Brothers Kicked Off HGTV Channel Over Anti-Gay Remarks.

Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.


Not when Christians seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, as did the brothers when they worked to implement North Carolina’s Amendment One.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -

Working on behalf of North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage, may be denying queers a civil liberty, but that is the state deciding that this civil liberty SHOULD be denied. Same as denying drivers' licenses to those who have records of driving recklessly. Same as denying a license for a lifeguard job to someone who can't swim. They don't meet the qualification for it.
This is America. Land of ignorant conservatives, where you and others on the right continue to fail to grasp the simple fact that this is not a ‘free speech’ issue; you are free to express your hate in public absent any interference by the state.

How is it not a free speech issue ?

First Amendment jurisprudence and the right to free speech concern the relationship between the citizen and his government only, where the Constitution places limits on the state when it seeks to restrict speech or other forms of expression.

First Amendment jurisprudence does not apply to the private sector, to private individuals or private organizations, HGTV’s termination of the agreement with the brothers therefore does not manifest a free speech ‘violation,’ there is no free speech issue because there is no government involvement.

FALSE! The notion you present here was fought in a SCOTUS case in 1980 (Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins, 447 U.S. 74) in which the SCOTUS ruled that under the U.S. Constitution, states can provide their citizens with broader rights in their constitutions than under the federal Constitution, so long as those rights do not infringe on any federal constitutional rights.
Private citizens in California, thus were entitled to exercise free speech within a private institution on private property, due to California's affirmative free speech law, regardless of the objection of the private entity.

Consequently, we now have 40 states with free speech clauses in their constitutions that look like California's. And if I'm not mistaken, it happened to be California where the HGTV controversy took place.

Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.


Not when Christians seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, as did the brothers when they worked to implement North Carolina’s Amendment One.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks -

Working on behalf of North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage, may be denying queers a civil liberty, but that is the state deciding that this civil liberty SHOULD be denied. Same as denying drivers' licenses to those who have records of driving recklessly. Same as denying a license for a lifeguard job to someone who can't swim. They don't meet the qualification for it.


Same-sex couples are indeed qualified to participate in the marriage law of all 50 states.

States consequently lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, as one is a citizen of the United States first and foremost, and a resident of his respective state subordinate to that. And the rights of American citizens are safeguarded by the Federal Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, trumping the laws of states and local jurisdictions in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution.

Moreover, unlike the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law, there is no right to be granted a license to drive, or to be a lifeguard.

Not when Christians seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, as did the brothers when they worked to implement North Carolina’s Amendment One.

Working on behalf of North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage, may be denying queers a civil liberty, but that is the state deciding that this civil liberty SHOULD be denied. Same as denying drivers' licenses to those who have records of driving recklessly. Same as denying a license for a lifeguard job to someone who can't swim. They don't meet the qualification for it.


Same-sex couples are indeed qualified to participate in the marriage law of all 50 states.

States consequently lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, as one is a citizen of the United States first and foremost, and a resident of his respective state subordinate to that. And the rights of American citizens are safeguarded by the Federal Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, trumping the laws of states and local jurisdictions in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution.

Moreover, unlike the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law, there is no right to be granted a license to drive, or to be a lifeguard.

You don't know what you're talking about. Same-sex couples DO NOT HAVE equal protection of the law. SSM is BANNED in 33 states. 29 of them by constitutional amendment, and 4 by state law. This is 2/3 of the states in America.

Not only that, but most states also have laws denying gays equal rights in all of these venues, as well >>

1. Hospital Visitation Laws

2. Statewide Housing Laws & Policies

3. Parenting Laws: Second Parent Adoption

4. Parenting Laws: Joint Adoption

5. Statewide Employment Laws and Policies

6. Marriage Equality & Other Relationship Recognition Laws

7. Statewide Marriage Prohibition Laws

8. State Hate Crimes Laws

9. Statewide Public Accommodations Laws and Policies

10. Statewide School Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies

11. Statewide School Non-Discrimination Laws & Policies

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign
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I don't care what people choose to do with their lives. BUT, that goes for both sides.

Stop the fascist bs.
How is it not a free speech issue ?

First Amendment jurisprudence and the right to free speech concern the relationship between the citizen and his government only, where the Constitution places limits on the state when it seeks to restrict speech or other forms of expression.

First Amendment jurisprudence does not apply to the private sector, to private individuals or private organizations, HGTV’s termination of the agreement with the brothers therefore does not manifest a free speech ‘violation,’ there is no free speech issue because there is no government involvement.

Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins

No, PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins concerned 5th Amendment Taking Clause jurisprudence, not the First Amendment or the right to free speech.

