Bruce Ohr, FBI together attempted to flip Russian oligarchs to gather information on Trump campaign

They did not disclose to the FISA court that Ohr's wife worked for the company that was PAID MONEY to create an unverified dirty dossier on Trump.

The reasons Ohr should be fired are numerous and plenty.

The entire "investigation" i.e. frame job by Meuller should end soon. They have nothing and it was all based on crooked fake intelligence paid for by Clinton to russians. Like they say, accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty.
These are more answers coming from an uninformed idiot. There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

The reasons Ohr should be fired are not "numerous and plenty". They simply do not exist. And you got caught lying about that.

There is no Mueller frame". You can't prove that, therefore you are a liar.

There is no "crooked fake intelligence", therefore you are a liar.

"Like they say, accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty". Here's the problem with that. The opponent has already been proven guilty, so the accuser is not.
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!

Last edited:
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

There is no such thing as "an anti-Trump dossier", therefore the article cannot be taken seriously.
Did you note they said they couldn’t prove it false? Read their words. Carefully. And realize it is a play on words.
You want more about the uranium one deal, here-
Do remember who Jon Podesta is...
portland imc - 2016.10.21 - Podesta Hid Russian Uranium Shares In Shell Company Owned By Daughter
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits
Russia’s Largest Bank Paid Podesta Group $170,000 During Election In Exchange For Washington Influence - ZeroPointNow
All the Ruskies were closer to the Dems than Trump.
Like who?

Putin said he wanted trump and told all his people to support trump.
A start for ya, from Forbes-

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
That’s not all: The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clinton’s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium. The New York Times reported Uranium One’s chairman, Frank Guistra, made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for one speech from a Russian investment bank that has “links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.” Notably, Frank Giustra, the Clinton Foundation’s largest and most controversial donor, does not appear anywhere in Clinton’s “non-private” emails. It is possible that the emails of such key donors were automatically scrubbed to protect the Clinton Foundation.

So, we find out you are lying;

In June 2016, we fact-checked a statement by then-candidate Donald Trump -- who was running against Clinton for president -- that Clinton’s State Department "approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation."

We gave the statement a rating of Mostly False. While the connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian deal may appear fishy, there was simply no proof of any quid pro quo.

Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium: What you need to know
No, you can’t be taken seriously.
Was it not anti Trump?

[an-tahy, an-tee]
See more synonyms for anti on
a person who is opposed to a particular practice, party, policy, action, etc.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

There is no such thing as "an anti-Trump dossier", therefore the article cannot be taken seriously.
This thread = "look at me! This is relevant! Pay attention to me!"

But we all know it's just more attempted distraction from the tRumpanzees.
Thought it was impossible, this sack of shit gets dumber with each post..... incredible shrinking brain!
Lol, you're then idiot who keeps falling for the fake news, not me.

Do you care that Bruce Ohr's wife was paid to create the fake dossier? Do you feel that its a conflict of interest when you're supposed to be in charge of an investigation and your wife is receiving money to create dirt on a campaign opponent? Or does this all seem above board to you?
That is all fake news. Brice orhs wife was not paid to create the dossier. She happened to work for the same company hired to work on the opposition research. Steele is the author of the dossier.

Ok, do you realize that Fusion GPS has only a handful of employees? Do you think its a conflict of interest that the lead investigators wife is working for the company paid to create a fake dossier against a political opponent?

Link please ^
They did not disclose to the FISA court that Ohr's wife worked for the company that was PAID MONEY to create an unverified dirty dossier on Trump.

The reasons Ohr should be fired are numerous and plenty.

The entire "investigation" i.e. frame job by Meuller should end soon. They have nothing and it was all based on crooked fake intelligence paid for by Clinton to russians. Like they say, accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty.
These are more answers coming from an uninformed idiot. There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

The reasons Ohr should be fired are not "numerous and plenty". They simply do not exist. And you got caught lying about that.

There is no Mueller frame". You can't prove that, therefore you are a liar.

There is no "crooked fake intelligence", therefore you are a liar.

"Like they say, accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty". Here's the problem with that. The opponent has already been proven guilty, so the accuser is not.

I see you failed to address multiple conflicts I showed you..

You left wing nut bags have serious credibility issues..
And what is an "anti-Trump dossier"? And what was inappropriate about Ohr keeping Mueller in the loop about the "dossier"?

