Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham have lost their opportunity to host their own HGTV show.

The brothers ran afoul of the network after the site Right Wing Watch published a post about the pair, labeling David Benham as an "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" for reportedly leading a prayer rally in 2012 outside of the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation" and "demonic ideologies" taking hold in colleges and public schools.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

The Benham brothers were the planned stars of the HGTV show "Flip It Forward," set to premiere in October, in which they would have helped families purchase homes they otherwise could not afford.

Oh well, one more TV channel deleted from my FAVORITES LIST. Looks like free speech really has been taking a beating in the private enterprise world lately. Hopefully, HGTV will reconsider this ridiculous action and bring the show back on. Or some other network will air it.

As the brothers themselves said >> "With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it."

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -


Shit happens… when you're on the WRONG side of history.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 10 years from now could easily be a total BAN on homosexuality, nationwide.

No, not really.

You see, here's the thing. Unlike racial discrimination, where you are likely to be comfortable in your bigotry without ever encountering someone from another race, you are far more likely to get the stink-eye from a gay person at Thanksgiving Dinner for being a homophobic bigot.

The tide has turned against you guys. Sorry, you are just going to learn to deal.

NONSENSE! Future SCOTUS's can simply overrule the past judgement of last year. And if elections go the way they seem to be headed, that's exactly what will happen.
Today's "tide" could easily be just a temporary glitch along the way.

Um, no, not really.

first, Obama is appointing any SCOTUS judges for the next two years.

Second, HIllary is getting elected in 2016. No one in your clown car can beat her.

Third, it really doesn't matter what the courts say, as public opinion has turned on this issue. About 55% favor gay marriage. They just don't see what the big deal is.
The Benham brothers are going to be just fine. HG TV is going to be just fine. This incident will be added to all the other incidents to fan the flames of backlash when the public has gotten a gut full.
I've known people who were fired for getting sick.
To me, people who fire those that get sick should be sued. I have a cousin who was fired last year just for going to his mother's funeral. Sadly nothing was ever done about it, but thankfully he was able to get himself another job.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Sadly his dad, my cousin as well, passed away two months ago. :( :( :(
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I've known people who were fired for getting sick.
To me, people who fire those that get sick should be sued. I have a cousin who was fired last year just for going to his mother's funeral. Sadly nothing was ever done about it, but thankfully he was able to get himself another job.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Sadly his dad, my cousin as well, passed away two months. :( :( :(

I agree, they should. I was one of those people.

But here's the problem with suing.

You are on the hook for $400.00 an hour lawyers fees.

And worse, if your name is attacked to "Joe B. vs. Soulless Bastards Corp" that's there for everyone to see who does a background or google search.
^^^ I just hate to see people kicked when they have already been shoved to the floor. :( :( :(

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Not to worry hazlnut.
There are as many people " in the wrong " on BOTH sides of these gay issues.

A. the neutral ground would be for the state not to impose marriage laws either way.
1. so both the BANS against gay marriage are unconstitutional for excluding other beliefs
2. and the laws IMPOSING gay marriage "through the state" are unconstitutional
The proper way to prevent unconstitutional discrimination against beliefs is to keep marriage
up to people and/or churches, and keep this out of govt jurisdiction over decisions either way.

B. whether homosexuality is by birth and not a choice, or is lifestyle choice that can change
1. there are cases where someone is spiritually born to be certain ways and cannot change
2. there are cases where homosexuality is unnaturally caused by abuse and can be healed

So people on both sides who INSIST that "all homosexuality" is ALL ONE WAY can be proven to be WRONG.
What I have found to be true, is there are both types going on. It is NOT all one way, either all natural or all unnatural;
so people who argue the other side is wrong are EQUALLY WRONG. Both are possible, and you cannot judge it from the outside.

And yes, some cases of homosexuality caused by unnatural sexual abuse CAN be healed.
It is up to the people and their spiritual path in life; this happens also, but it is NOT ALL CASES either.

