Bruce Ohr, FBI together attempted to flip Russian oligarchs to gather information on Trump campaign

Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?
I currently count 56 deaths tied to the Clintons....0 for Trump, ....lololol

To: All

JOHNNY CHUNG: "Gotta put coins in---ka-ching---to make Clintons do something."
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
Use it generously!

You lost this argument bigley with your lies, deflections, and weaknesses. And this post proves it.
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?

Bob sure is rounding up a butt-ton of witches ain't he?
And there's no bag limit! :)

Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?
I currently count 56 deaths tied to the Clintons....0 for Trump, ....lololol
Deflections from your own OP are a zero sum game.
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?

Bob sure is rounding up a butt-ton of witches ain't he?
And there's no bag limit! :)

Wow, no bag limit. Are our jails big enough?
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
Use it generously!

You lost this argument bigley with your lies, deflections, and weaknesses. And this post proves it.
Funny how you leftists always project your failures on us. Isn't it.
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?

Bob sure is rounding up a butt-ton of witches ain't he?
And there's no bag limit! :)

Wow, no bag limit. Are our jails big enough?

May have to build a new one :D
There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

Two Words; BULL SHIT

Even Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS noted that Nelly was active in the correlation and creation of it..

So who are we to believe? Glen Or You?

I know what my monies are bet on... And it ain't YOU
Really? Can you produce those quotes?
Will a FISA warrant that is now public record do?

Fusion GPS, a firm of former journalists, has been embroiled in national controversy since it emerged that the opposition research company hired Christopher Steele, the former spy who produced the dossier of salacious and unverified allegations about President Donald Trump. Trump has denied the allegations in the dossier.

According to Fox News, it’s now been revealed that Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, “worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.” She has written on Russian-related subjects, according to Fox. The FISA memo released to the public on February 2, 2018 alleges that Nellie Ohr was assisting “in the cultivation of” opposition research against Trump that was ultimately being paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign."

It was common knowledge among those in the know that the Ohr's were working as a team.


You see Glen made his statement under oath before a closed door session in congress. But even recently released FISA warrant applications explain the conflict.
Last edited:
Thought it was impossible, this sack of shit gets dumber with each post..... incredible shrinking brain!
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?

Link please ^

Link that it has more?

It shows 176 followers and 3 employees. It is NOT a huge multinational corporation. It's a hole in the wall place with a handful of employees. So it's MAJOR NEWS that Ohrs' wife worked for that company. It's so small its guaranteed that she played a part in putting together the dossier. I mean statements proving that fact were already provided on this thread.
Last edited:
This thread = "look at me! This is relevant! Pay attention to me!"

But we all know it's just more attempted distraction from the tRumpanzees.
Thought it was impossible, this sack of shit gets dumber with each post..... incredible shrinking brain!
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.
Sure, you also believe in the tooth fairy
I've seen the movie. So what?
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?
I currently count 56 deaths tied to the Clintons....0 for Trump, ....lololol

To: All

JOHNNY CHUNG: "Gotta put coins in---ka-ching---to make Clintons do something."

The Clinton Dead Pool List? :lol:
Clinton Dead Pool List
Son, you need to spend more time over in Conspiracy Theories or The Rubber Room
Your shit doesn't constitute either Politics or Current Events.
Thanks in advance!

I looked for that since I had read it before and couldn’t find it, but reporting on such was slim, if I recall correctly. I wonder why...
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

IN Steels sworn deposition to the UK Court he would not give corroboration of accuracy to ANY OF IT.. In fact he stated it was less than a 50% chance any of it was valid. And this is what our FBI used as a basis to spy on a political opponent..

Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling on the veracity of it.. doesn't it...
This thread = "look at me! This is relevant! Pay attention to me!"

But we all know it's just more attempted distraction from the tRumpanzees.
Thought it was impossible, this sack of shit gets dumber with each post..... incredible shrinking brain!
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?
They weren't paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent. They hired a respected investigator who compilied a series of memos into a dossier about tRump. Fusion GPS didn't write it. They didn't "commission" it. That's all fake news.
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?

