Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

What the announcement didn't mention is that at least one of the Benhams is not just a real estate dealer but also a dedicated right-wing activist in the mold of his father, Flip Benham, who has headed the abortion-clinic protest group Operation Save America ever since it split from the militant anti-choice group Operation Rescue.

As leader of OSA, Benham has condemned the interfaith Sandy Hook memorial, protested in front of mosques while shouting “Jesus Hates Muslims” and blamed the Aurora shooting on the Democratic Party, which he said promotes a “culture of death.”

He has also protested LGBT pride events, interrupted church services during a sermon by “sodomite Episcopalian bishop” Gene Robinson and was found “guilty of stalking a Charlotte abortion doctor after passing out hundreds of ‘wanted’ posters with the physician's name and photo on it.” OSA* even blamed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on abortion rights:

Flip Benham? guilt by association now?
Those brothers should be condemned because they don't believe in abortion.
You're ignorant, Joe.....along with being a racist.

nobody's condemning them.

They have every right to have their views.

They just don't have the right to a TV show and have sponsors and a network invest in their views.

Again, you wingnuts were the ones who insisted Martin Bashir get fired when he made vulgar comments about Sarah Palin making stupid comments about slavery.
Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

Flip Benham? guilt by association now?
Those brothers should be condemned because they don't believe in abortion.
You're ignorant, Joe.....along with being a racist.

nobody's condemning them.

They have every right to have their views.

They just don't have the right to a TV show and have sponsors and a network invest in their views.

Again, you wingnuts were the ones who insisted Martin Bashir get fired when he made vulgar comments about Sarah Palin making stupid comments about slavery.

They have a right to it if the station wanted them to. Yes, It's the stations decision and they have a right to decide, not YOU not ME and NOT any ACTIVIST. But, for you to decide is pure BS, Joe, that's what those brothers are against....the activists.

I made no comment about Martin Bashir, unlike you I'm not ignorant.
Also, never made a comment about Obama's birth certificate. So try not to broadbrush like you have been doing in this thread.
I'm a conservative, but being conservative does not make me immune to doing research or looking for facts. The show was suffering in the ratings. Any normal TV station would pull a show like that. What the actors believe is irrelevant. What the network believes is also irrelevant. This is precisely why I can't stand the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. People are too gullible; willing to go after the smell of blood, when the blood is on the knife slitting their proverbial throats.

Seriously, this is a business decision. That's all it is.

umm..the show was never aired.

So it wasn't. The point still remains.

The point that you were trying to make, that it was suffering in the ratings didn't valid. The show never aired. Very seldom are these niche designer shows ratings grabbers. They are rerun for years.

We have moved beyond the merits of anyone and into the tyranny of the aggrieved.
Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

Flip Benham? guilt by association now?
Those brothers should be condemned because they don't believe in abortion.
You're ignorant, Joe.....along with being a racist.

nobody's condemning them.

They have every right to have their views.

They just don't have the right to a TV show and have sponsors and a network invest in their views.

Again, you wingnuts were the ones who insisted Martin Bashir get fired when he made vulgar comments about Sarah Palin making stupid comments about slavery.

The difference being Bashir made his statements on the air, using the resources of the network. The network and sponsors were paying him to make those statements. Which means the network and sponsors are directly responsible for his making those statements. Do you see the difference?
Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.

Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.

Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.

Argument from emotion.

umm..the show was never aired.

So it wasn't. The point still remains.

The point that you were trying to make, that it was suffering in the ratings didn't valid. The show never aired. Very seldom are these niche designer shows ratings grabbers. They are rerun for years.

We have moved beyond the merits of anyone and into the tyranny of the aggrieved.

No, it isn't valid. But the point here is, it's business. I'm inclined to agree that HGTV isn't the government. It can do what it wants. Yes, what they did was wrong, yes those boys have the right to believe in what they want. I'm beginning to understand now that I should not be worried about what some TV network does. I don't even watch HGTV. But it's when the government engages in this kind of behavior that I should be. Make better sense?

Of course you have all the right in the world to boycott them. However for me, it is a non issue.
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So it wasn't. The point still remains.

The point that you were trying to make, that it was suffering in the ratings didn't valid. The show never aired. Very seldom are these niche designer shows ratings grabbers. They are rerun for years.

We have moved beyond the merits of anyone and into the tyranny of the aggrieved.

No, it isn't valid. But the point here is, it's business. I'm inclined to agree that HGTV isn't the government. It can do what it wants. Yes, what they did was wrong, yes those boys have the right to believe in what they want. I'm beginning to understand now that I should not be worried about what some TV network does. I don't even watch HGTV. But it's when the government engages in this kind of behavior that I should be. Make better sense?

