Bruce Ohr, FBI together attempted to flip Russian oligarchs to gather information on Trump campaign

Honey bunches of oats, ;)

yes, know about his email...

Once again, you did not read the fact check links I posted on it.... why is that?

Honey, the emails state otherwise, his very own. So, yeah, it will be regurgitated over and over, because that is exactly what he did.
i've fact checked it 1001 times and posted on this site, but guaranteed it will be regurgitated again, by the uninformed and even by those already informed, on the right wing aisle.... it's a never ending loop.... :(
Ohr will be in prison by the end of the year --- once he and his wife is behind bars -- Obama will no longer have anywhere to hide -- he will be tried for treason by next spring.
On October 28, 2005, another curious event took place in those same halls of justice: an allegedly Republican special prosecutor indicted a White House advisor of his own party for a series of process crimes unrelated to the original intent of his investigation.

As will become clear, this double injustice not only foreshadowed future injustices, but it also served as a practice run of sorts for the players involved. Several of these players would come center stage once again in the long-running political drama that debuted in 2016. Mueller, Comey, and the Deep State Rescue of Sandy Berger
Ohr will be in prison by the end of the year --- once he and his wife is behind bars -- Obama will no longer have anywhere to hide -- he will be tried for treason by next spring.
Or, Ohr flips and takes down the pedophilia ring known as the "democrat Party leadership"
Ohr will be in prison by the end of the year --- once he and his wife is behind bars -- Obama will no longer have anywhere to hide -- he will be tried for treason by next spring.
Or, Ohr flips and takes down the pedophilia ring known as the "democrat Party leadership"
Or, Ohr finally reveals the secret behind who killed JFK, thus exposing Ted Cruz's Dad and Soros' communist plot to take over America
They did not disclose to the FISA court that Ohr's wife worked for the company that was PAID MONEY to create an unverified dirty dossier on Trump.

The reasons Ohr should be fired are numerous and plenty.

The entire "investigation" i.e. frame job by Meuller should end soon. They have nothing and it was all based on crooked fake intelligence paid for by Clinton to russians. Like they say, accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty.
They didn't report it, because there is no evidence of a "dirty dossier". That's your make believe claim, not their's.
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

I'm not going to play your game. The proof of the fake dossier has been posted ad nausum on this forum. As is the proof of Ohr's ties to Fusion GPS.

You can lead the dumb to knowledge but you can't make them think.

There exists no proof of a "fake dossier". "PERIOD!"

"You can lead" knowledge to the dumb, but if they still can't prove the "dossier" is "fake", they're still dumb.
All the Ruskies were closer to the Dems than Trump.
Like who?

Putin said he wanted trump and told all his people to support trump.
Why would he do and say that C4 when he just finished a URANIUM DEAL with Democrats paid Blow Job DOUBLE his talking fee to go to Moscow, and his close associates paid the Clinton a crime Family Foundation over $145 million in donations

Yes, the Clintons should be investigated
Washington Post

View attachment 214296
Nov 19, 2017 · In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian ...

Putin KNOWS he could BUY OFF Hildebeast if president....simple logic, as if any lefty uses it!
Poor dazed, crazy... that article says nearly all the money was donated during the years Hillary was a U.S. Senator.

Stop proving me right. It’s making me pity you.

Instead, try answering the question...

Why would Russia pay a U.S. Senator $145 million over a deal that U.S. Senator has zero jurisdiction over?
The FBI and Department of Justice partnered on a secret program aimed at flipping Russian oligarchs with potentially damaging information about the Trump campaign's alleged involvement with the Kremlin, according to a New York Times report Saturday.

Justice Department official Bruce Ohr worked with the FBI to attempt to turn one of those oligarchs, Oleg V. Deripaska, who is close to the Russian government.

At one point, FBI agents made a suprise, "uninvited" visit at Deripaska's home in New York and questioned him on whether Paul Manafort, then-chairman of Trump’s campaign, "had served as a link between the campaign and the Kremlin," the Times reports.