What will go down in history, is that people are generally equal -- equally right on some points as equally wrong on others.
So it comes out even, where nobody is more or less at fault than anyone else. Whatever harm we cause can be compensated for to bring good.

From great tragedy and injustice comes great redemption that makes up for the sacrifice.
There is not just "one bad guy" because there are equal faults and wrongs on all sides.

We are equally responsible for correcting our parts in these problems and to collaborate on solutions.
There is not a single person on the planet who isn't part of the solution, and who is needed to fill that unique role.

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham have lost their opportunity to host their own HGTV show.

The brothers ran afoul of the network after the site Right Wing Watch published a post about the pair, labeling David Benham as an "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" for reportedly leading a prayer rally in 2012 outside of the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation" and "demonic ideologies" taking hold in colleges and public schools.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

The Benham brothers were the planned stars of the HGTV show "Flip It Forward," set to premiere in October, in which they would have helped families purchase homes they otherwise could not afford.

Oh well, one more TV channel deleted from my FAVORITES LIST. Looks like free speech really has been taking a beating in the private enterprise world lately. Hopefully, HGTV will reconsider this ridiculous action and bring the show back on. Or some other network will air it.

As the brothers themselves said >> "With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it."

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -


Shit happens… when you're on the WRONG side of history.

I think history will find all humanity standing "beside" ourselves, hand in hand,
facing our past and our future together. It will take all our contributions to right the wrongs, to learn from the past, and build a more stable foundation that is sustainable.

this petty political infighting is not sustainable. it is a waste of valuable resources and relations. It is a stage we have to go through, obviously, but where we are heading, we will rise above and become better bigger people than this, in order to fix global problems.
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I usually ignore your brainless cartoons that you post like they are original ideas.

But the left has been trying since Jimmy Carter to get us off our addiction to petroleum.

I'd be happy to stop buying the 18% of oil we get from the Persian Gulf if it meant banning SUV's, requiring energy efficiency, and exploring energy alternatives.

Somehow, though, if we did those things, we'd hear some crazy rant about "Freedom", which I think has come to mean, "A rich person can't have a Dressage Horsie!"
No, not really.

You see, here's the thing. Unlike racial discrimination, where you are likely to be comfortable in your bigotry without ever encountering someone from another race, you are far more likely to get the stink-eye from a gay person at Thanksgiving Dinner for being a homophobic bigot.

The tide has turned against you guys. Sorry, you are just going to learn to deal.

NONSENSE! Future SCOTUS's can simply overrule the past judgement of last year. And if elections go the way they seem to be headed, that's exactly what will happen.
Today's "tide" could easily be just a temporary glitch along the way.

Um, no, not really.

first, Obama is appointing any SCOTUS judges for the next two years.

Second, HIllary is getting elected in 2016. No one in your clown car can beat her.

Third, it really doesn't matter what the courts say, as public opinion has turned on this issue. About 55% favor gay marriage. They just don't see what the big deal is.

HA HA. Nobody knows if Hillary will even be alive in 2016, or in good enough health, or even interested in undergoing the media barrage. And no one knows who the Republican candidate will be. Polls showing Hillary ahead all are in regard to lousy potential candidates. Hillary is notably weak on national security, and highly vulnerable to a good Republican candidate on national security (ex. Peter King, John Bolton, Frank Gaffney, Andrew McCarthy, etc)

As for your 55% figure, that is just a popular vote poll number. It is inflated, because of ultra-liberal states with high populations (ex. New York & California). Across the country, the overwhelming majority of states oppose SSM and have bans against it (33 states) They also have bans against queers in a long list of things.

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign
1. No, I have no idea

2. I already read it the first time you dragged it in there. Has it somehow taken on relevance since then?

3. Again, irrelevant. See "morals clause". Nor is there any evidence HGTV "objected to" anything.

4. Agreed.


2. Then you're either lying, or incredibly stupid.

3. Not irrelevant. You said the objected-to speech was within their own production. It wasn't. And of course HGTV objected to it. Or at least that's what they said.