Of course you have all the right in the world to boycott them. However for me, it is a non issue.

Yes. It makes better sense.

While not the subject of a called for boycott, both of the two gay based network shows have been cancelled due to ratings. The new normal and Sean saves the world are both history. Those are business decisions. No one threw a tantrum over those shows, no one was interested.
They have a right to it if the station wanted them to. Yes, It's the stations decision and they have a right to decide, not YOU not ME and NOT any ACTIVIST. But, for you to decide is pure BS, Joe, that's what those brothers are against....the activists.

I made no comment about Martin Bashir, unlike you I'm not ignorant.
Also, never made a comment about Obama's birth certificate. So try not to broadbrush like you have been doing in this thread.

Guy, i don't keep track of the whackiness you claim and the whackiness you let slide. When it comes down to the Crazy the GOP has turned into, there were those who caused it, those like me who tried to oppose it, and folks like you who said nothing.

But back to the point. No, they didn't have a "right'. they would have had the privilege IF the station thought it was a good business call.

You see, you guys (if not you personally) seem to think the "Market Forces" are a panacea. Health Care? Free Market. Wealth Inequality? Free Market. Shutting up a couple of homophobic trolls? "Oh, my God, you are infringing on their freedom of religion!!!!"
Benham Brothers Speak Out About Being Fired From HGTV
omg! INSIDER 3:34 mins

A media firestorm has caused HGTV to fire the Benham brothers, who were supposed to host the new show "Flip It Forward." And they're claiming that they were let go because of their faith. The brothers are devout Christians who were hoping to turn their house-flipping experience into a hit show. David Benham can be heard making anti-gay remarks in videos online, and protested in front of abortion clinics last year. One of the brothers was called an anti-gay, anti-abortion extremist. But it seems like fans of HGTV aren't happy with the situation, causing #FlipThisDecision to be tweeted over a million times. "The Insider" spoke to the brothers about the situation. David said, "The gay agenda isn't forcing it down my throat, but what it is doing is it's demanding that I remain silent if I disagree with it." Check out this video to see more from the Benham Brothers, and tune in to "The Insider With Yahoo" for the latest in entertainment news.
Benham Brothers Speak Out About Being Fired From HGTV
omg! INSIDER 3:34 mins

A media firestorm has caused HGTV to fire the Benham brothers, who were supposed to host the new show "Flip It Forward." And they're claiming that they were let go because of their faith. The brothers are devout Christians who were hoping to turn their house-flipping experience into a hit show. David Benham can be heard making anti-gay remarks in videos online, and protested in front of abortion clinics last year. One of the brothers was called an anti-gay, anti-abortion extremist. But it seems like fans of HGTV aren't happy with the situation, causing #FlipThisDecision to be tweeted over a million times. "The Insider" spoke to the brothers about the situation. David said, "The gay agenda isn't forcing it down my throat, but what it is doing is it's demanding that I remain silent if I disagree with it." Check out this video to see more from the Benham Brothers, and tune in to "The Insider With Yahoo" for the latest in entertainment news.

I don't really see where they say that in this link above, but if they did it would contradict what they said in the OP article:

In the CNN video, right at the beginning, one brother says:
"I heard you say that we said that our faith is what cost us the show-- that's just not the truth, HG never said that."
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Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.

Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.

so your whole argument is people should live by what YOU think is icky. Really? Frankly, dude, you need to get over your hangups.

Yeah, REALLY. And your hangup is thinking that my normal perspective (shared by most of the nation) is a hangup. I can see they've got you programmed.

That may be, but homosexuality is still mostly disapproved of, it's not considered a "norm" by any means, and is still considered threatening and annoying in American society.

Mostly disapproved of by whom?

Frankly, a majority supports gay marriage. Even larger majorities feel gays should not be discriminated against on the job, in housing or educational opportunities.

It's just a last few angry pockets of homophobes who think that their invisible sky fairy is offended.

Yup. You've been drinking the Kool-aid allright. Programmed all the way. You're misinformed. Mostly disapproved by 33 states (2/3 of America) that have bans on same-sex marriage, and a long list of other bans on gay rights. Click the link and it's list of links, read the maps, and learn.