The effort appears to have been unsuccessful, and according to DOJ documents obtained by the New York Times, Deripaska refuted investigator's theories about collusion between the Kremlin and Trump campaign and organized crime in Russia.


Deripaska was a lot closer to McCain than he got to Trump.

Search engine ‘mccain deripaska’.
I smell fear in the air coming from the DOJ and the FBI looking for anything to point the finger towards Trump. God these people are in panic mode and are not getting better. All they have not done is to get Soros's money and buy a Russian witness to testify against Trump. I should be careful that this is what might be coming down the chute. Big problem is getting hard evidence to backup the statements. If they get caught doing this, they could get into big trouble. Unless they get the Clinton treatment.
All the Ruskies were closer to the Dems than Trump.
Like who?

Putin said he wanted trump and told all his people to support trump.
Why would he do and say that C4 when he just finished a URANIUM DEAL with Democrats paid Blow Job DOUBLE his talking fee to go to Moscow, and his close associates paid the Clinton a crime Family Foundation over $145 million in donations

Yes, the Clintons should be investigated
Washington Post

View attachment 214296
Nov 19, 2017 · In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian ...

Putin KNOWS he could BUY OFF Hildebeast if president....simple logic, as if any lefty uses it!
Poor dazed, crazy... that article says nearly all the money was donated during the years Hillary was a U.S. Senator.

Stop proving me right. It’s making me pity you.

Instead, try answering the question...

Why would Russia pay a U.S. Senator $145 million over a deal that U.S. Senator has zero jurisdiction over?
Hilly got big money from the Arabs from New York for her run for office, and more over a period of time. Just go back and read the Clinton data that is one the Net. I should warn you to don't buy all of the junk that you find. False news happens.
Ohr might turn out to be the John Dean of the 21st century.
Ohr dropped sever criminal misconduct bombs in his testimony. He implicated 7 FBI and DOJ officials and 5 Obama white house staff members who violated all agencies policies, withheld vital exculpatory evidence from FISA court judges, allowed a criminal conflict of interest by Ohr and his wife, paid an informant who had been fired for misconduct, unmasked and leaked secret information, among other items...

Bruce Ohr was the lynch pin and testimony was given that he followed orders of superiors who were fully informed of his actions and contacts including communication with Mueller's office (specifically Andrew Wisemann). He basically gave up the whole group colluding to remove Trump from office and the tracks for monies paid etc..

My bet is, by the end of next week a letter requesting criminal prosecution will come from congress and is why the dems decided not to attend and sent their staff, so they would not be seen as 'involved' prior to elections. When this finally breaks the dam anyone caught up in the flood is going to be swept away by demoralized democrats who will not come out and vote.

Where is my bag of popcorn...
There must have been some very big bucks behind this whole on going incident. Pay off had to be made. I think of one example: of the money paid by Clinton via the Foundation to the Wife of Comey who ran for a Senator seat in the amount of 750,000, and the scholarship for his Daughter. Who else was paid off I have no idea. The swamp is deep and hides many things that are creepy
All the Ruskies were closer to the Dems than Trump.
Like who?

Putin said he wanted trump and told all his people to support trump.
Why would he do and say that C4 when he just finished a URANIUM DEAL with Democrats paid Blow Job DOUBLE his talking fee to go to Moscow, and his close associates paid the Clinton a crime Family Foundation over $145 million in donations

Yes, the Clintons should be investigated
Washington Post

View attachment 214296
Nov 19, 2017 · In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian ...

Putin KNOWS he could BUY OFF Hildebeast if president....simple logic, as if any lefty uses it!
Poor dazed, crazy... that article says nearly all the money was donated during the years Hillary was a U.S. Senator.

Stop proving me right. It’s making me pity you.

Instead, try answering the question...

Why would Russia pay a U.S. Senator $145 million over a deal that U.S. Senator has zero jurisdiction over?
Hilly got big money from the Arabs from New York for her run for office, and more over a period of time. Just go back and read the Clinton data that is one the Net. I should warn you to don't buy all of the junk that you find. False news happens.
Great.... more nothing about Russians paying her $145m which is what’s being discussed.

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