4. Sheeeesh!!

Absolute BULLSHIT. I posted no such thing. Let's see it.

On the contrary, I just called out the statement that "the network is punishing speech that occurred a year ago, not on any of their shows". Because that's not what they said at all, nor did the Benhams say that. You'll notice that callout got no response. Because there isn't any.

Indeed the third post I made in this thread quoted the brothers -- from the OP video itself --- explicitly saying they were NOT let go for reasons of their faith. "They never said that" was their phrase. So how do you get "within their own production"?

So you want to put words in my mouth that are the direct opposite of what I posted, and then talk "lying" huh? So no, HGTV did not say that, the Benhams did not say that, and I did not say that. YOU said that.

And furthermore, direct contradiction is right there in the post you quoted. I bolded it into red so that even your sorry ass could read it.

What the fuck is it with you losers who think you can just make shit up and get away with it?

After reviewing my Post # 334 and your prior post which I had quoted, it appears that I made a mistake in evaluating your post. OK. I apologize for that. I guess I just misread your post.

In honesty however, I should say that it doesn't do you much service to go all to pieces and throw one of the forum's all time tantrums. You could respond in a dignified way without resorting to false accusations that I was trying to put words in your mouth, and using F bombs and other expletives. A calm reasonable response will get you a lot more respect than one showing loss of self-control. :chillpill: Again, sorry for the mistake. They happen sometimes.
The thing is though, you really can't blame HGTV. They know they would face product boycotts, and the left would go after them and label the entire network homophobic.
In this new era of McCarthyism, just chalk it up as par for the course.

Sure you can blame the cowards for caving.

The root problem is that we now have a society where pursuing the all mighty dollar over everything else; honor, faith, love or even basic self-respect is trumped by 'Can it make me more mullah?'

Our society has degenerated into a bunch of graspy greedy pukes willing to anything for an extra slice of potato.

2. Then you're either lying, or incredibly stupid.

3. Not irrelevant. You said the objected-to speech was within their own production. It wasn't. And of course HGTV objected to it. Or at least that's what they said.

4. Sheeeesh!!

Absolute BULLSHIT. I posted no such thing. Let's see it.

On the contrary, I just called out the statement that "the network is punishing speech that occurred a year ago, not on any of their shows". Because that's not what they said at all, nor did the Benhams say that. You'll notice that callout got no response. Because there isn't any.

Indeed the third post I made in this thread quoted the brothers -- from the OP video itself --- explicitly saying they were NOT let go for reasons of their faith. "They never said that" was their phrase. So how do you get "within their own production"?

So you want to put words in my mouth that are the direct opposite of what I posted, and then talk "lying" huh? So no, HGTV did not say that, the Benhams did not say that, and I did not say that. YOU said that.

And furthermore, direct contradiction is right there in the post you quoted. I bolded it into red so that even your sorry ass could read it.

What the fuck is it with you losers who think you can just make shit up and get away with it?

After reviewing my Post # 334 and your prior post which I had quoted, it appears that I made a mistake in evaluating your post. OK. I apologize for that. I guess I just misread your post.

In honesty however, I should say that it doesn't do you much service to go all to pieces and throw one of the forum's all time tantrums. You could respond in a dignified way without resorting to false accusations that I was trying to put words in your mouth, and using F bombs and other expletives. A calm reasonable response will get you a lot more respect than one showing loss of self-control. :chillpill: Again, sorry for the mistake. They happen sometimes.

Congrats for your honesty and integrity. Surely you realize that Pogo will never return said treatment to you, right?
Twin brothers David and Jason Benham have lost their opportunity to host their own HGTV show.

The brothers ran afoul of the network after the site Right Wing Watch published a post about the pair, labeling David Benham as an "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" for reportedly leading a prayer rally in 2012 outside of the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation" and "demonic ideologies" taking hold in colleges and public schools.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

The Benham brothers were the planned stars of the HGTV show "Flip It Forward," set to premiere in October, in which they would have helped families purchase homes they otherwise could not afford.