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

Here's one example to get you started >>


Human Rights Campaign | 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 | Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign
States that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
(16 states and D.C
California (2005, 2011), Colorado (2008), Connecticut (1991, 2011), Delaware (2009, 2013), District of Columbia
(1977, 2006), Hawaii (2006), Illinois (2006), Iowa (2007), Maine (2005), Minnesota (1993), Nevada (2009, 2011),
New Jersey (1992, 2006), New Mexico (2004), Oregon (2007), Rhode Island (1995), Vermont (1992, 2007) and
Washington (2006).
States that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation only
(5 states
): Maryland (2009),
Massachusetts (1989), New Hampshire(1998), New York (2002) and Wisconsin (2009).
Public accommodations refers to both governmental entities and private businesses that provide services to the general public
such as restaurants, movie theaters, libraries and shops.
Updated March 7, 2014

For those who may be arithmetic-challenged, or can't deal with maps of the USA, 16 + 5 = 21 states. That leaves 29 states where entities are free to discriminate against queers in public accomodations.

This is just one example though. Better to click the links and go through the whole list, viewing the maps.
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Benham Brothers Speak Out About Being Fired From HGTV
omg! INSIDER 3:34 mins

A media firestorm has caused HGTV to fire the Benham brothers, who were supposed to host the new show "Flip It Forward." And they're claiming that they were let go because of their faith. The brothers are devout Christians who were hoping to turn their house-flipping experience into a hit show. David Benham can be heard making anti-gay remarks in videos online, and protested in front of abortion clinics last year. One of the brothers was called an anti-gay, anti-abortion extremist. But it seems like fans of HGTV aren't happy with the situation, causing #FlipThisDecision to be tweeted over a million times. "The Insider" spoke to the brothers about the situation. David said, "The gay agenda isn't forcing it down my throat, but what it is doing is it's demanding that I remain silent if I disagree with it." Check out this video to see more from the Benham Brothers, and tune in to "The Insider With Yahoo" for the latest in entertainment news. typical.
I don't care what people choose to do with their lives. BUT, that goes for both sides.

Stop the fascist bs.

This is democracy, not fascism.

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

It is fascism caused by the forced democracy....This country was not founded to be a democracy. It was founded to be a constitutional republic......

More often described as a democratic republic. So what ? Democracy is the main idea, and that is just what we have in 2/3 of America, wherin discrimination against queers is the law, either by state law, or by the absence of any state law prohibiting it. the land
God makes the rules not little man!!!!====God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

28 So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip.

30 They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. 31 They tried to misunderstand,[h] broke their promises, and were heartless—without pity. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:24-32
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Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.

Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.

Argument from emotion. Next...
From emotion AND intellect.
Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.

Argument from emotion. Next...
From emotion AND intellect.

Um-- really?

When do we get Part 2?
First Amendment jurisprudence and the right to free speech concern the relationship between the citizen and his government only, where the Constitution places limits on the state when it seeks to restrict speech or other forms of expression.

First Amendment jurisprudence does not apply to the private sector, to private individuals or private organizations, HGTV’s termination of the agreement with the brothers therefore does not manifest a free speech ‘violation,’ there is no free speech issue because there is no government involvement.

Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins

No, PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins concerned 5th Amendment Taking Clause jurisprudence, not the First Amendment or the right to free speech.

And it concerned the relationship between the government, in this case the state of California, and residents of that state, the private property owners, where the owners of the shopping center filed suit to challenge the constitutionality of the measure allowing students access to their property to solicit signatures for their petition:

The determination of whether a state law unlawfully infringes a landowner’s property in violation of the taking clause requires an examination of whether the restriction on private property forces some people alone to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be born by the public as a whole. This includes inquiring into such factors as the character of the governmental action, its economic impact, and its interference with reasonable investment-backed expectations.

PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins | Casebriefs

Again, the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights pertain solely to the relationship between government and those governed; where conflicts between two private parties are not subject to Constitutional restrictions.

HGTV is not a ‘government,’ it lacks the authority to exact punitive measures against individuals it seeks to silence, as a government is able to do. That is indeed the purpose of the Bill of Rights, to act as a countermeasure against the authority of the state, allowing the people to seek relief in the courts to address government overreach when one’s civil liberties are in fact violated.

This is what the owners of the PruneYard Shopping Center did, when they believed the California measure violated their 5th Amendment right to do with their private property as they saw fit.

You're wrong again. HGTV doesn't HAVE TO BE a govt. The Pruneyard isn't a govt either, yet the SCOTUS ruled against them, in favor of the free speech rights of the people who wished to speak on the Pruneyard's turf.

Likewise, the Bebham brothers have the right to say whatever they wish, and cannot be silenced by HGTV or any other private entity. They could file suit, using the Pruneyard case as a ----- ( I forgot the word). :D

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