Palin making stupid comments about slavery.

That. If the sponsors won't pay you don't carry the show.
What is sad is the families that will lose out on a new home because of political persecution of someone expressing their faith.

gay bashing is not an expression of faith. there is no "faith" which requires that you hate 10% of G-d's children.

That may be, but homosexuality is still mostly disapproved of, it's not considered a "norm" by any means, and is still considered threatening and annoying in American society.

Mostly disapproved of by whom?

Frankly, a majority supports gay marriage. Even larger majorities feel gays should not be discriminated against on the job, in housing or educational opportunities.

It's just a last few angry pockets of homophobes who think that their invisible sky fairy is offended.

Yup. You've been drinking the Kool-aid allright. Programmed all the way. You're misinformed. Mostly disapproved by 33 states (2/3 of America) that have bans on same-sex marriage, and a long list of other bans on gay rights. Click the link and it's list of links, read the maps, and learn.

For those who may be arithmetic-challenged, or can't deal with maps of the USA, 16 + 5 = 21 states. That leaves 29 states where entities are free to discriminate against queers in public accomodations.

This is just one example though. Better to click the links and go through the whole list, viewing the maps.

Guy, you are on the wrong side of history. You are ten years from gay marriage and full civil rights for the whole country. It's you homophobes who are going to have to keep your shit in the closet, and it will be funny.
God makes the rules not little man!!!!====

Well, deleting your Scripture Tourettes (I really love when Funditards quote scripture to me, it's hilarious)

But since you are an expert in scripture, maybe you can help us out on these rules?

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?

i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
The reason you think that I'm ignorant and hateful is the reason why so many people with my beliefs are being kicked out of TV networks or off shows. And you lecture me about demagoguery. That's cute.

"Believe the way I do, or else!"

As you no doubt saw with Mozilla, if you don't fall in line, you fall out of favor. Your career and your livelihood are in danger. Such a monopoly on thought is dangerous. It has already pervaded our government.

again, guy, if we were talking about a racist or an anti-Semite, there'd be no argument here. That person would be gone, no questions asked.

The reason I think you are ignorant and hateful is because at the end of the day, whether two dudes having sex or not has absolutely NO EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE. I mean, seriously, guy, gay marriage or not, you will still be a loser sitting on the couch unable to get a job because you take no responsibility for your own life.

Put as much effort into getting a job as you do in hating gay folks, you might get somewhere.

The problem with the Mozilla guy is that he was selling a product. And some of those who buy his product are gay. So his company made a BUSINESS decision. Which, by the way, you wing nuts are perfectly fine with when it comes to moving a plant to China or busting a union.
Is this the NFL WE WANT????????????Fathers and young sons WATCHING the NFL draft program on national TV saw sam kissing his little white boyfriend on national TV = pretty sick stuff to explain to your 10 year old son===just say its a SICK,SICK world we now live in Jonniee!!!! SICK

and if LIttle Johny comes out to dad in 10 years, at least it will be easier for him to do it.

You are attempting to equate "hate" and "ignorance" with disagreement that gays should be allowed to role-play husband/wife father/mother in marriage. And your attempts have failed. There will be a discussion and there are two sides to that discussion.

Meanwhile, how's that Harvey Milk stamp with the rainbow "USA" on it coming along? Are you ready for his biography to be opened up and quoted from on the MSM? Because that's going to happen soon... Will you be burning books next?

Why do I get the feeling that Sil has a DVD of the movie Milk she watches every night and fumes?

Reality- gay folks are already parents, and frankly, I've met gay parents who are better at the parenting thing than some straights.

You are attempting to equate "hate" and "ignorance" with disagreement that gays should be allowed to role-play husband/wife father/mother in marriage. And your attempts have failed. There will be a discussion and there are two sides to that discussion.

Meanwhile, how's that Harvey Milk stamp with the rainbow "USA" on it coming along? Are you ready for his biography to be opened up and quoted from on the MSM? Because that's going to happen soon... Will you be burning books next?

Why do I get the feeling that Sil has a DVD of the movie Milk she watches every night and fumes?

Reality- gay folks are already parents, and frankly, I've met gay parents who are better at the parenting thing than some straights.
No one has a DVD of that Piece of shit movie....
The right in question isn't to a TV show, it is to speak freely, away from the HGTV domain, which was denied, by the TV show being cancelled.


There is no ‘right in question,’ the issue of rights pertain only to the relationship between the government and those governed; the show being canceled or the brothers being dismissed in no way ‘violates’ their rights, as HGTV has no authority to seek to restrict the right to free speech – as it is not a government authorized to do so – and absent the program there are ample other avenues for the brothers to freely express their ignorance and hate concerning gay Americans.
Oh shut the hell up, you f'n asshole. I've already refuted you 3 times. Yo'reu not saying a damn thing here, except blowing hot air around. Go home and play checkers. I'm not going to waste my time, continually refuting your ignorant and assinine posts.

Since HGTV based the cancellation on the brothers' SPEECH (didn't you know, genius ?), that makes it a free speech issue, and it isn't only govt that can be held liable for free speech denial as the Pruneyard case precedent established. Now I've refuted you on this twice. If you come back again with this same BS, it'll be strike 3, and I'm gonna put in a formal report on you for harassment.

You're gonna "report" him because he embarrassed you? :lol:

You're flat wrong. HGTV is not the government, and nobody, Benhams or otherwise, has a "right" to their own forum on a specific TV show that is a private enterprise and investment in the free market. It's their investment, so it's their call as to who plays in their sandbox. Period, end of story, waiter, check please.

The right in question isn't to a TV show, it is to speak freely, away from the HGTV domain, which was denied, by the TV show being cancelled.