So far, you aren't coming clean, because you aren't answering my key questions. Again, what was Ohr's wrong doing going after Russian Oligarch's since 2014? If you can't answer, then your argument is no more.
It's a political thing, you wouldn't understand!

House Republicans: Bruce Ohr 'deserves' to be fired, but Trump should wait until public hearing - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › white-house › h...

4 days ago · House Republicans investigating Department of Justice employee Bruce Ohr for his role in FBI obtaining the Trump-Russia dossier would like to see him fired, but aides close to the lawmakers' thinking say they are are split as to whether President Trump should take action before .
Still waiting liar? You've got a lot of questions to answer for.
Go to YouTube

Jordan on revamalation from Ohr's closed-door
Jim Jordan? You are reducing yourself to this coward who stands and says nothing when young boys get sodomized in the boys showers? Seriously? Jim Jordan does one thing consistently at hearings. He makes damn sure the one he wants to bring down never speaks. He does it over and over. Jordan has zero credibility anywhere.

For fun's and giggles, I watched Jordan. He said absolutely nothing relevant to the wife. He basically said she was employed but nothing else. Nothing relative! And? I'm asking him, just like I asked you? The there there? What is it? You didn't answer my question for a reason. Because Jordan can't either. It's why he never presented an explanation. All he and you need is a pretty blond giving a nod of approval for saying and explaining nothing. Planting innuendos all around doesn't make a case. You should no better than that. But your dishonest, so what else can we expect right?

Jim Jordan is a fucking idiot - Another of Little Devin's Interference and Obstruction Elves peddling one conspiracy theory after the next.

Sad :(

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
Deserves to be fired for what? That's the million dollar question that the OP and the rest of the dishonest liars on this board can't answer. So let me help you all out. There is no reason to get rid of Ohr, other than to try and discredit this investigation. Well the lies and the deceit aren't going to work. We are onto this game like flies on shit boys and girls from the Right. Now go back into your miserable holes.

Deserves to be fired because he had obvious conflicting interests with keeping Mueller "in the loop" about the fake dossier and his wife worked for the company that created it.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably empty and stupid this explanation is? What "conflicting interests"? What "fake dossier"? Prove it is fake. And what the hell does Bruce Ohr's wife working for the company have to do with the price of apples?
He should have never been a part of it but since he is, he needs to be gone.
Why and why? You haven't explained anything. Now's your chance.
So does Mueller as he has ties behind the scenes as well.
Do you even have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about? Do you water your garden with Brawndo?
The corruption is there, you just have to want to actually see it and not hate Trump so much that you're blinded to it.
No, in order not to be an idiot, you have to produce corruption. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with looking for the truth. Get busy!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say

IN Steels sworn deposition to the UK Court he would not give corroboration of accuracy to ANY OF IT.. In fact he stated it was less than a 50% chance any of it was valid. And this is what our FBI used as a basis to spy on a political opponent..

Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling on the veracity of it.. doesn't it...
And what is an "anti-Trump dossier"? And what was inappropriate about Ohr keeping Mueller in the loop about the "dossier"?

So far, you aren't coming clean, because you aren't answering my key questions. Again, what was Ohr's wrong doing going after Russian Oligarch's since 2014? If you can't answer, then your argument is no more.
It's a political thing, you wouldn't understand!

House Republicans: Bruce Ohr 'deserves' to be fired, but Trump should wait until public hearing - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › white-house › h...

4 days ago · House Republicans investigating Department of Justice employee Bruce Ohr for his role in FBI obtaining the Trump-Russia dossier would like to see him fired, but aides close to the lawmakers' thinking say they are are split as to whether President Trump should take action before .
Still waiting liar? You've got a lot of questions to answer for.
Go to YouTube

Jordan on revamalation from Ohr's closed-door
Jim Jordan? You are reducing yourself to this coward who stands and says nothing when young boys get sodomized in the boys showers? Seriously? Jim Jordan does one thing consistently at hearings. He makes damn sure the one he wants to bring down never speaks. He does it over and over. Jordan has zero credibility anywhere.

For fun's and giggles, I watched Jordan. He said absolutely nothing relevant to the wife. He basically said she was employed but nothing else. Nothing relative! And? I'm asking him, just like I asked you? The there there? What is it? You didn't answer my question for a reason. Because Jordan can't either. It's why he never presented an explanation. All he and you need is a pretty blond giving a nod of approval for saying and explaining nothing. Planting innuendos all around doesn't make a case. You should no better than that. But your dishonest, so what else can we expect right?

