Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

You have to weigh the words along with the time they were said.

Yelling "Burn this bitch down !" by one of the protest leaders, over and over to a crowd already on the edge of rioting, moments after hearing the news the officer was not to be charged, was the height of irresponsibility.
His words delivered in the fashion that they were, likely led or added to the nights mass destruction.

He should be held responsible.
Who told you he was a protest leader? I havent heard that one.
Are you really that stupid? Perhaps you should burn down your alma mater.
Perhaps you should provide a link that says he was a protest leader.
Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken as Michael Brown's step father. By assuming that mantle and speaking publicly, he becomes at minimum, an important participant. Once he said "Burn the bitch down." he assumed a leadership roll with anyone who was already inclined to burn the bitch down.
I think not. Millions of dollars in damage was done, both Mom and Dad had adequate time to seek the help they needed to get through the grieving period. The even had the ear of Eric Holder.

He was a convicted felon, with an attorney to advise him.

Nope, this one looks easy. Will it happen, prolly not. The politics aren't there. Should it happen? Ask the folks who's lives have been shattered by this idiot.

The words came shortly after the announcement that Wilson would not be indicted. How is that adequate time? Was Holder in the crowd and is he a therapist?


They worked though the grieving process of a court decision?

And nothing could have prepared them for that?

Not really getting your post. They expected their sons killer to be brought to trial. The moment the decision was announced starts the clock.

Was he not dead prior to the GJ was seated? The grieving begins at the time of death NOT when the jury is seated

Given the resources available to that family, and the amount of time that passed, with full knowledge he had as much legal council as one could hope for, the grief explanation seems extremely weak.
What does that have to do with the grieving period caused by the decision?

Are you saying the grief from the decision caused him to say "burn the bitch down"?

If so, he's guilty by default

If it were the grief caused by the death, they had MORE resources available to deal with it then most. AND MOST DON'T incite riots.
As the stepfather it would have been the natural thing for other protesters to look to him and other family members for guidance in the protest.

What makes you think that when there were dozens of protest organizers out there that the family had nothing to do with?

Whether they did or not is irrelevant. Being a family member though gives him special status, and his words would have been taken much more prominently than others.

Thats not true. The father and the mother urged the crowd to protest peacefully. The looters did not listen to them and they (the parents) are related to Brown by blood. Your assumption is based on faulty logic.

I realize this is the STEPFATHER, however, the average person in the crowd would still view him as family.
The average person in the crowd would view his father and mother as his parents.

Watch the video. The man is up hugging the mother, they are up on a makeshift stage. Watch the ordinary protesters below them. Wztch as they reach their hands out to him. He has a special place of prominence.
People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

You have to weigh the words along with the time they were said.

Yelling "Burn this bitch down !" by one of the protest leaders, over and over to a crowd already on the edge of rioting, moments after hearing the news the officer was not to be charged, was the height of irresponsibility.
His words delivered in the fashion that they were, likely led or added to the nights mass destruction.

He should be held responsible.
Who told you he was a protest leader? I havent heard that one.
Are you really that stupid? Perhaps you should burn down your alma mater.
Perhaps you should provide a link that says he was a protest leader.
Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken as Michael Brown's step father. By assuming that mantle and speaking publicly, he becomes at minimum, an important participant. Once he said "Burn the bitch down." he assumed a leadership roll with anyone who was already inclined to burn the bitch down.

Perhaps you should prove your assumptions are correct. You too are operating on false logic. The simple fact remains that the parents adamantly stated they wanted peaceful protests. The only people inclined to burn anything down were going to do it no matter what.
The words came shortly after the announcement that Wilson would not be indicted. How is that adequate time? Was Holder in the crowd and is he a therapist?


They worked though the grieving process of a court decision?

And nothing could have prepared them for that?

Not really getting your post. They expected their sons killer to be brought to trial. The moment the decision was announced starts the clock.

Was he not dead prior to the GJ was seated? The grieving begins at the time of death NOT when the jury is seated

Given the resources available to that family, and the amount of time that passed, with full knowledge he had as much legal council as one could hope for, the grief explanation seems extremely weak.
What does that have to do with the grieving period caused by the decision?

Are you saying the grief from the decision caused him to say "burn the bitch down"?

If so, he's guilty by default

If it were the grief caused by the death, they had MORE resources available to deal with it then most. AND MOST DON'T incite riots.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. Why is he guilty by default? Be specific.
What makes you think that when there were dozens of protest organizers out there that the family had nothing to do with?

Whether they did or not is irrelevant. Being a family member though gives him special status, and his words would have been taken much more prominently than others.

Thats not true. The father and the mother urged the crowd to protest peacefully. The looters did not listen to them and they (the parents) are related to Brown by blood. Your assumption is based on faulty logic.

I realize this is the STEPFATHER, however, the average person in the crowd would still view him as family.
The average person in the crowd would view his father and mother as his parents.

Watch the video. The man is up hugging the mother, they are up on a makeshift stage. Watch the ordinary protesters below them. Wztch as they reach their hands out to him. He has a special place of prominence.
I did watch the video. Looked to me like they where trying to keep him from falling. If you notice he was not initially on the stage. he wasnt even recognized as part of the family. Even if he was considered prominent, can you prove the people reaching their hands to him are the ones that burned anything?
sure sounds like you and Derido Tee are making excuses for them.


Stating facts are not excuses.
Stating facts that appear to justify bad behavior is making excuses.

What specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?
There are going to be a shit load of schools burning tonight, folks.

Non sequitur! You failed to answer the question, what specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?

They worked though the grieving process of a court decision?

And nothing could have prepared them for that?

Not really getting your post. They expected their sons killer to be brought to trial. The moment the decision was announced starts the clock.

