Are We EVER Going to Know The Full Story For What Happened On July 13th?

Did you see the bullet that hit his ear in that video? I sure the hell didn't. A shot then he grabbed the ear, turned and bleeding.

Why rewind two weeks when you can look at his ear today and see that claims he was shot in the ear are obviously exaggerated? Presumably he was nicked by something (perhaps a fragment of bullet? glass? something else?) but it's already healed. The question is: if he lied about it, which seems quite plausible, why pursue such a dumb short-term strategy, since the truth is obviously going to come out? That would be almost as dumb and short-sighted as picking Vance. Just another of the erratic decisions he's been making lately?

Given the total lack of damage and the conspicuous absence of any reporting from the treating physicians, seems questionable.

Would be quite the unforced error to lie about something like that.
You need to adjust your media coverage consumption. The damage to his ear has been evaluated many times, including by Congressman Ronnie Jackson (R- TX) who was the White House physician when Trump was in office. He ever responded to media reports of doubts about the injury just today. Several media reports said he was hit by glass from the teleprompter but that was a lie, because the teleprompter was not touched. He called BS on those reports, saying it definitely was caused by a bullet graze.
Get a fucking clue.

Nice pay wall. I found it on my own. He was demoted by the incoming Biden administration after he was elected to Congress as a Republican. Think that had anything to do with it?

Know what a retroactive demotion means? Lower retired pay. Big f-ing deal.
As credible as the alcoholic pill-pusher who got demoted by the Navy for misconduct on the job and only has a job because Trump gave him a political career is, hearing from a real doctor would be good.
How about we get Biden's physician, who continues to say he's in great shape and not cognitively declined?

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