Brown-Out in the South Pacific


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Guess what it is before you click on the link.

By Tom Yulsman | May 11, 2013 @ Brown-Out in the South Pacific : ImaGeo

What’s up with that brown splotch sprawling across a broad swath of the South Pacific in the upper right corner of this satellite image?

Brown-Out in the South Pacific : ImaGeo

What happened on May 10 northeast of Australia was completely natural and unthreatening: an annular eclipse of the sun. When this kind of eclipse happens, the moon passes in front of the sun, but it doesn’t black it out completely. That’s why the shadow cast onto the ocean in this image captured by NASA Terra satellite is not completely black and opaque. Some sunlight is getting through, producing more of a brown-out. (The black stripes are areas not imaged by Terra.)

Here’s what the X-Ray Telescope on the Hinode spacecraft saw when the moon passed between it and the sun:
Did you mean to post an image or link?
Or are you saying it saw nuttin', honey?

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