Was he not dead prior to the GJ was seated? The grieving begins at the time of death NOT when the jury is seated

Given the resources available to that family, and the amount of time that passed, with full knowledge he had as much legal council as one could hope for, the grief explanation seems extremely weak.
What does that have to do with the grieving period caused by the decision?

Are you saying the grief from the decision caused him to say "burn the bitch down"?

If so, he's guilty by default

If it were the grief caused by the death, they had MORE resources available to deal with it then most. AND MOST DON'T incite riots.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. Why is he guilty by default? Be specific.

A negative result of a court finding does not give anyone the right to break the law as they see fit.

The video is clear.
Not really getting your post. They expected their sons killer to be brought to trial. The moment the decision was announced starts the clock.

Was he not dead prior to the GJ was seated? The grieving begins at the time of death NOT when the jury is seated

Given the resources available to that family, and the amount of time that passed, with full knowledge he had as much legal council as one could hope for, the grief explanation seems extremely weak.
What does that have to do with the grieving period caused by the decision?

Are you saying the grief from the decision caused him to say "burn the bitch down"?

If so, he's guilty by default

If it were the grief caused by the death, they had MORE resources available to deal with it then most. AND MOST DON'T incite riots.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. Why is he guilty by default? Be specific.

A negative result of a court finding does not give anyone the right to break the law as they see fit.

The video is clear.
Thats not specific. What is he guilty of?
sure sounds like you and Derido Tee are making excuses for them.


Stating facts are not excuses.
Stating facts that appear to justify bad behavior is making excuses.
Claiming someone is making excuses is a deflection of the facts.
No, it's a statement of fact.

Please wait until the students have left the building.
Appearances arent facts. If its just an "appearance of justification", thats based on assumption. Let me know when you have left the building.
Apparently the assumption of those that heard him was that he was a leader.

Perhaps you can answer this: WHY did the people who heard him speak (and many others who didn't) go on to burn and loot?
sure sounds like you and Derido Tee are making excuses for them.


Stating facts are not excuses.
Stating facts that appear to justify bad behavior is making excuses.

What specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?
There are going to be a shit load of schools burning tonight, folks.

Non sequitur! You failed to answer the question, what specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?
He incited a riot by his words. Or was there no riot? Damned public school system.....
You have to be trolling people. You cant possible be this stupid. You said...and I quote.

One of you whimpering airheads might want to Google what inciting to riot actually is.
Nowhere in your monkeyshine claim did you say anything about a speech.

You're the only troll around here, boy. Inciting is a SPEECH crime...jumping up and down on the hood of the car like an enraged silverback was icing on the cake...his intent and malice aforethought were clear. But then all your wormy brain is after here is quibbling long enough to get your attention needs must suck to be such a desperate loser.
He incited a riot by his words. Or was there no riot?

Facts not in evidence!

Prove that his words incited the riot. Prove that no one else started rioting independently.

In public school you should have learned that you are innocent until proven guilty. The onus is on you to prove his guilt.
Facts not in evidence!

Prove that his words incited the riot. Prove that no one else started rioting independently.

In public school you should have learned that you are innocent until proven guilty. The onus is on you to prove his guilt.

:laugh: innocence isn't proven....GUILT is...and who made you a judge or even a law clerk wannbe?

BTW, any riot can have several inciters....there is no stipulation that the step-father must have acted alone to be guilty or that the rioting had already started a moment before his outburst. He's an ex-con....not his first rodeo with the law...he and the mother both are headed to prison for a strongarm robbery of their own a couple weeks ago.
Facts not in evidence????? Are you really that dumb? There were no fires before he said what he did and dozens after. Facts!


Facts not in evidence!

Prove that his words incited the riot. Prove that no one else started rioting independently.

In public school you should have learned that you are innocent until proven guilty. The onus is on you to prove his guilt.

:laugh: innocence isn't proven....GUILT is...and who made you a judge or even a law clerk wannbe?

BTW, any riot can have several inciters....there is no stipulation that the step-father must have acted alone to be guilty or that the rioting had already started a moment before his outburst. He's an ex-con....not his first rodeo with the law...he and the mother both are headed to prison for a strongarm robbery of their own a couple weeks ago.

Next time read what I actually posted rather than listening to what those voices in your head are saying.
Watch for the Brown mother to try to copyright her son's image to charge for it's use same as TrayGONE's mother did....there's always a lawyer behind the scenes in these things trying to make a buck off a dead thug.
You have to weigh the words along with the time they were said.

Yelling "Burn this bitch down !" by one of the protest leaders, over and over to a crowd already on the edge of rioting, moments after hearing the news the officer was not to be charged, was the height of irresponsibility.
His words delivered in the fashion that they were, likely led or added to the nights mass destruction.

He should be held responsible.
Who told you he was a protest leader? I havent heard that one.
Are you really that stupid? Perhaps you should burn down your alma mater.
Perhaps you should provide a link that says he was a protest leader.
Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken as Michael Brown's step father. By assuming that mantle and speaking publicly, he becomes at minimum, an important participant. Once he said "Burn the bitch down." he assumed a leadership roll with anyone who was already inclined to burn the bitch down.

Perhaps you should prove your assumptions are correct. You too are operating on false logic. The simple fact remains that the parents adamantly stated they wanted peaceful protests. The only people inclined to burn anything down were going to do it no matter what.
Michael Brown's mother and father wanted peaceful protests. His step father wanted the city to burn. Who was the leader?
Next time read what I actually posted rather than listening to what those voices in your head are saying.

I only scan know liars like yourself for a few laughs...not my fault you can't express yourself in a way anybody buys into...must suck to be stupid and semi-literate. :itsok:

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