And it concerned the relationship between the government, in this case the state of California, and residents of that state, the private property owners, where the owners of the shopping center filed suit to challenge the constitutionality of the measure allowing students access to their property to solicit signatures for their petition:

The determination of whether a state law unlawfully infringes a landowner’s property in violation of the taking clause requires an examination of whether the restriction on private property forces some people alone to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be born by the public as a whole. This includes inquiring into such factors as the character of the governmental action, its economic impact, and its interference with reasonable investment-backed expectations.

PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins | Casebriefs

Again, the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights pertain solely to the relationship between government and those governed; where conflicts between two private parties are not subject to Constitutional restrictions.

HGTV is not a ‘government,’ it lacks the authority to exact punitive measures against individuals it seeks to silence, as a government is able to do. That is indeed the purpose of the Bill of Rights, to act as a countermeasure against the authority of the state, allowing the people to seek relief in the courts to address government overreach when one’s civil liberties are in fact violated.

This is what the owners of the PruneYard Shopping Center did, when they believed the California measure violated their 5th Amendment right to do with their private property as they saw fit.
Working on behalf of North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage, may be denying queers a civil liberty, but that is the state deciding that this civil liberty SHOULD be denied. Same as denying drivers' licenses to those who have records of driving recklessly. Same as denying a license for a lifeguard job to someone who can't swim. They don't meet the qualification for it.


Same-sex couples are indeed qualified to participate in the marriage law of all 50 states.

States consequently lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, as one is a citizen of the United States first and foremost, and a resident of his respective state subordinate to that. And the rights of American citizens are safeguarded by the Federal Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, trumping the laws of states and local jurisdictions in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution.

Moreover, unlike the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law, there is no right to be granted a license to drive, or to be a lifeguard.

Same-sex couples DO NOT HAVE equal protection of the law.

At least you’re consistent at being wrong:

When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.

Equality of treatment and the due process right to demand respect for conduct protected by the substantive guarantee of liberty are linked in important respects, and a decision on the latter point advances both interests. If protected conduct is made criminal and the law which does so remains unexamined for its substantive validity, its stigma might remain even if it were not enforceable as drawn for equal protection reasons. When homosexual conduct is made criminal by the law of the State, that declaration in and of itself is an invitation to subject homosexual persons to discrimination both in the public and in the private spheres.


Consequently same-sex couples are in fact entitled to equal protection of the law, including the right to access marriage law they’re eligible to participate in, as Federal and state courts have ruled pursuant to 14th Amendment jurisprudence.
I don't care what people choose to do with their lives. BUT, that goes for both sides.

Stop the fascist bs.

This is democracy, not fascism.

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy or fascist state, where citizens of the Republic are subject solely to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable of ruling justly – state measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is proof of that.

And in our Republic one’s civil liberties are not subject to majority rule, as the majority lacks the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.
I don't care what people choose to do with their lives. BUT, that goes for both sides.

Stop the fascist bs.

This is democracy, not fascism.

Maps of State Laws & Policies | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy or fascist state, where citizens of the Republic are subject solely to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable of ruling justly – state measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is proof of that.

And in our Republic one’s civil liberties are not subject to majority rule, as the majority lacks the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic

it certainly is

obama is another that has a nasty habit

of calling it a Constitutional democracy
I'm a conservative, but being conservative does not make me immune to doing research or looking for facts. The show was suffering in the ratings. Any normal TV station would pull a show like that. What the actors believe is irrelevant. What the network believes is also irrelevant. This is precisely why I can't stand the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. People are too gullible; willing to go after the smell of blood, when the blood is on the knife slitting their proverbial throats.

Seriously, this is a business decision. That's all it is.

The show never aired. It hadn't even gotten out of the production stages. The show wasn't even scheduled to air until October.

so maybe before you spout off, you out to do your research or look for facts.

I should also point out that a lot of you conservatives who insisted that Martin Bashir be fired after he made crude comments about Sarah Palin really have no business to complain. It wasn't like you were the ones watching Martin's show.
Christians hate the sin not the sinners. The same can't be said for the other side of the fence.

Well, you really haven't convinced us it's a "sin" yet.

You see, here's the thing i don't get with you homophobes. You seem awfully obsessed with what other people are doing that really isn't much of your business.

A puritan is someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.

Homosexuality isn't just the business of the homosexual. This is a dangerous sexual perversion mental abberation, that can spread to impressionable children. It also is disgusting to see 2 men kissing each other. Sickening enough to make one have to vomit. When I see something like that, I feel like going over there and kicking them out of the park, which is exactly what should happen.

so your whole argument is people should live by what YOU think is icky.