Oh well, one more TV channel deleted from my FAVORITES LIST. Looks like free speech really has been taking a beating in the private enterprise world lately. Hopefully, HGTV will reconsider this ridiculous action and bring the show back on. Or some other network will air it.

As the brothers themselves said >> "With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it."

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -


Shit happens… when you're on the WRONG side of history.

You stupid fool there is no side to history. That is a retarded leftist fiction that has never made any sense and has been extolled by plenty of lefties like the Nazis, commies, Jacobins and Paris commune, all of whom got run over by history, you stupid fuck.

2. Then you're either lying, or incredibly stupid.

3. Not irrelevant. You said the objected-to speech was within their own production. It wasn't. And of course HGTV objected to it. Or at least that's what they said.

4. Sheeeesh!!

Absolute BULLSHIT. I posted no such thing. Let's see it.

On the contrary, I just called out the statement that "the network is punishing speech that occurred a year ago, not on any of their shows". Because that's not what they said at all, nor did the Benhams say that. You'll notice that callout got no response. Because there isn't any.

Indeed the third post I made in this thread quoted the brothers -- from the OP video itself --- explicitly saying they were NOT let go for reasons of their faith. "They never said that" was their phrase. So how do you get "within their own production"?

So you want to put words in my mouth that are the direct opposite of what I posted, and then talk "lying" huh? So no, HGTV did not say that, the Benhams did not say that, and I did not say that. YOU said that.

And furthermore, direct contradiction is right there in the post you quoted. I bolded it into red so that even your sorry ass could read it.

What the fuck is it with you losers who think you can just make shit up and get away with it?

After reviewing my Post # 334 and your prior post which I had quoted, it appears that I made a mistake in evaluating your post. OK. I apologize for that. I guess I just misread your post.

In honesty however, I should say that it doesn't do you much service to go all to pieces and throw one of the forum's all time tantrums. You could respond in a dignified way without resorting to false accusations that I was trying to put words in your mouth, and using F bombs and other expletives. A calm reasonable response will get you a lot more respect than one showing loss of self-control. :chillpill: Again, sorry for the mistake. They happen sometimes.

Thank you. Right there ^^ is a man-up that's all too rare on this board, kudos for that.

Gotta tell you though, that was hardly one of the all-time tantrums. I don't hold back and I don't filter, I just say what I think and let the chips fall where they may. I may be volatile sometimes but at least I don't play games, you know where you stand.

Sent you rep for an honest post. Far as I'm concerned there is no higher value here than that. :thup:

HA HA. Nobody knows if Hillary will even be alive in 2016, or in good enough health, or even interested in undergoing the media barrage. And no one knows who the Republican candidate will be. Polls showing Hillary ahead all are in regard to lousy potential candidates. Hillary is notably weak on national security, and highly vulnerable to a good Republican candidate on national security (ex. Peter King, John Bolton, Frank Gaffney, Andrew McCarthy, etc)

None of these guys are politicians or even likable. In case you missed the memo, the GOP has lost its edge on national security, which is what happens when you piss away a Trillion Dollars and 5,000 lives on a personal vendetta based on lies.

The GOP is not going to win on National Security. If they win, it will be on the economy if they can produce a guy who understands the recession isn't just bad because we can't afford a Dressage Horse this year.

As for your 55% figure, that is just a popular vote poll number. It is inflated, because of ultra-liberal states with high populations (ex. New York & California). Across the country, the overwhelming majority of states oppose SSM and have bans against it (33 states) They also have bans against queers in a long list of things.

Most of those bans were enacted years ago, and the courts are striking them down as unconstitutional. Further, it really isn't going to matter, at a certain point. Corporations are already recognizing same sex marriages, and it's only a matter of time before the rest of DOMA is struck down, making what any individual state does as irrelevant.

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