Jim Jordan is a fucking idiot - Another of Little Devin's Interference and Obstruction Elves peddling one conspiracy theory after the next.

Sad :(

cnn and a toilet.PNG

DO you people use real facts in anything you post?
It's a political thing, you wouldn't understand!

House Republicans: Bruce Ohr 'deserves' to be fired, but Trump should wait until public hearing - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › white-house › h...

4 days ago · House Republicans investigating Department of Justice employee Bruce Ohr for his role in FBI obtaining the Trump-Russia dossier would like to see him fired, but aides close to the lawmakers' thinking say they are are split as to whether President Trump should take action before .
Still waiting liar? You've got a lot of questions to answer for.
Go to YouTube

Jordan on revamalation from Ohr's closed-door
Jim Jordan? You are reducing yourself to this coward who stands and says nothing when young boys get sodomized in the boys showers? Seriously? Jim Jordan does one thing consistently at hearings. He makes damn sure the one he wants to bring down never speaks. He does it over and over. Jordan has zero credibility anywhere.

For fun's and giggles, I watched Jordan. He said absolutely nothing relevant to the wife. He basically said she was employed but nothing else. Nothing relative! And? I'm asking him, just like I asked you? The there there? What is it? You didn't answer my question for a reason. Because Jordan can't either. It's why he never presented an explanation. All he and you need is a pretty blond giving a nod of approval for saying and explaining nothing. Planting innuendos all around doesn't make a case. You should no better than that. But your dishonest, so what else can we expect right?

Jim Jordan is a fucking idiot - Another of Little Devin's Interference and Obstruction Elves peddling one conspiracy theory after the next.

Sad :(

DO you people use real facts in anything you post?

Can you people not watch an interview and defend one of your idiots simply because it was on CNN?
There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

Two Words; BULL SHIT

Even Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS noted that Nelly was active in the correlation and creation of it..

So who are we to believe? Glen Or You?

I know what my monies are bet on... And it ain't YOU
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!

They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.
Still waiting liar? You've got a lot of questions to answer for.
Go to YouTube

Jordan on revamalation from Ohr's closed-door
Jim Jordan? You are reducing yourself to this coward who stands and says nothing when young boys get sodomized in the boys showers? Seriously? Jim Jordan does one thing consistently at hearings. He makes damn sure the one he wants to bring down never speaks. He does it over and over. Jordan has zero credibility anywhere.

For fun's and giggles, I watched Jordan. He said absolutely nothing relevant to the wife. He basically said she was employed but nothing else. Nothing relative! And? I'm asking him, just like I asked you? The there there? What is it? You didn't answer my question for a reason. Because Jordan can't either. It's why he never presented an explanation. All he and you need is a pretty blond giving a nod of approval for saying and explaining nothing. Planting innuendos all around doesn't make a case. You should no better than that. But your dishonest, so what else can we expect right?

Jim Jordan is a fucking idiot - Another of Little Devin's Interference and Obstruction Elves peddling one conspiracy theory after the next.

Sad :(

DO you people use real facts in anything you post?

Can you people not watch an interview and defend one of your idiots simply because it was on CNN?

How do you discuss an interview that had clear bias and leading questions to get to a desired outcome? That isn't reporting.. that's called propaganda..

What passes for journalistic integrity for you folks is severely lacking.
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!

They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Laugh away dumb ass.. She was the link that was missing and now we have the evidence to prove an organized coup against a president elect and a sitting president by the opposing political party..

Enjoy your laugh, its not going to last very long..
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
Use it generously!

There is no connection between Ohr's wife and the dossier.

Two Words; BULL SHIT

Even Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS noted that Nelly was active in the correlation and creation of it..

So who are we to believe? Glen Or You?

I know what my monies are bet on... And it ain't YOU
Really? Can you produce those quotes?
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
The only walls closing in are on top of your collapsing witch hunt that has now been fully exposed...
Hate to tell ya, but Ohr is probably THE top guy when it comes to the Russian Mafia. Kind of his job.

Keep it up though with your new shiny object Mr Ohr. The Russian mobsters LOVE it!
They're desperate for another shiny new distraction, because the rest of them have not worked. Bruce Ohr's wife! :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Every time the walls are closing in on Dear Donald - he floats a new conspiracy theory which Trumptards dutifully repeat.
Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat
And think about what their want to be scandals involve. They involve attacking law enforcement. The very thing hardened criminals do.

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