Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.

Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.
This is America. Land of free speech. That is unless you call queers queer in public and not behind closed doors with the window shades all pulled down.

This is America. Land of ignorant conservatives, where you and others on the right continue to fail to grasp the simple fact that this is not a ‘free speech’ issue; you are free to express your hate in public absent any interference by the state.
Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.


Not when Christians seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, as did the brothers when they worked to implement North Carolina’s Amendment One.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -
Obviously, you're just spewing your leftwing talking points straight out of your echo chamber, "dude", because you sure don't know the actual facts.

even going by right wing sources, these guys are your typical religious assholes who think that the Bible rationalizes their hate of the ghey.

best way to understand me is that I despise religion and will mock and humiliate it at every oppurtunity. I have no respect, regard or reverence for it.

And if some asshole says, "I hate Gays because God says so", he deserves whatever shit storm is coming his way.

FACT- these guys are religious Homophobes.

FACT- HGTV is about selling commercials for Home Improvement Companies.

FACT- These guys don't want or need to be in the middle of the culture wars.'re showing your ignorance, get out of whatever echo chamber your in.
You really don't have a clue with the actual facts.'re a racist.
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If the station couldn't respect what the guys stand for, why were they signed to do a show for the station in the first place.

God bless you and the guys always!!! :) :) :)

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I'm a conservative, but being conservative does not make me immune to doing research or looking for facts. The show was suffering in the ratings. Any normal TV station would pull a show like that. What the actors believe is irrelevant. What the network believes is also irrelevant. This is precisely why I can't stand the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. People are too gullible; willing to go after the smell of blood, when the blood is on the knife slitting their proverbial throats.

Seriously, this is a business decision. That's all it is.
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Twin brothers David and Jason Benham have lost their opportunity to host their own HGTV show.

The brothers ran afoul of the network after the site Right Wing Watch published a post about the pair, labeling David Benham as an "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" for reportedly leading a prayer rally in 2012 outside of the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation" and "demonic ideologies" taking hold in colleges and public schools.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

The Benham brothers were the planned stars of the HGTV show "Flip It Forward," set to premiere in October, in which they would have helped families purchase homes they otherwise could not afford.

Oh well, one more TV channel deleted from my FAVORITES LIST. Looks like free speech really has been taking a beating in the private enterprise world lately. Hopefully, HGTV will reconsider this ridiculous action and bring the show back on. Or some other network will air it.

As the brothers themselves said >> "With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it."

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -

Basically being "fired" for having an opinion that doesn't set well with liberals. No surprise here. :eusa_whistle:

That would be an opinion advocating denying same-sex couples their civil liberties, an opinion predicated on ignorance and hate, an opinion that the courts have rejected consistently – an opinion that shouldn’t ‘set well’ with anyone.

HGTV is a useless network anyway. Oh no, did I just ruin my chance of getting my own boring ass show? Yawn....
I'm simply loving how people are blowing this out of proportion...

Indeed. What does it say about our values when we're stooping to measuring our state of democracy by whether or not somebody gets a freaking TV show... :rolleyes:

Quite simple. HGTV is not the government. I'll be more worried when the Government does something like this. Not before. Yeah, it sucks and I don't think it's right for them to treat these guys the way they did. But all in all, it's business, and it's none of mine.
The guy's ability to have the power of economic life and death over others has a half life. Americans are known to get bored quickly and retaliate viciously. The complaints of the permanently outraged will not last forever.
I'm a conservative, but being conservative does not make me immune to doing research or looking for facts. The show was suffering in the ratings. Any normal TV station would pull a show like that. What the actors believe is irrelevant. What the network believes is also irrelevant. This is precisely why I can't stand the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. People are too gullible; willing to go after the smell of blood, when the blood is on the knife slitting their proverbial throats.

Seriously, this is a business decision. That's all it is.

umm..the show was never aired.
I'm a conservative, but being conservative does not make me immune to doing research or looking for facts. The show was suffering in the ratings. Any normal TV station would pull a show like that. What the actors believe is irrelevant. What the network believes is also irrelevant. This is precisely why I can't stand the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. People are too gullible; willing to go after the smell of blood, when the blood is on the knife slitting their proverbial throats.

Seriously, this is a business decision. That's all it is.

umm..the show was never aired.

So it wasn't. The point still remains.
Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.

Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.

Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.
I propose that the best thing we should do is continue voicing our opinions while not fearing reprisal. So long as our views do not call for hurting, restraining, or punishing homosexuals, we should do everything in our power to ensure our voices are heard. I don't think any people on either side should be punished through losing their shows simply because of a view, especially if that view wasn't even made on the show.

The possibility is that there's an element of fascism at work here, where you had better think one way or lose out on your dreams, or worse, have your livelihoods destroyed. I believe it is time to fight back, but in a way where one's integrity is kept intact. Perhaps we should start by fighting to pass legislature where people cannot lose TV shows merely for views stated elsewhere.

NO, guy, this isn't an element of fascism, it's an element of capitalism.

I realize that occasionally, they are hard to tell apart.

The guys who run HGTV are in the business of selling commercial time to companies like Home Depot who sell home improvement stuff. And a large portion of their customer base happens to be either gay or gay-friendly.

If these guys were outed as white supremacists or anti-Semites, there would be no argument about throwing them off the air as a business decision, and everyone would applaud it.

the last whimper of Homophobia is, "But My religions says it's a sin".

Sorry, I ain't buying it. A whole lot of things the bible calls a sin no one makes a big deal about anymore. I had a friend who was a Seventh Day Adventist who wouldn't eat Shellfish or Pork. okay, fair enough. She isn't hurting anyone if that's her interpretation of the bible. Most Christians are over that, though.

Give you another example. Back when I was growing up, we called an unmarried couple living together as "living in sin". nowadays, guess what, most couples live together before marriage and everyone thinks that is the norm now and even the churches don't make a big thing about it.

That may be, but homosexuality is still mostly disapproved of, it's not considered a "norm" by any means, and is still considered threatening and annoying in American society.
This is America. Land of free speech. That is unless you call queers queer in public and not behind closed doors with the window shades all pulled down.

This is America. Land of ignorant conservatives, where you and others on the right continue to fail to grasp the simple fact that this is not a ‘free speech’ issue; you are free to express your hate in public absent any interference by the state.

How is it not a free speech issue ?
This is America. Land of free speech. That is unless you call queers queer in public and not behind closed doors with the window shades all pulled down.

This is America. Land of ignorant conservatives, where you and others on the right continue to fail to grasp the simple fact that this is not a ‘free speech’ issue; you are free to express your hate in public absent any interference by the state.

How is it not a free speech issue ?

First Amendment jurisprudence and the right to free speech concern the relationship between the citizen and his government only, where the Constitution places limits on the state when it seeks to restrict speech or other forms of expression.

First Amendment jurisprudence does not apply to the private sector, to private individuals or private organizations, HGTV’s termination of the agreement with the brothers therefore does not manifest a free speech ‘violation,’ there is no free speech issue because there is no government involvement.

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