Link please ^

Link that it has more?

It shows 176 followers and 3 employees. It is NOT a huge multinational corporation. It's a hole in the wall place with a handful of employees. So it's MAJOR NEWS that Ohrs' wife worked for that company. It's so small its guaranteed that she played a part in putting together the dossier.

Know anything about LinkedIn? Guess not. A company could have 500 employees and only 3 of them might be on LinkedIn.
It was YOUR CLAIM ..
Prove it
Indictments not due to Russian collusion with Trump, or even Russia, other than the ones saying they had created fake personas, with, once again, nothing to do with Trump.
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
And how many indictments and convictions do we have now on this "witch hunt? Lol! Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain believes "witch hunt"?
There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

Two Words; BULL SHIT

Even Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS noted that Nelly was active in the correlation and creation of it..

So who are we to believe? Glen Or You?

I know what my monies are bet on... And it ain't YOU
Really? Can you produce those quotes?
Will a FISA warrant that is now public record do?

Fusion GPS, a firm of former journalists, has been embroiled in national controversy since it emerged that the opposition research company hired Christopher Steele, the former spy who produced the dossier of salacious and unverified allegations about President Donald Trump. Trump has denied the allegations in the dossier.

According to Fox News, it’s now been revealed that Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, “worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.” She has written on Russian-related subjects, according to Fox. The FISA memo released to the public on February 2, 2018 alleges that Nellie Ohr was assisting “in the cultivation of” opposition research against Trump that was ultimately being paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign."

It was common knowledge among those in the know that the Ohr's were working as a team.


You see Glen made his statement under oath before a closed door session in congress. But even recently released FISA warrant applications explain the conflict.
Thanks for the lie. There are no quotes by Glenn Simpson like you said. Even Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS noted that Nelly was active in the correlation and creation of it. Big fat lie right there. He made no such statement under oath. You're a liar.

.According to Fox news, (that I never rely on by the way), "ALLEGES" Ohr was assisting. Meaning, none of that has been confirmed. And, on top of that, according to your own post, talks about Nellie writing about Russia related subjects. "AND"? What about it?
Yet, that is exactly what they did, though I suspect winks were going around.
Thought it was impossible, this sack of shit gets dumber with each post..... incredible shrinking brain!
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?
They weren't paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent. They hired a respected investigator who compilied a series of memos into a dossier about tRump. Fusion GPS didn't write it. They didn't "commission" it. That's all fake news.
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?

Link please ^

Link that it has more?

It shows 176 followers and 3 employees. It is NOT a huge multinational corporation. It's a hole in the wall place with a handful of employees. So it's MAJOR NEWS that Ohrs' wife worked for that company. It's so small its guaranteed that she played a part in putting together the dossier. I mean statements proving that fact were already provided on this thread.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?

Link please ^

Link that it has more?

It shows 176 followers and 3 employees. It is NOT a huge multinational corporation. It's a hole in the wall place with a handful of employees. So it's MAJOR NEWS that Ohrs' wife worked for that company. It's so small its guaranteed that she played a part in putting together the dossier.

Know anything about LinkedIn? Guess not. A company could have 500 employees and only 3 of them might be on LinkedIn.
It was YOUR CLAIM ..
Prove it

Ok you say they have more, you prove it. Now you're making the claim. Now its on you. You prove how many people work there. I've provided proof that they have very few followers and few employees. Why is that?

Their fucking website is one page with an email address on it. How big do you think this fucking company is you idiot?
I looked for that since I had read it before and couldn’t find it, but reporting on such was slim, if I recall correctly. I wonder why...
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

IN Steels sworn deposition to the UK Court he would not give corroboration of accuracy to ANY OF IT.. In fact he stated it was less than a 50% chance any of it was valid. And this is what our FBI used as a basis to spy on a political opponent..

Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling on the veracity of it.. doesn't it...

Its actually in the foot notes of FISA warrant application #2. That document is still heavily redacted.

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