The "right" (read: privilege) in question absolutely IS a TV show. HGTV has no power whatsoever, nor should it, to influence what anyone says outside their own production. But within their own production it IS their own production, which they invest in and design, therefore they get to say what's on it and who's on it.

Suppose you want to see a show about plumbing. Do you have the "right" to demand they devote their production to plumbing?? Do you have the "right" to force them to hire Joe the Plumber for that show?

OK then. Sheeeeeesh.
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There is no ‘right in question,’ the issue of rights pertain only to the relationship between the government and those governed; the show being canceled or the brothers being dismissed in no way ‘violates’ their rights, as HGTV has no authority to seek to restrict the right to free speech – as it is not a government authorized to do so – and absent the program there are ample other avenues for the brothers to freely express their ignorance and hate concerning gay Americans.
Oh shut the hell up, you f'n asshole. I've already refuted you 3 times. Yo'reu not saying a damn thing here, except blowing hot air around. Go home and play checkers. I'm not going to waste my time, continually refuting your ignorant and assinine posts.

Since HGTV based the cancellation on the brothers' SPEECH (didn't you know, genius ?), that makes it a free speech issue, and it isn't only govt that can be held liable for free speech denial as the Pruneyard case precedent established. Now I've refuted you on this twice. If you come back again with this same BS, it'll be strike 3, and I'm gonna put in a formal report on you for harassment.

You're gonna "report" him because he embarrassed you? :lol:

You're flat wrong. HGTV is not the government, and nobody, Benhams or otherwise, has a "right" to their own forum on a specific TV show that is a private enterprise and investment in the free market. It's their investment, so it's their call as to who plays in their sandbox. Period, end of story, waiter, check please.

The right in question isn't to a TV show, it is to speak freely, away from the HGTV domain, which was denied, by the TV show being cancelled.


The "right" (read: privilege) in question absolutely IS a TV show. HGTV has no power whatsoever, nor should it, to influence what anyone says outside their own production. But within their own production it IS their own production, which they invest in and design, therefore they get to say what's on it and who's on it.

Suppose you want to see a show about plumbing. Do you have the "right" to demand they devote their production to plumbing?? Do you have the "right" to force them to hire Joe the Plumber for that show?

OK then. Sheeeeeesh.

1. Another pretender. YOU KNOW why I'd report him.

2. Period, end of story, until you read the previous post about the Pruneyard vs Robins, SCOTUS case mentioned earlier. Oh, you didn't read it ? And that's why you now don't know what your talking about ? Well, NOT MY PROBLEM.

3. The speech that HGTV objected to, WAS NOT WITHIN THEIR OWN PRODUCTION. It was years earlier, in a different time & place.

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Is this the NFL WE WANT????????????Fathers and young sons WATCHING the NFL draft program on national TV saw sam kissing his little white boyfriend on national TV = pretty sick stuff to explain to your 10 year old son===just say its a SICK,SICK world we now live in Jonniee!!!! SICK

and if LIttle Johny comes out to dad in 10 years, at least it will be easier for him to do it.

That's the worry, and precisely why the kid shouldn't be exposed to this filth.
Mostly disapproved of by whom?

Frankly, a majority supports gay marriage. Even larger majorities feel gays should not be discriminated against on the job, in housing or educational opportunities.

It's just a last few angry pockets of homophobes who think that their invisible sky fairy is offended.

Yup. You've been drinking the Kool-aid allright. Programmed all the way. You're misinformed. Mostly disapproved by 33 states (2/3 of America) that have bans on same-sex marriage, and a long list of other bans on gay rights. Click the link and it's list of links, read the maps, and learn.

For those who may be arithmetic-challenged, or can't deal with maps of the USA, 16 + 5 = 21 states. That leaves 29 states where entities are free to discriminate against queers in public accomodations.

This is just one example though. Better to click the links and go through the whole list, viewing the maps.

Guy, you are on the wrong side of history. You are ten years from gay marriage and full civil rights for the whole country. It's you homophobes who are going to have to keep your shit in the closet, and it will be funny.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 10 years from now could easily be a total BAN on homosexuality, nationwide.
Those who know this isn't a free speech issue would surely find a free speech issue if a show host announced that he was openly gay and got fired.
It is fascism caused by the forced democracy....This country was not founded to be a democracy. It was founded to be a constitutional republic......

More often described as a democratic republic. So what ? Democracy is the main idea, and that is just what we have in 2/3 of America, wherin discrimination against queers is the law, either by state law, or by the absence of any state law prohibiting it. the land
No it wasn't nor should it ever be. Good lord what did they teach you in civics?

Yes it is. >> Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign
More often described as a democratic republic. So what ? Democracy is the main idea, and that is just what we have in 2/3 of America, wherin discrimination against queers is the law, either by state law, or by the absence of any state law prohibiting it. the land
No it wasn't nor should it ever be. Good lord what did they teach you in civics?

Yes it is. >> Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

Holy shit read the links you post

1. Another pretender. YOU KNOW why I'd report him.

2. Period, end of story, until you read the previous post about the Pruneyard vs Robins, SCOTUS case mentioned earlier. Oh, you didn't read it ? And that's why you now don't know what your talking about ? Well, NOT MY PROBLEM.

Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. The speech that HGTV objected to, WAS NOT WITHIN THEIR OWN PRODUCTION. It was years earlier, in a different time & place.


1. You'd report him because you're butthurt?

2. Pruneyard isn't comparable to HGTV. HGTV would be required to lay out millions of dollars to air the Bigot Brothers show if they went forward. They probably did have to pay them out something to not go forward, which is why the two Bigots aren't whining about HGTV but about the activists who griped.

3. The Speech that HGTV objected to would have had negative impact on their business. This is why the Food Network fired Paula Deen and why A&E wanted to fire Phil Robertson.

4. Sheesh is right.

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