Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

sure sounds like you and Derido Tee are making excuses for them.


Stating facts are not excuses.
Stating facts that appear to justify bad behavior is making excuses.

What specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?
There are going to be a shit load of schools burning tonight, folks.

Non sequitur! You failed to answer the question, what specific "bad behavior" did the step father carry out?
Do you even know what non sequitur means? The fact that you think my argument has no merit and a buck and a half will buy you a coffee. I hold it does.

It has been explained several dozen times in this thread what "specific bad behavior" the step father carried out.
My comment was meant to group you with Assclap on the short bus.
My comment was meant to group you with Assclap on the short bus.

Since you can neither prove nor support your allegations when called upon to do so and have instead resorted to mindless insults you have effectively disqualified yourself from this topic.

Have a nice day.
My comment was meant to group you with Assclap on the short bus.

Since you can neither prove nor support your allegations when called upon to do so and have instead resorted to mindless insults you have effectively disqualified yourself from this topic.

Have a nice day.
LO Fucking L! You have proven nothing other than your arrogance. You're not nearly as smart as you like to think.
Watch for the Brown mother to try to copyright her son's image to charge for it's use same as TrayGONE's mother did....there's always a lawyer behind the scenes in these things trying to make a buck off a dead thug.
What an idiot. Any intelligent person would do that. Why would you want some stranger exploiting your sons death for a profit?
You keep passing your self off as some expert on logic and debate

Yet another baseless allegation that you cannot substantiate!
And your claim is that it is a baseless allegation is based on what?

It's a fucking OPINION. I'm entitled to my opinion every bit as much as you are entitled to be wrong about yours.
Yes you are entitled to your opinion no matter how simplistic and risible it may be.
Who told you he was a protest leader? I havent heard that one.
Are you really that stupid? Perhaps you should burn down your alma mater.
Perhaps you should provide a link that says he was a protest leader.
Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken as Michael Brown's step father. By assuming that mantle and speaking publicly, he becomes at minimum, an important participant. Once he said "Burn the bitch down." he assumed a leadership roll with anyone who was already inclined to burn the bitch down.

Perhaps you should prove your assumptions are correct. You too are operating on false logic. The simple fact remains that the parents adamantly stated they wanted peaceful protests. The only people inclined to burn anything down were going to do it no matter what.
Michael Brown's mother and father wanted peaceful protests. His step father wanted the city to burn. Who was the leader?
The leader of what?
You have proven nothing other than your arrogance

The onus was on you to prove your own allegations. You failed to do so and instead have resorted to ad hom attacks. That exposes the weakness of your position.
I believe I have proven my case. I believe you haven't. There is no onus on me. I'm responding ad hom because it is pointless to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

Were the angry TPers on the video calling for all the local businesses to be looted and burned down?
You keep passing your self off as some expert on logic and debate

Yet another baseless allegation that you cannot substantiate!
And your claim is that it is a baseless allegation is based on what?

It's a fucking OPINION. I'm entitled to my opinion every bit as much as you are entitled to be wrong about yours.
Yes you are entitled to your opinion no matter how simplistic and risible it may be.
And you are entitled to be wrong.
You keep passing your self off as some expert on logic and debate

Yet another baseless allegation that you cannot substantiate!
And your claim is that it is a baseless allegation is based on what?

It's a fucking OPINION. I'm entitled to my opinion every bit as much as you are entitled to be wrong about yours.

An opinion is a personal view or attitude.

You made this allegation about me;

You keep passing your self off as some expert on logic and debate

That is an allegation which means "an assertion made with little or no proof."

As far as being baseless is concerned you provided no substantiation for your allegation ergo it is baseless. Something that you have done consistently in this topic.

That you threw in yet another ad hom substantiates that I am correct in my assessment of your lack of value to this thread.
You keep passing your self off as some expert on logic and debate

Yet another baseless allegation that you cannot substantiate!
And your claim is that it is a baseless allegation is based on what?

It's a fucking OPINION. I'm entitled to my opinion every bit as much as you are entitled to be wrong about yours.
Yes you are entitled to your opinion no matter how simplistic and risible it may be.
And you are entitled to be wrong.
I know but in this case I'm right.

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