Frankly, dude, you need to get over your hangups.

That may be, but homosexuality is still mostly disapproved of, it's not considered a "norm" by any means, and is still considered threatening and annoying in American society.

Mostly disapproved of by whom?

Frankly, a majority supports gay marriage. Even larger majorities feel gays should not be discriminated against on the job, in housing or educational opportunities.

It's just a last few angry pockets of homophobes who think that their invisible sky fairy is offended.
E]'re showing your ignorance, get out of whatever echo chamber your in.
You really don't have a clue with the actual facts.'re a racist.

Awww, "Echo Chamber'. Did you learn a new phrase today?

Religion isn't a race, and I mock all religions. Of course, if your religion is particularly retarded, it will get mocked a bit more.

You know why I support gay rights? Just to piss the religious assholes off.
Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

What the announcement didn't mention is that at least one of the Benhams is not just a real estate dealer but also a dedicated right-wing activist in the mold of his father, Flip Benham, who has headed the abortion-clinic protest group Operation Save America ever since it split from the militant anti-choice group Operation Rescue.

As leader of OSA, Benham has condemned the interfaith Sandy Hook memorial, protested in front of mosques while shouting “Jesus Hates Muslims” and blamed the Aurora shooting on the Democratic Party, which he said promotes a “culture of death.”

He has also protested LGBT pride events, interrupted church services during a sermon by “sodomite Episcopalian bishop” Gene Robinson and was found “guilty of stalking a Charlotte abortion doctor after passing out hundreds of ‘wanted’ posters with the physician's name and photo on it.” OSA* even blamed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on abortion rights:
E]'re showing your ignorance, get out of whatever echo chamber your in.
You really don't have a clue with the actual facts.'re a racist.

Awww, "Echo Chamber'. Did you learn a new phrase today?

Religion isn't a race, and I mock all religions. Of course, if your religion is particularly retarded, it will get mocked a bit more.

You know why I support gay rights? Just to piss the religious assholes off.

You still don't know the facts.
With the brothers, it wasn't about gay, being gay, or the gay community, it's about the gay agenda (the activists).
The activists that try and silence those who disagree any opposing thoughts.
I think this thread brought out exactly what they're talking about. :eusa_whistle:

As far as your view on religion.......satan is proud of you.
E]'re showing your ignorance, get out of whatever echo chamber your in.
You really don't have a clue with the actual facts.'re a racist.

Awww, "Echo Chamber'. Did you learn a new phrase today?

Religion isn't a race, and I mock all religions. Of course, if your religion is particularly retarded, it will get mocked a bit more.

You know why I support gay rights? Just to piss the religious assholes off.

You still don't know the facts.
With the brothers, it wasn't about gay, being gay, or the gay community, it's about the gay agenda (the activists).
The activists that try and silence those who disagree any opposing thoughts.
I think this thread brought out exactly what they're talking about. :eusa_whistle:

As far as your view on religion.......satan is proud of you.

Guy, after reading your bible, I'm having a hard time figuring out which one was the bad guy.

God kills babies, commits genocide, burns entire cities, accepts human sacrifices, and really does just about every evil thing in the book.

Satan only kills 10 people in the Bible. On a bet with God.

Which one was the bad guy again?

Okay, guy, the problem was not just their view on the gays. It was their views on Abortion and protesting Sandy Hook memorials and even attacking other religions that weren't nearly as crazy as theirs.

And someone at HGTV said, "Hey, do we really want to be in the middle of this over a HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW?"

good question.
Incidentally, it wasn't just the homophobia that got these two fools fired.

HGTV Picks Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Extremist For New Reality TV Show | Right Wing Watch

What the announcement didn't mention is that at least one of the Benhams is not just a real estate dealer but also a dedicated right-wing activist in the mold of his father, Flip Benham, who has headed the abortion-clinic protest group Operation Save America ever since it split from the militant anti-choice group Operation Rescue.

As leader of OSA, Benham has condemned the interfaith Sandy Hook memorial, protested in front of mosques while shouting “Jesus Hates Muslims” and blamed the Aurora shooting on the Democratic Party, which he said promotes a “culture of death.”

He has also protested LGBT pride events, interrupted church services during a sermon by “sodomite Episcopalian bishop” Gene Robinson and was found “guilty of stalking a Charlotte abortion doctor after passing out hundreds of ‘wanted’ posters with the physician's name and photo on it.” OSA* even blamed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on abortion rights:

Flip Benham? guilt by association now?
Those brothers should be condemned because they don't believe in abortion.
You're ignorant, Joe.....along with being a racist.

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